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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


Makes Sense Sense Strategies Strategies Makes

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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, Northport, AL



April 16, 2013


Is about

A structured conversation among students that involves presenting, examining, comparing, and understanding similar and diverse ideas about a controversial topic/issue.
Main idea Main idea Main idea Main idea






Identifying Topics -Teachers must select a controversial topic that all students will enjoy discussing and giving their input/opinion Specifying Learning Objectives -What types of questions should I ask my students?/What skills should my objectives meet? Teachers should focus on a topic that will require students to "dig-deep, meaning to think in a more analytical way rather than strictly reading from the textbook/paper. Allow "wait-time", this helps the students prepare their answers and provide evidence for their opinions Developing Student Knowledge -Have students discuss what they already know or have heard about the topic/ Teachers should be aware that if students don't have any knowledge about the topic then there won't be any type of discussion/Teachers should also give more applicable information about the lesson before he/she begins teaching/Teachers should provide resources and materials for students to gather information Establishing Structure -Be specific about instructions/ clear about expectations/Allow students to do individual thinking before rushing in to clarify what is accurate

Introduction -How will I introduce the topic so that it gains the interest of my students? Will I read from a passage. Will I ask a question, or will I begin with a hands-on lesson? / Teachers should get students familiarized with the topic... it helps them pay attention Exploration -Students should take a stand on the topic.. .what does this means to me? / Can I voice my opinion with adequate reasons for doing so? /Students should be able to clarify their topic and take a position based upon their research Closure -Teachers should review and summarize the lesson and the reason for engaging in the discussion (How it links to the topic)/Inform students that disagreements is ok when discussing certain topics inside the classroom


Teachers should assess the students by providing them with essay-style questions (this allows the teacher to access the students' full understanding of the content as well as their critical thinking skills). Students are also assessed by the teacher's feedback based upon their social interaction skills... A.K.A. "systematic observation". MOTIVATION The students are motivated by peer interaction, controversy (ability to have a dispute and voice your own opinion), and class participation/involvement

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The DISCUSSION STRATGIES model helps to promote higher level thinking, develop student attitudes, and advance student capability for moral questioning.

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