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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Nam e : Mo je eb A l -ra hm an El -n or O sm an El -h aj
Nat io na li ty : Sudanese.
Dat e & p la ce of b irt h : 1979 . Khartoum state
Mari ta l st at u: Single.
Ad dre ss : International University of Africa, Faculty of Science, Department of
Ph on e N um ber : Home : 0145946196 – Mobile : 0924640331 – 0922540155
E:m ai l : Fax: 223841 p.o. Box: 2469

Academic Qualifications :
• General B.Sc in Mathematics and computer science, Grade- Very good,
Faculty of Science, International University of Africa

Practical Experience :

 From 2005 to till now teaching assistant at the department of Mathematics ,

Faculty of science , International University of Africa .


 Arabic : mother language

 English : Fluently speak, read and write

Person to refer :
- Dr. Moh se n H as sa n Ab da ll a
( Dean of school of mathematics – University of Khartoum.)
- Dr. A. Salih Hamid
(Head department of Mathematics and computer science, Pure and applied
science. International university of Africa.).

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