Contract: Bailment & Pledge

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Bailment and Pledge FINDER OF GOODS

Finder of Goods

Sec. 71 lays down that a person who finds goods belonging to another and takes them into his custody is called the finder of goods and is subject to same responsibility as a bailee.

Rights of finder of goods

1. Right of lien Finder has the right to retain the goods till he is not compensated for.

If trouble voluntarily taken, then he cannot sue the owner.

2. Right to sue for reward Finder can always sue the owner for breach of promise given by the owner.

3. Right of saleFinder has the right to sell the goods only in the following cases: a) owner cannot be found b) refuses to pay lawful charges c) goods are perishable d) lawful charges amount to 2/3 of the value.

Duties of the finder of goods


Reasonable care of the goods must be taken. Non usage of goods for his own purpose No mixing of goods with his own goods
Must try his best to find the owner of goods.


3. 4.

Edited by : Priya Arora (6)

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