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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, Northport, AL


Sara Beth Creel


February 25, 2013

Lecture-Discussion Model
Main idea Main idea


An instructional model designed to help students understand organized bodies of knowledge.

Main idea Main idea




Motivating and Modifying

To teach concepts and generalization by presenting and then illustrating By keeping explanations short for young children For inexperienced students by emphasizing comprehension monitoring and integration By using technology

1) Identify topics
Organized body of knowledge

2) Specify Learning Objectives

Individual facts, concepts, and generalizations, and relationships among these specific forms of content

1) Review and introduction

Teacher presents the advance organizer and further focuses the lesson with additional questions

3) Structure Content
Tables, hierarchies, matrices Make the relationships between ideas as clear as possible so they are understandable to students Keep students background knowledge in mind

2) Presentation 3) Comprehension monitoring

Teacher asks students questions to informally assess the extent to which they remember and understand the information presented

Assess content acquisition with quizzes or essays. Involve both specific topics and the relationships among them Apply information to new situations Give students a list of concepts and ask them to organize the concepts hierarchically

Motivate by:
Using the comprehension monitoring and integration phases to involve students Using groupwork in the comprehension-monitoring and integration phases Combining whole-class discussions with groupwork to add variety

4) Prepare Lesson Introductions

Attract and maintain attention

5) Create Advance Organizers

4) Integrate new with prior information 5) Closure/review and summarize

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Spend a short period of time presenting information to students. Then informally assess and question to monitor understanding. Repeat this cycle as many times as necessary to reach learning objectives.

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