Brinkley Chapter 7 Preview: The Jeffersonian Era

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Brinkley Chapter 7 Preview: The Jeffersonian Era 1. What was central to the Republican vision of America? Explain this.

2. Describe private and public education in the early republic. 3. What was a republican mother and why was she important? 4. Describe higher education at this time. 5. Describe medicine and science at this time. 6. What writers exemplified the new national culture? Explain how they did this. 7. What is Deism? What men in particular were Deists? 8. What was the Second Great Awakening? When was it? Why is it significant? 9. What role did women play in the Second Great Awakening? 10. How did the industrial revolution make its way to America? 11. Who invented the cotton gin? What is its significance? 12. Describe the changes in American shipping and transportation. 13. How did Jefferson attempt to end the United States debt? 14. Who were the Barbary pirates? 15. What branches of the government did the Republicans control when Jefferson came into office? 16. What principle did the case Marbury v. Madison establish? What does it mean? 17. What specifically did Jefferson hope to acquire from France in 1803? Why? 18. Your text refers to Jeffersons quandary on page 202. What does this relate to? What is a quandary? 19. Why were Lewis and Clark sent to explore Louisiana? 20. Who was Aaron Burr? 21. Define impressment as it relates to US history. 22. What was he Chesapeake-Leopard Affair? 23. How did Jefferson hope to end British impressment of American ships?

24. What was Jeffersons relationship with the Native Americans? Who was Tecumseh? What happened to him? 25. Who were the important War Hawks? Why were they given this name? 26. What was the Hartford Convention? 27. As a result of the Hartford Convention, what happens to the Federalist party? 28. What were the causes of the War of 1812? 29. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Ghent? 30. What was the Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817?

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