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Many definition about design,but there are same essence. Design .Designo(italy) : picture

.Design(england): model, shape, constraction .Designare(latin): a plan, scheme, project Design is creation of a plan for construction of an object or system, a procces to make and create new object.

Designing often necessitates considering the aesthetic, economic, functional and sociopolitical dimension of both the design object and design process.It may involve considerable reseach, thought, modeling, inteactive adjusment, and redesign. Design has different connotation in different field, some design diciplines as graphic design, design furniture, enginering design etc.

There are some aspect in a procces design or create new object.


constrac tion




In the process design, not only esthetic and beautifull.But also points are important as eficiensi, efektivitas,and comfortable for customer or user. It may, design also fusion from sains and art. A designer must know, what are the customers want?.

Where is the position design in development a country? There are some sector such as :

: a good design has big impact to economical a country. Education : student will has more knowledge about how to create a new product. Social : good country as good design.

: a fusion between design and culture will create good output,and culture will everlasting.

Design has important posisition in a life, system and delevopment country. Knowledge about design will create a good life. Basicly everyones are designer, we can create new product for help them in their works more easy and efektif.


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