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Zhou 1 Maxwell Zhou Hanf Honors English 10 September 13, 2011 Setting Lesson before Dying Final The

role of the setting in Lesson Before dying is that it reveals the psychology of the characters. The novel uses the words barred windows to show the confined space (128). The barred windows are found in the jail cell that Jefferson is trapped inside of. The windows show how there is an outside world, just that Jefferson cannot get out, using the bars on the windows as a metaphor. Big Door to the cellblock (126). This happens when Grant goes to visit Jefferson for the first time. This entrance is like an analogy to the gates to hell, large and with no exit. Also, the words Shackled hands are used to show his status as a prisoner (137). This is when Jefferson begins to talk to Grant so he can find out what has happened. The shackled hands represent that Jefferson cannot even move freely in his prison cell, in complete control by his surroundings. The cell in Lesson Before Dying shows how the setting changes the peoples thoughts.

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