Passover Is in Our Torah: (T) Silver Tsadeh-Ts Sound Crayon Quof-K Sound Red Resh-R Sound

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Passover is in our Torah

The children worked on arranging their when we feel not free and their when we feel free drawings and printed pictures into our Torah. They decided to put the not free pictures on the right side and the free pictures on the left, separated by the red sea. Then they added words they felt were important scattered around the pictures and drawings.

What do you notice about the Torah?

The Mantle or Breast Plate

The Clothing

There is Writing

A Crown in the Middle

Fringes on the Clothing

It has a necklace. It goes in front of the Torah. There is only one original Torah. The sides are kind of shiny and there are little like tiny ropes. Theres little king tops on the top. Theres a crown. I think it is made of foil...silver! There is Hebrew writing and scenery around it. Its called a chuppah. Its something at a wedding that you walk down to and stand under it. A crown in the middle on the fabric on the torah. This thing holds it together so none of the pages get ripped out. Theres no pages in the Torah, only one big scroll. Theres this that you read the Torah with. Thats called a Yad- it means hand so you dont get the juice from your ngers on it.

(T)Silver Tsadeh-Ts sound

Crayon Quof- K sound

Red Resh-R sound

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