Our Church: Share God's Word. Connect With Your Community. Make Difference. Give Dignity

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In your church

Jobs for LifeTM (JfL) is a Christianbased work-readiness program that empowers churches, members, businesses and community leaders to make a positive difference in the lives of others while building deeper and stronger relationships with each other, their community and with Christ. Through the dignity of work, Jobs for Life provides the platform for positive change and opens the door to new, unique ways to serve God.

Share Gods Word. Connect With Your Community. Make Difference. Give Dignity.

When a church member finds their volunteer niche, it helps them feel more connected to the church and to God. The JfL training program has given our members a way to apply their personal passions and skills to spread faith while making a positive difference in the lives of people locally. - Hal Melton, Associate Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church

JfL Creates
Believers JfLs program, based on the application of Biblical principles to real-world employment situations, allows you to share Gods Word in a relatable way, thus encouraging newcomers to accept Christ and become a part of the church family. Ministry Opportunities JfL offers new and rewarding ways to serve God based on members personal skill sets and interests, including expanded leadership and outreach opportunities. The Jobs for Life program enables church members to love their neighbors and empower others through the dignity of work. Advocates JfL provides the avenue for churches and their members to connect to their community and be seen as the leader and resource for positive changes to many of the communitys problems. Employees God created us to work. Work gives us dignity, value and purpose. A lack of work leads to devastating consequences for everyone more poverty, homelessness, crime, domestic violence, divorce, debt, depression, and even suicide. Through our faith-based program, JfL helps men and women develop the character, confidence and core work readiness skills to prepare them for work and life. Networks Jobs for Life is a conduit for change. By creating new leaders, believers and work-ready individuals, JfL helps churches and their members continue to spread Gods world while making a positive long-term difference in the lives of others.

P.O. Box 20368 | Raleigh, NC 27619 | 888.408.1565 | JobsforLife.org

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