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Engineers Without Boarders

Nakavika, Fiji. January 2013

Chuck Ma The trip to Fiji impacted me in a very positive way both as an engineer and a person. I knew about the trip last spring semester during a EWB meeting and was excited to participate in any way possible and when I was chosen for the trip I was ecstatic about the new environment I would put myself in. My first impression when I walked out of Fiji, International Airport in Nadi was the feeling of the overall tropical humidity and temperature. During our ride to the Nakavika, I felt the disillusioned by the illustrious blue ocean and green field in contrasted against the poverty of the tin homes that litters the main highway as it crosses though the main island. The natives Fijians, however, had a great outlook on life and made the best with what they own. Their culture is a stark contrast with our materialistic American ways and it was refreshing more me to see the community structure the village provides. During the time working in the village, many adults and kids would help us clean and wash the sand, gravel, and barrels need for the filters. I believe that as an engineer we have a responsibility strive for the betterment of the society, especially true for the less fortune places throughout the world. As for the filters we built we didnt get to test them out extensively, but I am optimistic that they will decrease the outbreak of typhoid. As more and more villages see the benefits of water filters less outbreaks of typhoid will happen and knowing that we were the pioneer of this change really gives me a sense of gratitude for the difference engineers can make in our society.

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