Kodu: Peer Assessment Sheet: Quality of Game Play

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Kodu: Peer Assessment Sheet

Student Name: Xavier Juhala Assessed by: Nicols Guevara

Give the following a rating (circle or or ):

Quality of game play

Design of world Storyline Choice of characters & objects


Which parts of the game did you like best? What I liked best about Xavis game was the design of the world and the storyline because he made the world very random and it was interesting, he located different coins around the world and you had to reach 10 points so you could go and fight the final boss(giant Cycle).

What else should be included to make the game better?

In Xavis game i think he should have included different characters as enemys because he only used Cycles and planes as enemys and i hoped he used some kodus and some other objects such as rocks or something but over all his game was great.

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