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Hannah Livingston January 30, 2013 Music Appreciation 50 minutes Dances in the United States Objective: After watching

a video of a dance the students will discuss the similarities and differences between the dances and he unique features of the dance. Standards and Benchmarks: Standards 3, 4 and 5 ART.VA.III.HS.2 ART.VA.V.HS.4 Materials: PowerPoint with imbedded videos and the textbook

Dances in the United States Standards and Benchmarks: Standards 3, 4 and 5 ART.VA.III.HS.2 ART.VA.V.HS.4 Review Irish step dance o What is the name of the major performance that brought Irish step dance into popularity? o What are the differences between jigs and reels? Conjunto o Where does this dance originate? o Does this dance have a duple or triple rhythm? Hula o What is the country of origin? o What is the propose of the body language? o What is one thing that sets this dance apart from the other dances that we talked about? Ballet o What is the country of origin? o What things are emphasized o What style of dance is it? (classical) o What is distinct about the foot and leg work Rite of spring o Who wrote it? o Why was it an abnormal ballet? Theatrical dance o What movie is discussed in the book? o What two styles of dance are featured in west side story? Charleston Watch video o What similarities and differences did you notice between this dance and the others we have seen? o What period in history does this seem to have come from? o What type of music and instruments are used? Lindy Hop Watch Video o What similarities and differences do you see between this dance and the others weve watched? o Talk about counter balance o Improvisation is a part of this dance what type of music also involves improvisation? o What type of music is this danced to?


Tango Watch video o What similarities and differences do you see between this dance and the others weve watched? o How is the music different from the other music weve been listening to? o Where do you think this dance originated? o Gigs and reels are in 3 and 2, what is tango? Every dance that we have studied thus far has very district and different characteristics that set them apart be it the way the dancers move their limbs or a pattern or rhythm that the dancers step in.

Watch Video o What similarities and differences do you see between this dance and the others weve watched? o How do the metal plates on the bottoms of the dancers shoes effect the dance?

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