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Mathematics 315 Assignment 7 Due Friday 11 March 2011

1. (a) Let (fn ) be a sequence of real (or complex) functions dened on an interval I and let (gn ) be another sequence of such functions dened on an interval J . Give conditions under which (fn ) converges uniformly on I i (gn ) converges uniformly on J . (b) Use this to prove that the special case of Abels theorem when c = 0 and R = 1 yields the general case. 2. Let F : R R satisfy F = F on R, F (0) = 1, F (0) = 1. Prove that if such F exists it is the sum of its Taylors series. From the series show that there is indeed such a function. 3. Let : [a, b] Rn be a one-to-one continuous curve. Let : [c, d] Rn be another one such that ([a, b]) = ([c, d]). Prove that the two curves have the same length. (See page 254 of the text for the denitions. ) Note: Dierentiation and integration are not involved. 4. Prove that if 1 : [a, b] Rn and 2 : [b, c] Rn are rectiable curves and is the curve on [a, c] that extends both of these (we call it 1 +2 ) then ( ) = (1 )+ (2 ).

5/3/2011 982 mam

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