Caroline Fisher 1

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Last Name: Fisher First Name: Caroline Other Names: Miss Caroline

Gender: Age: Occupation: Female N/A 1st Grade Teacher Town of Residency: State of Residency: Maycomb Alabama Characters significance to the novel: Major /


1) Caroline Fisher shares a relationship with all her students in her first grade class. She is Scouts first grade teacher. Both characters start off on the wrong foot when they first meet each other. Fisher upsets Scout by forbidding her from reading with her father. Also, Miss Fisher scolds and punishes Scout when she tells her that she shamed a student by giving him money for lunch. In addition, she gets in a disagreement with Burris Ewell after he refuses to listen to her when she demanded that he should go home and clean himself up.

JUXTAPOSITION: Caroline Fisher

Similarities: 1) Both characters have good intentions, but their ignorance causes them to act negatively. For example: 2) Both are white females. 3) Fisher and both use their power and authority to express their opinions and beliefs to people.


Miss Gates

Differences: 1) Caroline is new to Maycomb and does not understand how the Maycomb society works. 2) Miss Gates was a hypocrite when she taught her children about Hitler.

Other Comments: N/A

Caroline comes from Northern Alabama. She uses untraditional techniques she learned from her collage courses to teach her class.

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