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Creative Media Production Risk Assessment Name Project Location college


Person(s) / Equipment at Risk

Risk Control Taken

Tripping over wires

The equipment attached to To be sure all wires are the wires, the wires and kept tidy and out of the whoever trips over them. way. This is not very likely to happen because the computer wires at college are kept out of the way so there is very little chance of falling over them. However there may be extension cords on the floor that people may leave out. The equipment being used, computer, files on the computer and the person using the equipment Make sure the equipment youre using is in good condition and is not obviously broken. This isnt very likely to happen because people dont use equipment thats clearly broken, and the majority of the time when equipment breaks it stops working so wont damage the computer/ computer files or will not be used because its broken. Take a break every so often from working, especially when working on the computer to avoid eye strain or and body strain or stiffness from

Using broken equipment

Working long hours

The person working long hours

Creative Media Production sitting at the computer for so long. This isnt very likely to happen because our longest lessons are 90 minutes at college, so we get regular breaks. Fire Whoever is near the fire Be careful of any fire hazards and be familiar with the fire action plan. This is not likely to happen because there is a very little chance that a fire would start in college because of health and safety. Use the windows/ heating or clothing available to help control your temperature if you get too hot or too cold. This may be likely to happen because the weather can chance quite quickly so depending on the person, youre temperature could easily change.

Hot/ cold temperatures

Whoever is affected by the temperature

What Health and Safety legislation might you need to consider in this project? DSE regulations- this reduces risks at workstations, makes sure workers plan work so there are breaks or changes of activity. This regulation also allows workers to arrange an eye test on request and provide glasses if they are needed. Also health and safety training and information is provided.

Creative Media Production

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