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Ancient Chinese Study Guide Shang Dynasty Social structure the largest social class was farmers The

king owns everything The nobles own land The farmers rent and have to pay what ever the noble wants, they have to pay the rent Lead by a powerful king the Shang armies were split up into groups Religion Based on ancestor worship and they believed that their ancestors could help or harm them Invention and innovation Oracle bones were used to communicate with the ancestors oracle bones were where writing was invented Zhou dynasty A mandate of heaven is a king chosen by the Gods, kings claimed they had the mandate of heaven to convince people they are king and the Gods chose them. Legalism was all based on the government was based on harsh punishment if you do what your supposed to do you get a carrot and if you do something bad you get the stick. Confucianism is based on the teachings on the con. They believed in inspiring not force. Daoism was based on happiness and being a small part of the overall realty Qin dynasty The emperor Qin defeated the Zhou dynasty and conquered the rest of china he was born in 254 BCE near the end of the warring states period he ruled strong and cold, he was a legalist. Rich and poor were punished equally, he made everyone use the same weight measurement, same length measurement and he made everyone use the same money and everyone had to use the same language, everything was standardized. He built The Great Wall of China, and the terracotta Inventions;

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