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December 9,2012

To Whom It May Concern: It has been my pleasure to have known Karissa Greubel for the past ten years. As a student of mine, she would always exceed the standards and expectations for my classes. She was never satisfied with anything less than complete mastery of whatever the assignment was. Her classmates and instructors would look to her for leadership and inspiration and she never disappointed them. She would lead by example and this quiet leadership would encourage others to strive and match her level of performance. As college student, Ms. Greubels pursuit of knowledge propelled her to graduate with honors and to study abroad. Her interest in becoming a citizen of the world was fueled by her studies and her love of learning. She continued to expand her horizons by studying in Australia and then later accepting a teaching position in South East Asia. Without question, these experiences and challenges have added to her strength and depth of character. To further understand Karissa Greubel, one need look no farther than her family. She was raised in a rural Iowa family that emphasized the values of hard work, honesty and integrity. She was taught that a person should give back to their community and to respect others regardless of cultural differences. She is the type of person that any family would eagerly claim as their own. Simply put, Karissa is one of the finest young women that I know. In closing, it is with great pride and confidence that I recommend Karissa Greubel. Respectfully, Dennis Oliver

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