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Future Simple

1st Conditional If Present

May / might (base verb)
Unless Simple
Present simple

If Past Would (base verb)

2nd Conditional
Unless simple Could/ might (base verb)

If Past Would have participle

3rd Conditional
Unless perfect Could / might have participle

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the first,
second or third conditional.
1- If the film _______________(not be) so boring, we wouln´t have left
2- It would be great if people ___________________(not pollute) the environment
3- If the band _______________(give) a concert here, all my friends would go to it
4- _____________you_______________(cook) such a big meal if we hadn´t had so many guests?
5-If you_______________(go) to London, you should visit Madame Tussaud´s Wax Museum
6- You won´t get tickets unless you_________________(get) to the stadium early
7- If the police hadn´t caught him, he___________________(escape) with the money
8- I______________________(not believe) you unless you prove it

Choose the correct answer

1- Susan says she´ll come to the party unless she is/ will be too busy
2- There would be fewer road accidents if drivers were/ are more careful
3- If she cut her hair, she looks/ would look better
4- I won´t buy those jeans if the price remains/ will remain so high
5- what will you do if you lost/ lose your job?
6- If I wasn´t/ weren´t so tired, I´d go out with you tonight
7- If Sally listened/ had listened to the weather forecast, she would have taken an umbrella

Correct the errors

1- If I was you, I´d exercise more
2- we would have called if we knew about your accident
3- If it will rain, we will cancel tomorrow´s party
4- He succeeded if he tried harder, but he´s too lazy
5- Alice replied if Susan had written to her

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