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Teacher: Mr.

Scherff Lesson Topic: Football Reference: Coach Salinas/ PE Central Unit: Catching

Objectives Psychomotor: Students will display an understanding of the newly acquired skills through physical activity and demonstration how to catch a football properly. Cognitive: Students will gain knowledge and understand the technique of catching and throwing. The students will work together and encourage each other to catch better.

Evaluations While paired up, students must use proper technique taught (Diamond above the waist and pinkies below the waist) to catch 15 out of 20 passes that are thrown to them by their partner. The student who is throwing (the Quarterback) will have a form/checklist to write down the number of passes caught out of 20, as well as grade their partner on his/her form. This will allow each student to get some feedback on his/her performance. Teamwork, positive attitudes, support, and honest analysis on scoring form


8.1 ACJKL,8.2 B,8.3 AB,8.4 B,8.5 A, 8.6 AB,8.7AB

8.1 ACJKL,8.2 B,8.3 AB,8.4 B,8.5 A, 8.6 AB,8.7AB

Affective: Students will teach and correct each other on how to catch the ball. Students will demonstrate sportsmanship as well as teamwork and encouragement.

8.1 ACJKL,8.2 B,8.3 AB,8.4 B,8.5 A, 8.6 AB,8.7AB


Intro- Precise and to the point Instructions

Challenges, Verbal cues, Teaching points, Expectations, Rules Pay attention and follow rules


Overview/Intro- Separate into pairs, explain and demonstrate activity, expectations, and stress safety. Warm up/ Explain cues and teaching points Beginning activity/Warm up game

5 20

Drills Game/ Culminating Activity: Explain Ultimate football and how they are on two different teams. Exactly the same as ultimate Frisbee but with a football. Students throw the ball to a teammate and can only take on step after the ball is caught. The object is to go from one end to the other and score a touchdown using throwing and catching skills. Defense can knock the ball down or intercept the ball. In the event of a dropped pass, no completion, an interception or one taking too many steps, this results in a change of possession or a turn over. The team to score the most touchdowns wins. Closing/ Cool down/ Stretching -Ask the students if they had fun, if they liked it, and what they learned.

Demonstrate Safety, Safety, Safety


Have Fun

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