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FCE and CAE Grammar Assessment A Tense Review Complete the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable

form of the verb. 1. Natasha is one of my best friends; we have known (know) each other since we were (be) at secondary school. 2. The roads were completely empty, we have driven (drive) for hours before we saw (see) another car. 3. Fewer people have taken (take) foreign holidays nowadays: and until the economic climate improves (improve), the travel industry will continue to suffer. 4. I woke up (wake up) suddenly: someone was knocking (knock) loudly on my front door. 5. Life might be simpler if everyone in the world spoke (spoke) the same language: but I doubt if it ever happen (ever/happen). 6. It didnt rain (not rain) once since I arrived (arrived) here five weeks ago. B Vocabulary: prefixes Use a prefix to make a word which fits the definition. For example: To understand something incorrectly (v) misunderstand 1. A person who is studying at a university after finishing their first degree (n) under graduate. 2. A person who was your husband, but isnt any more (n) ex husband. 3. To sleep a lot longer than you wanted to (v) fall sleep 4. To write something again (v) re write.

C Auxiliary verbs Complete the gaps using a suitable form of the auxiliary verbs will, do or have. 1. A: Ive heard you dont eat meat: is that correct? B: Yes, Im a vegetarian, but I do eat fish. 2. A: You must be hungry after such a long journey. Did you have any lunch? B: No, we have not . Were absolutely starving! 3. A: Did you know my brothers gone on holiday to the Himalayas? B: Did she? That sounds quite an adventure! 4. Just hold this for a second, will you?

D Vocabulary: word building Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals. For example: What do you think has been the most important scientific discovery of the last ten years? SCIENCE 1. Maria recovered from the physical effects of the accident, but the psychological effects lasted much longer. PSYCHOLOGY 2. Gabriel is one of our most independent employees. He always finishes his work on time. DEPEND 3. The campaign aims to raise peoples awareness of the dangers of obesity. AWARE 4. My girlfriend isnt very adventurous when she eats out. She always orders the same thing! ADVENTURE

E Active or Passive Put the verbs in brackets in the correct active or passive form. Make sure that you use the correct tense. 1. Stonehenge, the well known stone circle in the south west of England, is built (build) about 5,000 years ago. Some of the stones weigh (weigh) as much as fifty tonnes. Although visitors are not allowed (not/allow) to approach the stones themselves since the 1980s, the tourist site are visited (visit) by thousands of tourists every year.

F Avoiding repetition In each of the following sentences, replace the repeated words in bold with a suitable word or phrase. 1. Madrid is my favourite city, but I havent been to Madrid for several years. ( there ) 2. If your laptop doesnt work, youre very welcome to borrow my laptop. ( mine ). 3. Sylvia and Thomas have decided to stay in, so well go to the party without Sylvia and Thomas. ( them ). 4. Its quite rare to see a deer, but I saw a deer in Richmond Park once. ( it ).

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