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Social Studies Unit 2- Worlds Meet Jonathan Randall

Unit Summary Europe had undergone very little growth for nearly 1,000 years until the dawn of exploration by sea. Explorers such as Marco Polo prompted Europeans to learn about such places as China and Arabia. While travel to these lands would lead to international trade, the English, French, and Dutch would eventually claim land in North America.

Questions to focus on: 1. How were the worlds of America, Africa, and Europe alike and different? 2. How and why did the three worlds meet? 3. How did Europeans, American Indians, and Africans view the meeting of their three worlds?
Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum:

5 U1.2.1: Explain the technological (e.g., invention of the astrolabe and improved maps), and political developments, (e.g., rise of nation-states), that made sea exploration possible. 5 U1.2.2: Use case studies of individual explorers and stories of life in Europe to compare the goals, obstacles, motivations, and consequences for European exploration and colonization of the Americas (e.g., economic, political, cultural, and religious). 5 U1.3.1: Use maps to locate the major regions of Objectives: Unit 2 Chapter 3- Age of Exploration Lesson 1 a. Identify major economic and cultural changes that occurred in thirteenth century Europe b. Examine the Influence of Marco Polos travels to Asia c. Explore how trade spurred the development of cities and towns throughout Europe Lesson 2 a. Identify the effects of international trading and banking on Europe

b. Consider how the growth of international trade in the 1400s changed cultures throughout the world Lesson 3 a. Identify improvements in shipping technology and new trade routes in 1400s b. Analyze how improved technology in shipping made prices on international goods lower.

Chapter 4- Contact and Exploration Lesson 1 a. Describe Taino Culture b. Analyze the reasons Columbus set out on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean c. Explain the effects that Columbuss travels had on Europe and the Americas Lesson 2 a. Explain the reasons for Cortss interest in the Aztec Empire b. Describe the Events that led to the fall of the Aztec empire c. Summarize the results of Pizarros conquest of the Inca Empire Lesson 3 a. Analyze the growth of New Spain b. Describe important economic activities in New Spain c. Identify features of Colonial cities

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