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8 Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air Menganalisa gerakan kenderaan di udara

Bentuk aerofoil pada sayap kapal terbang

5.8 Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air

Daya Angkat Lift

Pergerakan udara yang laju Tekanan yang lebih rendah Fast air movement resulting In low pressure

Bernoullis principle in flight Prinsip Bernoulli Dalam penerbangan

Pergerakan udara yang perlahan Tekanan lebih tinggi Low air movement High Pressure

Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air Menganalisis Gerakan Kenderaan di Udara
Daya angkat lift

Daya seretan Drag

Daya tujah Thrust

Berat weight

Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air

F22 Raptor Take-off - YouTube

Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air

Comparison between the jet engine and the rocket Perbandingan antara engine jet dan roket

Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air

Kapal terbang Jet

daya angkat lift= > Berat/weight daya tujah/ lift => rintangan udara/ drag

Belon Belon

Daya tujah/lift > berat belon

Helikopter Helicopter

Putaran rotor menghasilkan daya angkat/rotor create lift Putaran rotor ke depan menghasilkan = momentum depan/forward tilt of rotor create forward movement momentum ke atas /upwards momentum => momentum bawah/ downward momentum


Analysing the motion of vehicles in the air

Discuss the similiarities and differences between jet

engine and rockets engine

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