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FOURTH EDITION 1, INTRODUCTION— SQUAD LEADER is very és same sytem. Use them wisely PR Ra Re Rae a Rs se GAME SETI 2, UNIT COUNTERS 21 The die-cut cardboard pieces (henceforth feferred to a8 unit counters) Fepresent infantry Squads, their officers and NCO's (henceforth Colletively referred to as leaders) and various Support weapons used inthe play ofthe game. The faumbers on the unit represent that unit's eapabili- ties and characteristics. The following diagram illustrates the symbolization found on the front of the basic SQUAD LEADER infantry and Support Weapon units. Symbotiation on the back of these counters will be explained later. sovap ; von af AL wane pesenip(l) le NOTE: The "ha mena os dh SUPPORT WEAPONS Webat tne Prepon & Peeation 2.2 FIREPOWER is the basic strength 2 ‘counter can attack with in combat 2.3. RANGE isthe number of hexagons away from the hex of the fring unit thatthe eourter ean. reach with its normal firepower factors Range to 2 target is calculated as the least numberof exes from the firing unit to the target hex inclusive regardless of actual number of hexes crossed by the Line of Sight (hereafter refered to as LOS— see 0. 24 MORALE is a relative rating of a units ability towithstand punishment before “breaking” land running for cover. This is the point at whieh ‘their will to survive overcomes army discipline 25 IDENTITY is the name and rank of the leader unit for identification purposes only 26 LEADERSHIP isthe relative rating of leader's tactical competence and ability to get the best out of his men. This modifier, usually negative, is added 38 2 modifier to the morale or Firepower dice rolls of any squads influenced by the leader 27 WEAPON TYPE shows the type of support weapon in use. Support weapon counters fist be manned bya squad counter to be ‘operative, although in some cases a leader may ‘man a support weapon alone with the same or lessened effect. The term "MG" will be used hereafter to indicate a form of Machine Gun support weapon. Enemy MG's may be captured ‘and used by either sie, 28 PENETRATION isa capability unique to machine guns which allows thet fire to be fully effective against all units in 2 number of target exes as opposed to the regular firepower of a squad which efeetsonly one targethex. The hexes penetrated must be ita staight line along the Line of Sight. Hence a MMG witha penetration factor of 4 could fire through four hexes with sql effect in each hex, The penetrated hexes feed nor be adjacent nor in the same “ex r0W” (See 175.6). A penetration factor does norallow a MG to fire vhrough a building or woods terrain feature inte another hex however. The penetration factor of a MG is aeay'slostwhenfiring from one level of elevation toa differen level of elevation °29 The BREAKDOWN number determines whether a weapon suffers temporary malfunction while Firing (1.0. 3. THE MAPBOARD— 3.41 GAME SET 1 uses only one mapboard, the city boaed 1. The description of terrain typesi¢ found on the Terrain Effects Chart (hereafter teferred to as TEC) which is located on the back cover of this rulebook ‘32 Superimposed over the mapboard is a hexagon network used to determine movement and range. 133 Within each hexagon (hex) isa white dot {or square) which marks the absolute center of that hex, Asal fring sdone fromcenterofhexto ‘enter of hex, these dors become the reference Points for determining the Line of Sight. (7) ‘34 Note that while Game Set T uses only one mapboard, all the board sections are isomorphic find can be butted together in any fashion to form larger playing areas. "35 GRID CO-ORDINATES Each hex has its own identifying gei co-ordinate printed inthe top center of the hex. The fll grid co-ordinate is composed of the board number, hex row letter, land the hex nurmber within that row. Forexample, hex 2BBS contains the hill symbol “AS38 ‘Whenever two boards are butted together the half heres of each board edge combine to form an tntie hex. I only one of these half hexes contains 4 grid co-ordinate the combined hex s considered pat of the bourd containing the grid co-ordinate Ii neither or both hexes contain a printed grid co- ordinate the hee derives its board aumber snd row letter from the northeastern most board in the mapboard configuration. The row postion ‘number would be either 0 or 19 depending onthe covordinate ofthe adjacent hex in the identifying "3.6 The sidowalk or path illustrations (exam ple: hex 1BBS) and the difference in color of the paved roads ofthe city (1C4) and dirt roads (1B5) fof the countryside play norolein the game and ere included for aestetie purposes only. 3.1. Board edge half hexes are playable and have the same effect as full hexes. 3H Terrain Elfects and Movement Costs of exer containing more than one terrain featureare cumulative. Therefore it costs infantry 4 MF to fenter hex 219 and fire ino that target hex will be ‘modified by #3 t0 the dice ral 4, SEQUENCE OF PLAY— For purposes of definition we will efer to the player moving first inthe Uenas the artacker the player moving second as the defender. Each gome {urn consists aftwo complete & phase player urns. representing 2 minutes of actual time. 41 RALLY PHASEBoth players may attempt to repair malfunctioning support weap- ‘ons and rally broken units ‘42 PREP FIRE PHASE—The attacking player may now fiteany of hisunitsat enemy units Within the atacking unit's LOS. Place a Prep Fire ‘marker on those units which fe 2 43 MOVEMENT PHASE~The attacking player may now move those unbroken wits Which didnot fire during the Prep Fire Phase. ‘44 DEFENSIVE FIRE PHASE—The de- fending player may now fire any of his units at enemy unis currently within their LOS. or who moved. inthe preceding Movement Phase, through their LOS, 45 ADVANCING FIRE PHASE~The at tacking player may now fie any of his units whieh moved during the Movement Phase at firepow- fer. He may als fie at their full firepower those lunits which neither Prep Fired or moved. Units ‘which Prep Fired may not fire in the Advancing Fite Phase. Remove all Prep Fire markers, “4 ROUT PHASE— Broken smnits of both sides must seek cover in woods or buildings, moving player routing his. units first, Those already in such cover need not move unless adjacent to an enemy unit. ‘47 ADVANCE PHASE—The atacking player may now move any arallorhis non-broken Infantry units one hex (egardless of prior fire oF rmovenient status). The Bex advanced into may be ‘occupied by enemy units, Thit isthe onl time you may move an infanry unitintoahex occupied by fan enemy unit. (Exceptions: 27,53.4, 56,57) 48 CLOSE COMBAT PHASE—Unis of ‘both sides occupying the same hex must atiack those enemy units oa the Close Combat Table. {49 This ends the attacking player's turn. The defending. player now becomes the attacking player, inverts the Turn counter and repeats steps 4.1-48, At that point one complete game turn finished and the turn coufter is reinverted and advanced one box on the Scenario Turn Record Chart 5. MOVEMENT— 45.1 During the Movement Phase portion of your turn yourmay moveall,some, or none of your Units whieh dad nor fire during she Prep Five Phase '$2 Units are moved in any direction or combination of directions up to the limit oftheir ‘Moverient Factors (hereater refered toas ME). The die has nothing t0 do. with movement Basically each units permitted to movea number fof hexes equal to its movement factor, although this may be increased, decreased, or restricted by leaders (548), terrain (5.3), presence of enemy Units (5.4) items eared (5.7), oF fire fromenemy units (16). '33 Units may move over and slack on top of ‘other friendly units. Movement factors cannot be transferred from one unit to another, nor can they be accumulated from turn to tur. 64 Only vehicles have separate MF allo ‘mens printed on their counter. All other counters have a uniform movement capability based on their unit type: ‘S41 Every squad counter has 4 ME. 'SA2 Every leader counter has 6 MF. 'SA3 No support wenpon counter has 2 MF of its own, They must be “carried” by squad, leader fF vehicle counters t0 move, ‘544 Ifa squad(s) spends the entire Movement Phase stacked with a leader it would receive a 2 MF bonus. ‘85 Everytime a unit moves into a hex it expends a number of its MF for that turn, ‘dependent on the terrain within that hex. Thecost in ME to enter a hex is shown below and is also summarized on the Quick Reference Data Card Open Ground, Shelhole, Wheatfield IME onto Road fees a noetoud Nestle IME Onto Road from a road hexide os 1/2 "Woods 2ME Sener any Building 2Me Move within Balding ame Over Walle or hedge ie -cor COT = Cost of Terain moved int. ‘5.51 Walls and hedges are printed directly on the Rexsides themselves. When crossing such a heaside, a unit pays a one MF penalty plus the normal cost ofthe terrain in the hex moved into, 5.82 The MF cost for moving into a road hex is 4 MF only if the hex is entered through a hexside crossed by the road 15.83 +The MF cost of infantry emering Open Grotind (hills), road, buildings, and woods hexes 's doubled while moving onto a higher terrain hex than previously occupied. There is no additional penalty for moving along the same level of high terrain hexes. There is no additional or lessened 0st for moving from higher tolower terrain. Note hhowever that there is no terrain elevation differentiation (other than two story buildings) on mapboard #1 which is the only board used in Game Set 1 5.84 Terrain effects are cumulative for units ‘moving into or through hexes containing more than one type of terrain. (Exception: infantry moving into shellhole along road) Exception Hon 3119 cat 2 MF to ener fom exes M9. 2g) Wot Me eee fom. te Semon The Youd leading nt The hx doe no heat the ‘sme he rin tbo me er 5.6 Infantry units may move up toand around enemy units with no restrictions (Exception— 16.1), but may only move into a hex occupied by fan enemy unit during the Advance Phase (Exceptions—27 2, 568, 57.) ‘8.1 SUPPORT WEAPONS-Squads and leader counters may carry support weapons at varying costs to their own movement factors These portage costs per weapon are shown on the Support Weapons Chart. The portage cost for ‘carrying a support wespon isthe same regardless of the distance traveled. An infantry unit ean pick up (or drop) support weapons at any point in its move providing it has sufficient MF to do so. Notice that the portage cost ofthe same weapon may be different—depending upon whether itis carried by a squad or leader counter, A squad may carry up 1 3 portage points at no cost 10 its own Movement Facior. A leader may carry I portage point of support weapons at no cost to hit own Movement Facior. A unit loses one MF for each portage point carried over these normal portage ‘capabilities omg pat) expe ony} Movement sry Sg Rls Pas crpanea brant fmt ata. TAP Boning te Mose Pans 5.1 A teader may never cany Support ‘Weapons in excess of 3 leader portage point ‘S172 The portage capability of unit may not bbe combined with that of other units. Exception: NOTE A. A weapon can be eatred by only one lait ata time and the portage cost for that weapon ‘must be paid by chat unit. Therefore two squads ‘may not movea HIMGany further than onesquaé. However, a leader spending its entire Movervent Phase with a squad may sil impart a movement ‘bonus to the squad, even if the leader is itself carrying 3 portage points of support weapons. 3.78. Regardless of movernent penalty due to terrain and/or weapons portage asquad erewcan 5.7 SUPPORT WEAPONS CHART PORTAGE CosTS Support ‘Weapon Squad/Crew Leader OPERATION CAPABILITIES. Squad___Lender IMG TO MMG' EMG FUT TMGar ietrepower E Yes 73) Flamethrower ba 1D 223) 1Ca2H Demolition Charge TD Garey 1C cD Panzertanse cpH | «ay 16737 Bazooka No | 207) EGA Radio Nor NA 1) ‘Antctank Gow 10Smm Howitzer Mortar (63.8 Buea eH ores: Yeo No Da | Tae ONA ‘AvTuo leaders may caty one MMG/HMG I hex per Movement Phase. '3Any squad may push I hex during Movement Phas. CMe havea leadership modifier of or "3 ‘D—Muat he Anau Engineer, EAny two ieders may fe fll strength F_Ont MG or fiepomer factors a RO cst or any two MG's in excess of 4 firepower factors and fret squads inherent firepower Go Most be Crew eunier HoMest be American unit For sucking porposes ony always cary up to portage points one hex during the Advance Phase. A Leader may always carry up {o 3 leader portage points one hex during the ‘Advance Phase 5.74 Any squad carrying 4 or more portage points or a leader carrying 2 or more leader portage points during a Movement Phase may not fire a support weepon in the ensuing Advance Fire Phase, '.75 No infantcy unit may fire more than one ‘ype of support weapon in the same fire phase LMG, MMG and HMG are al considered one ‘ype of support weapon, ‘5.16 Unless otherwise specified, when refer ring to portagecoststhese rules willalwaysrefer to ‘squad usage costs 6. STACKING— ‘64 Each player may sek no more than 4 of Infantry units (only 3 of whieh may be squads) plus a maximum of 10 portage points of suppor ‘weapons per bex. (Exceptionr: 27.2, $6.8. $7) 62 In Close Combat situations both sides ‘may occupy the same hex up {0 their normal ‘maximum stacking limit. Once Close Combat has tended with onesie victorious, any excess suppor ‘weapon counters must be eliminates. with the vietorious player given the choice of which ‘weapons to remove (63 Players may exceed stacking limits during movement so long as hexes are not overstacked at the end of the Movement Phase. 7. BASIC LINE OF SIGHT (LOS)— cat ows se ord ‘tne mate van sw be pees Secon 74 Allsightng is assuined to fellow astraight line measured from the center of the firing hex to the center ofthe target hex, Any rubber band ora piece of string stretched taut will suffice to check the LOS although a transparent straight edge orks best, he obstaclecan be observed onbath 3 sides of the string the LOS is blocked. If any disagresment arises as to whether a LOS is ‘obstructed it should be resolved with a friendly roll of the die 7.2 Line of Sight in Game Set 1 is considered unobstructed unless it passes directly through a woods or building symbol (not necessarily a woods or building hex). Such symbols present in the fring or target hex do not obstruct LOS unless the LOS passes through the symbol itself. The presence of infaniry unis ina hex does not ‘necessarily block LOS through that hex. Fite may be traced through infantry units without affecting them ifthe firer prefers Exception: 17.6) 7 LOS extends into woods or building symbols but nor through them into hexes beyond the hex containing the first woods or Building symbol encounteted (Exception: Elevation Differences 7.9. 74 Buildings whieh cover 3 hexes or more are ‘considered to be mulivstory structures and wits in such buildings may trace LOS over buildings of 2 hexes of smaller and woods. The hex direct! behind a building ot woodsin dieet LOS trom the firing hex is considered a Bind Hexand cannot be fired upon Sraegengretee ream Sao

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