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Fairy Tale Unit Goal: Students will write a fractured Fairy Tale with a modern day lesson.

Questions: Assessment Plan What is the structure of a fairy tale? What sorts of lessons are needed for today? How are fairy tales organized? In what way are they presented? What is point of view?

Use structures encountered in texts to organize and present ideas in own oral, print and other media texts Organize ideas and information in presentations to maintain a clear focus and engage the audience Describe and discuss new places, times, characters and events encountered in oral, print and other media texts Use effective openings and closings that attract and sustain reader or audience interest. Select visuals, print and/or other media to inform and engage the audience Retell or represent stories from the points of view of different characters Use quotation marks and separate paragraphs to indicate passages of dialogue in own writing Use words and phrases to modify and clarify ideas in own writing Punctuation

Formative CSTAR chart, Mountain Plot Summaries Mountain Plot Summary Summative Graphic Organizers, Fractured Fairy Tales Graphic Organizers

CSTAR, Character Traits of antagonist Worksheets, Rough Copies Jail Words, Rough Copies, Worksheets Worksheet

Observation, questioning

CSTAR, Venn Diagram,

Descriptive paragraphs, Fractured Fairy Tale

Worksheets Fractured Fairy Tale Fractured Fairy Tale Written short story of a fractured fairy tale. Written short story of a fractured fairy tale Fractured Fairy Tale Fractured Fairy Tale

Sequence of Lessons
Lesson Objective 1 Understand structure of a fairy tale. Plan Define a fairy tale (short story that involves an element of magic). Have students pick out the structural elements of a short story by filling out the CSTAR chart after reading The Grimms Brothers Little Red Riding Hood. Assessment Observation, Collect CSTAR charts.

Emphasize that although there is one main trouble, there are often more little problems along the way that get resolved but make the story more interesting. Have them add these to their chart. Understand Review the structure of a fairy tale. Ask the students if structure there might be an easier way to present the information. of a fairy Re-introduce the mountain structure of a plot summary. tale, Show the student that in this case, we can add more organize bumps along the rising action to accommodate the ideas to added troubles in the story. keep audience Ask the students where we are most likely to find the engaged. information about the characters and setting in the mountain plot summary (in the introduction). Have them take the information from the CSTAR chart and put it on a mountain chart. Then have them place the rest of the information on the plot summary.

Mountain Plot Summaries, Observations, Questioning

Ask the students which chart would be more useful for brainstorming and which would be more useful for organizing their ideas. Understand Follow up on the discussion of the differences in Fairy CSTAR structure Tales that have been passed down through generations. charts, Venn of a fairy What sorts of aspects of the story would we expect to be Diagrams tale, the same? Which parts might be different? Have students organize try to predict these. ideas to keep Read Snow White by Brothers Grimm. Have students audience write down the CSTAR. Together, draw a mountain plot to engaged. show how in Snow White there are mini climaxes rather than in Little Red Cap where the rising action Describe was fairly steady. Ask the students which story was more and interesting. Most will probably say Snow White. Explain discuss that this is because of the rises and drops in the story. new places, times, Read Snow White by Hans Christian Andersen. Have the

characters and events in text 4 Describe and discuss new places, times, characters and events in text

students write down the CSTAR. Using CSTAR charts for both stories, students will compare the 2 stories by using a Venn Diagram. Students will write descriptive paragraphs. Show the students a paragraph that vaguely describes a house. Ask them to draw a picture of the house from what they have written. Then show them a picture of an elaborately decorated house. Together create a paragraph that much better describes the picture. Brainstorm adjectives that would help create a clearer picture. Observation

Discuss that our words help us to create a picture in our readers heads. Use words Review Sentence structure with students. Make sure they and phrases write down the definitions of subject and predicate. to modify Practice together and with work sheets. and clarify ideas in own writing Describe Using their Venn Diagrams created for Snow White, and discuss students will write paragraphs describing the differences new places, between the settings of the two stories. times, characters Remind them of the adjectives they brainstormed the day and events before. Remind them that a paragraph includes one main in text idea. When students are finished their writing, they should check their spelling by using dictionaries. Students who struggle with writing may type their work and listen to it being read back to them on the computer. Sponge: Students may draw pictures of the two settings. writing/shortstory/ writingaparagraph/


Descriptive Paragraphs

Retell or represent stories from the points of view of different characters Retell or represent stories from the points of view of different characters

Define and discuss Point of View. Read the story of The Observation, Three Little Pigs from a third person perspective. Discuss Questioning, how we know it is third person. Then Read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Discuss what makes that first person perspective. Look at the story of Snow White again. With the students, brainstorm how the story might be different if it were from The Evil Queens perspective. Why would she be so jealous of Snow White? Together, re-write the story from the Queens perspective. Be sure to point out that the action is still very similar but the writing is from First Person POV and theres more of an explanation for what the Queen is doing. Rough Copies Introduce the concept of Writers Work Shop. Have students brainstorm for their story and storyelements/setting/ Students who need a challenge will be asked to include at least one character from a different fairy tale in their story. Students who struggle a lot will be given Story Starters to work with. This will allow them to become more comfortable with story structure and word choice. Mini Lesson. Have students look at their own writing. Show them how when characters are having conversations we use quotation marks and we use a different type of spacing than in our other writing. Have them pick a section of their writing where they can work individually on this. Questioning

Rough Copies Graphic Organizers


Use quotation marks and separate paragraphs to indicate passages of dialogue in own writing Use words and phrases to modify and clarify ideas in own writing



How to peer conference: Mini Lesson Discuss with the students how to give constructive feedback. Emphasize that they are not looking for each others spelling mistakes. They just want to make sure the story sounds like a story and is interesting. Go over the Peer Conferencing worksheet that they are required to fill out.


Rough Copies Expectation: Almost all students should be finished their first draft.


Rough Copies


Good Copies

16 Aim for before Easter Break

Sharing Stories


Story Title:

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