7cs For Effective Communication

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7cs for effective communication

Completeness Conciseness Consideration Concreteness Clarity Courtesy Correctness

One way to make your message complete is to answer the five Ws. WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY

For achieving the conciseness you have to consider the following. Avoid wordy expression Include only relevant material
Avoid unnecessary repetition.

Three specific ways to indicate consideration Focus on you instead of I or We Show audience benefit or interest of the message Emphasize positive pleasant facts.

The following guidelines should help you to achieve the Concreteness. use specific facts and figures choose image building words

To achieve you need to follow following: You should always Choose precise words. Always choose familiar and easy words. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs

The following are suggestions for generating a courteous tone Be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative. Use expressions that show respect for the others Choose nondiscriminatory expressions Be sincerely Tactful Thoughtful and Appreciative

The term correctness as applied to business messages also mean three characteristics Use the right level of language Check the accuracy of figures facts and words Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

Dos of essential communication

Always think about what your going to say. Use simple words and phrases that are understood by everybody. Increase your knowledge on all the subjects your are required to speak. Speak clearly and audibly. In case of interruption always do little recap. While listening, always make notes of important points. Always ask for clarification if u failed to grasp others view point

Donts of essential communication

Do not react instantly and mutter something in anger. Dont use technical terms and terminology not understood by majority of people. Do not speak too fast or too slow. Do not speak in inaudible surroundings. Do not assume that everybody understands you While listening do not glance here and there it might distract the speaker

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