Project 2 - Intertextual Annotated Bibliography

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Course: English 1102 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email: Aborrero@uncc.


Major Assignment #2: Intertextual Annotated Bibliography I. Introduction: What does it mean to be Intertextual? As we know from our work with media studies earlier this semester, meaning is not formed by one source alone, but rather by the conversation or dialogue between sources. For example, when a politician gives a speech on an issue, various news outlets typically report on that speech and expand upon the conversation by providing their view. From there, others may provide additional commentary on outlets like Twitter, Blogger, or other social media websites. At times, these responses may even provoke the politician to give another speech that responds to the turn of the conversation. As you can see from this example, our view of the topic was not informed by one source, but rather by the interaction of multiple sources. The interaction of these sources in a conversation is oftentimes referred to as intertextuality - the notion that one voice (i.e. text) can impact, inspire, or reference another voice or text. For our next project, we will explore how multiple sources interact to formulate the conversations surrounding your topic of inquiry. To do this, we will begin with an inquiry question, conduct research to see the various responses to that question, and document what each source has to say as well as how the sources are connected to one another. Through completing this assignment, you will not only have a sense of what is being said about your topic, but how those ideas interact to formulate the broader conversation(s). II. Assignment Description: Within this project, you will create two products: First, you will create an Intertextual annotated bibliography using Prezi. Second, you will synthesize your findings by composing an essay that describes the conversations and interactions taking place in your annotated bibliography. Part 1: Intertextual Annotated bibliography: To begin, you must formulate a question or issue related to your topic that you would like to research. Once you have selected this question or issue, you will explore what multiple sources have to say about the topic and document those findings in your bibliography. Unlike a traditional bibliography which examines sources separately, within your Intertextual bibliography, you must show the connection between sources and how the information or statements in one source led you to other sources which expand the conversation, other questions informing the conversation, or even completely new topics . (See below for an example and project requirements)

Course: English 1102 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

Required Components for Part 1: Annotated Bibliography (Prezi): Your bibliography must be completed using Prezi. Your bibliography must begin with a specific question or issue related to your topic. Your bib must identify the author, title, publication date, date of access, and location (URL) of each source. Your bibliography must contain an Annotation for each source that describes the content. Your bibliography must contain Leads to connect one source to the next. About Annotations: After reading a source, compose an annotation that states the main facts of the source. What is this source about? How does it talk about the ideas you are interacting with? What key pieces of information does it convey? Identify the argument or position the source may be taking. About Leads: Upon engaging with a source, you will find that it contains questions, references, or arguments that may lead you to other sources, new questions, or new topics. For example, if an article brings up another study or article that it is arguing against, or a key figure or law that may be involved in the topic being discussed, these statements may serve as leads that allow you to expand the conversation, and ultimately, the scope of your bibliography. In order to indicate the connection between each source/annotation, you should state what lead guided you from one source to the next. Example Intertextual Annotated Bibliography:

Course: English 1102 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

Part 2: Inquiry Narrative Essay: Once you have completed your intertextual annotated bibliography, for the second part of your project, you will compose an essay that describes the conversations and interactions taking place in your annotated bibliography. The goal of this paper is to synthesize the major conversations. What should a reader be seeing through your inquiry, and how can they see that in your bibliography? You might think about addressing key players, the movement(s) of the inquiry, questions or topics that arose, and the connections you noticed. Note: DO NOT BEGIN THE ESSAY UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Required Components for Part 2: Inquiry Narrative Essay Your essay must be formatted using MLA conventions. Your essay should identify the question which served as the starting point for your inquiry. Your essay should identify the major topics of conversation emerging in your inquiry. Your essay should indicate key figures involved in your inquiry. Your essay should indicate the movement of the conversation(s), such as various arguments, positions, facts, or questions that shifted the discussions in different directions. Your essay should strive to make connections between sources in order to represent the narrative being told by your annotated bibliography.

Please note, while there is no page requirement for this essay, your work will be assessed on your ability to fulfill the above requirements, as well as the depth of inquiry in your bibliography, your ability to articulate the narrative represented in your annotated bibliography, your ability to engage with and represent variety of sources effectively, and ultimately, your ability to show progress with your thinking and writing. III. About Sources: In order to complete this project, you will have to conduct research using a variety of sources. While the bulk of your sources will most likely consists of various online news publications, other sources may include, but at not limited books, articles, journals, magazines, and web pages. While I cannot determine how many sources you will need to complete your project, I will say that your project should show depth and breadth by displaying how a wide variety of sources are informing your inquiry. Those who take the time and energy to explore where the conversations go in detail will have clearly engaged with inquiry. Additional Points to Consider: As you engage with each source, ask yourself the following questions: What information is this source conveying? What argument or position is this source taking? What questions or issues emerge from this source? How are others responding to this source? Where is the next logical place to take the conversation? Purpose of Assignment: Although the primary purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to methods for developing inquiry questions and various research methods, this assignment will also emphasize the concept of intertextuality, techniques for reading sources effectively, MLA formatting, conventions for academic writing, and of course, the knowledge gained from your inquiry. Due Date: For All Classes: Thursday, February 21st by 5:00 PM (As in 5:00 in the evening, not in the morning)




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