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Prayer 5, Barrajon Teologia sui demoni: aspetti biblici, storici, dogmatici Angels and demons are often neglected

among theologians The greatest modern error is not the thesis that God is dead, but in the faith that the devil is dead. Colombian theologian???? I. theology of the demons II. ??? III.??? G. Nanni Il ditto di Dio e il potere di Satana 1. Silence Much of modern theology and preaching tends to remain silent on the question with regard to demons. Positivism plays a role in this This is parallel to the modern rejection of theology Angels are relevant to man, to our anthropology. They have roles in the salvation and well being of man. There is a temptation to dispute, doubt and deny the angels. This again is the temptation toward positivism. The doubting Thomas: If I dont see it, I dont believe it. Frousart: Had an appointment with a friend, at about 5pm, enters and sees a candle, which prompts him to a vision of God, another world, a mystical vision, for five minutes he was outside of his own body. He asked to be taught the catholic faith and knew everything before he was told. Except for. A. protestant theology Liberal theology denies the existence of angels and demons A canadian theologian argues that the denial of angels is based on the loss of a liturgical life. The angels are invoked often in the mass Barth The devil is a negative being Gods response to the unfinished quality of creation Tillich Angels and demons are symbolic of the good and evil in creation Bultmann Angels and demons are just superstitions to be eliminated Ricoeur Devil is the evil which we introduce into the world through our sin. Westermann

Angels and demons are symbols of good and evil in the world. Polling AMONG THEOLOGIANS Does the devil appear in the bible as a person because of the time in which it is written Protestants 72 percent Cattholics 40 Does the bible only intend us to take the problem of evil seriously Prot. 82 Catholics 20 Is man capable of the greatest evils without the intervention of the devil: Prot. 71 C. 65 Is the doctrine of the devil an obstacle to the destruction of superstition? 71 29 CONCLUSION Many protestants deny the existence of angels and demons Catholics Many approve of a greater critical approach to the traditional doctrines Without denying them. Haag The church must cancel the doctrine of the devil The fall of Satan was decisive, he no longer needs to be recognized There is not connection between the exorcisms of Jesus and the existence of the Devil. They are symbolic of mans resistance to the Gospel message, the message of Christ. The Gospels, the letters of Paul, and Revelations, the references to the devil can be explained symbolically. Belief in satan is not biblical. A. THE WORDS OF PAUL VI FROM SOME FISSURE THE SMOKE OF SATAN ENTERED THE TEMPLE homily of 29 June, 72 Ratzinger cites Rahner We were expecting a new Spring in the church after the Vatican II, but instead a winter came. Paul VI says that it is something preternatural that intervened to damage the fruits of Vatican II. Audience of 11.15.72, we have to defend ourselves from the evil of the demons. the demon is an obscure and inimical agent. The evil is no more only a deficiency, but a an active force. The demon is enemy number one of man, at the root of his first fall from grace. B. Vatican II Lumen Gentium 13. man is tricked by the devil 17 the church defeats the demons 35 conversion is a battle a gains the leaders of the kingdom of darkness Gaudium et Spes

2 Christ broke the power of Evil The council while not wishing to give new dogmatic definitions, affirmed that role of the evil spiritual beings in the fight of man for salvation. D. Christian Faith and Demonology (1975) E. John Paul II (Wednesday Audiences) 13 August 1986 The announcement of the Kingdom of God is a victory over the devil: I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning Luke 10,18 Through the sin of our first parents, the devil has conquered dominion over man. ACTION OF SATAN acts on the imagination and the higher faculties to turn man in a direction opposed to that of God. We can not deny that Satan acts to corrupt man Presence of Satan in history Devils act to distance man and society from God. The ability of Satan in the world is that of inducing man to rationalize spiritual powers. Christ dies on the cross to save man from the devil. We participate in Christs victory over Satan through faith in Christ and prayer, in special cases also through exorcism. bit by bit, as it comes to a close, history becomes more violent.

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