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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Youtube Comments

(Three boys commented.)

Social Media Comments

(Two Girls commented) A total of 21 likes with a ratio of girls to boys: 18 girls, 3 boys ranging from ages 15 to 55.

What I learnt from youtube and social media feedback

The majority of feedback was from teenagers due to social media mainly associating with teenagers although the comments were from a mixture of both boys and girls. The enigma seemed to have a great effect on most on the viewers believed it was very powerful. Other feedback was that they enjoyed the contrast between the harsh screaming and the calm music. My social media and youtube comments were generally a success.

Written Interviews:

Jesse Nunn - Aged 16

What genre do you think it is? Poetic Realism.

What did you like about the film?

The colour, the textures, rewind effect and slow motion effect. What didn't you like about the film? The blinking effect. How does it meet the conventions of the genre?

Yes with a stylized narrative without giving everything away.

Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes. What audiences do you think it would attach? 16-21 year olds, international auiences.

What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the fillm?
Warp, film 4 What idelogies can be read from this film? Baby, giving birth, the end of the world, inside the body.

Sam Peggs - Aged 16

What genre do you think it is? Artistic film. What did you like about the film? Close up shots, use of colour and choice of music. What didn't you like about the film? Overlaying. How does it meet the conventions of the genre? No dialogue. Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes it does. What audiences do you think it would attach? Female, 16-25, international. What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the fillm? Small, independent companies. What ideologies can be read from this film? Religion, reproduction.

Lydia Dufour - 17
What genre do you think it is? Scientific/Art film What did you like about the film? The light sequence throughout, the colour choices and reversing the shots. What didn't you like about the film? Nothing. How does it meet the conventions of the genre? Experimneting with different colours and textures to represent meaning. Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes it makes you question everything. What audiences do you think it would attach? 15-40 year olds, both genders, any class, mainly British audiences. What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the fillm? Independent film companies. What ideologies can be read from this film? Things conjoining, life, drugs,

Yasemin Alkan - Aged 17

What genre do you think it is? Artistic Realism. What did you like about the film? Reverse, slow motion, macro filming, steady camera, overlaying fading. What didn't you like about the film? Trees How does it meet the conventions of the genre? Very creative, using symbolism to create the film. What audiences do you think it would attach? 17 upwards due to relating to the theme of drugs and how it affects a human being. Does it create an adequate enigma? Yes, you want to understand what is going on then it is revealed at the end. What ideologies can be read from this film? Cells, disconnection, unbroken harmony, fluidity, calming, drugs.

Agatha Elwes - Aged 17

What genre do you think it is? Art film

What did you like about the film?

Oil sequence, quivering water, slow motion, reverse play and colour corrector. What didn't you like about the film? Overlaying, maybe more close ups of the ink dropping. How does it meet the conventions of the genre?

Use of mise en scene, no dialogue, evoking music.

Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes. What audiences do you think it would attach? Niche audience, no gender or age specific.

What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the film?
Warp. What ideologies can be read from this film? Reproduction, expansion and contamination.

Kristina Paterno - Aged 48

What genre do you think it is? Art film.

What did you like about the film?

Colour corrector. What didn't you like about the film? Nothing. How does it meet the conventions of the genre?

Esthetical point of view and the use of senses throughout the imagery.
Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes. What audiences do you think it would attach? Teenagers, adults and international audiences as well as British.

What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the film?
Independent. What ideologies can be read from this film? Materialism, reproduction, hallucination.

Daisy McCormick - Aged 17

What genre do you think it is? Poetic realism.

What did you like about the film?

Reverse of ink-like droplet, extreme close ups. What didn't you like about the film? Cleaner transitions could be made. How does it meet the conventions of the genre?

Flows beautifully, colours and style.

Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes. What audiences do you think it would attach? Artistic people, teenagers, adults, any gender, upper/middle class.

What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the film?
Independent. What ideologies can be read from this film? Reproduction, conjoining, childbirth.

Bea F-C - Aged 18

What genre do you think it is? Artistic.

What did you like about the film?

Overlapping shots, blurring, focus in and out. What didn't you like about the film? Nothing. How does it meet the conventions of the genre?

Colours, movement, close up shots of the ink and oil, using slow motion, ripples of the water.
Do you think it creates an adequate enigma? Yes. What audiences do you think it would attach? Male and female, 18 and above.

What sort of film companies do you think would distribute the film?
Independent film companies. What ideologies can be read from this film? Eggs, cells, explosive, eruption, connection between two people, spiritual.

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