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Last Name: N/A First Name: Zeebo Other Names: N/A

Gender: Age: Occupation: Male N/A Garbage man Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major /


1)Zeebo was the eldest son of Calpurnia. They seem to love each other. Although, she does not mention him to the Finch family often. 2) He was apart of the First Purchase Congregation. He was the lead vocalist and hymn leader of the church. Therefore, he had many close friends and relationships in the Church.



Lula (Church member)

Similarities: 1) They are both part of the black community in Maycomb. 2) Zeebo and Lula are loyal members of the First Purchase Church. 3) Both characters had a strong personality that impacted the Church. 4) They also were well known by all congregation members.

Differences: 1) He is more accepting of w 2) Zeebo was a very quiet man, while Lula is more outspoken. 3)Zeebo was also very accepting of the Jem and Scout when they attended a First Purchase Church mass. While, Lula on the other hand, did not like the idea of having white people in the church. Lula was selfish. She questioned why their congregation should allow Jem and Scout in their church, when the white people of Maycomb would never do the same with them. 3) Zeebo was also more respectful and unbias. discriminated him, he did not do the same to others because he know that it is unfair and immoral.

Other Comments: N/A

Zeebo was taught to read by his mother through the use of the bible. He is one of the few people that are apart of the First Purchase Church that can read.

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