TKAM - Bob Ewell

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Last Name: Ewell Gender: Male First Name: Robert E. Lee Age: N/A Other Names: Bob Ewell

Occupation: WPA (fired due to laziness) Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major / Minor

Bob Ewell fathers many children despite being very poor. Bob accuses colored man, Tom Robinson, of sexually assaulting and raping his eldest daughter, Mayella Ewell. However, the trial concludes that he had caught his daughter kissing Robinson therefore beating her. Bob Ewell has ties to Helen Robinson as he constantly harassed her on her way to work. In addition, Ewell threatens Atticus Finch (Tom Robinsons lawyer) as a result to the verdict of the trial. Bob had attempted to murder Jean Louise Scout Finch and Jeremy Atticus Jem Finch, but did not succeed as he had fell on his own knife.

JUXTAPOSITION: Robert E. Lee Ewell

Fathers children without a mother.


Atticus Finch
Bob Ewell would much rather spend the little money he makes on his alcoholic lifestyle than his children. Family is Atticus main priority. Atticus has a successful career as a lawyer and lives a rather privileged life. Bob is very poor, cannot hold a job, and lives in a shack by the city dump. The Ewell family is considered trash. Atticus respects everyone in Maycomb, unlike obnoxious Bob Ewell who accuses an innocent colored man of his crimes. Bob has little respect for his children as he beats and possibly rapes Mayella. Atticus adores his children and tries to teach them moral values throughout their childhood.


Other Comments:

Robert E. Lee Ewell & Atticus Finch: Father figures, education, courage, racism.

He is an alcoholic.

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