PCI Statement On Senate Banking & Insurance Committee Advancing Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Legislation

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Contact: Phone: Email:

Cliston Brown (847) 553-3671 cliston.brown@pciaa.net


April 16, 2013

PCI Statement on Senate Banking & Insurance Committee Advancing Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Legislation
TALLAHASSEEDonovan Brown, state government relations counsel for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI), issued the following statement in response to the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee advancing Senate Proposed Bill 7152 relating to motor vehicle liability insurance. All along, PCI and its member companies have urged caution and patience with respect to providing PIP reforms adequate time to work. However, the recent issuance of a temporary injunction against these reforms that just took effect a few short months ago has severely undermined the full intent of addressing the fraud and abuse debilitating our auto insurance system. With Floridas no-fault auto insurance system currently hamstrung in its ability to combat the fraud and abuse plaguing Floridas drivers, PCI and its member companies continue to support dialogue to properly address Floridas auto insurance issue. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with all stakeholders, as we continue to engage in a deliberative and thorough discussion regarding solutions that will relieve Florida from its ranking as the No. 1 state in the nation for questionable auto claims. Todays action by the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee was another step forward in that process. PCI is composed of more than 1,000 member companies, representing the broadest cross-section of insurers of any national trade association. PCI members write over $190 billion in annual premium, 40 percent of the nations property casualty insurance. Member companies write 46 percent of the U.S. automobile insurance market, 32 percent of the homeowners market, 38 percent of the commercial property and liability market, and 41 percent of the private workers compensation market. ###

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