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Media Technology Committee Meeting 3.4.

13 Attendance: Kari Carter, Mandy Baker, Regina Miller, Ann Godfrey, Debby Rhinehart, Mia Gilstrap, Rachel Thompson Media Center o Suggestions for next year Keep color cartridges on hand for backup so that they dont run out. (We have been @ least 4 months waiting on a cartridge) o How to best use the resources in the M.C. Everyone has access to all sources through the card catalog, whether at home, at school, or on the go. Committee likes the fact that volunteers are utilized to man the desk so that Ms. Godfrey can keep storytime and lessons going o Lower grades have been receiving curriculum-based lessons. They suggest the lessons to be review rather than preview. o Additional resources needed Let Ms. Godfrey know if you need anything pulled Technology o Training during the summer Mac training like the last one provided would be very beneficial. Dont want new programs but want to learn the old ones and become more proficient using them. The training this summer will have multiple opportunities over the course of a week. o Connectability (infrastructure) remains a struggle o Video Redelivery Mrs. Goff shared multiple ways attempted. Open to suggestions. Most effective way so far is Air Drop. iMovie continues to be very time consuming. Please send any suggestions to Mrs. Goff Ms. Godfrey noted it could be downloaded to the teacher computer in the library as well

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