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1st Symposium on Difficult Airway Management

Denia Hospital 7 thru 9 May 2009

Provisional Scientific Program

Thursday, 7 May 15´00 h (3 PM)


2.Inauguration and Welcome Presentation

3.Conferences / Lectures

3.1.“Dr. Valentín Madrid” Lecture:

Evaluation and Diagnosis of the Difficult Airway

3.2. Action strategies:

Types of patients

3.3. Emergency Rescue:

Extubation plan

Friday, 8 May 14´00 h (2 PM)

(Operating Theatre)

Operating Theater 1: 3 cases

Operating Theater 2: 3 cases
Operating Theater 3: 3 cases

Auditorium: Strategic Discussions


Friday, 8 May 16´30 - 20´30 h (4:30 - 8:30 PM)

Workshops to discuss QX plans

Panel 1: Oral Fibroscope-guided Intubation with LMAs (ILMA + FFB** 5 mm.)

Panel 2: C-MAC Videolaryngoscopy

Panel 3: Oral Fibroscope-guided Intubation with cannulas + FFB** 5 mm.

Panel 4: Oral / Nasal Fibroscope-guided Intubation with topic anesthesia +

FFB** 5 mm.

Panel 5: Transtraqueal Access + FFB** 5 mm.

Saturday, 9 May 9´00 - 12´00 h (9 AM - 12:00 PM)
Special Topics:

Difficult Pediatric Airway

Topical vs. Locoregional Anesthesia in the Difficult Airway

Airway Research

How to approach studies

Saturday, 9 May 12´30 h (12:30 PM)

MCQ Exam and Accreditation

*VAD = Vía Aérea Difícil (Difficult Airway)

**FFB = Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscope

-CEDIVA DENIA, Continuous Airway Training
-Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
-Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Denia General Teaching Hospital
-Marina Healthcare Research Foundation

Endorsed by:
-Valencian Healthcare School

Sponsored by:
-Society for Airway Management 1995 (SAM)
-European Airway Management Society (EAMS)
-SEDAR Critical Care Section


NOTE: There is limited space available at this Symposium.

Information required for registration:

2.Last name
3.Identity Card
4.Cellular telephone
5.e-mail address
6.Speciality and place of work
7.Postal address

Registration fee:

Until April 1: 600 €

After April 1: 675 €

Bank Account deposit number:

0065 0049 83 0001052030


Send payment receipt by fax or e-mail to:

Fax: 34-96-573-1534

NOTE: Please write on payment form: “Registration Fee Symposium VAD”

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