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Factor (in store mobility) Bright lighted store attracts me more store layout affects my store choice behavior

product display affects my store choice behaviour

s. agree 25 32 37 22 34 43

agrree 43 40 35 39 32 35

Music in store positively influence store choice behavior Changing room in store important for me Sale assistance in the store important for me Factor (Accessibility dimension) Location influence my store choice behavior I prefer visiting a store near to my home Parking facility near store is very important for me Open on holidays possitively affacts my store choice behavior Factor (Store ambience) It is important that the product can be easily searched in a store clean store positively affects my store choice behavior Visual appeal is important in choosing a store Store with more walking space is more attractive

37 27 23 28

39 41 38 31

44 28 17 23

43 45 45 30

neutral 16 15 22 28 20 15

disagree s. disagree 13 3 11 2 5 1 6 5 10 4 4 3

12 19 23 23

10 9 13 15

2 4 3 3

9 17 25 22

3 9 12 17

1 1 1 8

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