ME0103Water - Our Future Fuel

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Water --- Our Future Fuel ___________________________________________________________________


Water is the most abundant resource found on the earth, as it occupies more than 67% of earth. It has served our need in many ways like, it quenches our thirst, cleans some of our daily accessories (clothes, utensils etc.), it is used to produce hydro-electric power, also used to produce steam to run turbines, can be used as a coolant and not to discuss there are many more uses. It is difficult to imagine life without water. It is now here to serve the most important need. WATER AS A VEHICULAR FUEL. Is this really all about steam engine? No; exceedingly hi temp & pressure are not used. This is strictly an internal combustion engine with residual steam in the exhaust as a by-product.The present work is an approach to the constructional details and working principle of water as fuel based vehicles and I.C Engine mechanism. Water is not actually the fuel. Hydrogen is the ultimate green fuel. Electrolysis is simple and efficient way to convert ordinary tap water into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen, and then burn these vapors in the engine, instead of smelly, stinky, expensive petroleum. This 'mini-system' can run easily from the existing battery and electrical system, and it can be plugged into the carburetor with simple conversion fittings.

Hydrogen, Electrolysis, Expensive petroleum, Green fuel, internal combustion Engine, Control system etc

With many advantages as seen, water is a potentially viable alternative to replace fuels like LPG, CNG, and Petrol/Diesel etc.The conversion kit is user friendly and can be repaired by an ordinary person. The only emissions of vehicles with water as a fuel are oxygen and steam. Steam can be condensed and reused, while oxygen heals our planet while saving money.

1. Mech III / IV


Water is the most abundant resource found on the earth, as it occupies more than 67% of earths surface. It has served many of our needs & it can be used as a fuel. We have many resources which serveus as fuels.But each of them has some disadvantages. Petroleum products: The major problem what we are facing today is air pollution. Petroleum products contain hydro-carbon which, on combustion in presence of oxygen gives CO (on incomplete combustion), CO2 (on complete combustion) and some other flue gases. The content of these gases in the atmosphere is alarmingly very high. We need to reduce the percentage of these gases. The other problem is the decrement of the availability of fossil fuels in the earth's crust. It is obvious that the cost of petroleum products will never decrease in the future. These are the problems for us to particular. Electric vehicles: Electric vehicles are an alternative to the above mentioned vehicles. These vehicles run on a DC motor powered by a battery. The battery is charged for about 2 hrs before use. The maximum load on the motor is at the most of 2 persons. If the load exceeds this limit, the motor gets damaged. During long drives, all the charge of the battery may drain out, and one should wait for hrs together to recharge the battery depending on the availability of recharging source. In case of hybrid cars, these consume a designate amount of gasoline, and their price tags are extremely high. Solar powered vehicles: These vehicles use solar energy to produce power. These vehicles cannot be used during nights or on a cloudy day. The top portion of the vehicle is to be totally black. Due to this the inner section of the vehicle could get heated up. The setup required for this is high of cost and fragile.

Water as a Fuel:
Water is not actually the fuel. Hydrogen is the ultimate green fuel. Electrolysis is simple and efficient way to convert ordinary tap water into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen, and then burn these vapours in the engine, instead of smelly, stinky, expensive petroleum. This 'mini-system' can run easily from the existing battery and electrical system, and it can be plugged into the carburetor with simple conversion fittings. ABOUT HYDROGEN: Hydrogen is the chemical element represented by the symbol H and an atomic number of 1. At standard temperature and pressure it is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly flammable diatomic gas with a molecular formula H2. With an atomic mass of 1.00794 amu, hydrogen is the lightest element.Hydrogen is the most abundant of the chemical elements, constituting roughly 75% of the universe's elemental mass. Stars in the main sequence are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state. Elemental hydrogen is relatively rare on Earth, and is industrially produced from hydrocarbons such as methane, after which most elemental hydrogen is used "captively" (meaning locally at the production site), with the largest markets about equally divided between fossil fuel upgrading (e.g., hydro cracking) and ammonia production (mostly for the fertilizer

market). Hydrogen may be produced from water using the process of electrolysis, but this process is presently significantly more expensive commercially than hydrogen production from natural gas.

Physical Properties:
Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gas. Its density is 0.0899 g/l (air is 14.4 times as dense). Hydrogen boils at -252.77C. Liquid hydrogen has a density of 70.99 g/l. With these properties, hydrogen has the highest energy to weight ratio of all fuels. 1 kg of hydrogen contains the same amount of energy as 2.1 kg of natural gas or 2.8 kg of gasoline. The energy to volume ratio amounts to about 1/4 of that for petroleum and 1/3 of that for natural gas. Water consists of 11.2% hydrogen by weight. Hydrogen burns in air at concentrations in the range of 4 - 75% by volume (methane burns at 5.3 - 15% and propane at 2.1 - 9.5% concentrations by volume). The highest burning temperature of hydrogen of 2318 C is reached at 29% concentration by volume, whereas hydrogen in an oxygen atmosphere can reach burning temperatures up to 3000C (the highest reached burning temperature in air for methane is 2148C and for propane 2385C). The minimum required ignition energy required for a stoichiometric fuel/oxygen mixture is for hydrogen 0.02 mJ, for methane 0.29 mJ and for propane 0.26 mJ. Even the energy of a static electric discharge from the arcing of a spark is sufficient to ignite natural gas so it is largely irrelevant that hydrogen requires only a tenth of this energy for ignition. The temperatures for spontaneous combustion of hydrogen, methane and propane are 585C, 540C and 487C respectively.

Production of Hydrogen: Primary and secondary energy sources for hydrogen production
As hydrogen is only found in nature in compound form, it must first be produced through the use of energy, before hydrogen itself becomes available for energetic purposes. In this case, one can distinguish between production using a primary energy carrier and production using a secondary energy carrier.Primary energy production presently means hydrogen production from fossil fuels via natural gas reforming as well as the partial oxidation of heavy fuel oil (or Diesel) and coal. Along with these further processes are in the research and development phases. The leader among these is the gasification of biomass, but also worth mentioning is the direct production of hydrogen from algae subjected to solar radiation. It is however only the biomass gasification process whose development phase is so developed, such that a transformation into a market competitive product within the next few years can be expected.The idea and principle of the gasification process or related principles can be applied to the disposal/recycling of organic waste and to some extent to all carbon containing waste matter. Therefore it can be expected that processes for the production of hydrogen from waste matter will be developed in the medium term. Commercialization thereof however, will probably not occur until several years after the introduction of biomass produced hydrogen. Electricity is presently the only secondary energy carrier used to produce hydrogen, either by the electrolysis of water or as a by-product resulting from the chlorine-alkaline electrolysis. Water electrolysis is independent of primary energy use and as such is seen as the essential element of a hydrogen based energy sector. As another secondary energy based production method, the reforming of methanol in mobile applications could play a role in the near future.

Production from fossil fuels:

Of the approximately 500 Bil. Nm3 of hydrogen [4] traded worldwide, the vast majority originates from fossil fuel sources (natural gas, oil) as a by-product in the chemical industry (e.g. Huls chemical works in Marl, Dow Chemical in Stade) during the manufacture of PVC (e.g. chlorinealkaline electrolysis) or from crude oil refining processes. All in all, the production of hydrogen as byproduct accounts for 190 Bil. Nm3 worldwide (38%), of which about 2% or 10 Bil. Nm3 stems from chlorine-alkaline electrolysis (or in Germany, 4.5% of the total 19 Bil. Nm3 of hydrogen produced there). Should in the medium to long term hydrogen achieve a significant share of the energy market, then considering present environmental goals (fewer emissions, CO 2-reduction), it will not be possible to produce hydrogen on a large scale using traditional steam reforming of natural gas. Modern processes (Plasma arc process of Kvrner Engineering) do however offer the potential, through the use of electricity, of C02 free hydrogen production.

Production from Conventional Water Electrolysis:

Conventional alkaline electrolysis works with an aqueous alkaline electrolyte. The cathode and anode areas are separated by a micro-porous diaphragm to prevent mixing of the product gasses. Presently in Germany, conventional unpressurised electrolysis utilizes new materials that replace the previously used asbestos diaphragm. With output pressures of 0.2 - 0.5 MPa these processes can reach efficiencies, related to the lower heating value of hydrogen, of around 65%. Newly developed diaphragms and membranes from other materials demonstrate, through their good turn off characteristics, relatively good reliability when subject to fluctuating operating conditions. They are therefore applicable in conjunction with renewable energy technologies.

Storage of Hydrogen:
Several hydrogen storage technologies are available, including high- pressure gaseous storage, cryogenics storage of liquid hydrogen, and storage as a solid in metal hydrides. Each has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the application. For consumer application proposed here, namely small vehicles, safety being a top-most priority makes metal hydride storage a clear winner for on-board storage.Metal hydrides that reversibly store hydrogen at ambient temperature offer a compact and safe means to store hydrogen on-board at low pressure. Enough hydrogen can be stored on board in metal hydrides to have acceptable driving range between refueling. ECD is a leader in metal hydride technology and has developed a strong patent portfolio for various applications. Alloys have been developed where the kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics can be varied to suit different engineering applications. For the hydrogen ICE application, an alloy was developed that has the following characteristics: Fast hydrogen desorption kinetics- facilitates quick hydrogen release to meet the transient driving requirement Low enthalpy of desorption Can release hydrogen at ambient temperature and at pressures suitable for hydrogen injection at low pressures. It also facilitates direct hydrogen absorption from commercially available medium pressure (150-300 psig) electrolyzer, without any further compression Long cycle life- over 1000 charge-discharge cycles with ultrahigh purity hydrogen High-density alloys- compact storage systems, high volumetric storage density of hydrogen

Mobile Storage :
In the last few years, the introduction of natural gas driven automobiles has seen the development of compact mobile pressurized gas tanks. These tanks are generally rated for filling pressures of 20 MPa. As a result of the American practice of increasing storage pressure and hence storage density, there are now some tanks available with rated filling pressures of 24.8 MPa or even 30 MPa suitable for hydrogen as well as natural gas. Because of the weight advantage, the last few years has seen the replacement of steel tanks with composite tanks (full-composite, alu-composite) in the mobile area. These tanks have sizes ranging from 50 l (Length: 953 mm, Diameter: 310 mm) to 392 l (Length: 6000 mm, Diameter: 335 mm).An overview of presently available mobile hydrogen tanks is given in the figure below. The lowest storage density, at 0.5 kWh/kg, is achieved with steel tanks and 20 MPa pressure. The highest storage density is that obtained with lightweight fullcomposite bottles which have rated operating pressures in Germany of 24.8 MPa.

Requirements: Plastic water tank with pump and level sensor. Control circuit, wiring, connectors, and epoxy. Reaction chamber with electrodes and fittings. 3/8" stainless steel flex-tubing, fittings and clamps -carb/FI vapour-pressure fitting kit. -pressure, CHT (cylinder head temp) & level gauges. Stainless steel valves. Ceramic surface treatment for cylinders & pistons. Stainless steel or ceramic treated exhaust assembly. Reaction Chamber: Construct as shown in Figure 2. Use a section of 4" PVC waste pipe with a threaded screwcap fitting on one end and a standard end-cap at the other. Make sure to drill-and-epoxy or tap threads through the PVC components for all fittings. Set and control the water level in the chamber so that it well submerses the pipe electrodes; yet leave some headroom to build up the hydrogen/oxygen vapour pressure.Use stainless steel wires inside the chamber or otherwise use a protective coating; use insulated wires outside. Ensure that the epoxy perfects the seal, or otherwise lay down a bead of water-proof silicone that can hold pressure.The screw fitting may require soft silicone sealant, or a gasket; its purpose is to hold pressure and allow periodic inspection of the electrodes. No leaks, no problems. Make sure you get a symmetric 1-5mm

gap between the 2 stainless steel pipes. The referenced literature suggests that the closer to 1mm you get, the better. You WILL want to get your chamber level sensor verified BEFORE you epoxy the cap on.Make your solder connections at the wire/electrode junctions nice, smooth, and solid; then apply a water-proof coating, e.g. the epoxy you use for joining the pipes to the screw cap.This epoxy must be water-proof and be capable of holding metal to plastic under pressure.You WILL want to get your chamber level sensor verified BEFORE you epoxy the cap on. Control Circuit: NE 555 is a timer. It will generate pulses. It alts as a monostable multivibrator. At pin2, trigger signal is applied.At pin5, control voltage is applied.LM 741 with pin2&3 consisting of 1K resistors is the non-inverting amplifier. It gives the control voltage.The resistor and capacitor at pin7&6 of the I/P of NE 555 gives the width of the pulse at the O/P of pin3.By changing the values of these resistor and capacitors, the width of the pulse is modified.The speed of the vehicle increases with the increase in the pulses going into the reaction chamber. Duty cycle will vary with the throttle in the vicinity of 90%Mark 10%Space (Off/On). Throttle Control: If there is a throttle position sensor, access the signal from the sensor itself or from the computer connector. This signal is input to the circuit as the primary control (i.e. throttle level pulse width = vapor ate).If no such signal is available, rig a rotary pot (variable resistor) to the gas linkage (i.e. coupled to something at the gas pedal or throttle cable running to the carbonised or Fl. If the attachment is at the cart/Fl, use a pot that can handle the engine temp cycles. Mount it securely to something study and stationary that will not fall apart to step on the gas. Control Range: The full throttle RANGE (idle-max) MUST control the vapour rate, i.e. pulse-width (duty). The resistor values at the throttle signal must allow the throttle signal voltage, say 1-4 Volt swing, to drive the VAPOR RATE. You will be using this voltage swing to generate a 10% ON 'square' pulse. Using a 'resonant' pulse in the 10-250 KHz frequency range. In this circuit, you will simply tune to whatever frequency makes the most efficient vapour conversion. You will have to get into the specs for each IC you use, to insure you connect the right pins to the right wires, to control the frequency and pulse width.You can use spare sockets to try out different discrete component values. Just keep the ones that are spec-compatible in the circuit, and get the job done.You crank up the throttle signal and put more electrical energy (fatter pulses) into the electrodes; verify you can get 10% duty on the scope (2 - 100 usec on the horizontal time-base). Your averaging DVM will display the 90%-I 0% DC voltage across the output transistor (Vce or Vds or Output to Ground). Set and connect DVM in the supply current and measure .5 - 5 amps, without blowing the DVM fuse. Now verify that you got everything you wanted.Verify your wiring connections using your DVM as a continuity detector. Check your wiring 1 at a time and yellow line your final schematic as you go. You can best use board-mount miniature POTs for anything you want to set-and-forget. The LEDs are there to give you a quick visual check of normal vs abnormal operation of your new creation. You WILL want to get your chamber level sensor verified BEFORE you epoxy the cap Figure. Fittings are required to the carb/FI I. There are ready-made kits (such as by Impco) available for making your pressure fittings to the carburetor or fuel-injector as the case may be. You will necessarily be sealing the built in vents and making a 1-way air-intake.The copper mesh comprises the inadvertent backfire' protection for the reaction chamber. Make sure that all vapor/duct junctions are air-tight and holding full pressure without leakage. Your new 'system' is considered successful and properly adjusted when you get the full power range at lower temp and minimum vapor flow without blowing the pressure safety valve.

CHT (or EGT): Monitor your engine temp with the CHT (cylinder head temp) or EGT (exhaust gas temp) instead of your original engine temp indicator (if any). Your existing gauge is TOO SLOW for this application and will not warn you against overheating until after you have burnt something. Make sure that your engine RUNS NO HOTTER than in the gasoline arrangement. VDO makes a CHT gauge with a platinum sensor that fits under your spark plug against the cylinder head (make sure it is REAL CLEAN before you reinstall your spark plug (as this is also an electrical ground). Engine Exhaust Treatment: Get the valves replaced with stainless steel ones AND get the pistons/cylinders ceramic-treated ASAP when you have successfully converted and run your new creation. Do not delay as these items WILL RUST, either by sheer use or by neglect (i.e. letting it sit). You could make max use of your current exhaust system by using it with your new deal until it rusts through, then have your mechanic or welder friend to fit a stainless steel exhaust pipe (no catalytic converter is required). But it could be ea$ier to send your existing exhaust system out for the ceramic treatment, and then simply re-attach it to the exhaust ports. GENERAL: 1. Do not discard or remove any of the old gasoline set up components, e.g. tank, carb/FI, catalytic converter, unless necessary. Better to always leave an easy way to revert back to something that at least runs, just in case. Some people are leaving their gasoline set up completely intact, and switching back and forth at will, just to have a backup plan. 2. Set your throttle circuit so that you get minimum vapour flow at IDLE, and maximum vapour flow at FULL POWER without blowing the pressure relief valve. In this way, you control how 'lean' your mixture is by the strength of the pulse (i.e. 'fatness' at the optimum pulse frequency). If you just don't get enough power (at any throttle setting), it means that you need to

(1) change the pulse frequency, (2) change the gap between the electrodes, (3) change the size (bigger) electrodes, OR (4) make a higher output pulse voltage (last resort).

Always use an output transistor, such as a MOSFET, that is rated for the voltage and current you need to get the job done. OK so you might have to play around with it some. Isn't that where all the Fun is anyhow? If you get ANY engine knock our loud combustions (not compensated by adjusting the timing), it means that you need to install an additional coil in the chamber, and drive the coil with an additional pulse signal (about 19 Hz on the .lsec time base) (see Figure 5). Here,you will be slowing down the burn rate just enough so that the vapours burn throughout the power stroke of the piston. Be sure to include a board-mount POT to set the correct strength of this 2nd pulse signal into the coil. This is a stainless steel coil of about 1500 turns (thin wire) that you can arrange like a donut around the center pipe (but NOT touching either electrode), directly over the circular 1-5mm gap. You want NO KNOCKING at any power/throttle setting; smooth power only, but also no excess hydrogen leftover from the combustion. 5. Build the canister(s) as tall as you can without compromising your ability to mount them conveniently near the dash panel, or in the engine compartment, as the case may be. This way, you can always make the electrodes bigger, if necessary without undue hardship. Remember that

anything in the engine compartment should be mounted in a bullet-proof, vibration and temperature tolerant fashion. 6. If you have to drill a through-hole for wiring or plumbing through metal, make sure to also install a grommet for protection against chafing. Always watch your chamber pressure range from IDLE (15-25 psi) - FULL POWER (30-60 psi) - Set your safety-pressure relief-valve to 75 psi and make sure it's rated for much higher. 7. Shut OFF the power switch and pull over if there is any MALFUNCTION of the system. Your engine will last longest when it still develops FULL POWER+ at some minimum temperature that we are sure you can find, by leaning back the Royal Vapour Flow and/or by making use of the watervapour cooling technique (see Figure 7). Keep good mpg performance records, and periodic maintenance/inspection. Keep it clean; save some money; clean the air; heal the planet; happy motoring; tell a friend; enjoy your freedom and self-empowerment; haul ass. 8. There lacks documented material for perfecting this vapour system through a fuel injector; there may be some details you will discover on your own as working prototypes progress. For example, you may be restricted to inject the hydrogen/oxygen vapour WITHOUT ANY water vapour, as it may rust the injectors. If engine temp and CHT is a problem, then you will want to re-think your plan, e.g. ceramic-coating the injectors. There is always 'replacing the Fl system with a Carb'. 9. If you install the water-vapour system (for lower operating temp/stress), you will want to lean the mixture (vapour/air) for minimum vapour flow rate to achieve any given throttle position (idle - max). Make sure that you get a minimum flow for IDLE an a modestly sufficient flow for MAX, that does the cooling job without killing the combustion. 10. If you cannot find stainless steel pipe combinations that yield the 1-5mm gap, you can always regress back to alternating plates of +/- electrodes. 11. If you are concerned about the water freezing in your system, you can (a) add some 98% isopropyl alcohol and re-adjust the pulse frequency accordingly; or (b) install some electric heating coils. Working: Here we have the setup showing how it works.Water is pumped as needed to replenish and maintain the liquid level in the chamber. The electrodes are vibrated with a 0.5-SA electrical pulse which breaks[2H20--->2H2+02]. When the pressure reaches say 2-4 atms, turn the key and go. Step on the pedal which send more energy to the electrodes, and thus more vapour to the cylinders; i.e. fuel vapour on demand. Set the idle max flow rate to get the most efficient use of power. A Free Energy is coming from the tap water, in an open system, as the latent energy in the water is enough to drive the alternator and whatever belt-driven accessories; and the alternator is efficient enough to run the various electrical loads (10-20 amps), including the additional low current to run this vapour reaction. No extra batteries are required. Internal Combustion Engine: The potato cannon uses the basic principle behind any reciprocating internal combustion engine: If you put a tiny amount of high-energy fuel (like gasoline) ina small, enclosed space and ignite it, an incredible amount of energyis released in the form of expanding gas. You can use that energy topropel a potato 500 feet. In this case, the energy is translated into potato motion. You can also use it for more interesting purposes. Forexample, if you can create a cycle that allows you to set offexplosions like this hundreds of times per minute, and if you canharness that energy in a useful way, what you have is the core of a car engine! Almost all cars currently use what is called a fourstroke combustion cycle to convert gasoline into motion. The four-stroke approach is also known as

the Otto cycle, in honor of Nikolaus Otto, who invented it in 1867. The four strokes are illustrated in figure. They are: Intake stroke Compression stroke Combustion stroke Exhaust stroke You can see in the figure that a device called a piston replaces the potato in the potato cannon. The piston is connected to crankshaft by a connecting rod. As the crankshaft revolves, it has the effect of "resetting the cannon." Here's what happens as the engine goes through its cycle: 1. The piston starts at the top, the intake valve opens, and the piston moves down to let the engine take in a cylinder-full of air and gasoline. This is the intake stroke. Only the tiniest drop of gasoline needs to be mixed into the air for this to work. 2. Then the piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture. Compression makes the explosion more powerful. 3. When the piston reaches the top of its stroke, the spark plug emits a spark to ignite the gasoline. The gasoline charge in the cylinder explodes, driving the piston down. of the 4. Once the piston hits the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve opens and the exhaust leaves the cylinder to go out the tailpipe. Now the engine is ready for the next cycle, so it intakes another charge of air and gas. Notice that the motion that comes out of an internal combustion engine is rotational, while the motion produced by a potato cannon is linear (straight line). In an engine the linear motion of the pistons is converted into rotational motion by the crankshaft. The rotational motion is nice because we plan to turn (rotate) the car's wheels with it anyway.

Transportation vehicles especially the 2 and 3 wheelers are primarily responsible for extremely poor air quality in Indias major cities. Conversion of these 2/3-wheelers to run on hydrogen would result in dramatic improvement in air quality, in addition to economic benefits for the nation.While the industrialized world has begun to make the move towards a hydrogen economy that is free from fossil fuels the rate at which this will happen, and the pathways towards this goal must be different for different nations. The major automotive companies in the world are aiming towards hydrogen/fuel cell based light and heavy- duty vehicles, and the transition is expected to begin occurring sometime after 2012. This is expected to allow the technology developers sufficient time for fuel cell costs to become affordable and also gives future energy companies time to develop a hydrogen infrastructure.The fact that the daily needs of the average consumer in India and other developing nations are very modest as compared with the needs of the consumers in the highly industrialized countries can be put to advantage.

Pre-Ignition Problems: The primary problem that has been encountered in the de-velopment of operational hydrogen engines is premature ig-nition. Premature ignition is a much greater problem in hydrogen fueled engines than in other IC engines, because of hydrogens lower ignition energy, wider

flammability range and shorter quenching distance.Premature ignition occurs when the fuel mixture in the com-bustion chamber becomes ignited before ignition by the spark plug, and results in an inefficient, rough running en-gine. Backfire conditions can also develop if the premature ignition occurs near the fuel intake valve and the resultant flame travels back into the induction system. A number of studies have been aimed at determining the cause of pre-ignition in hydrogen engines. Some of the re-sults suggest that pre-ignition are caused by hot spots in the combustion chamber, such as on a spark plug or exhaust valve, or on carbon deposits. Other research has shown that backfire can occur when there is overlap between the open-ing of the intake and exhaust valves. It is also believed that the pyrolysis (chemical decomposition brought about by heat) of oil suspended in the combustion chamber or in the crevices just above the top piston ring can contribute to preignition. This pyrolysed oil can enter the combustion chamber through blow-by from the crankcase (i.e. past the piston rings), through seepage past the valve guide seals and/or from the positive crankcase ventilation system (i.e. through the intake manifold).

With many advantages as seen, water is a potentially viable alternative to replace fuels like user friendly and can be repaired by an ordinary person. The only emissions of vehicles with water as a fuel are oxygen and steam. Steam can be condensed and reused, while oxygen heals our planet while saving money.
LPG, CNG, and Petrol/Diesel etc.The conversion kit is


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