China Regional Analysis2 Robertson

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Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2

China Regional Analysis

Instructions: Read textbook pages 183-193 to complete the graphic organizer. Use Shape>Line feature to indicate in temperature and precipitation. In Describe boxes, write complete sentences paraphrased in third person without plagiarizing (copying) from the text. 19.3 Tibet-Qinghai Plateau Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Annual Precipitation (Inches)

Describe the vegetation, animal life, and physical features of the region: The vegetation in the Tibet Qinghai Plateau consists of sparse scrubs and grasses. The animals the live in this region are antelopes, yaks, and types of ox, wolves and wildcats. Some of the physical features of the Tibet Qinghai Plateau are that it is 13,500 feet above sea level, it covers almost a quarter of china and there are two rivers running through it the Huang He and the Chang Jiang river.

Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2

19.4 Northwestern Deserts: Gobi and Taklimakan Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Annual Precipitation (Inches)

Describe the vegetation, animal life, and physical features of the region: Most of the desert is to dry for vegetation to grow except for the oases where there is water. Most of the animals such as sheep are raised on oases. The Taklimakan desert spreads over 105,00 square miles and the Gobi desert stretches over 500,000 square miles. The Gobi desert has few sand dunes. Most of the desert is made up of pebbles. The Taklimakan desert has large sand dunes.

Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2

19.5 Northeastern Plain Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Annual Precipitation (Inches)

Describe the vegetation, animal life, and physical features of the region: The vegetation in the Northeastern Plain is mostly prairie grass. The animal life in this region consist mostly of sheep, horses, and other animals raised by herders. The major rivers running through the region are the Liao which is a shallow river and the Sungari.

Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2

19.6 North China Plain Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Annual Precipitation (Inches)

Describe the vegetation, animal life, and physical features of the region: The vegetation in the North China plain is mainly grass. The Huang He is one of the longest rivers in the world. The limestone silt is carried over from the Gobi desert so the land is sometimes called the Land of the Yellow Earth.

Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2

19.7 Chang Jiang Basins Summer Temperature Winter Temperature Annual Precipitation (Inches)

Jack Robertson March 1, 2013 Childress 2 Describe the vegetation, animal life, and physical features of the region: The basins are located along the Chang Jiang river.

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