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Inceput: Sunteti un grup de prieteni care ajung in valcea si vor sa caute ceva interesant de vazut.

Dup ace spunem povestea, va aratam o poza si vedeti ca persoanele din poza seamana cu voi. Asa ca va duceti si voi acolo si va faceti o poza in aceeasi pozitie. Punem fantana in fata tribunalului, ca sa fie ceva realistic.Uite ce am scris pana acum:

Eu: Welcome to Ramnicu Valcea. We are Valcea Travel agency. How can we help you today? Andreea: Hello. My name is Andreeaa and this is my fianc Cezar. We are here in a trip and we heard that we can see interesting landmarks in Valcea. So we are here to find out which are those. Alina, Cristina sau Maria: Oh. Thank you for coming to us to find information. Well, there are a few interesting spots around the center of the city, but there is an interesting fountain just about 1 kilometer from here. Cezar: What kind of fountain are you talking about? Eu: Well there is an enchanted and enclosed garden that is protected by "strong magic." Once a year, an "unfortunate" is allowed the opportunity to find their way to the Fountain, to bathe in the water, and win "fair fortune forever more." This is just a story, but some think that it is true. Once upon a time there were 3 witches Asha, Altheda and Amada. Asha: Long time since I have this disease. No one could help me for all this time but maybe the fountain can cure me. Altheda: Why? Why did the sorcerer wanted to rob me? Why me ..

Scoateti-va si voi de aici : Haideti ca nu e greu. Chinuiti-va putin si fiecare sa isi faca partea. Puneti-o pe grup si vorbim un pic mai pe seara. Unde le punem cap la cap.

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