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PRIMARY SOURCES: Atomic Bomb. 1945. Photograph. In Fact Collaborative. This source was helpful to me because it showed me the explosion of an atomic bomb. Also, this image showed me the possibilities of having a nuclear war. This picture is a primary source because it is a picture of a real atomic bomb exploding. Castro, Fidel. Letter to Nikita Krushchev. 26 Oct. 1962. TS. This letter helped me to understand how leaders in the Cuban Missile Crisis viewed other leaders in the crisis. It also provided me with an understanding of Fidel Castros personality. This letter is a primary source because Fidel Castro wrote this letter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fidel Castro. N.d. Photograph. Museum Syndicate. This photo helped me to understand more of Fidel Castro's personality. It also gave me insight as to why Fidel Castro did what he did. This photo is a primary source because it was taken around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy, John F., perf. Kennedy Addresses the Nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis. 1962. Film. This source helped me to see what John F. Kennedy's speech was like. Also, this source showed me Kennedy's personality, which is helpful to learn when researching the Cuban Missile Crisis. This picture is a primary source because it was videotaped during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Khrushchev, Sergei. "Cuban Missile Crisis: Question for a School Project." Message to the author. 11 Apr. 2013. E-mail. This E-Mail helped me to understand the importance of Sergei Khrushchev in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also this source suggested a helpful source of information that I could read. This source is a primary source because the author of this E-Mail, Sergei Khrushchev, was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. - - -. Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower. University Park: The Penn State University Press, 2001. Print. This source helped me to understand the Soviet Union's point of view during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, this book helped me to gain knowledge about Nikita Khrushchev and his son, Sergei Khrushchev. This book is a primary source because the author of Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower, Sergei Khrushchev, was personally involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev, Sergei. Telephone interview by Alexander Bluestein. 20 Apr. 2013. This interview was definitely my most amazing and helpful source. Through this exciting telephone conversation, I learned more about the Cuban Missile Crisis from the Soviet Union's point of view. Moreover, I learned more about how the Cuban Missile Crisis began and what happened to the Soviet Union following this nuclear standoff. Sergei Khrushchev was very helpful and taught me a huge amount about the Cuban Missile Crisis. This interview is considered a primary source because Sergei Khrushchev was working in the Soviet nuclear program at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and Sergei's father is Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union during the crisis.

Moore, James. Telephone interview by Alexander Bluestein. 8 Mar. 2013. This interview helped me to learn about the events in the blockade. James Moore also provided excellent information on how close the United States and the Soviet Union came to nuclear war. This interview was a primary source because James Moore was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nikita Khrushchev. N.d. Photograph. Britannica Kids. This image helped me to understand why Khrushchev planted missiles in Cuba. Also this source helped me to realize what kind of leader Nikita Khrushchev was. This image is a primary source because it was taken around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nikita Khrushchev- 28 October 1962 Letter Ending the Crisis. 28 Oct. 1962. Photograph. National Archives. Washington D.C. This picture helped me to understand how the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved. Also, this image showed me that communication was difficult during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This source is a primary source, because it was taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Political Cartoon. 1962. Photograph. This source helped me to understand what people at the time thought about the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also made me learn about the propaganda that went on during the crisis. This image is a primary source because it was taken during the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Range of Soviet SS-4 Medium Range Ballistic Missile and SS-5 Intermediate-range Ballistic Missiles, If Launched from Cuba. 1962. Photograph. Central Intelligence Agency. Washington D.C. This photo helped me to understand the capabilities of the missiles in Cuba. Also, this image helped me to understand the potential damage that could have happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis. This picture is a primary source because it was taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Roper, Carol Everhart. JFK's assasination remains a seminal moment in American history. N.d. Photograph. Examiner. This photo helped me to visualize some events in the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also made me realize how great of a leader John F. Kennedy was. This photo is a primary source because it was took around the time of the crisis. Stapleford, Robert L. Interview by Alexander R. Bluestein. 23 Jan. 2013. This interview helped me to understand what Americans thought about the Cuban Missile Crisis during it. Also, this source provided me with good detail about the resolution of the crisis. This source is a primary source because the person I interviewed was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Truman Doctrine." Our Documents. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand the foreign policy prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Additionally, this photograph showed me the actual copy of the Truman Doctrine. This image is a primary source because it was directly photographed at the time the Truman Doctrine was created. "Tuesday, October 23, 1962 (Evening Edition)." Cuban Missile Crisis: Dimplomacy Failure to Diplomacy Success. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This photograph helped me to understand how the news of the Cuban Missile Crisis was distributed in 1962. Also, this source showed me how the United States citizens felt about the Cuban Missile Crisis. This image is a primary source because it is a photograph taken from the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. US president John F. Kennedy making his dramatic television broadcast to announce the Cuba blockade during the Cuban Missile Crisis, 22 October, 1962. 22 Oct. 1962. Photograph. Hulton Archive. Chicago, Illinois. This image helped me to understand how dramatic and emotional the whole Cuban Missile Crisis was. Also, this source showed me what a newws broadcast looked like in the 1960s. This source is a primary source because it was taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

USS Gearing, a US destroyer, participationg in the naval blockade. 1962. Photograph. Squidoo. This source helped me to learn about the Cuban Missile Crisis blockade. Also, this photo helped me to learn about the type of ships that participated in the naval blockade. This picture is a primary source because it was taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

SECONDARY SOURCES: Allison, Graham. "The Cuban Missile Crisis at 50: Lesson for U.S. Foreign Policy Today." Foreign Affairs (2012): 1-8. Print. This journal entry equipped me with good knowledge about the lessons taken away from the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also showed me how situations nowadays relate to the Cuban Missile Crisis. This article was very helpful. - - -. "Nuclear Disorder: Surveying Atomic Threats." Foreign Affairs (2012): 74-81. Print. This journal article gave me good information on the affects of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This source was very useful and covered multiple topics. It also gave me a better understanding of nuclear warfare today. "Will Iran Be Obama's Cuban Missile Crisis?" The Washington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. nnnnnn2013. <>. This source enhanced my knowledge of the United State's conflict with Iran. Additionally, this website showed me how the Iran conflict and the Cuban Missile Crisis are related. Multiple helpful primary source photographs were included in this article.

Chrisp, Peter. The Cuban Missile Crisis. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2002. Print. This book helped me to understand many essential elements of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The book also provided multiple primary pictures. This source was very useful, because of the quotes incorporated into the text. CMEC Staff. "Iran Nuclear Talks End." CMEC Blog. N.p., 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand the the conflict between Iran and the United States. Also this website helped me to learn how a nuclear weapon is made and what is needed to make it. Multiple helpful pictures were included in this article. The Cuban Missile Crisis. History Channel, n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. <>. This website provided me with a good and well written summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, helpful pictures were provided in the article. Many helpful facts were included in the article. The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Diplomatic Solution. Weebly, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <>. This website helped me get information on some key concepts in the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also provided me with information about the people in the crisis. Many helpful quotes were used in this website.

Depalma, Anthony. "The Cuban Missile Crisis: Fifty Years Ago Next Month, the U.S. and the Soviet Union Came Dangerously Close to Nuclear War." New York Times Upfront 17 Sept. 2012: 1-13. Print. This source produced a good summary about the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also gave me a quick summary about the whole Cold War, which was very useful. Primary source pictures were incorporated into the article. Dobbs, Michael. The "Eyeball to Eyeball" Moment That Never Was. 2012. Photograph. Foreign Policy. This photo helped me to learn about the blockade and its location. Also, this photo showed me the Soviet Ships that were heading towards the blockade. This source is a secondary source because it was created after the Cuban Missile Crisis "How to Stop a Nuclear War." National Security. Foreign Policy, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. nnnnnn< nnnnnnorea_cuban_missile_crisis?wp_login_redirect=0>. This article helped me to understand many important lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This website also shares how these lessons can be used to stop a nuclear war between the United States and North Korea. Excellent quotes were incorporated into the text of this amazing source.

"Dr. Sergei Khrushchev." Premiere Speakers Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <>. This source was useful in multiple ways; it gave me background information on Sergei Khrushchev and it taught me about his involvment in the Cold War. Additionally, this source showed me what questions would be good to ask him to further my knowledge of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dworkin, Ariclle, et al. "Cuban Missile Crisis." Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Harvard Kennedy School, n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. <>. This website was very helpful because of its multiple pictures and videos. This source helped me to learn about many specific details of the crisis. Many excellent primary sources were included in this website. Freedman, Lawrence. "Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis." The Cold War 29 Nov. 2012: 1-2. Print. This article gave a good summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This source also provided many good details prior to the crisis. Helpful quotes were incorporated into this source. Gow, Catherine Hester. The Cuban Missile Crisis. San Diego: Lucent Books Inc., 1997. Print. This source provided me with excellent quotes, information, and pictures about the Cuban Missile Crisis. In this book there was a lot of detail that was very helpful for my project. Also, this source had many useful primary pictures.

Graham T. Allison on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Youtube. Institute of Politics, 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand the relationship between the Cuban Missile Crisis and the United State's conflict with Iran. Graham Allison also helped me to learn, through this source, about the conflict with nuclear weapons in Iran. This video clip was a very useful and excellent source. Guidotti, Anthony. "Nuclear Iran Does Not Increase Stability: 8 Reasons." Waging Peace Today. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 29 June 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This website helped me to gain knowledge about the United States-Iran conflict and why it occured. Morover, this source provided excellent information about why Iran wants nuclear weapons. This article included multiple helpful quotes and a primary source photograph. Hacht, Anne Marie, Ed., and Dwanye D. Hayes. "Cuban Misile Crisis." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. This article supplied me with information about the ending of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also stated the affects of the crisis which is a key idea that I need to know. This source was extremely helpful.

Hacht, Anne Marie, Ed., and Dwayne D. Hayes. "The Cuban Missile Crisis." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. This reference tool granted me with an excellent summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also stated the affects of the crisis, which was very helpful. Some helpful pictures were included in this article. Katsiaficas, George. "The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited- This Time in Korea." Intifada Palestine. N.p., 6 Apr. 2013. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <>. This article helped me to understand the relationship between the United State's conflict with North Korea and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The website also showed me what steps the United States are taking to prevent a nuclear war. This source had a very helpful primary source photograph of Kim Jong. Land Based Missiles of the Cuban Missile Crisis. N.d. Photograph. Weebly. This source helped me to learn about the missiles involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, this picture made me understand why the United States considered themselves the more powerful nation during the crisis. This source is a secondary source because because it was created after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Medina, Loreta M. The Cuban Missile Crisis. San Diego: Green Haven Press, 2002. Print. This book helped me to understand many internal concepts of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also gave a good general overview of the crisis. This source also used quotes to describe moments in the crisis.

Nathan, James. "Cuban Missile Crisis." World Book Student. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. This reference tool provided me with an excellent overview and summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, it gave me a new point of view of what went on during the crisis. This article included helpful primary source photographs. Nesnera, Andre De. "Cuban Missile Crisis Lessons for Iran." Voice of America. N.p., 12 Oct. 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This website stated the effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which were very useful to learn. Also, this source helped me to understand how the lessons gained from the Cuban Missile Crisis apply to the United State's conflict with Iran. This article included many helpful primary source quotes. Norris, Robert S., and Hans M. Kristensen. "The Cuban Missile Crisis: a Nuclear Order of Battle, October and November 1962." Nuclear Notebook: 85-91. Print. This article gave me outstanding and detailed information about the weapons in the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also provided me with a good understanding of the capabilities of those weapons. Primary source information was incorporated into this source, which were very helpful. Nye, Joseph S. "The Cuban Missile Crisis at 50." The World Economic Forum. N.p., 8 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand many details about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, this source made me realize the importance of this conflict. Many helpful pictures were included in this article.

Person, James. "North Korea and the Cuban Missile Crisis." North Korea International Documentation Project. Wilson Center, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand how the Cuban Missile Crisis caused multiple of North Korea's nuclear decisions and effected their country. Additionally, this website helped me to learn about the conflict between the United States and North Korea and how it is similar and different to the Cuban Missile Crisis. This article had many helpful primary source images. Refspace. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2013. <>. This source provided me with excellent quotes of John F. Kennedy. Also, this website showed me more of his personality. Quotes used in this website were incorporated into my project. Roberts, Priscilla. "50th Anniversary of The Cuban Missile Crisis: Backround." American History (2012): 1-2. Print. This article helped me in understanding the details of the affects of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also this article gave me an excellent analysis of what happened after the crisis. Multiple helpful photos were included into this source. "Sergei Khrushchev." Brown Research. Brown University, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to refine my knowledge of Dr. Sergei khrushchev. Moreover, this website helped me to undersatnd what Sergei Khrushchev is currently studying and what he already has knowledge on. Helpful pictures were included in this article.

A soldier poses for a photograph on the outer casing of an old empty Soviet missile at military complex Morro Cabana which is open to tourists in Havana, Cuba 50 years after behindthe-scenes compromise brought an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis. 2012. Photograph. Morro Cabana. Havana, Cuba. This picture helped me to understand the magnitudes of the destructiveness nuclear missiles are capable of. Also this picture showed me why it was hard for Nikita Khrushchev to move missiles into Cuba. This picture was very helpful in understanding nuclear weapons and how they work. State Department Seal. N.d. Photograph. This photo helped me to understand U.S. foreign policy today. Also, this emblem showed me the Department of States Seal, which I did not know of. This picture is a secondary source because it was not created around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thirteen Days. 2000. Film. This source was used to learn about the decisive moments in the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was very helpful because the video helped me to visualize the events in the crisis. Also, this source showed many primary source photos which were very helpful. "The Truman Doctrine." History Learning Site. N.p., Oct. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to understand the purpose of the Truman Doctrine and what it states. Moreover, this website showed me what the Soviet Union thought of this doctrine. Multiple helpful photographs were included in this article.

"The United States and the Iranian Nuclear Program: Policy Options." Choices for the 21st Century Education Program. Watson Institute of International Studies, n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013. <>. This source helped me to learn about the Iranian nuclear program and how it functions. Additionally, this website showed me the options the United States has in order to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear missiles. This article supplied me with excellent information that is very applicable to my website.

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