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Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

You will have the opportunity to give insight into Palumbos changing journalism program by voicing your opinions about an online NEWSPAPER. Today we will explore the blogs and online newspaper sites of other high schools and colleges to get ideas for our own. 1. Explore the news sites that are listed on the board (and any others you can nd.) What are some elements/ ideas you have after viewing other school newspaper blogs? What should we be sure to include on our newspaper site for Palumbo? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

2. List some categories (News, Sports, etc...) that would be necessary, in your opinion, for our newspaper blog. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

3. As we move forward, we will divide into groups to start working on this online newspaper. Check the following group(s) you would like to be a part of. Web Development (Wordpress experience or curiosity recommended; create the website from templates found on Wordpress blogging site; set up email accounts.) News Reporting (Writing news stories about past and upcoming events inside and outside of school; write stories that students may nd interesting.) Sports Reporting (Write stories about teams; record wins and losses of teams) Photography (Taking photos of specic things/ people for articles that are written by reporters; editing &cropping; emailing these photos to the editor or layout team.) Editorial Cartoons (Drawing cartoons or graphics; sometimes add an ironic spin on issues or articles.) Opinion Writing (Where do you stand on issues that are controversial now) **Editor** (Take responsibility for setting deadlines for reporters & collecting articles on time; Sending all necessary work to the layout staff before deadline; Proof reading and making nal decisions about the content of the website.) **Layout Staff** (Wordpress experience or curiosity recommended; Take responsibility for inserting the collected articles into the website and decide where to place pictures with text.) **This position may involve after-school time, but looks FABULOUS on a college resume! This is a leadership role and could lead to future employment in the journalism industry.

4. What other ideas do you have for the creation of Palumbos online newspaper? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

NAME__________________________________________ If you are not on the list, ask Ms. Schneider for your request.
Layout Team Editors Editorial (Opinion) Writing Editorial Cartoons Photography (& Video) Sports Reporting News Reporting

Kenae Damon Courtney W. Adriana W.

Anthony D.
Emmanuel Cruz

T.J. Fox Dahyma M. Mikayla W. Erica B.

Emmanuel Comgbaye

Christian Jones Krysten M. Amber S. Joelle P.

Terrell C. Sergio D. Gjergji D. Jeromy R. Kayla Johnson

Frankie D. Khang T. Chelsea B. Shania Morris Nia Scott Javonni Lewin

Keith Khem Sherry Q.

Layout Team: You will decide how the nal website looks! Youll take responsibility for inserting the collected articles into the website and decide where to place pictures with text. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Create a wordpress account with the Editors Gmail address. (Speak to editors to nd out what their email address and password is. Use the same account details.) Experiment with different templates from to decide how you want the site to look. Use the surveys from yesterday (get from Ms. S.) to get ideas from classmates. Use the surveys from yesterday to set up pages on the site (For example, Sports, Opinion,...) Create a Gmail address for layout (such as Use the same password the editors used for their email. Email the editors so they know where to send the approved articles and photos. You will eventually insert these into the site.

Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

Editors:! ! ! ! You will take responsibility for setting deadlines for reporters & collecting articles on time, sending all necessary work to the layout staff before deadline, & proof reading and making nal decisions about the content of the website. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Create an email address for you both to share. This should be easy to remember for all staff (Such as Decide on an easy password that you will both remember. Share the details with the layout team. In your new gmail account, ll in the Google Calendar with deadline info. (Speak with Mr. Alvarez about publishing dates that are upcoming.) Add in your own timeline for when each dept. should have their materials to you. Remember to stagger this so not all of the work comes in at once. Collect the email addresses of your staff and insert them into the contacts. You may want to create groups so you can email all photographers together without having to remember who is on this team each time. Add the address for the layout team. (They are making one now.) This is where you will send all approved articles and pictures. Approve the calendar with Ms. S and then email everyone a link to the completed google calendar with the timelines/ due dates. This is a good time to introduce yourself and tell them to save your email address! Read the surveys from yesterday (get from Ms. S.) to see ideas from classmates. Review the Google docs sent from editorial, sports and news. Make another column for your comments. Write approve, change, or deny next to each idea. You may need to have another column for editors comments. If you are unsure if something should be published, consult with a teacher. Editorial Writing You will write about where you stand on issues that are controversial now. You will also give your opinion on music, movies, a typical review style. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Explore the Opinion and Review sections of The Harker Schools newspaper at Type Review in the search box to see what has been reviewed. In a Google Doc (Google Drive) make a spread sheet listing issues that youd like to address in the future. Use one tab for these editorial ideas and name it Editorial. Save the whole doc as Editorial Writing Ideas. Make a column called writers and write the name of the person assigned to each issue. Share this with everyone on your team via email, giving them editing rights. In the same Google Doc (Google Drive) make another tab and name it Reviews. List anything youd like to review online. (Books, music, movies, restaurants...) Make a column called writers and write the name of the person assigned to each review. Ask the editors what their email address is. Share the completed doc with the new editors email address. Ask the cartoon staff for their individual emails. Share with them so they know what issues they can draw about. Once the editor has added their notes to your doc and approved your idea, you may begin writing your piece. Consult with the editor for how long it should be. Consult the Google Calendar that has been shared with you for deadlines. (If you have Gmail you can add it as a shared calendar to your account.)

Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

Editorial Cartoons You will draw or create cartoons or graphics, adding an ironic spin on issues or articles. You add the artistic element to the online paper. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Watch the 4 min. movie on cartoons: Download Genius Scan or another picture/ scanning app for your phone. This will enable you to take a picture of your art and email it to the editors. Ask the Editorial Writers to share their Google Doc with you. This will give you access to the stories that are being written. Add a column called Cartoon Assignments on their Editorial page. Write your name next to any of the articles that you want to illustrate with a cartoon or drawing. Start creating. Use a white sheet of paper and make sure your creation is dark enough that it shows up in the pic you take on your phone/ your scanned image. You may also make your creations on a computer if you dont want to draw. Photography and Video You will take photos and videos of specic things/ people for articles that are written by reporters. You will need to be comfortable editing & cropping and emailing these photos to the editor or layout team. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Decide which equipment you have. (Ask Mr. Alvarez.) Who could use their phones? iphone 3 or better have decent quality cameras. Write an article to announce a photo contest that you can ask students to participate in. This will run in the next issue of the newspaper and online. Write the article about this contests deadline, rules and submission info. Are you requiring captions? Is there a minimum le size? (If you have students send to the editors, they must write a message in the subject such as photo contest.) You may want to do this in a Google Doc so everyone has access. Ask Sports Reporting and News Reporting to share their Google doc with you. This will give you access to the stories that are being written. Add a column called Photographs on their spreadsheet. Write your name next to any of the articles that you want to enhance with a photo. Each person should take photos for at least 2 events. Check out your personal emails for the editors calendar to nd out what your deadline is for taking your photos/ videos.

Research & Opinion for Palumbo Student Newspaper Online

NAME: ______________________

Sports Reporting You will write stories about teams, & record wins and losses of teams. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Explore the Sports sections of The Harker Schools newspaper at In a Google Doc (Google Drive) make a spread sheet listing sports that need to be covered. Make separate tabs for each season and list each Palumbo sport that is active during that season. In the same Google Doc (Google Drive) make a column called Reporter to assign each sport to the correct reporter. (You only have to do this for the current and upcoming sports this year, not the ones that took place in fall or winter.) Each person should sign up for at least 2 articles. Ask the editors what their email address is. Share the completed doc with the new editors email address. Share your doc with photography and video staff members so they know what stories they will need to cover and who to team up with to do so. Begin compiling a chart of wins and losses for the different sports. This will be published in the next paper and online. You will add to this and then send it to the editors before deadline. Check out your personal emails for the editors calendar to nd out what your deadline is for writing your articles. News Reporting You will write news stories about past and upcoming events inside and outside of school. You will include stories that students may nd interesting. ! ! ! ! ! Todays Work: Explore the News and Features sections of The Harker Schools newspaper at In a Google Doc (Google Drive) make a spread sheet listing story ideas that need to be covered. In the same Google Doc (Google Drive) make a column called Reporter to assign each event/ article to the correct reporter. Each person should sign up for at least 2 articles. Ask the editors what their email address is. Share the completed doc with the new editors email address. Share your doc with photography and video staff members so they know what stories they will need to cover and who to team up with to do so. Make a list of upcoming events at Palumbo and in Philadelphia that may appeal to students. This will be published in the next paper and online. You will add to this and then send it to the editors before deadline. Check out your personal emails for the editors calendar to nd out what your deadline is for writing your articles. Begin writing!

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