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Kodu: Peer Assessment Sheet

Student Name: Eduardo Dvila Assessedby: Alicia Snchez

Give the following a rating (circle or or):

Quality of gameplay

Design of world Storyline Choice of characters&objects

Controls Which parts of the game did you like best?

I really liked the fact that your game had clear objectives and also clearly defined areas; you had to kill your enemy and get the coin to be able to enter the next area of the game. I think it was really challenging and entertaining because you had to act fast before your enemy killed you. I also liked that the trees in your world were very colorful and eye catching because they made your game look more interesting and made you want to play it. I believe that the best part of your game is the bridge that crosses to the next island because there is water underneath it and this makes it very enjoyable and makes you world even more attractive. Overall I think that you made a great job by creating such an amazing game using such few objects.

What else should be included to make the game better?

I think one of the key things you should include is a bar showing hit points because that would make it easier for the player to see how much health they have left. I would also advice for you to change the way you control yourKodu because it is a bit inconvenient for you to shoot with the mouse, try doing it with X. I also think that your game needs more objects to make it more attractive to the player because right now it is quite empty. Make your landscape full of things for the player to enjoy and admire; you could change the color of the water and of the land. I also think that your game might be too easy, try hiding the coins or making them difficult to get to.

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