The Little Boy and The Old Man Lesson Plan

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LESSON 3 The Little Boy and the Old Man Strand: Poetry Grade Level: 4 Subject: Language Arts

Specific Learning Outcomes (SCO) Students will be expected to: Speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. Respond personally to a range of texts. Connections
(1) How can I connect students lives to this topic? The students are young and would be able to relate to the character of the little boy. Students may be feeling as though adults do not value their opinions and may not have confidence in their personal abilities. The poem could help to make connections with personal feelings. (2) Cross-curricular Links

(3) What current event(s) (Local, National, International) or other real-life connections might spark further interest in
the topic?

Real-life connections could be made with the feelings expressed in the poem and the feelings that the students may be having. They may be curious about how adults feel or how the elderly feel and may choose to look into others feelings more. Materials and Media:
What materials and media might I use to introduce and expand understanding? The Little Boy and the Old Man Poem Venn Diagram Question Sheet Grab Bags with costume materials and question sheets

Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations

Increase time, space, amount Decrease time, space, amount Change seating, groupings Other: ____________________ Scribe Oral explanation Peer tutor/Partner Use manipulatives Include visuals, models, cueing, organizers Applying or Extending the activity

English Second Language Learners Learning environment: Students will be integrated with the rest of the class or grouped homogenously with teacher or aide. Content: Students will be provided with both a list of words and a copy of the poem to take home and read over before this class. Students will follow along during the read aloud portion and highlight words from previous word lists. All ESL students will be grouped together to have their own discussion of their feelings toward the poem as well as to complete the Venn Diagram with the teacher or an aide as facilitator. Students will contribute to group activity: Point of View. Students will submit highlighted poems as assessment/ exit ticket. Process: Teacher or aide will facilitate in order to provide clarification and direction where needed. Product: Outcomes remain the same. February 05, 2013 1

Assessment: The students will be assessed by their exit ticket. They will also be assessed orally by the teacher, what did you learn? , are there any questions that you have about this poem?, or was there anything confusing in this lesson?. The teacher will write down answers for records purposes. Visually Impaired Learning environment: A table will be designated close to the entry way to minimize disruption and inconvenience for student. The student will have an aide or partner to work with them. Student will participate in all activities with aide as scribed and reader. Content: Aide will work with the student to identify the rhyming words in the APK activity. Aide will also assist as scribe and reader for the Venn Diagram activity. The student will participate in all other activities with the rest of the class. For the Point of View activity, the students group will come to his or her table area to discuss and work. Process: The aide will be assisting in all necessary areas and facilitating further discussion from the students when necessary. Product: Outcomes remain the same. Assessment: The student will be assessed orally by the teacher, what did you learn? , are there any questions that you have about this poem?, or was there anything confusing in this lesson?. The teacher will write down answers for records purposes. Critical Thinking keep in mind Blooms Taxonomy higher order thinking not to complete as a separate section in your final plan. Design to specifications Perform to specifications Questioning, tasks.. __Question Sheet_____________________________________________ Assessment Possible Assessment Strategies: o Discussion o o Interview/Conference o o Self-Assessment o o Peer Assessment Personal Reflection Oral Report Presentation/Performance speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences

Students will participate in discussion of their thoughts and feelings, while listening to others discuss their own thoughts and feelings about the poem. Students will also participate in a Quick Write that will allow the teacher to assess. respond personally to a range of texts

Students will participate in discussion of how the poem made them feel and be able to explain verbally which character they can relate to in the poem. Assessment for Learning Discussion will provide information about how the students are learning as the lesson progresses. Students contributions will show their previous understanding of the topic as February 05, 2013 2

well as their learning throughout. Assessment as Learning: Groups will be able to informally assess each other and their contributions to the group assignments. Students will assess themselves while completing the exit ticket. Assessment of Learning: The exit ticket will provide information for assessment of learning. Students completion of the assigned activities will also serve as an assessment tool for understanding of the key ideas and skills gained. Delivering the Lesson APK (Minds On):
Approx.___2___minutes What are the students doing? What are you doing?

Each student will be given a copy of the poem. The students will be asked to read over the poem and identify the rhyming words (Balanced Literacy: Independent Reading).

Teacher will hand out copies of the poem to each of the students.

Action Approx. ____38____minutes

Read Aloud: The teacher will read the poem aloud as the students follow along with their copies. (3 minutes) (Balanced Literacy: Read Aloud).

The teacher is reading the poem orally with expression and emphasis.

Group Discussion: How did this poem make you feel? Why did the poem make you feel that way? Is there a character in the poem that is similar to you? Do you ever feel like the characters in the poem? (5 minutes) MI: Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal

The teacher will be leading the discussion with guiding questions.

Compare and Contrast: Students will work individually to fill out a Venn Diagram February 05, 2013

Teacher will explain how to 3

comparing and contrasting the differences between children and the elderly (10 minutes). MI: Logical/Mathematical, Naturalistic, Linguistic

use the Venn Diagram: Explain that one circle is for the characteristics of children, the other circle is for the characteristics of the elderly, and the middle section is for characteristics that they share.

Point of View: The class will be put into two groups (random selection). One section will be responsible for the Little Boy, the other will be responsible for the Old Man. The groups will be responsible for choosing a spokesperson to share the groups responses. The groups will work together to answer the questions on the question sheet (students should write the answers on the sheet, one sheet per group); design a costume for their spokesperson, and then the spokesperson will share the responses with the class. (20 minutes). MI: Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal

The teacher will select students at random and divide the class in two groups. The teacher will give one grab bag to each group (one bag containing costume props for the little boy, the other containing costume props for the old man. The teacher will then provide the directions for the assignment: Groups will work together to answer the questions on the sheet provided. Groups must answer the questions from 4

February 05, 2013

the point of view of the character that they have been assigned. Groups will then choose one representative to answer the questions and design a costume for them to wear. When they are done the representative will share the answers with the class.

Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions

and prompts can go here

Why do you think the (Little Boy or Old Man) feels this way? How did this poem make you feel? Why did the poem make you feel that way? Is there a character in the poem that is similar to you? Do you ever feel like the characters in the poem?

Independent Practice: Approx. ___10____minutes

Compare and Contrast: Venn Diagram will serve as Independent Practice. MI: Logical/Mathematical, Naturalistic, Linguistic

Consolidation/Closure: Approx. ___5____minutes

Students will be asked to write a Quick Write about what they learned during the class. Students will write something that they learned, a question that they may have, or something that was confusing in the lesson. The students will submit their quick writes before leaving the classroom. MI: Intrapersonal, Linguistic

February 05, 2013

Reflection of Lesson Plan Preparation:

What did I learn from planning this lesson? How might it be enhanced in subsequent lessons? Other learnings, frustrations, difficulties?

I am learning to be more mindful of exceptionalities in the classroom. I need to be aware of my students and make sure that I know how to differentiate the lessons to make them work for all students.

February 05, 2013

Student name: ________________________________

Score: _______________________/115

Lesson Plan Assessment

Lesson Plan Category Title of Lesson/Task/Concept/Grade/Subject Learning Outcomes Connections Materials and Media/Hands-on Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Environment, content, process, product, assessment) Critical Thinking in evidence throughout the lesson(s) Assessment APK (Minds On) Action Guided Practice Independent Practice Consolidation/Closure Reflection of Data Collected Demonstration of creativity Conventions and Grammar Value 5 5 5 5 15 Comments

5 10 5 20 10 5 5 10 5 5

General Comments:

February 05, 2013

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