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Egyptian Games

Sam Warren 3/1/13 History 7 Egyptian Research

Ancient Egypt is very interesting. We all know about the pyramids and The Nile. I love learning about the pharaohs and the gods, but I was wondering, What did kids do for fun? I had many questions such as what were some of the games that Ancient Egyptian children played? Did they play board games? What were they? Did they play sports like basketball and baseball? And how advanced were childrens toys? I knew that kids worked in the crops and helped the village but what did they do in their free time? You may love to learn more. Ancient Egyptian games were amazingly advanced for their time period. Their board games were like many of ours today. Senet was a game like Chess, Meehan was a game sort of like Mousetrap, Seega was a game that was very similar to Risk. Their toys were very advanced too. They had ragdolls, but most of their toys were models. The sports were the most impressive though. Even the pharaoh came to matches. It was very competitive. And there are quotes to prove it. The girls called one of the dancing games Pressing the Grapes, says The site doesnt really know why the game is called that, Although, states that the game is a physical game, as the picture of the game shows some girls holding hands and swinging from side to side. Both sites say that kids played with rag dolls that were made with cloth and stuffed with papyrus reeds. Many other sites probably conflict too. Ancient Egyptian kids had many fun games to play. They hand many sports to play such as, Hockey, Handball, Gymnastics, Javelin, Fishing, Boxing, Weightlifting, Horse Riding, High Jump, Swimming, Rowing, Archery, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Equilibrium, and Marathon. Many of them had to do with balls that were made out of cloth, papyrus reeds, wood, or leather. A sport that they loved to do was dancing, which was adapted into about thirty different games. It must have been not so bad to an Ancient Egyptian kid. I learned a lot about what they did. I learned that the kids played board games and sports. I learned that the games and toys were really advanced. I learned that they didnt only just work in the fields. Im glad that I took my Ancient Egyptian a lot research further.

Alchin, Linda. "Ancient Egyptian Sports." King Tut, 6 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. <>. "All About Ancient Egypt!: Did Kids Have Toys in Ancient Egypt?." All About Ancient Egypt!. Egypt About, 3 July 2010. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. <>. "Ancient Egyptian Toys.." Ancient Egypt - An Epic Era. Ancient Egypt, 12 Dec. 2008. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Binder, Raymond. "Egypt: Ancient Egyptian Sports." Egypt Travel Guide - Tour Egypt. Tour Egypt, 13 June 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. < /ancsportsindex.htm> Binder, Raymond. "Egypt: Games of the Ancient Egyptians." Egypt Travel Guide - Tour Egypt. Tour Egypt, 13 June 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. < featurestories/games.htm>. Carr, Dr. Karen. "Ancient Egyptian Games - Ancient Egypt for Kids!." Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School Social Studies. Kidipede, 12 Oct. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. <>. "Senet- Ancient Egyptian Board Game." BGfL - BGfL Homepage - BGfL Homepage. BGFL, 3 Oct. 2007. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. < ftp/ks2/history/senet/index.htm>. Thompson, Greg. "Ancient Egyptian Board Games." Board game rules and reviews. LoveToKnow Corp., 17 Apr. 2006. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. <>.

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