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Action Plan for the Library How will we do it? When do we need to have it completed?
Talk to Marilaine about what they already have for cleaning products. Get donations for cleaning products (cleaning rags, brooms, 2 buckets, soap, floor cleaning products, window cleaner) Give jobs to different groups of students: shelves, putting the books aside in boxes, the floor We think this goal will take 2 weeks to achieve. By April 30th

Whos responsible?

Clean up the library.

Ju and Nina will assign jobs All the 5th grade class will help clean.

Sort and organize the books in the library.

By April 30th Research different ways that a library can be organized. Talk to Ms. Roberts and Ms. Cintia. Sort books into junior fiction and fiction, and nonfiction, then separate the non-fiction books into categories Fix broken shelves Put the shelves in the right places. By April 30th

All the 5th grade class NJHS and other MS HS student volunteers

Organize the furniture in the library.

G5 boys will organize the shelves

Get the needed materials for the library.

We will have a bake sale on April 10th to raise money to buy the materials such as baskets and shelves. We will have a materials drive in May to get donations such as picture books, carpets, little shelves, stuffed animals and pillows. Research the prices of the materials. Talk to Ms. Thas. Email Grounds and Building Committee to see if they can donate any shelves and maybe carpets.

April 10th

G5 class

Monday, April 29th through Friday, May 3rd. April 15th through 19th

G5 class

Ms. Cassie, Ju and Nina By Friday, April 12th

Students: Ju and Nina

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