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Bosworth and Parker USTU 3300 What is a Family?

Overview In this lesson, students will analyze what makes up a family and the members of their family. Students will create a family tree to show their understanding of the relationships within a family. Integrated Content Areas Social Studies and Visual Arts Connecting Concepts Relationships Essential Questions What are the different kinds of family members in your family? How do we identify who is in our family? What are the different watercolor techniques? How can a brush be used to make different lines? Lesson Objectives Students will Construct a family tree to demonstrate their understanding of relationships within their own family. use different techniques using a brush to create their illustration use watercolor to create their illustration Lesson Assessments Formative Students will participate in meaningful discussion identifying family members, and how they are related within think-pair-share partners be observed using a variety of watercolor techniques in a safe manor to create the features of their family tree identify the relationships of family members within their own family National Visual Art Standards Standard 1 Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. Use selected tools and media in a safe manner. Explore a variety of techniques. Experiment with a variety of processes. Explore levels of craftsmanship. Social Studies Standards K.1.01 Understand the diversity of human culture. Recognize all cultures have family units where decisions are made,

Bosworth and Parker USTU 3300 K.5.03 Explain how to use historical information acquired from a variety of sources. Recognize that each family has a family tree. Recall family stories and celebrations to develop a personal history. Illustrate a family history to demonstrate that every family has a heritage. Lesson Procedures Introduction/Warm-Up 1. Explain that this lesson will build on their understanding of relationships with families. 2. Show an example of what a family tree looks like. 3. Have an open discussion about the students families. Knowledge and Comprehension 1. Discuss the elements and relationships within a family by asking students to share with their think-pair-share partner. The teacher will select a few groups to share and write their thoughts on the white board. 2. Introduce and demonstrate the use of watercolor and the different techniques that can be done using a brush. Use an easel and large piece of paper to demonstrate: dry brush technique, wet on wet watercolor technique, and the different lines that can be made using a brush. 3. Students will begin to brainstorm what techniques can be used throughout their family tree. Students will use paper, watercolors, and brush to show the techniques they could use. 4. Students will share their ideas with their think-pair-share partner. The teacher will select a few partners to share their ideas. 5. Model how to create a family tree based on the students thoughts from relationships within the family and their techniques. Again using the easel and large piece of paper to demonstrate. Application and Analysis 1. Students will begin taking their ideas and applying it to construct their family tree. 2. Highlight groups who are meaningfully demonstrating their knowledge and interpretation of their familys relationships. As well as the students using various techniques with their brush. 3. The teacher will guide and interact with the students while they are working on their family tree. Suggesting techniques that can be used in their work. Evaluation 1. The students will finish their creation of their family tree that shows the relationships within their family. 2. The teacher will write down observations of the students working. 3. The students will discuss in think-pair-share partners the techniques they used to create their family tree. As well as the relationships between the members in their family. Why they are choosing a specific technique? What a family is? How are the members of a family connected?

Bosworth and Parker USTU 3300 Summary and Closure 1. In discussion, review the variations of techniques that can be used with a brush. As well as the relationships between family members. 2. Ask think-pair-share partners to share with the class the reason their partner used a specific technique. Vocabulary Family - people that are related to one another Watercolor a water based paint Relationship a relation between people Materials and Resources Easel Large paper Watercolors Brushes Paper White board Dry erase markers Cups of water

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