Report For TQM

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i ii xi xiv xvi xvii xviii xiv


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Background----------------------------------------------------------------TQM Initiatives in Pakistan-----------------------------------------------

1 1

Growth of Services Sector in Pakistan----------------------------------- 4 Overview of Pakistan Telecom Sector----------------------------------- 5 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Teledensity in Pakistan------------------------------------------Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan-------------------------5 7

Telecom Sector Share in GDP-------------------------------------- 7 Telecom Sector Revenues------------------------------------------- 7

iii 1.5 Cellular Mobile Telephone Industry-------------------------------------- 11 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 Cellular Mobile Telephone Penetration------------------------- 12 Cellular Mobile Telephone Franchises--------------------------- 12

Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) in Pakistan---------- 12 1.6.1 Market Share of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators------- 17

1.7. 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12

Manufacturing Facilities in Telecom Sector------------------------------ 18 Background of the Study---------------------------------------------------- 20 Purpose of the Study--------------------------------------------------------- 22 Significance of the Study---------------------------------------------------- 23 Research Questions---------------------------------------------------------- 24 Definition of Terms---------------------------------------------------------- 24 1.12.1 Total Quality Management---------------------------------------- 24 1.12.2 Visionary Leadership----------------------------------------------- 25 1.12.3 Internal and External Cooperation-------------------------------- 25 1.12.4. Learning-------------------------------------------------------------- 25 1.12.5 Process Management----------------------------------------------- 25 1.12.6. Continuous Improvement------------------------------------------ 26 1.12.7. Employee Fulfillment---------------------------------------------- 26 1.12.8. Customer Satisfaction---------------------------------------------- 26


Research Limitations------------------------------------------------------- 26

LITERATURE REVIEW----------------------------------------------------------- 28

iv 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Services ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Service Quality-------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Service Quality Dimensions---------------------------------------------- 30 Quality of Service Dimensions Mobile Phone Customers Perspective------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Total Quality Management----------------------------------------------- 41 Evolution of TQM--------------------------------------------------------- 44 Principles of TQM -------------------------------------------------------- 46 Impact of TQM on Business Performance ---------------------------- 48 TQM Tools----------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Outcome of TQM Initiatives in Pakistan------------------------------ 50 Essentials Factors of TQM (TQM Practices)------------------------- 55 TQM Perspectives--------------------------------------------------------- 57 2.12.1 Quality Pioneers Perspectives---------------------------------- 57 2.13. 2.14. W. Edward Deming ---------------------------- 58 Joseph M. Juran --------------------------------- 59 Philips B. Crosby ------------------------------- 60 Armanand, V. Feigenbaum -------------------- 61 Karou Ishikawa --------------------------------- 62

Common Themes of Quality Pioneers Perspectives----------------- 62 Quality Award Models---------------------------------------------------- 64

v 2.14.1 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)------ 64 2.14.2 European Quality Award (European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model--------------------------- 66 2.14.3 Deming Prize------------------------------------------------------- 67 2.14.4. Australian Quality Criteria Framework------------------------- 68 2.14.5. Pakistan National Quality Award (PNQA)--------------------- 68 2.15. 2.16. 2.17. Analysis of Quality Award Models-------------------------------------- 70 TQM A Cultural Intervention----------------------------------------- 71 Human Resources Management (HRM) Enabler of Total Quality Management Practices------------------------------------------ 75 2.18. 2.19. 2.20. 2.21. Benchmarking------------------------------------------------------------- 77 Self Assessment Frameworks------------------------------------------- 80 TQM Practices in Telecommunication Industries-------------------- 81 TQM Practices in Contemporary Mobile Phone Companies in the World------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 2.21.1 Verizon Wireless (Verizon) United States-------------------- 82 2.21.2. Vodafone United Kingdom (UK)----------------------------- 84 2.21.3. Deutsche Telekom Europe------------------------------------- 86 2.21.4. SingTel Optus Pty Limited (Optus) Australia--------------- 89 2.21.5. China Mobile Communications Corporation ( China Mobile)-------------------------------------------------- 92 2.21.6. Mobile Tele Systems (MTS) Russia-------------------------- 94

vi 2.21.7. Telecom Italia Mobile Italy------------------------------------ 96 2.21.8. Slovak Telekom Slovakia-------------------------------------- 97 2.21.9. Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN) South Africa--------- 99 2.21.10. France Telecom------------------------------------------------ 100 2.21.11. Bharti Airtel India--------------------------------------------- 102 2.21.12. Sprint Nextel Corporation (SPRINT) United States------ 104 2.21.13. Telefonica S.A. (Telefonica) Spain------------------------- 105 2.21.14. Telenor Denmark---------------------------------------------- 107 2.21.15. TeliaSonera AB Sweden and Finland-------------------- 108 2.21.16. AT&T Mobility United States---------------------------- 110 2.21.17. Telecom Corporation New Zealand------------------------ 111 2.21.18. NTT DoCoMo Japan----------------------------------------- 112 2.22. 2.23. Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices----------- 113 Deming Management Method----------------------------------------- 116 2.23.1. Demings 14 Points--------------------------------------------- 117 2.23.2 Seven Deadly Diseases----------------------------------------- 118 2.23.3 Obstacles--------------------------------------------------------- 121 2.23.4 Propositions------------------------------------------------------ 122 2.23.5 Deming Cycle---------------------------------------------------- 123 2.24. 2.25. Theoretical Framework-------------------------------------------------- 125 Development of Hypotheses-------------------------------------------- 130 2.25.1. Visionary Leadership------------------------------------------- 130 2.25.2. Internal Cooperation (Employees Collaboration) ---------- 133

vii 2.25.3. External Cooperation (Suppliers Relationship)------------- 133 2.25.3. Learning---------------------------------------------------------- 136 2.25.4. Process Management------------------------------------------- 138 2.25.5. Continuous Improvement-------------------------------------- 140 2.25.6. Employee Fulfillment------------------------------------------ 143 2.25.7. Customer Satisfaction------------------------------------------ 148 2.26 Hypotheses---------------------------------------------------------------- 151


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY--------------------------------------------3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Research Approach and Design------------------------------------Instrument Development--------------------------------------------Items Measuring Variables----------------------------------------Population and Participants-----------------------------------------Content Validity-----------------------------------------------------Construct Validity---------------------------------------------------Pilot Testing ---------------------------------------------------------Data Collection Methods-------------------------------------------Tests for Data Analysis---------------------------------------------Ethical Considerations---------------------------------------------

158 158 159 160 167 167 169 169 172 173 173

DATA ANALYSIS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION----------------4.1 Data Preparation----------------------------------------------------

175 175

viii 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Demographic Analysis-------------------------------------------Descriptive Analysis----------------------------------------------Confirmatory Factor Analysis-----------------------------------Internal Consistency ---------------------------------------------Underlying Assumptions for Multiple Regression Analysis4.6.1. Assumption of Independence of Observations--------4.6.2. Assumption of Normality in Data-----------------------4.6.3. Assumptions of Outliers----------------------------------4.6.4. Assumption of Linearity----------------------------------4.6.5. Assumption of Homoscedasticity-----------------------4.6.6. Assumption of Multicollinearity and Singularity-----4.7 Hypotheses Testing ----------------------------------------------4.7.1 Testing of Hypothesis 1--------------------------------- 4.7.2 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 1------175 182 184 189 191 191 191 193 193 193 215 219 219 221 223 225 227

Testing of Hypothesis 2----------------------------------- Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 2 -------


Testing of Hypotheses 3, --------------------------------- Multiple Regression Analysis for Hypotheses 3, ----------------------------------

229 231

4.7.4. Testing of Hypothesis 4, 5and 6-------------------------- Regression Analysis for Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6---------------------------------------------4.7.5 Testing of Hypothesis 7-------------------------------- Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 7-----

233 235 237

ix 4.7.6. Testing of Hypothesis 8---------------------------- Multiple Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 8-----------------------------4.7.7. Testing of Hypotheses 9 and 10------------------- Multiple Regression Analysis for Hypotheses 9 and 10 4.8 Path Analytical Results of Deming Management Method Model-----------------------------------------------------4.9 4.10 4.11 Analysis of Total, Direct and Indirect Effects-----------------Summary of Hypotheses Testing-------------------------------Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices in CMTOs -----------------------------------------------------4.11.1 Inadequate Human Resource Development and Management---------------------------------------------4.11.2. Lack of Leadership for Quality-----------------------4.11.3. Lack of Planning for Quality-------------------------4.11.4. Inadequate Resources for TQM----------------------4.11.5. Lack of Customer Focus-------------------------------4.12. Analysis and Discussion of Results-----------------------------4.12.1 Visionary Leadership-----------------------------------4.12.2 Internal Cooperation-------------------------------------4.12.3 External Cooperation -----------------------------------4.12.4 Learning--------------------------------------------------262 262 263 263 264 264 270 272 273 274 260 247 255 258 245 241 243 239

x 4.12.5 Process Management-----------------------------------4.12.6 Continuous Improvement-----------------------------4.12.7 Employee Fulfillment---------------------------------4.12.8 Customer Satisfaction---------------------------------4.12.9 Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices in CMTOs ---------------------------------280 275 277 278 279


CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions of the Study---------------------------- --------------5.2 Recommendations---------------------------------------------------5.3 Future Research-----------------------------------------------------281 285 291

REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------- -----APPENDIXES--------------------------------------------------------------------Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire-----------------------------------Appendix B. Cooks Distance and Centered Leverage of All Variables-------------------------------------------------------------------

294 345 345



Page Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Teledensity in Pakistan 1998 - 2008 Foreign Direct Investment in Telecom Sector Telecom Sector Share in GDP Revenue of Telecom Sector Cellular Mobile Telephone Growth Growth % of Cellular Mobile Telephone Subscribers Cellular Mobile Telephone Penetration Cellular Mobile Telephone Franchises Percentage of Market Share of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Internal Reliability of Scales Descriptive Analysis of all Variables Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis Reliability of Scales (Internal Consistency) Assumption Multiple Regressions Analysis of Independence of Observations Table 15. Table 16. Correlation Matrix 217 19 171 183 185 190 192 6 8 9 10 13 14 15 16

Assumption of Multicollinearity and Singularity Multicollinearity 218 Diagnostics

Table 17.

Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Internal Cooperation (Dependent Variable)


xii Table 18. Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Internal Cooperation (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 19. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and External Cooperation (Dependent Variable) Table 20. Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and External Cooperation (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 21. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Learning (Dependent Variable) ( N=290) Table 22. Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Learning (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 23. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Internal Coopertion, External Cooperation and Learning (Independent Variables) and Process Management (Dependent Variable) Table 24. Multiple Regression Analysis Summary for the Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (Independent Variables) and Process Management (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) 234 232 230 228 226 224 222

xiii Table 25. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Process Management (Independent Variable) and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable (N = 290) Table 26. Regression Analysis Summary for the Process Management (Independent Variable) and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 27. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Process Management (Independent Variable) and Employee Fulfillment (Dependent Variable) Table 28. Regression Analysis Summary for the Process Management (Independent Variable) and Employee Fulfillment (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 29. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Continuous Improvement / Employee Fulfillment (Independent Variables) and Customer Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 30. Multiple Regression Analysis Summary for the Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment (Independent Variables) and Customer Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) (N = 290) Table 31. Table 32. Table 33. Table 34. Table 35. Results of Path Analysis Direct and Indirect Effects for Path Diagram Summary of Hypotheses Testing (H1 to H8) Results Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices Cooks Distance and Centered Leverage for all Variables 249 256 259 261 350 246 244 242 240 238 236



Figure 1. Figure 2.

Demings 14 Points, Seven Deadly Diseases and Obstacles Theory of Quality Management Underlying the Deming Management Method

120 127

Figure 3.

A path diagram representation of the theory underlying Deming Management Method


Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8.

Management Position Wise Response Rate Functional Area Wise Response Rate Experience Wise Response Rate Organization Wise Response Rate Normal P-Plot of Regression Residuals for Visionary Leadership versus Internal Cooperation

177 178 179 181 159

Figure 9. Figure 10

Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and Internal Cooperation Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Visionary Leadership versus External Cooperation. 196

Figure 11. Figure 12.

Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and External Cooperation


Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Visionary 201 Leadership versus Learning

Figure 13. Figure 14.

Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and Learning Normal P Plot of Regression Residuals for Internal Customer, External Cooperation and Learning versus Process Management

202 204

xv Figure 15. Scatter Plot for Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning versus Process Management Figure 16. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Process Management versus Continuous Improvement Figure 17. Scatter Plot for Process Management versus Continuous Improvement Figure 18. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Process Management versus Employee Fulfillment Figure 19. Scatter Plot for Process Management versus Employee Fulfillment Figure 20. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment versus Customer Satisfaction Figure 21. Scatter Plot for Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment versus Customer Satisfaction Figure 22. Path Analytic Results of the Deming Management Method Model 248 214 213 211 210 208 207 205


Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire 345

Appendix B. Cooks Distance and Centered Leverage of All Variables





Alcatel Pakistan Limited Asian Productivity Organization Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators Calling Pay Party Carrier Telephone Industry of Pakistan Content Validity Index Dependent Variable European Foundation for Quality Management Foreign Direct Investment Human Resource Management Gross Domestic Product Independent Variable Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Pakistan Institute of Quality Control Pakistan National Quality Award Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Quality Functional Deployment Quality Management Systems Subscriber Identity Module Telecommunication Telephone Industry of Pakistan Total Quality Management Variance Inflation Factor Zhongxing Telecom Pakistan



My truthful thanks to Allah Almighty for His benevolence and guidance in granting me strength and fortitude to complete this work. Without His support, I could not have accomplished this project. My sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Rashid Ahmad Khan for his support and guidance during the last four years. He has been a great mentor as well as advisor. I am deeply indebted to his guidance, inspiration and encouragement. His influences and ideas are spread all around in this thesis. I pay tribute to him for his enlightenment he bestowed on me. His enthusiasm and reverence always have made great impact on me. I would like to extend my appreciation to Mr. Khushnood and Mr. Hassan Afzal in facilitating my work. My special thanks to Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, who provided me enabling environments to complete my work. His care and concern about my work always energized me. I also thank the administration of National University of Modern Language for providing required support whenever I needed. The fond memories of the stay at the University provided refreshing and intellectually stimulating environments and experience to complete this thesis. Once again, I thank Allah Almighty for His blessings and bounties and pray to grant me knowledge and enable me to make a humble contribution to the existing knowledge; Aameen!



This thesis is dedicated to my wife Bushra for her endless love, support and the sacrifices she made; and my sons Umair, Samit and Enmad for their moral support and care without whose patience and encouragement this research would not have been completed. I love and respect you. I am forever thankful to Allah Almighty that I have these people in my life.





The rapid changes in political, economic and socio-cultural environment are affecting business. Globalization, intense competition and removal of trade barriers have created dynamic and uncertain environment for organizations. The changing environment has generated opportunities as well as challenges for business to survive. Dedhia (1995) identified these challenges as changing customers, increasing level of quality, profitability, cultural change, firms reputation, competitive markets, government rules and regulations, environmental impact, communication, new technology, workforce diversification and information management. According to Mohanty and Lakhe (2002), the survival of organizations depends on pursuing a quality strategy. The philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) enables organizations to achieve superior performance and competitiveness (Anderson & Sohal, 1999; Powell, 1995; Terziovski & Samson, 1999; Zhang, 2000). Mehra, Hoffman and Sinas (2001) affirmed TQM as a management philosophy and predicted it as a strategy for next millennium.


TQM Initiatives in Pakistan

The success of quality initiatives needs strategic orientation at the national level.

In case of Pakistan, however, there had not been an integrated approach at national level till 2003. Asian Productivity Organization - APO (1998, p.9) noted that:

2 Although the quality of products and services is a key indicator of a countrys socioeconomic prosperity, the quality movement in Pakistan is not integrated at the national level. While the level of awareness about quality is increasing in the country, there has still not been any breakthrough at the national level. In 2004, however, the Government of Pakistan formulated a national quality policy and planned to meet the global challenges for sustainable development of industries and the protection of consumers. Preliminary work on the formulation of Pakistan National Quality Award (PNQA) was initiated by the Government of Pakistan through National Productivity Organization. With emergence of total quality management philosophy, visionary companies in Pakistan initiated individual efforts to pursue this new philosophy for sustainability. The study of literature review indicated three streams of published articles on total quality management in Pakistan. The first stream dealt with conceptual aspects of total quality management as a new paradigm in changing global environment (Khan, 1997; Khan, 2006; Moosa, 2000a, b; Rashid, 2002). The second stream reported the individual firms experience in implementing total quality management or some of its fundamentals (Abbasi, 1999; Chaudhry & Rehman, 2004; Khan, 2000; Khan & Aziz, 2000; Manzoor, 2000; Qureshi, 2002; Shaikh, 2006). The third stream investigated the use of quality tools in individual firms (Amjad, 2002; Hashmi, 1999; Khan, 2002; Mustafa, 2002; Shahid, 1999). Some quality experts and researchers also focused on quality dimensions in educational institutions (Ali, 2003; Ahmed, 2007; Hussainy, 2005; Jan, 2003; Khan, 2003; Khan & Khan, 2007; Mehdi, 2005; Moosa, 2003; Murad, 2001, Saeed, 2003; Sajid, 2003; Warsi, 2005). Asian Productivity Organization (APO) organized a national research on implementing quality management practices in the firms in Asia and Pacific. According to APO (1998), during

3 1995-96, a national research was undertaken in three Pakistani organizations, two in manufacturing (AEG Pakistan Private Limited, a medium- sized manufacturer of circuit breakers and switches) ; Angor Textile Private Limited, a medium- sized producer of knitted garments) and one in the service sector ( the Agha Khan University Hospital, a large full-service hospital). Moosa (1998) carried out survey of five reputable quality-conscious Pakistani companies (four were in the mechanical field and one in cargo handling), under assignment from Pakistan Institute of Quality Control (PIQC). The research studies, under assignments from APO and PIQC, used questionnaires, interviews and physical observations (cited in APO, 1998, p. 35). Ahmed (2000) discussed the framework and the implementation experience of Global Corporate & Investment Banking business of Citibank, Pakistan in embedding the total quality initiative. Siddiqui (2000) noted that Deming Cycle provides solution to procedural tribulations in a case study of an agency in the public sector. Khan (2000), in a case study of an engineering company, noted the methodology of total quality management initiatives based on four major steps of study, plan, implement and review. Bhatti (2006) studied the TQM culture in education sector. The study was based on eight management schools in Lahore and 100 respondents were selected for interview using stratified random sampling technique. The response rate was 60%. The research instrument was based on 18 variables. Moosa (2000 b) identified common attributes of the quality culture in Pakistani organizations. The study, done in 1999, used ethnographic (external observation) method. Twelve consulting engineers were employed who were qualified Quality Management Systems (QMS) Lead Auditors and Pakistan Institute of Quality Control (PIQC) qualified consultants. Twenty manufacturing companies from diverse industries were studied. The survey was based on seven aspects comprising organizational behaviour, quality of management functions,continuous quality improvement, technological status, human resource development, quality assurance, TQM tools and the status of organized

4 TQM programmes or processes. This research, however, did not cover the service sector and the author identified it as one of the limitations. Khan (2000) carried out study of six successful implementations of TQM initiatives in Pakistani companies. The companies studied included one textile, two engineering goods, one consumers products, one pharmaceutical and one automotive. The author identified that generally two approaches (revolutionary and evolutionary) were used by successful Pakistani companies. Mehnaz and Ejaz (2006 a), in a case study of Pakistan Knitwear Industry, found that quality management had a concentration in inspection mode. Mehnaz and Ejaz (2006 b) also studied the quality management in Pakistan Bedwear Industry. Pakistan State Oil (PSO, 2007), a state owned company, introduced total quality management in its operations. A comprehensive review of literature indicated that the research on TQM in Pakistan has been focused primarily on individual firms especially in the manufacturing sectors. In service sector, however, the main focus has been in the field of education covering selected educational institutions. Little research has been conducted in this field in other services, especially in the Telecommunication (Telecom) Sector; which is progressing at a galloping pace.


Growth of Services Sector in Pakistan

The importance of services sector to Pakistans economy has substantially increased over

the last 30 years whereby the share of services in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has gone up from 38.4% in 1969-70 to almost 53.3% in 2006- 07 (Siddiqui & Saleem 2008). Economic Survey of Pakistan 2006-2007 indicated the growth of service sector by 8.5% in 2004-05, by 9.6% in 2005-06 and by 8.0% in 2006-07. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP 2007) noted that the share of the services sector in GDP rose to a new high of 53.3% during financial year 2007.

5 During financial year 2008, the service sector contributed 53.2% in GDP (SBP 2008). Telecom Sector is the major contributor in the Services in Pakistan.



It has been established that a sound infrastructure in the Telecom Sector is vital for

sustainable economic growth of a country. Since independence, this sector remained a monopoly for a very long time. The advancement in telecom services was far greater than the developments undertaken by the state; hence the country was not able to keep pace with the galloping developments in the field of telecommunication. The slow response to the development resulted in a digital divide and Pakistan remained far behind its neighbours and other comparable countries in terms of telecom access. The promulgation of the Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act in 1996 laid the foundation for the development of Telecom Sector. The government established a quasi-independent regulator, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to oversee the sector. The announcement of Deregulation Policy in 2000 ushered a new era in the development of Telecom Sector. This sector was declared as an industry in 2005.

1.4.1. Teledensity in Pakistan Teledensity in Pakistan has improved manifolds with opening up of Telecom Sector for private investment in the country. Table 1 shows the growth of Teledensity in Pakistan over the last 12 years. The total teledensity of the country reached around 12% in year 2004-5. There had been a gradual decline in teledensity of fixed line. This was due to the availability of choices of mobile and Wireless Local Loop (WLL) services to the customers. The teledensity jumped from 26% in 2005-06 to 58.8% in 2007-08. However, this jump was much bigger in 2006-07.

6 Table 1 Teledensity in Pakistan 1996 2008


Fixed (%)

Cellular (%)

WLL (%)

Total (%)

1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Dec 08

1.96 1.99 2.11 2.18 2.28 2.50 2.69 2.94 3.43 3.37 3.04 2.70 2.30

0.10 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.52 1.20 1.60 3.30 8.13 22.2 40.90 54.70 55.80

0.17 0.66 1.08 1.40 1.50

2.06 2.14 2.30 2.40 2.80 3.66 4.31 6.52 11.90 26.24 45.04 58.80 59.60

Source: Adapted from PTA (2007), PTA (2008)

7 The total teledensity of fixed, cellular and WLL reached 59.60 in December 2008 (PTA 2008). 1.4.2 Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan There has been a steady flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Telecom Sector in Pakistan since 2002. Table 2 shows the contribution of FDI in this sector. The sector has enormous potential for growth and remains lucrative for foreign investors. It has attracted more than US $ 5.6 billion FDI since 2002-3 (PTA 2008). This development has created employment opportunities in Pakistan. During 2007-08, a sum of US $1.4 billion FDI was made in Telecom Sector of Pakistan (SBP 2008). The sector ranked second as major recipient of FDI in the country. 1.4.3 Telecom Sector Share in GDP Service sector of Pakistans economy, telecom being part of it, is the largest contributor in the composition of GDP. In 2007-08, the services sector contribution to the real GDP of the country was reported at 73% compared to 58% in 2006-07(Economic Survey 2007-08). Table 3 shows the share of Telecom Sector in the GDP of the country. There has been a gradual increase of telecom share in the GDP. The percentage share has risen from 1.6% in 2000-01 to 2% in 2007. Over US$ one billion investment is expected in this sector during 2009. 1.4.4 Revenues of Telecom Sector Due to substantial increase in the telecom traffic, lower tariffs and vast coverage of cellular mobile and WLL operators, the revenues of telecom companies have shot up. Table 4 shows the revenues of telecom sector since 2003. Total revenues of telecom sector in 2006-07 grew by about 21% compared to the last year. However, this increase is over 100% if compared with revenues of 2003-04. Cellular Mobile Sector share in total telecom revenue was about 57% in 2006-07 which was just 24% four years earlier. Total Mobile Sector revenues had

8 Table 2

Foreign Direct Investment in Telecom Sector


% Share

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 July - December 2008

13.5 21.8 32.4 54.1 35.6 27.9 31.00

Source: Adapted from PTA (2008); SBP (2008)

9 Table 3 Telecom Sector Share in GDP


% Share

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2006-07 2007-08

1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1

Source: Adapted from Economic Survey of Pakistan (2007-8); PTA (2007); PTA (2008), SBP (2008)

10 Table 4 Revenues of Telecom Sector


Rupees in Billion

2003 2004 2005 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 July December 2008

10.200 11.6827 14.4226 19.4562 23.5613 27.8459 23.1000

Source: Adapted from PTA (2008); Federal Board of Revenue (2008)

11 increased by 378% during the last four years (PTA 2007). The revenues, however, decreased during the second half of 2008 due to negative impact of increase in taxes.


Cellular Mobile Telephone Industry

The mobile service was introduced in Pakistan in 1990. As a result of prudent policies of

the government, the sector has witnessed phenomenal growth during the last 18 years. Table 5 highlights the impressive growth over the years. PTA (2006) indicated that Pakistan has been experiencing more than 150% continuous growth rate for years 2003-04 to 2005 -06. The report noted that there were 36.8 million subscribers in the country showing subscribers growth rate of 109% in 2003-04, 154% in 2004-2005 and had crossed 170% in 2005-06. The total subscribers crossed 88 million at the end of 2007-08 (PTA 2008). This tremendous growth is attributed to many internal and external factors starting from deregulation down to implementation of Mobile Number Portability to the Calling Party Pay (CPP) Regime which made the incoming calls free. Pakistan Mobile industry has been witnessing increasing net addition to total subscriber base for last five years. In 2004, the net addition was more than 21 million in one year showing 1.75 million average addition per month whereas in 2007, the net addition was more than 27 million increasing average addition to 2.3 million per month (PTA 2007). During 2008, all companies together added 25 million subscribers to their net (PTA 2008). Despite impressive addition of cellular subscribers by Operators during 2007-08, Cellular Mobile market could not maintain its growth pattern of the last 3-4 years. Generally, the growth of subscribers has declined considerably in 2007-08, which is evident from Table 6. Total subscribers growth has been reported 40% in 2007-08, which has declined from 82% in the year 2006-07. Growth of cellular subscribers has declined by all major companies (PTA 2008). This decline has been attributed to the imposition of additional taxes by the government, rising costs

12 of the service and overall economic situation which has affected the consumption pattern of the customers. 1.5.1 Cellular Mobile Telephone Penetration Since 2003 the mobile penetration in the country has been increasing from 1.6% (PTA 2003) to 40.1% PTA (2007). Table 7 shows the cellular penetration since 2002. In five years the penetration grew at an average rate of more than 100%. Maximum penetration of mobile services is in Sindh and Punjab Provinces because of higher business activity, higher literacy rate, easy terrain for network roll out and densely populated areas. By end 2007-8, the cellular mobile penetration had reached 54.7 % which is 15.3 % higher than the last year.

1.5.2 Cellular Mobile Telephone Franchises Despite aggressive cellular subscriber growth, franchises increased normally at 3%. During the year 2007-08, total CMTOs franchises increased to 1,679 which were 1,619 the previous year. Table 8 shows the growth of franchises of CMTOs. One reason for this slow growth could be the closure of some franchises by PTA on account of their involvement in unauthorized sale of Subscriber Identity Modules (SIMs) which was causing problem of law and order in the country. Other reason could be that expansion is going on in unpopulated areas where CMTOs had already allotted franchises.



Presently six cellular mobile telephone operators are operating in Pakistan. With the exception of one operator, all are subsidiary of multinationals corporations. Mobilink GSM (PMCL), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, started its operations in 1994. Presently it has 28 million


Table 5 Cellular Mobile Telephone Growth


Subscribers in Million

1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-0 2000-01 2001-02 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

.06 .135 .196 .265 .306 .742 1.23 1.90 5.00 12.70 34.40 62.90 89.90

Source: Adapted from PTA (2005); PTA (2008)

14 Table 6 Growth (%) of Cellular Mobile Telephone Subscribers


% Growth

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

142 129 42 109 154 170 82 40

Source: Adapted from PTA (2008)

15 Table 7 Cellular Mobile Telephone Penetration


% Penetration

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1.6 2.4 3.3 8.3 23.7 39.4 55.6

Source: Adapted from PTA (2008)

16 Table 8 Cellular Mobile Telephone Franchises


Numbers of Franchises

2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

618 984 1202 1619 1686

Source: Adapted from PTA (2008)

17 subscribers. It has 31.7 % of the market share and covers over 10,000 destinations having 449 franchises and 7805 cell sites (PTA 2008). Ufone GSM is a subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Company. On account of privatization, 26% of its shares were acquired by Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat). The Company has a market share of 21.5%, covers 277 cities with 361 franchises and 4314 cell sites (PTA 2008). Telenor Pakistan is a subsidiary of Telenor Sweden. The company launched its operations in March 2005. It has over 19 millions subscribers. Its market share is 21.6%, covers 1146 destinations, and has 239 franchises and 5998 cell sites (PTA 2008). Warid is operated by Abu Dhabi Group. Warid started its services in Pakistan in May 2005. It has over 16 million subscribers. The company has market share of 18.8 % with coverage to 117 destinations, having 285 franchises and 4047 cell sites (PTA 2008). China Mobile Pakistan (CM Pak) entered telecom sector in January 2007, after its acquisition of Paktel from Millicom Corporation. Presently it has a market share of 6.1% covers 291 destinations, has 164 franchises and 3925 cell sites (PTA 2008). Instaphone started its operations in 1990. Its market share is 0.4%. The company covers 73 destinations, has 235 franchises and 211 cell sites (PTA 2008). 1.6.1 Market Share of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) Market share of CMTOs is considered an important tool to gauge the level of competition in any sector of the economy. Market shares of CMTOs indicate that market is moving towards perfect competition where the share of major operators are declining and new entrants are able to grab more share in the market. Table 9 shows the market share of mobile operators for 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08. Mobilink maintained its market leadership position with 60% of market share while

18 Ufone with a market share of 18% held the second position during 2005-06. During the year 2007-08, Telenor has emerged as fastest growing CMTO which has improved its market share from 17% in 2007 to above 21% slightly higher than Ufone that also has 21.5% market share. On the other hand, the leading mobile operator, Mobilink is rapidly losing its significant market power place and its share has declined to 31.7% in 2008. This is attributed to tough competition and quality of service differentiation from its competitors. CM Pak is also growing very fast and it has added over 5 million subscribers, which is an impressive number. During 2008, its share stood at 6.1% and with additional infrastructure in place, the share is likely to go up.



Global telecom equipment manufacturing scenario is dominated by few players including

Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, Samsung, Lucent, Nortel and Motorola. Pakistan in early years was dependent on imported telecom equipment. In 1990, foreign telecom equipment manufacturers set up their facilities under local joint ventures in Pakistan. Pakistan has a sizeable equipment manufacturing base to meet the requirements of local telecom operators to some extent (PTA 2004). Important manufacturers are Carrier Telephone Industries (CTI), Telephone Industry of Pakistan (TIP), National Radio Telecommunication Corporation, Siemens, Alcatel Pakistan Limited (APL), Zhongxing Telecom Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (ZTE), Nortel Networks and Ericsson Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. The demand for telecom equipment including cellular mobile sets has increased over the years due to unprecedented growth of Telecom Sector. During Jul 06-March 07, telecom equipment worth US $ 1.05 billion were imported in the country. There are no indigenous production facilities of mobile phones. The total value of handsets imported in Pakistan during 2005-06 crossed US $ 1 billion and forecasted growth in these imports is 25% annually.

19 Table 9 Percentage of Market Share of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs)





Mobilink Ufone Telenor Warid Paktel Instaphone CMPak

60% 18% 9% 7% 4% 2% -

39.9% 21% 19% 17.2% 0.4% 2.6%

31.7% 21.5% 21.6% 18.8% 0.4% 6.1%

Source: Adapted from PTA (2005); PTA (2007); PTA (2008)

20 PTA (2007) noted that imports of mobile phone alone have reached US $ 506.2 million during Jul 06- March 07. Imports for Telecom Sector in 2007-08 have declined marginally and stood at US$1.33 billion, which were 4% of the total imports. Imports of cellular mobile handsets reduced significantly by about 33% during the year 2007-08. During July-December 2008, cellular mobile sets worth US $ 88.7 millions were imported. The overall import of Telecom Sector stood at US $ 356 million as compared to US $ 885.1 million in 2007-08. This indicates saturation of the market while imports of the telecom equipment have increased by 31% in the same period on account for competitive environment among CMTOs and their pursuits for expansion of their infrastructure ( PTA 2008). The manufacturing capacity of Telecom Sector in Pakistan is not in a position to meet the growing demands of equipments for CMTOs network expansion and other operational requirements and services. Therefore, CMTOs are dependent on foreign suppliers for provisioning of equipment. Following are the main suppliers of CMTOs for technical and operational support: 1. Nokia Siemens Networks Pakistan (Private) Limited. 2. Alcatel- Lucant, Pakistan Limited. 3. Erricsson Pakistan (Private) Limied. 4. Huawei Technologies Company Limited, Pakistan. 5. Zxongxing Telecom Pakistan (Private) Limited. 6. Motorola Pakistan. For administrative support, CMTOs are dependent on reputed local suppliers



The quality of service of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) has been the

main concern for the end users. PTA had been carrying out periodic quality of service surveys of

21 these Operators. Till late 2008, the results of these surveys had not been made public. Quality of Service (2002) reported that connectivity and drop calls service of all major cellular service providers were found below the required standards laid down by the regulator. PTA (2003) indicated that as a result of second survey during the period covered under report, the quality of services to telecom consumers was not up to the quality of services standards as per license conditions. A public hearing followed this issue. One CMTO was fined Rupees 60 million and the rest three CMTOs were issued show cause notices as a consequence of their poor quality of service. PTA (2004) concluded that all CMTOs had shown improvement. However, the services were still not up to the satisfactory level of end users and international benchmarks. Quality of Service (2005) quoted PTA Chairman and reported that the Mobile Operators will have to improve quality of service otherwise strict action would be taken against these Operators. PTA (2007, p.27) reported: Seventy percent increase in the overall complaints of the mobile companies. The issue raised by the customers was mainly quality of service which includes issues of dropped calls, busy circuits, and weak signals. Many customers voiced serious concern regarding billing practices, complexity and obscurity in billing procedures, and over charging. During 2008, the survey was carried out to measure network accessibility, service accessibility, access delay, voice quality and short messaging. The results of quality of survey were made public for the first time. According to the survey, the quality of service of CMTOs showed improvement. However, the quality of service stills needs further improvement. All CMTOs have business excellence, meeting and exceeding customers satisfaction, exceeding employees expectations, continuous improvement, and relationship with stakeholders as core elements of their vision and values (Mobilink Vision & Values, 2007; Ufone Profile,

22 2007; Telenor Values, 2008). During the past five years, there has been significant improvement in Key Performance Indicators of all CMTOs based on revenues, average revenue per user, new subscribers, growth in infrastructure, market share, income before interest/taxes/ depreciation and amortization, and profit after tax. PTA carries out regular quality of service surveys to assess the performance of CMTOs against the benchmark standards as per the license agreements. CMTOs have been fined up to Pakistan Rupees 60 million for failure to meet the required standards of quality of service. In addition 18 franchises had been closed by PTA for violating the instructions for issuing the SIMs (Quality of Service, 2008). However, PTA does not have any leverage on the management of CMTOs. These organizations are committed to provide excellent services to customers to remain competitive in fast growing telecom market. There is, however, a gap between the commitment of CMTOs and its manifestation in tangible dimensions based on the quality of service benchmarks identified by PTA. The failure of Operators to meet quality of service standards is, therefore, a cause of concern for regulators, customers and the organizations. This study has provided an opportunity to examine this gap and furnish an objective assessment about the problem.



The objective of the study is to assess the extent to which the fundamentals of total

quality management are being practiced by CMTOs in Pakistan, identify barriers and to suggest measures for improving their competitiveness by adopting TQM best practices. The study was undertaken to address the lack of empirical findings concerning application of fundamentals of total quality management within Cellular Mobile Industry (CMTOs) in Pakistan in the context of

23 galloping development in the industry. Much of the work on TQM in Pakistan is focused on the manufacturing industries. However, selected case studies of individual firms in different services had been undertaken. The study aims at exploring the application of TQM philosophy based on Deming Management Method in CMTOs and helps identifying problems areas and possible remedies to make these organizations competitive.


Implementation of fundamentals of total quality management has been introduced and practiced in individual firms in Pakistan for quite some time. Empirical evidence of its application in Telecom Industry has not been done. The significant contribution of study includes the following: 1. The study will provide empirical evidence of application of TQM fundamentals based on Deming Management Methods in Cellular Mobile Industry (Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators) in Pakistan. 2. The study will generate information that can be useful for organizational leaders in evaluating TQM practices in their own organizations using Deming Management Method, identify weaknesses and initiate appropriate measures to enhance organizational performance. The results will provide an objective insight to CMTOs to plan necessary course of action to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. 3. The study will be useful to both theoreticians and practicing managers as it will provide insight into the factors that contribute to the competitiveness of service firms in fast growing industry. 4. More generally, however, since TQM is an attempt to bring about organizational change, an appreciation of factors influencing its implementation will be useful in helping managers implement change initiatives with regard to TQM in organizations.

24 5. The study will provide quality management researchers with evidence of empirical testing of Deming Management Method Model in different cultural context. 6. The study will provide the researchers in the field of quality management the information that can be useful in determining needs for further research.


The study seeks to answer the following questions: To what extent Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) in Pakistan practice fundamentals of total quality management based on Deming Management Method criteria in their organizations? 2. What are the barriers that Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators (CMTOs) in Pakistan experience in practicing fundamentals of total quality management based on Deming Management Methods criteria in their organizations? 3. How these organizations can improve their competitiveness by adopting the best TQM practices?


1.12.1 Total Quality Management TQM philosophy constitutes a new paradigm of management. It is a way to continuously improve performance at every level of operation, in every functional area of organization through integration of people and systems. This embodies provision of supporting environment based on senior management explicit commitment, developing employees competency, collaboration with stakeholders and change of organizational culture. The ultimate objective is customer satisfaction. (Brocka & Brocka, 1992; Mohanty & Lakhe,2002).

25 1.12.2 Visionary Leadership Managements ability to articulate organizational vision, a shared philosophy, and value based practices driven by customer focus. This manifests in strategic thinking, collaboration, empowerment and development of workforce, social innovation, participative style of management, and creating enabling environment to plan, affect and sustain quality focused organizational change. (Anderson, Rungtusanathan & Schroeder, 1994; Obeng & Ugboro, 2000).

1.12.3 Internal and External Cooperation The tendency of the organization to promote team milieu with dynamic and flexible boundaries that develops beneficial relationship internally and externally. This relationship increases partnership with suppliers, creates collaborative organization, promotes workforce empowerment, trust and eliminates fear. The internal and external partnership fosters innovation and learning and enhances organizational effectiveness (Anderson et al.,1994; Warner, 1999).

. 1.12.4 Learning The organizational capability to recognize and nurture the development of its skills, abilities, and knowledge base. This is exemplified by companywide training, foundational knowledge, process knowledge, educational development, continuous self-improvement, and managerial learning (Anderson et al.,1994). 1.12.5 Process Management Methodical and behavioural practices that focus on planning, organizing, implementing and controlling of processes. The main emphasis is on prevention, statistical process control and reduction of variation, limiting mass inspection, quality in designing, elimination of merit-rating reward systems, understanding motivation, total cost accounting and stable employment

26 (Anderson et al.,1994; Ishikawa 1985). 1.12.6 Continuous improvement The efforts of the organization to follow gradual and novel improvement of its products, services, processes and performance. This is an ongoing process for organization to achieve flexibility, responsiveness and ability to change to achieve customer satisfaction (Anderson et. al.,1994; Kaye & Dyason, 1995; Noori, Jha & Michela,1996). 1.12.7 Employee Fulfillment The extent to which employees believe and experience organizational pursuits in meeting and exceeding their needs. This manifests in commitment of employees to organizational goals and generates a sense of belonging with the organization. The employees are energized and do their best to achieve superior performance for sustained excellence (Anderson et al. 1994; Obeng & Ugboro, 2000). 1.12.8 Customer Satisfaction The degree to which the organization is customer driven, meeting and exceeding customers expectations, and dedicated to creating satisfied customers consistently (Agus, Krishnan & Kadir, 2000; Saraph, Bensen & Schroeder,1989; Sun, 2000).


The present study has some limitations that offer opportunities for future research. The data is based on individual opinion. There is a general tendency to inflate the opinion with regard to the questions in the instrument with a view to give good impression of the organization. Since the findings are based on the use of self-reported survey data and semi structured interviews, these may be affected by response biases.

27 The customer satisfaction data has been obtained from the respondents rather than customers. Since the data is not based on an external measure of this dimension, the responses are likely to be biased and may not provide a realistic evaluation of Customer Satisfaction. Deming Management Method is applied to one industry in this study. In order to establish the generalization of the Model within the context of Pakistan, it needs to be tested in other industries setting, both in public and private sectors.






There has been substantial growth in the services sector during the last two decades. This rapid growth has been attributed to changes in environment, fast development of new technologies and computerization, changing customers preferences and lean manufacturing (contracting out most activities). The change in demography, culture and lifestyle had affected the consumption pattern and buying behaviour of people. This change created new opportunities and challenges for the firms to remain competitive. Services have been differentiated from products. They are primarily intangible (Judd, 1964; Mills & Margulies 1980). Services are simultaneously produced and consumed (Regan, 1963; Shostack,1977). Services are also considered to be perishable (Regan, 1963), and to be a process rather than a thing (Gronroos, 1983; Shostack, 1977). Services exhibit intangibility, perishability, inseparability and heterogeneity. The evaluation of service quality is based on customers and service providers perception of quality (Zeitham, Parasuraman, & Berry, 1985). The service concept has two components; the degree to which customer needs are satisfied and the added value that the customer receives (Dale 2003; Hsieh, Chou & Chen 2002). Deming (1986) estimated that 44% of people in firms are looking after service functions. The contribution of these people adds value to the quality of products and the firms perception in the minds of consumers. Juran

29 (1974) observed that main focus of user is the service, even though he may seem to buy the product. Peter (1988) explained that customer accords greater priority to the care and responsiveness of the organization than the features of product.


There has been a significant focus on service quality during the past few decades.

Researchers interest in service quality is based on its contribution in reducing costs, increasing customer loyalty and profitability (Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Gammie, 1992;Guru, 2003; Hallowell, 1996; Newman, 2001). Customer and not the provider decide the quality of service. The customer feelings about the quality are the determinant of customer satisfaction (Bertrand, 1989; Boothe1990). As cited in Johnson and Sirikit, ( 1993, p.694) service quality is an attitude that results from comparison of expected service level from perceived performance. The consumer evaluation of actual performance with the expected performance results in perceived service quality (Cronin &Taylor, 1992). Kordupleski, Rust & Zahorik (1993, p. 85) gave a suitable definition of service quality as the extent to which the service, the service process and the service organization can satisfy the expectations of the user. Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml (1985, p.42) defined service quality as a measure of how well the service level delivered matches customer expectations. Delivering quality service means conforming to customer expectations on a consistent basis. They noted the properties of services as follow: 1. Search properties that can only be done before consumption. 2. Experience properties that can only be evaluated during or after the consumption.

30 3. Credence properties that cant be directly evaluated before or after the consumption. Cronin and Taylor (1992) stated that service quality leads to customer satisfaction which affects the purchase decision. Reichheld and Sasser (1995) proposed that loyalty of customer increases with high level of satisfaction. Hallowell (1996, p.30) affirms that customer satisfaction leads to customer retention. Berry, Benet and Brown (1989, p.22) defined service quality as the conformance of services to customers specifications. Kessler (1995, p.45) defined total quality service as customer satisfaction. According to Geralis and Terziovski (2003), service quality involves a comparison of customers expectations with customers perceptions of the actual service performance. Customers expect quality service that considers their needs and improves their quality of life. Based on examinations of writings of quality experts and researchers, Parasuraman et al. (1985)identified that the underlying theme of service quality is based on the following: 1. It is difficult for the consumers to assess the service quality as compared to the goods quality. 2. A comparison of consumers expectations with actual service performance results in perception of quality. 3. Assessment of service quality is based on the outcome of service as well as the process of service delivery.



These are characteristics of service that are essential to customers and contribute

significantly to the evaluation of quality. Researchers have tried to identify generic attributes that can facilitate evaluation of quality in specific context. Gronroos (1984) identified three components of service quality namely; technical quality, functional quality and the corporate

31 image. Lehtinen and Lehtinen (1982) identified three dimensions of quality that include physical dimension, corporate dimension and interactive dimension. They argued that delivery of service and the outcome are vital determinants of service quality (cited in Mohanty & Lakhe, 2002, p.49). Garvin (1984) identified eight customer oriented quality dimensions that include performance, features, reliability, conformance to specification, durability, serviceability, aesthetics and perceived quality. Stamatis (1997) presented modified version of eight quality dimensions identified by Garvin (1984). These are function, features, conformance, reliability, serviceability and perception (cited in Mohanty & Lakhe, 2002, p.125). Dotchin and Oakland (1994) observed that, in services that provide much interaction with consumers, essential attributes of service quality are competence, credibility, security and knowledge. Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988) identified some generic dimensions of service quality in a 22-item scale, called Service Quality (SERVQUAL),which measures service quality based on five dimensions, which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. In addition to the focus on the five dimensions incorporated into the SERVQUAL, the other dimensions that they proposed are communication, credibility, security, competence, courtesy, and understanding/ knowing the customers and customization. Customers view core service, delivery, system of delivery, tangibles and social responsibility as the most critical factor to determine the service quality (Sureshchandar, Rajandran & Kamalanabhan, 2001).Garvin (1984) identified perceived quality, serviceability and aesthetics as the determinants of service quality. Mattsson (1992) noted humane (pleasant to use), choice and cost as important dimensions of quality. Based on the study of literature review on service quality, the researchers point out that the core dimensions of service quality may be reduced to five general dimensions; tangibles,

32 reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy( Parasuraman et al.1988; Sureshchandar et al.2001;Van Riel, Semeijn & Janssen 2003).


QUALITY OF SERVICE DIMENSIONS MOBILE PHONE CUSTOMERS PERSPECTIVE Teril (2009) indicated that world wide mobile phone subscribers would increase to 5.2

billion by 2011. The revenues from mobile services are expected to grow from $ 624 billion in 2007 to $ 877 billion by 2013. The rapid growth offers opportunities and challenges for the mobile phone operators. Customers experiences based on quality has assumed decisive role in sustainable competitive advantage for mobile phone operators (Accenture, 2007). There is strong evidence from Australia, New Zealand and India that organizations suffer economic losses and loss of customers due to poor customer services. The combined loss is estimated to be about $ 5.6 billion in revenues (Ponder, 2009). Quality of services from mobile phone users perspective need to be studied with a view to facilitate its measurement. There have been numerous studies that investigated the perspective of mobile phone users with regard to the quality aspects. These have been discussed in succeeding paragraphs. These studies provide insight to the quality dimensions that mobile phone operators need to consider to remain competitive in changing environment. Akbar and Pervez (2009) carried out a survey based research of 304 subscribers of a telecommunication company in Bangladesh. The results found that tangible, empathy; assurance, reliability and responsiveness were considered the main dimensions of quality for customer satisfaction.

33 In a survey conducted in 2009, Indian mobile phone users indicated diversity of services, reliable customer services and reasonable pricing as the main features of quality of service (Prabhudesai, 2009). J.D. Power Survey (2009) studied the mobile phone users satisfaction in the United Kingdom. The study was based on a sample of 3325 mobile phone customers throughout United Kingdom. Important dimensions of service quality included in the survey were coverage, call quality, promotions and offerings of incentives and rewards, prices of service, billing, customer, bundled services. The study showed rising customer expectations with regard to the additional features and services from the mobile operators. Based on the survey of 22052 users of wireless phone in United States in 2008, the Wireless Phone Users Satisfaction Index of United States of America indicated that important dimensions of service quality were based on customer satisfaction, billing, brand image, call quality, cost of service and options for service plans (Customer Satisfaction Index, 2009) Negi (2009) examined the quality of service of mobile communication from customers perspective. Based on a study of 220 mobile phone users in Ethiopia, the study found that tangible, empathy; network aspect, convenience, responsiveness, reliability and assurance were main determinants of quality. In Pakistan, PTA regularly monitors the quality of services of mobile telephone operators through quality of service survey. The quality of service parameters include network accessibility, service accessibility, access delay, voice quality and short message service (PTA, 2008). In Pakistan, no empirical investigation or study has been undertaken to assess the quality of service based on customers perception. A qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (consumer surveys) research study about consumer satisfaction was undertaken by Australian Communications and Media Authority,

34 ACMA (2008). The study reported highest levels of dissatisfaction with mobile phone services (35 per cent), citing problems such as drop-outs, poor call quality and interference. The research also highlighted the growing number of complaints to Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman during the period 2002 to 2007 about the telecommunication services. Asia Pacific Consumer Satisfaction Survey (2008) indicated that in mature markets, the customer services along with long wait time were cited as the major reasons for leaving the operators. The survey found price, poor voice quality, unsatisfactory customer services, slow response to customers complaints resolutions, inadequate coverage, less variety of service features, poor reliability and lack of bundled services as the major reasons for switching over to new operators in China and India,: Accenture (2008) carried out survey of 4189 consumers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, United States and United Kingdom. More than 67% respondents confirmed poor customer services as the core reason for leaving the operators. The survey also found the rising expectations of customers in mature and growing markets. In a study Singh ( 2008) argued that the unprecedented growth of subscribers in India poses challenges to operators to ensure quality of services based on customer care, price, billing and new applications to meet ever increasing customers demands. In 2008, Telecom Regulatory Authority India carried out quality of service survey of mobile operators based on users satisfaction. The sample consisted of 1318 mobile phone users. The important dimensions of regulatory services benchmark dimensions of service quality included billing, customer care, availability of network, value added services and pre-sales and sales dimensions. Out of 11 operators, only 5 operators achieved the 90% service quality benchmark (Survey, 2008).

35 Souki and Filho (2008) carried out a study based of 434 customers in Brazil. The study focused on satisfaction of mobile phone users. The results of the study indicated high rating of customers services, quality of connections, overall ambience of outlets, and the coverage provided. A study of 10 regions in Japan measured the customer satisfaction among 7500 individual mobile telephone service users. The important dimensions of service quality of mobile service providers included handset, price, quality of call, coverage of area, non-voice functions and services and customer contact strength in that order of priority. In addition, the accuracy of information about the plan and the fee and frequent communication were considered important factors that the customers value. The results indicated strong dissatisfaction with services termination fees (Mobile Phone Survey, 2008). In a study in Nigeria, based on a sample of 150 mobile phone users, Joachim and Omotayo (2008) identified convenience, competency of delivery personnel, reliability, facilities and attractiveness of features of service and tangibles as important determinants of service quality. Chi, Yeh and Jang (2008) noted, in a study of 127 mobile phone users, that coverage and reduction in service charges are essential elements of quality for retention of existing customers and attracting new customers. Barnhoorn ( 2006) carried out a study in 2008 in South Africa indicated the ever increasing expectations of customers with regard to the services of mobile phone operators. The salient dimensions of quality of service accorded priority by mobile phone users included courteous and facilitating role of front line personnel, ease of availability for cards and recharge services, availability of products and services at the company outlets, accurate information and facts about services, affordable prices of the packages, and customized services.

36 Lim & Kumar (2008) carried out a study in United States based on a sample of 298 mobile phone users of two age groups (college students and old age group). The study found that quality and reliability of network, billing services and customer services found to be essential attributes of service quality of mobile phone services that contribute to economical and emotional value that lead to satisfaction of customers in different age groups. Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) Association identified a list of indicators for mobile phone quality of services. These indicators included network access, service access, service integrity and service retainability (Sunderland, 2007, p. 20). A study by Sukumar (2007), using a sample of 104 mobile phone subscribers, measured the mobile phone users preferences for selection of an operators. The result of the study found important dimensions as brand image, customer care, services availability, credit facility for connection, deposit amount and prices in that order of priority. In Canada, the consumers satisfaction survey in 2007 based on the responses of 6000 mobile phone users, indicated the essential elements of service quality of mobile operators as quality of calls, prices, billing, customers services and diversity of bundled options of services (Customer Satisfaction, 2007) A study was undertaken in 2007 on Consumer Satisfaction in Telecommunication markets in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries by the Directorate for Science, Technology and industry (DSTI) Committee on Consumer Policy. The study found imperfect information on quality and price, lack of transparency in roaming charges for international in service and contractual binding in changing the operators affect consumer behaviour. The study focused on mobile phone users and identified and found that quality of service and price were two major factors for switching over to new operators. The study further highlighted that major factors affecting mobile phone users dissatisfaction

37 included lack of differentiation in United Kingdom, prices and quality of services in Portugal, early termination fee and unsolicited calls and inaccurate billing in United States, and lack of meeting and exceeding customers satisfaction in Australia (DSTI, 2007). In Korea, a study of 350 mobile phone user indicated interpersonal relationship, ability of service provider to solve problems and attractiveness of services have been viewed as important dimensions of quality for mobile phone users. The respondents show great concern for high switching costs (Kim, Park & Park, 2007). In 2006, Telecom Regulatory Authority in India carried out survey of mobile operators against benchmark quality of service. The salient dimensions of service quality included call set up rates, drop call rate, accumulated down time for community isolation, services access delay, blocked call rate, quality of voice, time taken to response to customers for services, complaints per 100 bills issued, percentage resolution of complaints within four weeks, and time taken for all refunds / payments to customers after resolution of complaints (Sutherland, 2007, p. 22). In an empirical study in Canada, Serenko and Truel (2006) found that differentiated services were rated as the top element for competitive quality of service of mobile phone users. A study of mobile phone customers satisfaction about quality dimensions was undertaken in 2006 in Finland and other Scandinavian (Denmark, Sweden) and Baltic (Lithuania and Latvia) countries. The important drivers of customers perception of quality emerged product and service in Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The results found that the significant aspects of quality of service included attributes of service, image of the operators, and value added services. Pricing of the services emerged as the most important dimension of quality (ESPI, 2006). In a study was carried out in main land China, based on a sample of 367 customers of mobile phone users focused on the users perception of service quality, by Chich, Tang and Chen

38 (2006). The study found convenience, price, service transfer facilities, behaviour of staff, internet connectivity, quality of system as the major attributes of service quality. Sigala (2006) noted, in a study of mobile phone users in Greece, that customization of service, pleasing interaction of staff and customers, companys image and differentiated features were the important dimensions of service quality of mobile phone users. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India carried out a study on satisfaction of cell phone customers in Delhi in 2005. The sample was based on 562 mobile phone subscribers covering different segments. The study included questionnaire and focus group discussions. The results indicated poor quality signals, costs, billing errors, poor response to unsolicited calls and signal messaging services and customer services as major causes of dissatisfaction (Vision RI, 2005). In Turkey, a study was undertaken to determine the National Customer Satisfaction Index of mobile phone users based on a sample of 1950 mobile phone subscribers. The dimensions that emerged in customer satisfaction included meeting customers pre-purchase expectations, perceived quality (coverage, responsiveness to customers complaints, value added services, promotional activities and their fulfillment), and complaint handling. (Ozer & Aydin, 2005) Quality of Service Parameters adopted by Uganda Communication Commission (a regulatory body of communication in Uganda) for mobile phone service operators include network availability, call drop rate, call block rate, accuracy and on time issue of bills, complaints handling, service activation, provisioning and restoration (Quality of Service, 2005). Hutchinson, Lai, Li and Bai (2005) examined the quality of service in a major mobile communication company in China. Based on random sampling technique, 150 mobile phone users were administered mail survey. The study identified mobile users preference of quality of service for responsiveness, reliability, convenience, assurance, tangible, and empathy.

39 Based on empirical studies, Gerpott et al., (2005) and Lee, Feick and Lee (2001) found that satisfaction of mobile phone customers is strongly influenced by the pricing plans. Cap Gemini (2005) and McKinsey Quarterly (2004), found that impediments in changing the operators is cause of customer dissatisfaction of mobile phone users. Consumer Survey (Cap Gemini, 2005; McKinsey Quarterly, 2004; Consumer Reports, 2005) found that network quality based on data services and voice services strongly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty with regard to the mobile phone usage. Mobile users view inaccurate billing inquiries, lack of honest commitment to communicate and the terms of contract as major sources of complaints. In addition poor customer services including lack of or delayed response to customers inquiries and complaints were the main factors contributing towards customer dissatisfaction (Consumer Report, 2005, McKinsey, 2004). In the survey conducted by McKinsey in 2004, more than 63 % consumers indicated billing related complaints. Lim (2005) empirically established important quality of service dimensions of mobile phone users that affect customers satisfaction as pricing plans, billing system, customer services, network quality, and data service quality. Responsiveness to customers needs is an important dimension of service quality of mobile phone service. It has been established that customer satisfaction declined significantly when customers queries and complaints were not handled appropriately by mobile phone operators. (Cap Gemini, 2005; Consumer Report, 2005; Kim, Park & Jeong, 2004; McKinsey Quarterly, 2004). Customer satisfaction has been significantly affected by mobile operators failure to promptly inform changes in terms of services (Consumer Report, 2005, Lee et al., 2001; McKinsey, 2004).Poor network quality found to be a major source of mobile user dissatisfaction.

40 McKinsey (2004) found that voice quality and coverage was a major source of concern by mobile phone users. McKinsey (2004), in a study of mobile phone users in United States, analyzed 4970 complaints to determine the causes of customers dissatisfaction. The study found that major reason of customer defection in mobile markets was the billing volatility (increase in the bill amount over previous month). In addition, other reasons that emerged were miscommunication, quality of service, end of accounts problems, and change of terms of contract without adequate warning. In South Africa, a study was carried out to measure the quality of services in cellular network operators outlets. The study was based on a sample of 583 customers. The results indicated important dimensions of service quality as, responsiveness, empathy, tangibles, availability and assurance (Pampallis, Wal, & Bond, 2002). Sue and Hsu (2002) studied the implementation of quality management practices in 39 telecommunication organizations in Taiwan. Poor training of the staff and weak supplier management were noted as the vital dimensions of quality management for significant performance. In a study in based on a sample of 550 customers of Thailand Telecommunication Industry (mobile and fixed line), Johnson and Sirikit (2002) found that tangible, assurance, responsiveness, empathy and reliability were the main determinants of service quality dimensions that satisfy customers. Wang and Lo (2002) carried out a study of China Mobile and China Unicom (the two leading mobile phone operators) using a sample of 348 mobile phone users. The study identified tangible (physical infrastructure), empathy, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and network quality as main determinant of customers perception of quality.

41 Tsang and Antony (2001) identified critical success factors of TQM in UK services organizations including Telecommunication. Based on the study of 300 subjects, the study identified top management commitment, customer focus, training and development, teamwork, continuous improvement, quality systems and policies, supervisory leadership, supplier partnership/supplier management, and cultural change as essential dimensions of TQM. In France, a study was carried out based on a sample of 265 mobile phone users. The results of the study indicated that main dimensions of customers satisfaction were pricing plan, coverage and call quality, easy of access and billing services ( Lee, Feick & Lee, 2001). Leisen and Vance (2001) carried out cross national assessment of service quality in telecommunication industry. The study was based on convenience sample of 200 German and 76 United States residents. The service quality dimensions were based on tangible, empathy, assurance, availability and responsiveness. The respondent reported availability, responsiveness and assurance as the major predictor of customers satisfaction.



Todays business environment offer challenges to the firms to plan strategically to sustain

in the markets. The concept of TQM aims at achieving and sustaining excellence in organizational activities with focus on customers. This philosophy calls for a comprehensive approach that needs to be identified and executed to achieve the desired results. For an organization to be responsive to the emerging needs, management of each activity is required to be aligned with this need. The organization has to energize each individual to recognize, act and deliver the products and services that meet and exceed the customers requirements. Totality of quality stresses the importance of quality in every aspect of an organization. An integrated approach, without functional biases, is essential. This calls for a shared vision and

42 unity of purpose that binds the whole organization to excel in all dimensions. The philosophy entails participation at all levels with a focus on analyzing and continuously improving products, services and processes. The implementation of this philosophy requires change of mindset and adaptability to market requirements. The ultimate objective is the customer satisfaction. The researcher and quality experts have defined this concept highlighting various dimensions. As cited in Bounds, York, Adams and Ranny (1994, p.80), Ishikawa (1985) states that broadly interpreted, quality means quality of work, quality of service, quality of information, quality of processes, quality of division, quality of people (including workers, engineers, managers and executives), quality of system, quality of company, and quality of objectives. Oakland (1998, p.187) defined TQM as essentially a way of organizing and involving the whole organization. Pfau (1989) described it as an approach for continuously improving quality through participation by all elements in the organization. Foster and Whittle (1989) concluded that TQM is the systematic process that is driven by internal way of life of organization. Kanji (1996) noted that TQM is a way of life and strives for continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Atkinson (1990) expressed TQM as a strategic approach. Zaire and Simintiras (1991) viewed that TQM is a process of doing right things at all times with economic constraints. Weile, Dale and William (1997) noted that TQM comprises of guiding principles of customer focus, employee involvement, continuous improvement, commitment of top management, and value driven practices. Sink (1991) stated that TQM philosophy needs to be evolved by top leadership and shared with all with conviction and clarity.

43 Berry (1991) defined TQM as organizational culture and a new management system. Dedhia (1995, p.267) views TQM as a cost effective system for integrating the continuous quality improvement efforts of people at all levels in an organization to deliver products and services which ensure customer satisfaction. Sohal, Tay and Wirth (1989) argued that an integrated approach is needed to control the quality. Price and Gaskill (1990) have identified service, people and process as three dimensions of TQM. British Standards 4778, Part (2) define TQM as management philosophy: Embracing all activities through which the needs and expectations of the customers and the community, and the objectives of the organization, are satisfied in the most efficient and cost effective way by maximizing the potential of all employees in a continuing drive for improvement (cited in Boaden, 1997, p 161). Wilkinson and Witcher (1993) summarised TQM as having three major requirements as follow: 1. Total: Functional integration and teamwork at all levels in the organization through institutional management. 2. Quality: Strict adherence to the requirements specified by customers ensuring use of appropriate tools, techniques and processes. 3. Management: Creation of enabling environment, commitment of senior management and provisioning of adequate support facilities. Eriksson, Johasson and Wiklund (2003, p.235) stated that TQM brings together the constellation of productivity, ethics, leadership and performance into a unique relationship. Steenkamp (2001, p. vi) argued that TQM is a way of life, a passion, a culture which should be visibly practiced by all members in the organization. Mohanty and Lakhe (2002, p.77) viewed

44 TQM as: Pragmatic long-term system approach initiated and driven by the top management to bring about a total change culture and interlink and integrate everyone, every function, every process and every activity of the organisation through involvement, participation and cross-functional management to meet the dynamic needs of the customer and to create a loyal but at the same time a diversified customer base. Based on the analysis of literature, it is concluded that TQM as a system and a new management culture maximizes customer satisfaction and reduces cost. This management system focuses on people, integrates all functional areas and extends to supply chain partners. TQM is a combination of integrated philosophies, tools and techniques that aims at delighting external and internal customers. TQM facilitates managing organization to respond to the changing needs of its stakeholders. It helps organizations in initiating continuous improvement efforts for customer satisfaction in an efficient manner on consistent basis. The attributes of TQM are dynamic change, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and adoption of best practices. In essence TQM has the collective ownership of all in the organization with sole objective of improving perpetually with customer focus.


The evolution of TQM as a new management philosophy is attributed to changing

business environment, demanding customers and the resource constraints. The evolution of TQM has taken decades in many organizations all over the world. The evolution of quality has moved from control driven to culturally driven quality. Feigenbaum (1954) advanced the concept of total quality control integrating quality into all functional areas with minimum cost ensuring customer satisfaction.

45 The evolution of quality has passed through four distinct stages; inspection, statistical quality control, quality assurance, and strategic quality management. The inspection stage emphasized performance to established standards. During the inspection stage, the main focus was uniform product quality. In this stage, the quality control stressed on inspection to avoid defects. In statistical quality control stage, the processes were evaluated using statistical techniques to assess quality and to minimize non-conformance. During the quality assurance stage the focus changed to controlling quality at all stages of the processes throughout the organization. The quality became an integrated approach and the responsibility of all functional areas of the organization. Bound at al (1994 p.55) concluded that while quality remained focused on defect prevention, the quality assurance has brought a more proactive approach and some new tools. The strategic quality management stage envisaged quality as a competitive advantage. The stage aimed at continuous quality improvement at all levels and at all times; aligning organization to customers needs (both internal and external) and pursuing customer focused strategy. As cited in Costin (1999, p 47), Garvin (1988) stated the following about this stage: It embodies a dramatic shift in perspective. For the first time, top managers at the levels of the presidents and chief executive officers have expressed an interest in quality. They have linked it with profitability, defined it from the customers point of view, and required its inclusion in the strategic planning process. Mehra et al.,(2001, p. 870) predicted that TQM systems will shift towards a philosophy of quality based strategic management system.

46 The evolution of TQM has primarily been guided by the emerging realities and organizational needs for a new paradigm to align the organization with environmental realities to achieve development, growth, competitiveness and sustainability.


Dean and Bowen (1994) noted that TQM is identified by its principles and its

implementation can only be achieved through these principles that signify this philosophy. Burr (1993) opined that TQM initiatives, despite having various names, share the same principles. Quality experts and researchers (Adinolfi, 2003; Eng & Yusof, 2003; Mehta, 2000; Nwabueze 2001; Provost & Quayle, 2001; Spencer 1994; Vokurka & Lummus, 2003; West, Cianfrani & Tsiakals, 2000; Yong & Wilkinson, 2001) identified salient principles that encompass TQM philosophy. These are:

1. Top management leads the TQM initiatives through visible commitment to this philosophy through words and deeds. 2. Total employees involvement is vital for the success of TQM. This involvement must be based on voluntary commitment to excel and to make the organization best and competitive. 3. Customer focus is the foundation of this philosophy. All efforts should be directed to design and provide products and services that meet and exceed customers expectations. 3. Strategic planning is vital to integrate and align organizational systems and processes with external environment and the customers needs. 5. This philosophy emphasizes system approach. All interrelated processes should be managed as a system to achieve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

47 6. Training of managers and employees is essential to achieve TQM objectives. Training should focus on need for TQM, its fundamentals, and quality tools. Participation of top management in training is also vital to get the desired results. 7. Focus on teamwork is essential. Cross functional, vertical and horizontal teams provide an ideal opportunity to employees to work together to achieve quality objectives. 8. Continuous improvement of products, services and processes is important for the organizations to remain competitive. The reassessment of all processes must become organizational philosophy. All employees must know that this would enable them to continuously improve the quality and meet the ever changing customers needs. Employees inputs need to be institutionalized and their efforts in continuous improvement must be acknowledged. 9. Due priority should be given to process improvement. Organizations need to identify horizontal and vertical processes, simplify them and provide ownership to those who manage the process. 10. Statistical methods must be used to eliminate errors and achieve standardized products and services. 11. Prevention of defects and problems is critical. This would save cost. All employees must be encouraged to anticipate problems and come up with viable solutions. 12. Cultural change is vital to initiate and sustain TQM initiatives. Constant monitoring of environment is important with a view to adapt to the changes. 13. The performance should be aligned with quality goals. The rewards system should be fair and equitable. 14. Partnership should be established with suppliers, customers and other external and internal stakeholders to harmonize the efforts to achieve quality objectives.

48 15. Management by facts is important to formulate objectives and rational decisions. All decisions should be based on hard evidence that is analyzed and disseminated throughout the organization. 16. Continuous self assessment is necessary to provide a control mechanism to evaluate the existing performance against established benchmarks, identify the gaps and initiate appropriate response to bridge the gaps. These principles provide the foundation of TQM philosophy. The application of these principles in an integrated manner enables organizations to achieve and sustain competitiveness.



The relationship of TQM and business performance is evident. TQM focuses on meeting

and exceeding customers requirements, accelerates customer loyalty and market share of products and services. The internal focus of TQM results in reducing variation, waste and ultimately the cost of production. This helps the organization to achieve cost competitiveness. The relationship between quality management, profitability, and market share has been studied in depth by the Strategic Planning Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The conclusion, based on performance data of about 3000 strategic business units, is unequivocal. It states that one factor above all other quality management-drives market share. And when superior quality and large market share are both present, profitability is virtually guaranteed (cited in Ross, 1999, p. 9). Researchers and quality experts have agreed that TQM has beneficial effects on business performance. The studies found that companies implementing TQM practices show better than average results (Ramesh, 1998). Fynes and Voss (2001) noted that adoption of quality management enables organization to remain competitive. The introduction of this philosophy

49 leads to superior performance and competitive advantage (Lee, Adam, & Tuan, 1999; Lemark, Reed, & Satish, 1997; Mann and Kehoe, 1994; Zhang 2000). Rahman (2001) studied the positive impact of TQM practices on business outcome of small and medium enterprises in Western Australia. The result reflected significant relationship with business outcome measured in terms of revenue, profitability and numbers of customers. Researchers claimed that TQM practices or similar quality management initiatives are found to have significant impact on firms performance (Huq & Stolen, 1998; Rao, Solis & Raghunathan, 1999; Reich, 1994; Seawright & Young, 1996; Tobin, 1990).


In addition to the guiding principles that comprise TQM, there exists a set of tools

normally associated with successful quality transformation. These tools are used to collect, organize, analyze and depict data and processes that need improvement. Hellsten and Klefsjo (2000) viewed that TQM is a management system consisting of critical factors, techniques and tools. Ishikawa (1985) identified seven TQM generic or basic tools that include check sheets, histograms, control charts, cause and effect diagrams, flow charts, Pareto charts, and scatter diagrams. In 1976 the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) developed seven new quality tools which include affinity diagram, relations diagram, tree diagram, matrix diagram, matrix data analysis, arrow diagram, and process decision chart, often called the seven management and planning tools (Nancy, 2005). Dale and McQuater (1998) identified other tools consisting of brainstorming, control plan, flow chart, force field analysis, questionnaire and sampling. They also recognized quality practices comprising benchmarking, departmental purpose analysis, design of experiments,

50 failure mode and effects analysis, fault tree analysis, poka yoke, problem-solving methodology, quality costing, quality function deployment, quality improvement teams and statistical process control. Nancy (2005) identified some mega quality tools that include Quality Function Deployment (QFD), ISO-9000, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), benchmarking, six sigma, and lean manufacturing. Researchers have found that support and development of quality improvement needs comprehensive use of quality tools and techniques (Bunny & Dale, 1997; Curry & Kadasah, 2002; Dale & Shaw, 1991; Hellsten & Klefsjo, 2000; Stephens, 1997).


TQM initiatives in Pakistan have shown mixed results. There have been primarily two approaches (evolutionary and revolutionary) followed by diverse organizations to pursue TQM interventions. The changing global competitive environment and impending pressures to meet requirements of World Trade Organization (WTO) offer opportunities as well as challenges for Pakistani business organizations. The adoption of customer focused philosophy will ensure survivability in competitive global environment. To align organizational policies to the changing paradigm, organizations have implemented TQM philosophy in manufacturing and services industries in Pakistan. The outcome of TQM initiatives have yielded manifold gains as well as provided insight to the weaknesses that need immediate attention at the organizational level to become competitive. Mehnaz and Ejaz (2006 a), in a case study of Pakistan Knitwear Industry, found that quality management had a concentration in inspection mode. The study identified a steady

51 progress towards quality assurance with tangible results; however, the application of TQM philosophy needs more efforts. In a study of quality management in Pakistan Bedwear Industry, Mehnaz and Ejaz (2006 b) identified the highlights both of the effectiveness and the limits of quality assurance in improving levels of quality in emerging environment. The study found that Pakistan's bedware industry need to implement advanced quality management practices to remain competitive in today's global marketplace. Pakistan State Oil (PSO, 2007), a state owned company, introduced total quality management in its operations. The intervention resulted in significant development and increase in market share and profitability. Kayani, Lodhi and Farooqui (2007) carried out study of TQM practices in construction industry in Pakistan. The study found that TQM practices in construction industry is wanting on account of lack of commitment of top management, inadequate resources for quality efforts, and lack of organizational culture to support quality initiatives. Naeem and Islam (2006), in a case study of quality management practices at Shifa International Hospitals, identified that the quality philosophy is based on fundamental principles of leadership, customer focus, management by facts, empowerment, relationship with suppliers and process approach. Important practice to pursue quality management objectives include kaizen, 5 S techniques ( Sifting cleaning up; Sorting organizing; Sweeping cleaning; Spick and Span standardization; and Supreme Attitude training and development) , quality circles, use of PDCA cycle, feedback from customers and employees, and internal quality audit, for continuous improvement and sustained excellence. Khan (2006), in the study of TQM initiative in Pakistan Tobacco Company, found that implementation of this philosophy resulted in four times increase in productivity, quality

52 product index increased to 80%, enhanced profitability, and resulted in regaining of market leadership position. Khan (2003) studied the implementation of TQM practices in four companies. In consumer product company, within three years of TQM implementation, the firm experienced 25% increase in revenue per employee, while overall revenues showed improvement up to 130% and inventory indicated improved turnover by 56%. In two engineering services firms, the implementation of TQM yielded reduction in defects rate by 8%, reduced lead time, improved inventory turnover ratio by 63%, increase in return on assets by 7%, and per employee output improved by 57% while overall revenues per employee showed an increase of 102% in A Company. In B Company, the gains were made in reduced lead time, reduced employee turnover by 10%, achieved 99% on time delivery of products to customers and inventory turnover showed an improvement by 26%. The knitwear export company experience an increase of 43% in revenues, reduced costs per employee by about 24%, improved inventory turnover by 20% and increased lead time by 70%. Mustafa (2002), in a case study in a reputed Pakistani Hospital, examined the application of two modern quality management tools namely Kano Model and quality function deployment. The results showed positive results with regard to customer satisfaction. Khan (2002) studied application of quality function deployment for product and process improvement in Pakistani Organizations. Fifty companies both of private sector (70%) and public sector (30%) participated in this quantitative study. The study found that only 5% companies are practicing quality function deployment techniques. The major reasons for lack of its implementation found to be lack of awareness about the technique, short term focus and lack of commitment by top management.

53 Ahmed (2000) examined the TQM initiatives and experience of Global Corporate & Investment Banking business of Citibank, Pakistan The initiatives yielded improvement of 14 key cross functional processes, cost reduction, increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, enhanced commitment and satisfaction of employees. Siddiqui (2000), in a case study of a public sector organization, noted that Deming Cycle (PDCA) facilitates improvement of processes. The results were positive in reducing process time, improvement in commitment of workforce, and significant cost reduction. Khan (2000), in a case study of an engineering company, examined the total quality management initiatives based on four major steps of study, plan, implement and review. The quality initiative resulted in 10% reduction in costs and improved profitability. Moosa (2000 b) examined the prominent characteristics of quality culture in Pakistani organizations. The study found that implementation of quality assurance yielded 40% results. The weaknesses were found in areas of use of statistical process control, lack of frequent management reviews, inadequate audits, poor quality objectives, ineffective training and poor vendor selection Khan (2000) investigated implementation of TQM initiatives in six Pakistani organizations. The study was based on the analysis of revolutionary and evolutionary approaches being pursued for implementation of this philosophy. The results indicated that companies pursuing revolutionary approach achieved noteworthy improvements in productivity and change in organizational culture that yielded customers satisfaction and profitability. Khan & Aziz (2000) analyzed the implementation of Kaizen (continuous improvement) in a private packaging company. The study indicated impressive results in terms of cost reduction in steam and water consumption, reduction in waste, paper breakage and down time,

54 and improvement in water base quality. The results yielded cost reduction of about over four million Pakistani rupees. Manzoor (2000), in study of quality maintenance at Pakistan International Airlines, found that quality initiative resulted in cost reduction, improvements in reliability and availability of aircrafts, reduction in flight delays, reduced turn around time of aircraft and savings in overall maintenance costs. Abbasi (1999), in case study of quality assurance practices in a poultry company, found improvement in processes and enhanced customer satisfaction. Chaudhry & Rehman (2004), in a case study of changing existing culture to quality culture, found positive results in customers and employees satisfaction. Khan (2000), in the study of quality initiative in an educational institution, found that the initiative resulted in improved quality of products and processes. Hashmi (1999) examined the implementation of quality management information system in a company of Autoparts Vending Industry. The results exhibited significant improvement in billing process, cost reduction and ultimately the customers satisfaction. Hussain (1998) found, in case study of implementation quality management system in a Textile Group that the initiative resulted in cost saving of about Pakistan Rupees 17.4 million per year and increased employee satisfaction. The empirical evidence, based on the outcome of TQM initiatives in Pakistan, indicate that most of the initiatives have experienced significant gains in enhancement of quality of products and services, improved productivity, lead time, customers and employees satisfaction and organizational profitability. These results concur with the out come of previous researches (Ross, 1999; Ramesh, 1998; Mann and Kehoe, 1994; Tobin, 1990; Zhang, 2000). The studies have also indicated the reasons for poor results of TQM initiatives. The causes attributed to poor performance include lack of commitment of top leadership, inadequate

55 customer focus, inadequate human resource policies, lack of awareness about continuous improvement and inadequate resources provided to support the quality efforts.



The contemporary quality management philosophy has been strongly influenced by the

thoughts of Deming, Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum and Ishikawa. Deming (1986) 14 points, Juran (1988) trilogy and 10 steps, Crosby 14 steps to quality improvement, as identified by Brocka and Brocka (1992), and Feigenbaum (1986) approach of total quality control are essential elements of a quality strategy. The holistic approach to quality management is vital for competitiveness. Achievement of continuous improvement is essential through training, problem solving techniques and quality circles. These quality experts had highlighted the need of essential dimensions of leadership, workforce autonomy, participation and development, relationship with suppliers and management of processes for producing quality goods and services The common elements drawn from Deming, Juran, Crosby, and Imai are processes and systems, teaming, customers and suppliers, process and perception, management by facts, complexity and variation ( cited in Cornesky, Robert, McCool, Byrnes, & Weber ,1991). Lately some key concepts underlying TQM have emerged. These are strategic quality planning, value driven organizational change, customer satisfaction, human resource management, continuous improvement, information management and relationship with suppliers. The review of literature identifies different factors for effective quality management. These factors vary from one author to another. They, however, present some common and core factors. Firms also use standardized quality models for self evaluation or use them for implementing quality management practices. The main models are Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

56 (MBNQA), the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model and the Deming Prize. A few empirical researches have been carried out to identify the essential factors of TQM. Saraph et al,(1989) and Badri, Davis and Davis (1995) identified eight essential factors that are role of top management, quality policy and role of the quality department, training, product / service design, supplier quality management, process management, quality data reporting and employee relations. Black and Porter (1995) recognized 10 factors as people and customer management, supplier partnership, communication, customer satisfaction, external interface management, strategic quality management, teamwork, operational quality planning and improvement measurement systems and corporate quality culture. Ahire, Golhar and Waller (1996) identified 12 factors as top management commitment, supplier quality management, supplier performance, customer focus, statistical process control, benchmarking, internal quality information usage, employee involvement, employee training, design quality management, product quality and employee empowerment. Grandzol and Gershon (1998) recognized seven exogenous and six endogenous factors as leadership, continuous improvement, employee fulfillment, learning, process management, internal/external cooperation, customer focus, product/service quality, operational, financial, public responsibility, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Quazi et al, (1998), identified essential factors as top management responsibility, quality goals and policy, role of the quality department, training, product/service design process, integrating customer requirement, selection and partnership with suppliers, process management, inspection policy, employees role, quality data and reporting, quality circles, quality related performance and supportive structure.

57 Rao et al, (1999) developed and validated 13 key dimensions of quality management in the international context. The research was based on five countries; the United States, India, China, Mexico and Taiwan. Salient dimensions identified by them are top management support, strategic quality planning, quality information availability, quality information usage, employee training, employee involvement, product/process design, supplier quality, customer orientation, quality citizenship, benchmarking, internal quality results and external quality results. According to Claver et al, (2003) the essential factors are customer focus, leadership, quality planning, management based on facts, continuous improvement, human resource management (involvement of all members, training, work teams and communication systems), learning, process management, cooperation with suppliers and organizational awareness and concern for the social and environmental context. Based on the analysis of literature review, the essential factors of TQM are visionary leadership and commitment of top management, strategic planning, human resources development and management, continuous improvement, quality culture, customer focus, social responsibility, partnership with suppliers, information management system, process management and benchmarking.


2.12.1 Quality Pioneers Perspectives A few American and Japanese quality experts substantially influenced the development of quality management system. Each expert gave his own ideas and solutions to the complex

58 quality issues. However, their focus remained on the improvement of the total quality dimensions in the organizations. W. Edward Deming Edward Deming is credited with initiating the quality movement in Japan after World War II. His ideas, formulated into a 14-points approach to management (Deming, 1986); have been expanded upon by other quality gurus (Crosby, 1979,; Imai, 1986; Juran, 1986; Feigenbaum, 1983). Deming advocated a holistic approach to quality. Salient characteristics of Deming approach are customer focus, control of variation through process improvements, quality culture, and continuous improvement philosophy. The 14- points advocated by Deming provide comprehensive guidelines to Managers for quality management. Deming (1986) identified some additional concepts that are critical to the understanding and implementing his approach. These are as follow: 1. Notion of variation, which is the control of the production process. 2. Deming chain reaction. 3. Role of long term thinking in organizational health and survival. 4. Heavy reliance on what is known (sales, costs, profit, or stock price) without consideration to what is unknown (the cost of losing a customer, the cost of providing a customer with a poor product, or the increased business due to a happy customer). Deming stressed the need to build the quality in all stages to achieve superior products and services. He emphasized the responsibility of senior management in setting the direction for quality management and providing enabling environment to achieve quality at all times. Deming advocated open environment, free of fear, which facilitate experimentation and enhance continuous improvement and innovation. Deming chain reaction envisages increase in quality,

59 reduces costs and increases production that will create more jobs, build up customer satisfaction, increase market share and accelerate organizational competitiveness. He stressed creating organizational system that fosters workers pride and satisfaction enabling them to contribute towards quality objectives. Statistical method of quality control is at the heart of Deming approach. He argued that responsibility for quality management lies with the senior management. Senior leadership commitment is vital to initiate and sustain quality initiatives. He stressed the need of unity of purpose to achieve quality goals. He strongly advocated adoption of new approaches, creation of supporting environment for quality management, functional harmony and continuous improvement as a never ending process. Joseph M. Juran Juran (1974, p. 24) defined quality as fitness for purpose or use. His approach to quality revolves around three ideas, known collectively as the Juran trilogy; quality planning; quality control and quality improvement Juran (1988). Juran identified different cost associated with the production and delivery of products and services. He proposed a three pronged strategy based on projects, control and annual quality programme to reduce the cost. Juran emphasized the importance of the human element, the understanding of which is essential for solving technical problems. He stressed that customer needs and teamwork are vital for organizational success. He recommended use of statistical control but warned against too much reliance on it. Juran developed a 10 steps approach to quality improvement. The salient aspects included the following: 1. Create awareness to improvement. 2. Identify and establish objectives.

60 3. Enhance human resource competencies to realize improvement objectives. 4. Institute a system of reward. 5. Share the outcome with all. 6. Institutionalize annual improvement as part of organizational processes. Philip B. Crosby

Crosby (1979, p.1) stated that quality is free. Its not a gift, but it is free. What costs money are the quality things-all the action that involve not doing jobs right the first time. His concept of zero defect and quality council as means of sharing information about quality improvement efforts were unique. Crosby viewed that improvement in quality of products and services will reduce cost and improve profitability. His absolute of quality includes conformance to requirement, prevention, zero defects and price of non-conformance. He advocated 14 points for improvement. The salient aspects of these points are as follow: 1. Planning for improvement objectives and zero defects, ensuring that products or services meet the requirement the first time. 2. Responsibility of the management towards improvement. 3. Need for generating awareness about quality through appropriate measurement and taking corrective actions to ensure improvement consistently. 4. Error free workdays. 5. Team based approach. 6. Human resource development and management. 7. Structured approach for communication of improvement philosophy, plans and actions through quality council.

61 8. Quality improvement is a continuous process. Crosbys 14 points are action steps for institutions to help them implement TQM. Crosby takes a very pragmatic approach in making each of these points value producing for the institutions that practice quality management. He focused on leadership commitment to quality and a participative organizational culture that foster quality improvement through a shared purpose, development of people and institution-wide motivation of workforce. His approach entails clear action plans to improve quality management. He, however, does not lay sufficient emphasis on statistical methods. His concept of zero defects is somewhat extremely challenging and considered as risk avoidance that is likely to discourage experimentation which is vital for continuous improvement and innovations. Armand V. Feigenbaum

Feigenbaum (1986) described TQM as an approach to organizational functioning which employs total quality control principles. His approach regards quality of products and services as a primary business strategy and fundamental determinant for business health, growth, and economic viability. According to him, superior functional integration is essential for effective quality control. Feigenbaum emphasized that everyone in the organization is responsible for quality. He argued to measure and minimize the cost of control (preventions costs - quality training of employees; and cost related to quality audit) and cost of failure of control (scraps, customer complaints and rework material costs) through a quality improvement programme. Feigenbaum distinctive contribution is to recognize that all quality approaches are synergistic.

62 He considered education as effective component of TQM and stressed that education and training should focus on development of knowledge, skills and attitude. Karou Ishikawa Ishikawa (1985) viewed that quality of products or services should satisfy customers in most economical manner. He advocated participation by all to realize the quality goals. He emphasized the need that all employees should have knowledge of the seven basic tools of quality. He advocated the following important dimensions: 1. The need to focus on people and their participation in problem solving. 2. Ensuring a fine blend of statistical and people oriented techniques. 3. Use of quality circles.

2.13 Common Themes of Quality Pioneers Perspectives

These quality pioneers emphasized a holistic approach to quality management. The main emphasis had been on the following dimensions: 1. The responsibility of top management to provide direction, commitment, leadership, infrastructure and supportive environment, and fostering a quality culture in the organization. 2. Quality management has a strategic orientation. 3. The importance of controlling the processes with emphasis on prevention and not inspection. 4. The education, training and development of human resources are essential in shaping beliefs, attitude and behaviour to initiate, execute and sustain quality improvement efforts. 5. Quality based reward system is imperative to promote quality focused performance.

63 6. Quality is a company wide activity and functional integration is vital to achieve quality results. 7. Quality management system is unending continuous improvement. 8. Organizational climate must foster open communication, experimentation and creativity to achieve continuous improvement. 9. Quality management provides enormous benefits in tangible and intangible dimensions. The perspectives of quality Gurus offer useful insight into management of quality in the organizations. However, no specific approach of quality management has been advanced by them. Two main dimensions of quality management stand out. Firstly, the technical dimension that focuses on use of statistical methods for quality management. This aspect clearly spells out the methods and techniques and their application to measure and achieve quality. Secondly, the people approach that emphasizes the role of employees in realizing quality objectives. All Gurus have highlighted some fundamental principles for adoption to achieve quality without any specific methodology. These fundamental principles do provide a framework to organizations to achieve objectives of quality management. Since each organization is unique in its structure, culture, systems and work related practices, it is difficult to apply a single solution to multifaceted problems of all organizations. Each organization can apply these fundamentals of quality management suiting its own environment and requirements. Kruger (2001) argued that the main focus of these Gurus had been on the technical resources of the firms. They have, however, not adequately identified the role of human resources in realizing quality objectives. Ghobaidan and Speller (1994, p.54) noted that it is difficult to connect the general quality concepts and ideas to these specific circumstances of an organization to its markets, management practices and workforce. Researchers have

64 acknowledged some gaps in the perspectives propagated by these Gurus. They have identified absence of a clear conceptual framework and lack of specific methodology to identify the quality related issues and appropriate actions required to deal with these issues as the potential gaps (Ghobaidan & Speller, 1994; Garvin, 1987; Chase & Aquilano,1989).


There are several quality awards that organizations use for self evaluation and adoption to manage the quality to survive in competitive environment. Deming Prize in Japan, European Quality Award in Europe, Malcolm Baldgride National Quality Award (MBNQA) in United States and Australian Quality Award are some important quality awards. These awards cover various dimensions of organizational activities that affect the quality of products and processes services. The broad aims of these awards are as follow: 1. 2. 3. Generating awareness about TQM as a competitive strategy. Facilitate self evaluation of quality management practices against benchmarks. Inspire through sharing and communicating successful TQM initiatives and the superior results on account of implementation of this philosophy. 4. Encourage understanding for the need of achieving excellence in organizational pursuits. 5. Promote a culture of continuous improvement.

2.14.1 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)

In 1987, United States Congress established an annual quality award through Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act. The aim of the award is to encourage American

65 firms to achieve superior performance through consistent quality. The award has four basic elements; driver; system; measures of progress; and goals. The top management is the primary driver of the business. The award recognizes the role of top management in setting the quality direction and providing favourable environment to achieve and sustain quality and continuous improvement in the organization. Customer focus is the ultimate goal and maximizing customer satisfaction leads to increased market share. The system comprises of precise processes that meet customers standards. The system elements include strategic quality planning, process quality, HRM, and information and analysis management. The measure of progress is based on continuous customer satisfaction and consistent superior performance. The performance improvement dimensions include (a) quality of products and services, (b) improvement in productivity, (c) reduction and elimination of waste, and (d) quality of organizations suppliers. The model uses a1000-point scoring system covering seven categories. These seven categories along with the marks allocated are leadership ( 95 points ) , information and analysis ( 75 points), strategic quality planning ( 60 points), human resource development and management ( 150 points), management of process quality ( 140 points ) , customer focus and satisfaction ( 300 points) , and quality and operational results ( 180 points). The award model emphasizes value driven approach, fosters culture of change in technology, management practices and innovation for excellence in performance and competitiveness. It offers opportunities to the firms through self evaluation and facilitates identification of weak areas that need improvement. According to Sunday and Liberty (1992, p.76), top management of many businesses claimed that the award has influenced the behaviour of US businesses more than any other award and apply for, and, winning the award has become an obsession for many US businesses. Juran (1989) noted that in a short period Baldrige

66 Award winners have achieved significant achievements in improved perception of quality and two-fold increase in productivity. According to Ghobadian and Woo (1996, p.23) the model does not prescribe any particular procedures, programmes, methods, or techniquesit is not all embracing and does not address important areas of management activity. Khoo and Tan (2003, p.20) noted that the award lacked an emphasis in solving quality problems from their roots.

2.14.2 European Quality Award - European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model
The award was launched in 1991 with the objective of supporting, encouraging and recognizing the growth and improvement of effective TQM by European organizations. The award model was reviewed and the new EFQM Excellence Model was adopted in 1999. The EFQM Excellence Model provides a comprehensive overview of organizational health identifying strengths and areas for improvement, presents evidence of achievements that can be used for year on year assessment; facilitates comparison with a range of private and overseas organizations; offers an opportunity for achieving a nationally recognized quality award; and internal communication and staff contribution to improvement. The EFQM Excellence Model is a generic model for quality management; which is used in all types of organizations, regardless of sector, size, structure or maturity. The Model comprises of nine criteria and 32 sub-criteria. The nine criteria are; leadership, people, policy and strategy, partnership and resources, processes, people results, customer results, society results and key performance results. The nine criteria are grouped into enablers and results criteria. The enablers (leadership, people, policy and strategy, partnership and resources and processes) direct and deliver the desired quality results based on superior performance.

67 The result criteria (people results, customer results, society results and key performance results) provides the measure of actual achievement of improvement. The enablers are divided in twenty four sub-criteria, which are used to assess the approach, the deployment and the evaluation. The four result dimensions are broken down into eight sub criteria which require objective measure, data and fact, allowing comparison of performance with other organizations. The Model uses a measuring instrument called RADAR ( Results, Approach, Deploy, Assess and Review). The resulting sub criteria are scores for trends, targets, benchmark, cause and scope on a 5-point scale (0-25-50-75-100%). Each sub criterion of the enablers has to be rated on approach, deployment, assessment and review with a similar 5-point rating scale as used for the enablers. The RADAR measuring system is a hard and prescriptive part of the Model. The Model emphasizes the essential role of leadership in institutionalizing TQM. In addition, it facilitates firms in pursuing benchmarking based on best practices. Watson (2000) noted that the model offers customer focused quality system that facilitates improved organizational performance. Weile et al. (1997) concluded that the standards specified in the Model facilitate understanding of managers about managing a company in TQM environment.

2.14.3 Deming Prize

In 1951, the Deming Prize was introduced in Japan by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE). The Prize is awarded to public and private organizations for successful implementation of quality control activities. The main objective of the Prize is to recognize successful performance improvement of organizations. The main focus is on use of statistical quality control techniques.

68 The assessment process is based on three stages comprising document examination, determination of passing applicants and compilation of feedback reports, site visits of applicants by the examiners and selection of winner by the Deming Prize Committee. The evaluation criteria is based on ten categories which are policies, organization, information, standardization, human resource, quality assurance, activities for maintenance and control, activities for improvement, results and future plans (Hunt,1993;Ghobadian & Woo,1996; Stading & Vokurka,2003). The Deming Prize is prescriptive in terms of tools, techniques and practices that it recommends. Quality assurance is the main focus of this award.

2.14.4 Australian Quality Award

The award was instituted in 1993 by Australian Quality Council. The objective of the award programme is to organize and build up complete and current quality management principles and best practices. The award contains seven performance categories. These categories are people, information and analysis, strategy, policy and planning, customer focus, processes and leadership. The award has enhanced focus on importance of multicultural management (Zink, Schmidt & Vos, 1997).

2.14.5 Pakistan National Quality Award (PNQA)

The Pakistan National Quality Award (PNQA) is being introduced to promote quality culture in Pakistani organizations to meet competitive challenges. The contours of the award have been finalized; however, the award awaits promulgation. The PNQA is based on universally accepted standards that are found in the MBNQA, EFQM, Singapore Quality Award and Malaysian Quality Award. The award is non prescriptive and focuses on the desired outcome.

69 In order to achieve result oriented goals, the criteria of the award are built upon a set of values that address and integrate the overall customer and firms performance requirements. The core values and concepts are as follow: 1. Customer driven quality. 2. Leadership. 3. Continuous improvement and learning. 4. Employee participation and development. 5. Fast Response. 6. Design quality and prevention. 7. Long range view of the future. 8. Management by facts. 9. Partnership development. 10. Corporate responsibility and citizenship. 11. Result orientation. The core values and concepts are embodied in seven categories as under: 1. Top management leadership and management of quality. 2. Use of quality data and information. 3. Human resource management. 4. Customer focus and satisfaction. 5. Quality assurance of external suppliers. 6. Process management. 7. Business results. The frame work has four basic elements; driver, system, measure of progress, and goal. Senior executive leadership acts as driver by setting overall direction, creating values, goals and

70 systems, and providing conducive environment in pursuits of customer value and organizations performance. The system comprises well defined and well designed processes for meeting customer value and performance requirements. The measure of progress and goal, i.e. is the delivery of ever improving value to customers and success in the marketplace. The business results category examines the firms performance and improvement in key business areas of products and services quality, productivity and operational effectiveness, suppliers quality. Financial performance indicators are linked to these areas. The performance is also examined relative to competitors.

2.15 Analysis of Quality Award Models

These awards have attracted top management of business communities. The winning of award yields promotional opportunities and publicity (Crainer, 1994). Internal reasons for applying for awards are advantages from the practice of self-assessment during preparation, improved morale and motivation on account of recognition for efforts by all in the organization that helps organization to identify its strengths, weaknesses and plan remedial measures for improvement (Ghobadian, Woo & Liu,1994). All awards focus on the evaluation and improvement to achieve institutional quality management. These awards emphasize a customer driven quality management and stress to align organizational systems to purse this strategy. All awards focus on critical areas of evaluation based on leadership, customer focus, strategic planning, information management, human resource management, process management, relationship with stakeholders and performance results. The award models provide organizations a mean to measure their performance against universal criteria with a view to identify their strengths and weaknesses in different business

71 processes. This assessment criterion facilitates organizations to affect appropriate improvement strategies. The award models are also criticized. According to Ghobadian and Woo, (1996), the salient aspects of criticism include greater emphasis on process orientation, static criteria, disregarding customers in nomination of the firm for award, focus on winning the award and missing the opportunity for self examination, learning and improvement and failure of top management to attend to key business issues while pursuing the award. The award models are descriptive in nature and do not offer methodology or techniques to address the weak areas identified during evaluation process. Despite the dynamic business environment, these awards continue to offer organizations with principles, practices and frameworks for self evaluation and adoption to achieve organizational excellence. Continuous review and updating of these awards provide greater flexibility to organizations to meet emerging quality related challenges.


Organizational culture consists of beliefs, values, norms, customs and practices of the organization (Ott,1989). Schein (1992, p.35) defined culture as a system of norms, shared values, concerns, and common beliefs that are understood and accepted by the members of the organization. The organizational culture is shaped and articulated not just by individuals but also by new and old organizational features. The organizational structures, routines, command and control expectations, and operational norms all have influence (Langfield-Smith, 1995). As cited in Maull, Brown and Cliff (2001, p. 308), the literature review facilitates the understanding of the cultural impact as follow:

72 1. Dastmalchian, Blyton and Adamson (1991) highlighted the importance of managerial support, free flow of information and milieu in organizations ecology. 2. Kim, Pinder and Reynolds (1995) identified value of decision making in organizational environment. 3. McNabb and Sepic (1995) stressed the significance of work related satisfaction.

TQM is a management approach in which the application of practices such as teamwork, internal customer relationship, and supplier partnership are tools for cultural transformation, and involves a major cultural change in the organization (Entrekin & Pearson, 1995). TQM is a complete change in an organizations culture and the way people behave at work. On the other hand, organizational total quality management practices require shared values that emphasize customer satisfaction and shared leadership. It is argued that cultural change is essential for TQM implementation in the organizations. TQM initiates a transformation of thinking, feeling, behaviour, structure and work related practices. Cultural changes to total quality management require a change in every aspect of work life in the organizations. Compatibility of organizations values and basic assumption of total quality management discipline is vital for success of total quality management initiatives. The success of TQM as an organizational change will depend a lot on the organizational culture. Successful implementation of TQM requires a significant change in values, attitudes and culture of the organization. Many organizations emphasize on shaping their culture for improving organizational performance .The improvement of quality in organizations is dependent on organizational ability to provide supportive climate and responsive systems and practices. Organizational culture is an essential factor in TQM implementation that inhibits or allows the success of such an initiative.

73 TQM is a revolution in management culture and a fundamental paradigm shift. A mismatch of TQM initiatives and the organizational culture will result in failure of such pursuits. To make TQM intervention a success, change in organizational culture, processes and beliefs is essential. Successful TQM efforts need congruence between shared values, appropriate leadership, employees skills and organizational structure and systems. Visible commitment of top management through provisioning of support infrastructure, development of employees, open communication and equitable recognition is vital to initiate and sustain this transformation. Researchers and quality experts have found strong support of organizational culture and success of TQM initiatives. Low and Chan (1998) noted that organizational politics can seriously affect the quality management initiatives. They further argued that support of senior management, cooperative leadership style, employees involvement, and communication are essential for successful implementation of total quality practices. According to Griffis (1992), a failure to change the organizational culture is not likely to yield the desired results from the implementation of quality management initiatives. Literature review reflects the need of participatory practices for management of effective change (Beer, Eisenstat & Spector,1990; Nadler & Tushman, 1989; Ulrich & Lake, 1991). Researchers have accepted organizational culture as a critical factor and essential element for implementation of quality management (Hildebrandt, Kristensen, Kanji & Dahigaard, 1991; Kim et al., 1995; Patten, 1992). Atkinson (1990) stressed that successful implementation requires cultural change. Vanisina (1990) concluded that change in culture is essential for TQM success. Lewin (1958) identified that change in systems; structure, people and culture transform an organization. Griffis (1992) noted that without a change in firms culture, TQM implementation will fail. The reason for failure of TQM in organizations is attributed to the lack

74 of compatibility of structural and systems change without a change in culture and its integration with organizational practices (Wilkinson, Marchington & Dale, 1993). According to Huq (2005) TQM implementation requires changes in structure, system, and process as a necessary precondition to achieve improved business performance and changes in employee behaviour. For service operations, it is even more difficult to implement it because of its preoccupation with internal performance dimensions that cannot keep-up with constantly changing perceptions and preferences of the customers. Fisher, Abraham and Crawford (1998) carried out a study of 14 Australian Companies that won Australian Quality Award between 1989 and 1993. The study indicated strong support for management commitment to the cultural change. In a study of quality culture in British Organizations, Adebanjo and Kehoe (1998) found absence of support by the leadership, poor participation of workforce, lack of customer focus, inadequate collaboration with suppliers and non existence of team work as the major problems in cultural transformation. Poza, Nystrom and Wiebe (2001) carried out a study to identify the association of firms culture and TQM practices in international context. The study included 133 companies in USA, Switzerland and South Africa. The results reflected compatibility of TQM dimensions and corporate culture in each region. Haq (2005) carried out a quasi-qualitative study of 20 service companies over a period of two years to assess their change management practices for implementing total quality management. The findings pointed to a poor implementation. Salient aspects contributing to the failure included poor employees commitment, lack of process focus, weak flow of information, lack of proper learning and absence of a continuous improvement organizational culture. Successful companies focused on strong leadership and an emphasis on strategic and tactical planning.

75 Silva, Tadashi and Kiku (2005) studied world class companies in Japan and Brazil and explored excellent management practices. The study concluded that the practices that foster quality culture include exemplary leadership, respect for individual, strategic approach, open communication, effective HRM and customer focus. In a recent study in service industry in Iran, Rad (2006) concluded that a collaborative and corporate organizational culture supported by long-term management and employees commitment and involvement, organizational learning, innovation and entrepreneurship, team working and collaboration, open communication, risk taking, continuous improvement, customers focus, partnership with suppliers, and monitoring and evaluation of quality should be developed to realize strategic quality objectives. A number of studies have highlighted that cultural variables drive TQM success (Dean & Bowen, 1994; De Cock, 1998;; Kujala & Lillrank, 2004; Metri, 2005; Tata & Prasad, 1998).


People make quality happen. Employees are the vanguard of TQM initiatives. Experience has indicated that effective human resource management and development is essential to sustain TQM. In total quality management environment, people participation achieves customer satisfaction. HRM act as a catalyst and facilitates cultural change to support total quality management initiatives. It is argued that TQM is contingent on management of people (Hoogervorst, Koopman & Flier, 2005; Morrison & Rahim, 1993). Employee empowerment and performance measurement are crucial strategies that help TQM achieve its principal tenets of

76 satisfaction of internal and external customers (Barzelay, 1992; Garrity, 1993; Keehley, 1992; Milakovich, 1991). HRM and TQM initiate and sustain competitive advantage through management of people that nurture creativity, synergy, and develop a sense of purpose to contribute efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational excellence. People oriented practices of team work, organizational communication, employee involvement and empowerment, training and development, open communication, appreciation of individual employees contribution to total quality as well as reward and recognition are vital to make workforce efficient and effective. The HRM dimensions need to be integrated with TQM principles and must become a strategic imperative in TQM environment. It has been established that employees participation in quality related matters enhances their understanding of quality issues and facilitates problem solving at the grass root level in the organization (Powell, 1995). Yong (2006) found strong significant effect of HRM practices on customers and employees satisfaction. Oakland and Oakland (2001) carried out a study about people management practices in world - class organizations. The research found that these organizations invest in and value human resource to gain strategic competitive advantage. Blackburn and Rosen (1995) reported that several recipients of the Baldrige National Quality Award have developed HRM policies that support total quality management strategies. A high failure rate of TQM initiatives had been attributed to the lack of HRM practices. (Gaucher & Coffey, 1993; Hubiak & ODonnell, 1996). Evan and Lindsay (2002, p. 435) noted that a comprehensive approach to HR practices is needed for total quality organizations. The main aspects include the following: 1. Increased focus on recruitment, career development and motivation of front line employees.

77 2. Traditional performance appraisal system needs to be replaced by 360 degree appraisal system. 3. Comprehensive reward management based on equity. 4. Emphasize value addition training and development. 5. Effective measurement of employee satisfaction to sustain continuous improvement. 6. Proactive retention strategies. Based on empirical evidence, researchers have concluded that effective HRM practices are critical for accomplishment of TQM initiatives and organizational performance in changing business environment (Cruickshank, 2000; Dale & Cooper, 1992; Lawrel, Mohrman & Ledford 1995; Ooi, Baker, Arumugam, Vellapan & Lok, 2007; Palo & Padhi, 2005; Yong, 2006).

Researchers view Benchmarking as an essential tool to achieve TQM objectives (Porter & Tanner, 1996; Sinclair and Zairi, 2000, 2001). Benchmarking is defined as the best practices to achieve superior performance. It facilitates organizations to learn from industries best practices and align their internal and external processes for excellence. The strategy provides a mirror to organizations to Dow et al (1999) argued that this is an important TQM practice to achieve quality objectives. This practice has been established as a catalyst for change. (Thor and Jarret, 1999; Cassell et al., 2001). Jarrar and Zairi (2000) concluded that this has become an important best practices to enhance performance achieve sustained competitive advantage. Many reputable organisations and firms are engaged in training and promotion of benchmarking as essential methodology to achieve sustained business excellence ( Dervitsiotis, 2000; McAdam and Kelly, 2002).

78 Chung ( 2001, in a study in Hong Kong, identified the best benchmark practices that include Leadership, strategic planning, organizational culture, information management, human resource management, process management, quality and operational results and customer focus and satisfaction. Nofal, Zairi and Ahmed (2004) in a comparison four studies conducted in Kuwait, Malaysia, Palestine and Saudi Arabia, identified critical benchmark practices. These practices included commitment of top leadership, organizational culture that support TQM initiatives, team work, training of human resources, continuous improvement, customer focused processes, customer satisfaction, customer-supplier relationship management, and use of self assessment framework. Youssef and Zairi (1995) carried out study based on different industries, in different region of the world (United States, United Kingdom, Middle East (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) and Far East (Malaysia and Singapore). The focus of the study was to benchmark the critical factors of TQM in different regions. The study concluded that leadership commitment, customer satisfaction, organizational culture, participative management, human resource dimensions (recognition, reward, communication, team work, and emphasis on continuous learning through training and development), continuous improvement, vendor relationship and management of process were the bench mark practices in different regions of the world. In a study of 36 industries, over a period of two years, Huq and Stolen (1998), identified benchmark TQM practices as top management commitment, customer focus, workers empowerment, communication, performance based reward system, and use of statistical tools for process improvement, continuous improvement and suppliers relationship.

79 Kay and Dayson (1995) in a study of 13 organizations with a view to identify characteristics of these organizations based on the best TQM practices. The benchmark practices on which the evaluation was based included leadership, strategic quality planning, continuous improvement, management of people, and business results. Terziovski, Sohal, & Samson (1996), in study of 8 Australian organizations, examined the implementation of best TQM practices. Customer focus, leadership, innovative human resource practices, competitive benchmarking and performance measure systems, adoption of new technology, determination and integration of customer feedback, and implementation of improvement and cross functional teams, were found to be the best practices. Thiagarajan, T. and Zairi, M. (1997) examined the best TQM practices. The study found Leadership, employee involvement, training and education, reward and recognition, team work, policy and strategy, resource management, managing suppliers, systems and process management, organizing for quality, process management, self assessment, measurement of customer requirements, Rao et al. (1997) examined the best quality management practices in HRM in China, India and Mexico. The study based on the survey of 389 organizations in these countries found that commitment to training, participation and empowerment of employees, effective reward and recognition programmes, and inculcating awareness of quality dimensions were found to be the benchmark human resource development practices to achieve quality goals. Easton (1993) carried out a study on the state of TQM practices of United States Companies. The sample consisted of 22 companies, both from manufacturing and services sectors. The results found that senior management commitment to quality, effective human resource dimensions, management of processes, and customer satisfaction emerged as the ben TQM


Gandhinathan & Karuppusami (2006) in meta analysis of empirical studies done between 1989 and 2003identified the benchmark practices followed by organisations. The study concluded that leadership commitment, quality policy, relationship with suppliers, management of process, training and customers focus were the most vital practices pursed by the organizations.


Organizations endeavour to continuously improve its processes, products, and services. To pursue this approach, organizations use various frameworks to assess their quality management initiatives with a view to identify the strengths and weaknesses. Based on the identification of the gaps in quality pursuits, firms initiate quality management interventions to improve their performance in quality related dimensions. According to researchers, self assessment provides a mean to organizations to identify its strengths, weaknesses and the opportunities and weakness prevailing in external and internal environment (Conti, 1999; Oakland, 2000). Various quality frameworks are available to organizations. Some of the reputed and well established and documented self assessment frameworks that provide general guidelines are EFQM, Deming Prize, MBNQA, Australian Quality Award, The NASA Quality and Excellence Award ( Q&E), and International Quality Rating System ( IQRS) (Kueng, 2000).Within the context of Pakistan, the Pakistan National Quality Award provides a framework that facilitates assessment of organizational quality management performance against specific benchmark and provide opportunity to undertake appropriate improvement interventions.



Sue and Hsu (2002) studied the implementation of quality management practices in 39 telecommunication organizations in Taiwan. Poor training of the staff and weak supplier management were noted as the vital dimensions of quality management for significant performance Tsang and Antony (2001) identified critical success factors of TQM in UK services organizations including Telecommunication. Based on the study of 300 subjects, the study identified top management commitment, customer focus, training and development, teamwork, continuous improvement, quality systems and policies, supervisory leadership, supplier partnership/supplier management, and cultural change as essential dimensions of TQM. Patel and Djerdjouri (2000) examined the implementation of TQM practices in Telecom Fiji. The results of the study indicated a change in organizational culture, improved productivity, improvement in management and employee relations, increased employees commitment. There was a considerable improvement in team based approach which resulted in increased efficiency and effectiveness, and considerable savings were made in the labour costs. A considerable improvement in processes was also experienced. Antilla (2000) investigated the impact of TQM implementation in Sonera Corporation, a leading Finnish Telecommunication Company. The results indicated significant improvement in profitability and customer base due to effective leadership, learning of employees, increased innovations of products, services and processes, and change in organizational culture.



2.21.1 VERIZON WIRELESS (VERIZON) UNITED STATES Verizon (2009), a leading mobile phone operator, asserts customer focus, innovations and excellence in smarter and faster products and services, empowerment and development of employees, partnership with suppliers and other stakeholders as its strategic priorities to achieve excellence through quality management. The main focus of these quality management practices is to develop a knowledge base and long term partnership for sustained excellence. The company leadership articulates a vision for doing the best for people and the society. This vision is translated into guiding principles and leadership manifests its commitment to achieve strategic quality objectives through allocation of appropriate resources and best working environment that nurture and energize diverse workforce to achieve and sustain performance excellence (Verizon, 2009, p. 5) The mobile phone company put customers focus as its strategic priority. The customer focus at the company is guided by performance excellence, respect, accountability, and integrity at all levels. Regular customer feedback is sought with a view to align the companys quality objectives to customers needs. According to Verizon (2009) the employees are companys strategic resource. A proactive approach to employees development is pursed to achieve benchmark performance. The quality of work life promotes healthy life style, productive and engaged employees and focuses on compatible remuneration, challenging and meaningful work, safe work environment, the adaptability to do well at work and at home, work and family life balance practices, and respect for their individuality and perspectives. In 2008, the mobile operator made an investment

83 of $ 344 million in training and growth activities of the employees. The employees dedicated 11.7 million hours to training with main focus on customer services and management development (Verizon, 2009, p.41) In employee survey in 2008, the employees responded favourably with very high percentage of satisfaction to the following dimensions; (a) respect for valuing diversity and inclusion got 89% approval, (b) proud to be a part of the company secured 83 % approval, (c) in conduct of day-to- day work with integrity, the approval was 89%, and (d) workgroup operations on commitment to customers got 89% rating (Verizon, 2009, p.43). The company was placed at 22nd position in Business Week Magazine list of Best Places to Launch a Career. Training Magazine placed the operator in its list of Top 125 Training Organizations in America consecutively for seventh year. Corporate Responsibility Magazine named Verizon among 100 Best Corporate Citizens for 2008. Latina Style magazine placed Verizon at 13th position for Latinas to Work For in the United States (Verizon, 2009, p. 7). Verizon (2009, p.50) notes that through an effective process management and continuous improvement pursuits, the company is exceeding customers expectations with regard to innovative products and services to meet ever changing needs of its diverse customer base. Over the last three years, the company made more than over $ 50 million investment in technology infrastructure to keep its leading edge in innovation and speed of products and services to the market. According to Verizon (2009), the relationship with suppliers is based on mutual benefits and highest ethical conduct. A very high standard of compliance is desired form the suppliers with regard to health, safety and environmental laws and regulations. Upholding of human rights of workers is a part of suppliers audit that the operator undertakes to monitor the suppliers

84 compliance. Regular audit of suppliers is an essential dimension of quality management practice to ensure that suppliers strictly conformance to the quality dimensions that company stands for.


Vodafone (UK) is the largest mobile phone company providing voice and data services to a customer base of over 18.5 million customers in United Kingdom. The company pursues quality management practices to achieve performance excellence in dynamic competitive environment. Vodafone (2009) leadership views customers and employees satisfaction at the heart of their business, making profit in a way that maximize the positive and minimizes the negative and provide best benefits to the customers and employees. Vodafone (2009) pursues customer satisfaction through fast, reliable and safe network, great value tariffs, innovative mobile services, product and services that promote flexible working, customers safety online, privacy and security of data, favourable prices, and information about mobile phone technology and health, regular meeting and feedback from customers. The company manifests its commitment in providing innovative and differentiated products and services though constant feed back from customers and responding to the changing environment. This alignment is achieved through constant focus on managing processes effectively and pursuing continuous improvement in companys products, services and processes to delight customers and meeting environmental challenges. The mobile operator has undertaken initiatives to help customers to become greener through development and provision of smart metering, by 2012, for business and residential customers (Vodafone, 2009, p.5).

85 Vodafone (2009, p. 17) emphasizes a strategic and collaborative approach in suppliers relationship. The relationship with suppliers is guided by operators Code of Ethical Purchasing. The important dimensions include human rights, child and forced labour, working conditions, freedom of association, bribery and environmental management. All major and new suppliers must confirm compliance. The operator expects major suppliers to conform compliance companys health and safety, fraud management and duty to report policies. It is important for the suppliers to adopt these practices since any failure in supply chain can affect operators brand. According to Vodafone (2009, p. 15) the operator constantly strive to create an environment where everyone can succeed and flourish. Managing a diverse workforce of over 10,000 members offer opportunities and challenges. Starting with commitment from the top, the mobile operator has created an environment of employee engagement and advocacy with equal opportunities for all at all levels. The main aim is to attract and retain the best people, to build a diverse team that firm supports with training and development throughout their career. There is a great focus on team building and collaborative working to create synergy. The company spent Pound Sterling 3 million on training and development related activities of the workforce. The operator also trained 6,000 customer service and retail staff to use new Strategic Customer Management tool that enhances efficiency and effectiveness (p. 15). The operator recognizes employees great achievements and that everyone is fairly rewarded, and that everyone has a voice and it will be heard. The company is committed to communicate clearly, openly and honestly, and handle the really tough issues like redundancy with professionalism and empathy. In a survey in 2008, the employees engagement score increased to 73% (Vodafone, 2009, p.14). In employee survey, 2008 fair treatment of members of team was rated at 87%,

86 autonomy given by managers to employees in their work got 86% approval and adopting better ways to deliver great customer experience is a high priority in my team got 86% rating (p. 16) .The Company has been rated among the Sunday Times 20 Big Companies to work for 2009.


Deutsch Telekom is one of the leading telecommunication companies in global information and telecommunication technology sector with presence in Europe, Asia and United States. T-Mobile is the flagships brand of the company. The company is Europes largest telecommunications company, and by far the largest owner of communications infrastructure in Germany. Deutsch Telekom (2008) asserts its role in changing economic environment by assuming more responsibility towards its stakeholders for sustainable development of the future. The company is guided by its values of customers delight, respect and integrity, team work, best place to perform and grow and personal commitment of each employee. According to Deutsch Telekom (2008) customer delight is at the heart of companys strategic approach. The company offer customers an extensive range of communications options for connected life and work. In addition to broadband networks and versatile product ranges, product innovations include a tailored service. This service is adjusted to the needs of our customers and offers them the best solutions. Excellent service has become a distinguishing factor vis--vis competitors. T-Mobile USA tops the table for customer acceptance in the USA, according to the "Wireless Retail Sales Satisfaction Study" by the consultancy J. D. Power and Associates in May 2008. T-Mobile performed well in all areas surveyed and best of all in the

87 sales staff category. This was particularly pronounced in comparison with the industry average. Measuring customer satisfaction is a vital dimension of company customer focus philosophy. The market research institute TNS Infratest does this by calculating its TRI*M Index. The TRI*M Index is an indicator which represents the status quo of the relationship between a company and its customers. The figures calculated in a harmonized procedure confirm an increase in customer satisfaction for 2008, especially companys international affiliated companies. Attaining TRI*M Indices of over 80 percent, companys subsidiaries T-Mobile Slovenko and T-Mobile Hungary (Magyar Telekom) have demonstrated the best relations with their customers. Deutsch Telekom (2009, p.16) pursues a comprehensive approach to its suppliers relationship ensuring strict compliance of social and ecological standards along its supply chain. The company requires its suppliers to sign and comply with the standards of the Social Charter of the company. The Social Charter lays down compulsory rules relating to human rights, the environment, equal opportunities, occupational health and safety and the right to set up and join a labour union, and is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact as well as on the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The company demands that their suppliers, for their part, apply these standards to their own sub- suppliers. The company asks their suppliers to provide details of their social and ecological work conditions and management systems. On site suppliers audit is undertaken by the company. During 2008, the company performed on-site supplier audits at three companies in Taiwan, the Peoples Republic of China and Mexico (p.17). Employees with competitive skills and entrepreneurial approach are considered vital in achieving and sustaining success for the Deutsche Telekom. The company has a workforce of about 260,000 individuals in over 50 countries worldwide. Deutsch Telekom (2008, p.22)

88 focuses on human resource development for a knowledge based organization represents a vital aspect of its value chain. This is guided by quality of work life initiatives and talent agenda to attract and retain the best for competitive advantage. In addition to training employees, promoting high potentials, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance, the company also attaches high priority to reinforcing cultural diversity. The human resource strategy of Deutsche Telekom pursues is based on attracting and maintaining talented and competent workforce, service oriented culture, adaptability to change, and proactive role of human resource management as strategic partner. The company manifests its commitment through company wide human resource management projects of strategic dimensions (Deutsche Telekom 2008, p.22) Deutsche Telekom has been among Germanys largest training providers for many years and had 11,679 trainees at the end of 2007. In 2008, the company created a series of advancement programs for top performers with leadership potential. During 2008, some 350 top performers and talents in the unit have already benefited from targeted advancement under this scheme. The company leads the industry average in the training of its workforce. Training and development programmes, with a strategic focus, are implemented by Telekom Training within the company (Deutsche Telekom 2008, p.23). The company coordinates and designs training courses for experts and executive staff in both the internal and external markets in Germany. One example is the service training seminars that play a key role in positioning the Group as a service company. A total of 17,071 seminars were held in the year 2007. During this period, 108,943 employees participated in a total of 459,124 training days ( Deutsche Telekom, 2008, p. 24). According to Deutsche Telekom ( 2008, p.24)the work life balance programmes at the company offer flexible work times, job sharing and career break ( suspending employment for six months).The companys subsidiary in Czech Republic was awarded first place in the coveted

89 Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities 2008 Award by Czech non-governmental organization (NGO) Gender Studies. The Social Day and One Day for People in Need programmes of corporate volunteering enhances employees society interaction, facilitate promotion of healthy relationship and manifest responsible corporate culture. The staff suggestion programme titled ideas for service competitiveness at Deutsche Telekom generated savings of around EURO 0.1 billion from a total of 8,841 suggestions for improvement (new submissions and subsequent approvals) in 2008 (p.24). Entrepreneurial activities at Deutsche Telekom lay the foundation of innovations for sustained competitiveness. Innovation strategy is based on meeting customers present and future needs. To meet this end, Deutsche Telekom is focusing on areas of intuitive usability (easier and convenient to use technology), integrated communication, intelligent access, inherent security and infrastructure development that are considered vital for the future of integrated communication technologies (Deutsche Telekom, 2008, p. 26). Improvement in processes at Deutsche Telekom focuses on improvement in cost structure to remain competitive, sales and services from single source for significant improvement in customer service, offering innovative products and services, and simplification of brand identity in the minds of consumers are core areas for future development for performance excellence and sustainability ( Deutsche Telekom, 2008, p.27).


Optus is the second largest telecommunication company in Australia and is wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore Telecommunications. The company has a workforce of 10679 employees and customer base of over 7.79 million. The company represents about 33% of

90 Australian mobile market. Optus serves over 7 million mobile customers each day. Optus (2008) focuses on achieving leadership position by providing world class services based on reliability, efficiency and best in class customers service. This philosophy is based on companys guiding principles of customer focus, challenging spirit, team work, integrity and personnel excellence. This commitment starts at the top leadership level and cascade down to front line employees (p. 8). Optus ( 2008, p.19) notes that company is committed to being the customers champion by listening and delivering to the needs of customers, including small businesses and corporations. Improving customers experience is core to companys business. The company made some significant gains in 2007. As a result of customer satisfaction initiatives, the company reduced the average wait time for customers to reach an Optus representative by 10 percent and reduced fault rate for customers, and improved service quality by 21 percent (p.23). Optus has established a Consumer Liaison Forum (CLF) to gain input into the development of policies and practices to overcome barriers to access and use of telecommunications products and services (p. 24). According to Optus (2008), the company invests over Australian $ one billion every year on improving network. Optus has in place an established complaint handling process. The company internally reviews the complaint statistics each month, to see trends and areas of customers dissatisfaction. The mobile operator is committed to providing clear pricing and information to help customers avoid financial difficulties with regard to receiving its products and services. Financial Advisory Support Team at the company work with customers on a case to case basis, to determine their eligibility for the hardship program and provide customized solutions to manage their debt (p. 25).

91 Optus (2008) believes that people are at the heart of its quality management philosophy and the employees makes Optus different from its competitors. The company aims to recruit and retain the best talent, as well as create an environment where diversity is valued and our people are encouraged to develop and make the best of how they work, live and contribute to the community (p.53). The company offers its employees to assist their growth in four key segments based on wellbeing, flexible reward to tailor their needs, carrier choices where people are encouraged exploring their potential through a variety of career paths, and innovative programmes to support people in their personal and professional lives. At Optus, leadership is an attitude, not a position on an organizational chart. Optus Leaders of Tomorrow programme focuses on identification of talents and its development through a structured approach enabling employees to assume higher responsibilities in different functional area (p. 56). The range of such programmes covers diversified dimensions based on performance management, coaching, negotiation skills, working in teams and leadership. These programmes are augmented through elearning in important areas of strategic planning, team management and develop financial management and project management. Provisions of mentoring and education assistance to employees further contribute to these leadership development programmes (p.57). Optus (2008) views engagement with employees as an integral part of companys human resource policies. Optus undertakes a diverse approach to achieve employees participation through a range of activities, blending traditional and innovative mediums to maximize the impact of its messages for various audiences across the company. For regular internal communication with the employees, the company uses newsletters, emails from CEO and Senior Leaders, the intranet, posters and promotional activities, TV broadcasts and web streams, employee road shows and Optus Jam sessions on regular bas (p.58).

92 Employees undertake Equal Employment Opportunity training during their induction and every two years during their time at Optus. The company provided opportunities of training to each employee for 41 hours during 2008 (p. 53). According to Optus (2008, p. 54), employees feedback is continuously sought to improve quality of work life at Optus. During 2008, 84% employees participated in the survey. In the vast majority of categories, Optus ranked higher than the global telecommunications norm. The survey indicated that 74% of employees were happy with the environment and diversity within the workplace. Results also showed that, on average, employees were satisfied with career development, leadership, training, rewards and recognition programmes. Optus (2009, p.16) notes the external recognition of its commitment to customers, employees and the society. The company got Australian telecommunication award 2007, Australian Best Direct Marketing Award 2007, Government Sustainability Green Globe Award 2007, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission Award ( best rehabilitation and return to work) 2007, Best International Carrier, 2007, and Insurance Australia Group (IAG) Sustainable Supplier of the year Award 2007.

2.21.5 CHINA MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION (CHINA MOBILE) China Mobile operates in mainland China and Hong Kong. With a base of 499.9 million subscribers and 158400 employees in June 2009, the company has been on the list of Fortune 500 companies consecutively for eight years and currently ranked 148th on this list. China Mobile is currently the largest mobile telecommunications operator in the world by network size

93 and number of customers. The company is guided by its goal and strategy to "become a global leadership company, leapfrogging from excellence to pre- eminence," (China Mobile, 2009, p.3). The operator seeks to align its business to the changing needs of its stakeholders. The company proactively focus on engagement with stakeholders is guided by principles of learn, share and collaborative. Customer satisfaction is the core of China Mobile strategy. China Mobile (2009, p.16) highlights the customer focused initiatives of management of payment system, increased privacy protection of customers, implementation of its Gold Standard Services and new products and services to special groups. Regular feedback from the customers forms an essential dimension of customer relationship. The company continued to commission independent surveys of customer satisfaction with the goal of truly understanding the customer experience and identifying any major challenges. According to China Mobile (2008), the company surveyed more than 400,000 customers over the telephone on topics including overall service, network quality, effectiveness of new services, promotional activities, and payment and support systems, among other issues. The computer assisted telephone survey was conducted in five phases between mid-June and early December 2008. Survey results indicated customer satisfaction rates continue to rise. In 2008, the overall customer satisfaction scores increased to 81.31 from 79.63 in 2006 (p.17). China Mobile (2009, p.19) affirms that employees are the most important resource and the foundation of sustainable growth. The company human resource programmes continued to treat employees with equality, to offer professional development opportunities, and to create a system that supported employee rights. The working environment is designed to support employee development and build a motivated workforce.

94 The company is committed to the principles of equal work for equal pay, gender equality and assigning work based on skills and experience. Investing in employee development through training builds employees skills, advances their careers and ensures the sustainable growth of the business. In 2008, the company trained 646351 employees with an average annual training time of 46.5 hours per employee. The operator also made an average investment of Renminbi (RMB) 2,298 in training per employee (China Mobile, 2009, p.20). Continuous engagement with employees through employees representative committee meetings, employees grievance system, training, employee assistance programmes, employee participation programmes, career development and labour rights are key initiatives that foster ownership among employees ( China Mobile 2008, p. 20).


MTS is the largest mobile operator in Russian and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Armenia with a subscriber base of 91.7 million. The mobile operator aims to maintain its leadership position in its markets through a three pronged strategy based on revenue stimulation, cost efficiency and process excellence; grow and create synergies by increasing MTS network in the region; achieving revenue leadership and implementing operational consistency throughout its operations. According to MTS (2006, p.32), customers satisfaction is the top priority to achieve sustained performance excellence. The mobile operator is committed to broaden its network footprint and further develop commercial services in regions where the company holds licenses and maintains operations, provide new and varied tariff plans featuring voice-based and valueadded services that appeal to the various customer segments within the Companys network, and

95 ensures continued customer loyalty through dedicated services and a total focus on the customers needs. With competitive environment, new customer focus initiatives resulted significant improvement in the delivery of enhanced customer care through provisioning of new system. The major achievements resulted in increase in service level by 61% along with prioritize service request, increased agent productivity by 72%, first call resolution boosted to 90%, abandoned call rate reduction by 19%.and achieved cost saving through restructuring the reporting and control processes.(Customer Service, 2007). MTS emphasizes continuously promoting cost efficiency and process excellence in all functional areas. The operator continuously evaluate the potential of horizontal and vertical integration and of convergence projects that enhance the companys market position and deliver exceptional value to customers (MTS, 2006, p.33). The company continuously strives to improve and enhance its operational excellence. According to MTS (2006), the mobile operator carried out a comprehensive benchmarking programme to enhance its operational effectiveness. The results indicated enhanced customer satisfaction and achieved improved efficiency in functional areas. The company focuses on achieving mastery of innovation and technology, and delivers cutting-edge products and services in each of the companys markets of operation, leverage scale and all possible synergies between the corporate headquarter and throughout MTS markets of operations and cultivates the regions top management team by attracting and retaining qualified personnel and nurturing a distinctive corporate culture (MTS 2006, p. 24).


Telecom Italia Mobile is the largest Italian telecommunication company and has over 70.6 million subscribers in Italy, Brazil and Vatican City. The quality management approach of the company is based on its guiding principles of customer focus, taking responsibility, innovation, proactivity, integration, transparency and performance excellence (Telcom Italia, 2008, p.8). According to Telecom Italia (2009), customer focus has been at the forefront of Telecom Italia approach towards sustained quality and performance excellence. The initiatives undertaken on this account are based on collaboration with consumers associations, which in some cases has involved directly the top management. This collaboration is designed to guarantee the protection of customers rights regarding products and services supplied by the Group, and to inform the associations about organizational changes that could impact on customers (Telecom Italia, 2008, p.9). According to Telecom Italia (2008, p. 89) two types of surveys are conducted to seek customers feedback. These surveys are based on average satisfaction scale ranging from 1 (completely dissatisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied). The reflective survey is based on overall perception of the service quality. During 2008, the customer satisfaction (for network coverage) was rated 8.3 for consumers and 8.10 for business segment. The satisfaction with billing got 7.60 for consumers and 6.97 for business segments of customers respectively. The reactive survey is conducted immediately after an event. The survey with regard to customer satisfaction with customer care indicated overall satisfaction (7.50 for consumer and 6.49 for business segment), courtesy of operator (8.74 for consumer and 8.31 for business segment), and operator competence (8.16 for consumers and 7.32 for business segment) respectively The management

97 compensation is tied to customer satisfaction index and monitored throughout the year for these two types of surveys. Telecom Italia (2008, p. 109), the human resource philosophy is based on nurturing and developing employees to gain and sustain competitive advantage. During 2008, the operator spent 25 million euros on training. Two million hours of training (on-line, on the job and in the class) were utilized. More than 71% of employees have participated in at least one training session. Quality of work life and Internal communication form essential dimensions of employees fulfillment. In employee satisfaction survey in 2008, on a scale of 1 to 10, the employees expressed 6.35 level of satisfaction (Telecom Italia, 2008, p.110). According to Telecom Italia (2008) relationship with suppliers is an essential dimension to achieve quality management objectives. The suppliers are carefully selected, their activities monitored through rigorous control and regular evaluation is done with regard to the compliance of the laid down standards. Suppliers evaluation is based on Global Vendor Rating Index that takes account of suppliers performance in the field of environmental and social sustainability. Scheduled checks of suppliers including audit are done regularly in the areas of ethics and sustainability as well as Telecom Italia code of ethical conduct. Evaluation of suppliers rating by an independent evaluating agency resulted in overall improvement of 87.40 % against 83.42% in 2006 (Telecom Italia, 2008, p. 90).


Slovak Telekom is a multimedia operator with many years experience and international expertise, and has the leading edge in introducing innovative and new technology trends to

98 Slovak telecommunications market. The Company provides telecommunication network coverage to the whole country. According to Slovak Telekom (2008), the company envisages to be the leader with a commitment to customer, employees, partners, suppliers and community. Customer focus is the predominant value of the companys quality philosophy and customers needs are paramount in all its processes. The company seeks to adopt a proactive approach to remain in touch with customers through multiple means including the introduction of Ombudsman institution to resolve non-standard or difficult to implement customers requirements and complaints. Regular customer surveys, on monthly basis, are done and the satisfaction of customer was rated at 87% by an independent evaluator (Slovak Telekom, 2008, p.22). Slovak Telekom pursues employee centered policies to create attractive working condition, and to support a work-life balance, growth and development through concentrated training. Regular employee satisfaction surveys are conducted to measure the satisfaction and loyalty of the employees. In employee survey in 2008, the company scored a rating of 75%. Retention programme for key players yielded significant results of 94.7% success rate for stabilizing and retaining the key players. Slovak Telekom has been announced as 4th Best Employer by Hewitt Associates study recently evaluated in Slovakia. (Slovak Telecom, 2008, p.14) Slovak Telekom (2008, p.15) notes that focus on training and e- learning of management and employees is essential to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. Implementation of a Seven Habits of Highly Effective People development programme for directors was undertaken in 2008 for improving customer-oriented corporate culture. During 2008, the average number of development days per employee was 3.5, and average development costs per employee were EURO 302.1 million.

99 According to Slovak Telekom (2008, p.25), the company especially focuses on transparent selection of its suppliers. It pays attention that its business partners and suppliers pursue ethical business practices as required by prevalent laws and regulations of Slovak Republic. The suppliers require valid certification and compliance of rules valid for European Union. In 2008, Slovak Telekom cooperated with over one thousand suppliers. The company follows a strict compliance approach and regularly monitor and audit the quality of products and services by suppliers (Slovak Telekom, 2008).


MTN is South Africa based multinational mobile telecommunication company operating in 21 markets in African, Asia and Middle East countries. In March 2009, the company reached 100 million subscribers milestone. According to MTN (2008), the company strives to be the leader in telecommunications in emerging markets. To achieve its vision, the leadership is pursuing strategy that is built on three pillars consolidation and diversification; leveraging our footprint and intellectual capacity; and convergence and operational evolution (p.66). According to MTN (2008), employees make significant contribution to make MTN a dynamic and vibrant organisation. MTN views employees development as a strategic priority. MTN promotes employees development initiative that enhances knowledge sharing. In addition, these programmes facilitate new acquisition to quickly adapt to MTN culture and enhance customers centered culture. The company lays great emphasis on its ability to attract and retain talented individuals for continued success. In order to lessen the chances of staff defection, the operator undertake efficient and effective human resource policies based on people development,

100 work- life balance, respect for diversity, leadership brand, development of leaders within the organization and effective succession planning ( p.76). In addition to existing learning and development initiatives, MTN has pursued a new strategic approach to learning and organizational development through launch of its own Academy. This initiative aims at assisting with companys talent attraction, development and retention strategy with a focus on organizational learning excellence. The academy is a mean to achieve competitiveness based on human capital and facilitates development of supportive organizational culture. Regional learning centers are being established in Accra, Dubai and Johannesburg (MTN, 2008, p.23). MTN (2008, p.32) stresses that innovations in products and services are fundamental to MTN customer focused and continuous improvement strategy. The innovation approach is based on simplicity, imagination, insight and creativity. MTN has created an incubator environment within in its quest for innovative offerings. The company's success, in this regard, manifest in development of new applications, e.g. mobile payments and utilizing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). According to MTN (2008, p. 33) relationship with suppliers is vital for value addition on long term basis. Through procurement function, MTN secures more competitive prices from vendors of network equipment. The revamping its relationship with suppliers resulted in enormous cost saving, improved procurement processes, and effective management of supply chain processes. 2.21.10 FRANCE TELECOM France Telecom is the main telecommunication company in France, the third largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Orange is the flagship brand of France Telecom. The mobile operator has subscribers of 117.6 million all over the world in September 2008.

101 Leadership at France Telecom is committed in making France Telecom the benchmark quality service provider wherever it is present, through diversification of innovative products and services, quality and excellence in performance in all dimensions (France Telecom 2008, p.2). According to France Telecom (2008, p. 16) quality of service is the corner stone of operators policy. Customer relations policy is guided by reliability, trust and simplicity. The overall objective of this approach is to position France Telecom as the benchmark operator for quality of service. Outstanding Customer Expectation Programme launched by the operator aims at exceeding customers expectations. This programme focuses on improvement in quality of services and solutions; provide exemplary customers experience; and excel in the industry. Customer satisfaction can also be monitored very closely thanks to the Customer Loyalty Index. The performance levels are tested twice a year based on metrics compatible with international telecommunications standards. The evaluation process provides a framework for initiating and sustaining competitive advantage by adopting best practices (France Telecom, 2008, p.16). More than a contractual relationship, France Telecom (2006) aims to build up a total performance approach to suppliers based on quality, innovation and respect for sustainable development. Regular monitoring and analysis of overall performance of operators suppliers is undertaken. The compliance of social, ethical and environmental protection dimensions is vital for suppliers. The suppliers are required to adhere to the same commitments as the France Telecom. During 2006, 86% of suppliers were evaluated, 70% contracts showed improvements, and 58% of suppliers made international commitments to agreements such as Global Compact, the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct or codes defined by World Business Council for sustainable development and 70% of suppliers implemented environmental management system

102 based on ISO 14001 or to a lesser extent Eco-management and Audit Scheme ( France Telecom, 2008, pp. 27-28). France Telecom (2006, p.32) is engaged in employee centered policies to ensure that employees and customers interaction yield performance excellence. The company is committed to implementing a dynamic, people- friendly employment policy. The human resource policies are based on upholding fundamental human rights, implementing a dynamic employment policy, offering access to training, international mobility and gender equality. A project, known as program ACT: (Anticipation and Competencies for the Transformation), had been implemented to strengthen staff motivation, the company spirit and the sense of cohesion (p.34). According to France Telecom (2008, p.36), the company promotes management involvement in employee relations and tools tailoring HR solutions to the specific needs of each member of staff. Training of management and staff is considered vital for sustained excellence. The company has set up management schools in Poland, the UK and France. In addition, on line training and e-learning has also become essential dimension of training and development of employees. As a result of strong focus on training, investments were up by nearly 5% for France Telecom, SA and 13% for rest of the Group. The Company had increased overall training effort by 25% for 2006-2008.

2.21.11 BHARTI AIRTEL INDIA Bharti Airtel is the largest mobile phone operator in India. Globally, Bharti Airtel is third largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base. In India, it has more than 33.17% share of wireless services market. It has over 100 million subscribers as of February, 2009. The leadership at Bharti Airtel pursues growth and performance excellence and its sustaining in the days ahead. The quality philosophy at company is guided by empowering people, adaptability to

103 changing customer needs, passion for new ideas and innovations, transparency, entrepreneurial spirit and openness. Quality is at the heart of all activities at the company. Customer centered philosophy integrate all internal processes. The operators focus on continuous improvement is guided by eliminating the root causes of each problem through a shared approach. Bharti Airtel (2009) notes that continuous investment in people development yields significant benefits. The company has undertaken development initiatives of knowledge management, lean six sigma, six sigma plus, reduction in variation and standardization of processes. The company benchmarks its processes with global standards and best practices. These are monitored regularly and continuously audited by reputed third party for objective assessment. Bharti Airtel is a fully ISO 27001:2005 Certified Organization. The company has the largest numbers of 29 certification for its quality programmes. Bharti Airtel passion for innovation manifest in the launch of Airtel Innovation Fund, with an initial funding of India Rupees two million in telecom sector that aims at providing opportunities to entrepreneurs to build innovative businesses. According to Bharti Airtel (2009), talented manpower is vital to achieve and sustain competitiveness in dynamic business environment. The operators human resource strategy is based on attracting and retaining the best and improving its intellectual capital to achieve competitive advantage. Employees stock ownership plans, training and development of leadership skills and motivation of employees form essential dimensions of human resource retention strategy. The company focuses on intensive training and development for employees at all levels to take larger responsibilities and newer challenges. Career progression and succession planning have been the key to build a robust leadership pipeline. HR initiatives have helped in reducing

104 the attrition to 18% from the earlier 28%. Bharti Airtel has received the prestigious Gallup Great Place to Work' award second time in row.

2.21.12 SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION (SPRINT) UNITED STATES Sprint is the third largest telecommunication company in United States with 49.3 million customers. According to Sprint (2007), the leadership is committed to excellence in all its operations, innovation in products and services. The company aims at providing best products and services to its customers. This passion for quality is guided by principles of integrity, passion about customers, delivery of results, to work and win as a team, care about each other and leading by example (Sprint, 2007, p.9). According to Sprint (2007, pp.18-20), the operator is committed to provide products and services that meet customers life styles and needs. Customer Advisory Council and easy access to discuss products and services related problems facilitate designing of customers centric products and services. The Innovative Forum helps create partnership and new products and services. Sprint (2007, pp.26-28) believes that motivated employees are in a better position to satisfy customers and earn their loyalty. The focus on employees satisfaction manifest in employees centered policies. The essential employees focused programmes include employees engagement, diverse and inclusive workforce, competitive benefits and work-life balance initiatives that employees accord top priority. Employees input are sought through twice-yearly surveys. In addition, an idea bank has been established where employee contribute ideas for improvement and innovations in existing and new products and services (Sprint, 2007,p. 28). In addition, customer experience is shared by

105 employees. Employee Resource Group provides a platform to employees who share common interest, an opportunity to meet, network and further foster corporate culture. Fair reward, recognition and celebration of achievements are important human resource dimensions that acknowledge employees achievements and commend top performers. Leadership Excellence programme provide opportunity to future leaders additional opportunities for growth. Benchmarking of best human right practices is undertaken to enhance quality of work life (Sprint, 2007, p.26). Sprint (2008, p.38) notes that a strategic, innovative and diverse supplier base is critical to sustained competitiveness. Suppliers relations are based on quality, certification, and their abilities to provide solutions in different areas. The performance of suppliers are continuously monitored and audited.

2.21.13 TELEFONICA, S.A. (TELEFONICA) SPAIN Telefonica, S.A. is a Spanish telecommunication company operating globally. The company is third largest in world in number of clients and in the top five in the market value. It operates in Europe, United States, Central and South America and Asia. The operator leadership focuses on business excellence, honest and transparent management, contribution to progress and communication and dialogue by providing transparent and relevant information (Telefonica, 2008, p.10). According to Telefonica (2008, p.12), customer focus has been the most vital dimension of its quality management practices. The goal is to lead and consolidate this lead in customer satisfaction in its areas of operation. Continuous feedback is sought from customers for sustained improvements. Improvement in quality and coverage of network and modernizing the retail outlets has been the top priority.

106 During 2008 the customer satisfaction index, on a scale of 0-10, where 0 means not at all satisfied and 10 means completely satisfied, scored 6.92 as compared to 6.77 in 2007. According to the Telecommunications User Service Office in Spain, Telefnica was the operator with the lowest percentage of complaints in 2008 (Telefonica, 2009, p. 14.). The company responded to 71% of calls between 10 and 20 seconds. Telefnicas vision of its employees envisages encouraging their professional growth, development and well being; fostering their talent; recognizing diversity, initiative and innovation and remunerating them in a way that is both fair and transparent (Telefonica, 2008, p.6) According to Telefonica (200, p.16), employees growth yields significant and positive results in operational performance. The operator has its own corporate university. E-learning is encouraged and promoted. During 2008, personal training plans for 149,000 employees were undertaken. The company invested over EURO 64 million in training in 2008. Dynamic and employees centered human resource policies are considered critical for excellence in performance. According to employees satisfaction and commitment survey in 2008, the index indicated satisfaction and commitment level of 83.36% by managers, 79.36% by middle managers, and 68.92% by staff (Telefonica, 2008, p. 17). According to independent agencies, in 2008, the company had been rated as the Best Place to Work in Ecuador and Uruguay and got third place in Germany by Great Place to Work Institute (GPTW), United States. Similarly the operator in Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico stood out in the Great Place to Work (GPTW) ranking (Telefonica, 2008, p. 18) Telefonica, (2008, p. 24) acknowledges that collaboration with suppliers is vital to achieve and sustain performance excellence in value chain. A comprehensive approach is

107 adopted in selecting and evaluating suppliers. The suppliers are required to comply with the guiding principles of the company in social and environmental dimensions. During 2008, Telefonica carried out more than 1100 evaluations and 55 audits of its suppliers.

2.21.14 TELENOR DENMARK Telenor is an international telecommunication company with its operations in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Asia. It is currently ranked as the seventh largest telecommunication company in the world with over 168 million subscribers. The operators leadership commitment to provide innovative and quality services is based on the guiding principles of customers satisfaction in all operating markets compatible with their cultural values and norms, fulfillment of promises, and innovation in products and services through fresh ideas. Telenor is influencing the telecommunication industry through customers empowerment, combining its global expertise with local needs and undertaking initiatives with its partners to create and sustain shared values (Telenor, 2008). According to Telenor (2008), the operator views customer focus as the corner stone of its strategic priorities. The products and services are innovated to meet the special needs of customers. Regular feedback from customers is used to align its priorities to meet and exceeds customers expectations. The operator is passionate about employees development and gives them autonomy to plan and shape their own future. Employees development philosophy is based on exposure, education and experience that promote will to excel at individual and team level. Operators Global Training Programme provides an excellent opportunity to employees to enhance personal and professional competence Telenor (2008).

108 According to Telenor (2008), quality of work life environment and supporting human resource policies and programmes enrich individual and family lives. Initiatives undertaken by the operator include flexible working hours, open plan offices, just and fair reward system, aesthetic work environment, and focus on health, safety and environment, employees committee, open door communication, that energize employees to give their best in achieving quality goals. Telenor (2008) recognizes that long term relationship with suppliers is vital to achieve quality management objectives. In Telenor, this relationship is guided by strict adherence of suppliers to health, safety, security and environmental standards, compliance with Telenor values and ethical practices, and self evaluation by suppliers based on Global Self Assessment Questionnaire. Relationship with suppliers is re-evaluated based on non compliance of laid down standards. In 2008, on site inspections of 382 suppliers facilities were carried out, in addition to 65 audits of suppliers by the operator. As a result of these initiatives, 2336 corrective actions were initiated in 2008 and these efforts also resulted in reducing the risk factor key performance indicator from 51% in 2007 to 21% in 2008.

2.21.15 TELIASONERA AB - SWEDEN AND FINLAND TeliaSonera is the leading mobile network operator in Sweden and Finland. With a base of over million mobile phone subscribers, the company also operates in Spain, Turkey and Northern and Eastern Europe. The leadership of TeliaSonera envisages achieving world class status by being the best in class through network quality and excellence in operations (TeliaSonera, 2008, p.3). TeliaSonera (2008, p.12) pursues customer focus provisioning of innovative services to meet divergent and ever changing needs of the customers, providing wide coverage (extends to more than 99% of population in markets) and network quality through investment initiatives,

109 maintaining customers privacy and integrity, fair marketing prices, customized needs fulfillment, and constantly monitoring customers needs and transforming them into innovative products and services. According to TeliaSonera (2008), the company initiated Six Sigma approach to hear and monitor the experiences of customers. The company maintains regular dialogue with customers for value addition to its processes, products and services. The operator also evaluates its own performance as well as benchmarks its processes against its competitors and other industries. Regular surveys on monthly to yearly basis are conducted. During 2008, the company score on European Performance Satisfaction Index was 68 with improvements in market positions in Nordic and Baltic countries and in Eurasia (pp.13-14) TeliaSonera (2008, pp 28-30) considers employees are the strategic asset. These employees are the driving force to make the operator a world class company. The operator creates a conducive work environment that nurtures employees through effective leadership, continuous training and development, life long learning, respect for human rights, and respect for freedom of association, ensuring work life balance policies, employee engagement, and upholding diversity and equal opportunities for all in order to meet ever changing competence challenge, and coaching. Focus on higher performers contributes toward talent development. Effective performance management enhances employees commitment to their work. TeliaSonera Business Schools offers diverse and challenging courses to enhance employees competence. Top Talent and companys international training programmes are attractive tools to achieve intellectual development of employees. Employee Commitment Survey provides opportunity to employees to offer candid opinion on important dimensions of customer focus, leadership, goals, commitment, and work processes. During 2008, the results of the survey indicated an index of 68, the highest during the last five years.

110 TeliaSonera (2008, pp39-40) practices enduring relationship with suppliers. This relationship is guided by very high standards of corporate responsibility during selecting, monitoring and evaluating its suppliers. Strict adherence to code of ethics and other mandatory social and environmental standards and requirements cover the whole lifecycle from concept of product design to product recycling. Continuous improvement in supply chain is demanded from suppliers at all times. The operator demands from suppliers strict adherence to United Nations Global Compact (ten principles in areas of environment, labour standards, human right and anti corruption). Suppliers self assessment, physical inspections of their facilities and frequent audits are carried out by third party or the company to ensure consistent quality in the supply chain.

2.21.16 AT&T MOBILITY UNITED STATES AT&T Mobility operates in United States as the second largest mobile phone operator with over 79 million subscribers. The leadership at AT&T Mobility is passionate in its commitment to customers satisfaction and views it as the corner stone of its quality philosophy. Customers input provides valuable opportunities to the company to remain competitive. According to AT&T (2008, p.8), the operator endeavors to create inclusive organizational culture that makes it an excellent place to work. The employees are treated as strategic asset and their development is considered essential for strategic performance excellence. The company provides quality of work life and excellent growth opportunities to employees to excel in all dimensions of work and life. The employees training and development programmes in 2008 cost $ 244 million In addition to this, $25 million were spent on reimbursement of tuition fee. Leadership development programme, accelerated development programme and other training and development programmes at AT&T University offer growth opportunities to high

111 performers. On account of its quality of work environment and sustainable workforce development initiatives, the company won accolade (AT&T, 2008, p.48). Relationship with supply chain partners is considered critical for continuous feedback, innovations, quality, cost competitiveness and sustained excellence. These are guided by socio environmental best practices, ethical governance, human rights, privacy of information and suppliers diversity. Suppliers are required to comply with contemporary rules, regulations and conventions as in vogue. AT&T Citizenship & Sustainability Principles of Conduct for Suppliers lays the framework for these relationships. Frequent inspections and audit by the company ensures continuity of these relationships (AT&T, 2008, p.97).

2.21.17 TELECOM CORPORTATION (TELECOM) NEWZEALAND Telecom is the largest provider of telecommunication services in New Zealand. The operator has a subscriber base of over 2.2 million consumers (Telecom, 2009, p. 21). The leadership at Telecom envisions the operator to be the best wireless company through customer focus, innovation in products and services, investing in employees growth, enhancing network infrastructure and capability and providing value to stakeholders (Corporate Review, 2009). According to Telecom (2009), motivated and committed employees at the company fulfill customers aspiration and make the operator as customers first choice. The employees centered philosophy is guided by passion for customers, acting with integrity and openness. Development of employees is considered critical in areas of ethical behaviour, corporate citizenship, customer relationships, resolving customers complaints and concerns, business acumen, and products knowledge. Various development programmes (graduate leadership development and leadership programmes) at Telecom University caters for diverse development

112 needs of employees. Quality of work life provides opportunities to employees to rediscover themselves and give their best in realizing Telecom strategic quality objectives.

2.21.18 NTT DOCOMO JAPAN NTT DoCoMo is the leading mobile phone operator in Japan. As of March, 2009, the operator had over 53 million subscribers. The operator has about 50% market share of Japans cellular market. The quality focused approach at DoCoMo is guided by improved customers satisfaction, leadership through innovation in technology, and creating an energizing and dynamic workplace (DoCoMo 2008, p.5). According to DoCoMo (2008, 13), customer first approach is the top priority for the operator. This approach manifests in seeking customers input and providing customized products and services to meet the needs of customers. Customized training is provided to staff to internalize the customer service mentality with a view to provide excellent services. Employees are given opportunity to develop own ways to review and implement improvement in customer satisfaction. Initiatives like staff service contest, strengthening customer service support, excellence in outlets environment, continuous feed back from customers, and reward and recognition based on customer services are vital dimensions to achieve customer satisfaction. Weekly and monthly analysis of about 50000 comments received from customers is analyzed and improvements are affected (p.14). DoCoMo (2008) philosophy of human resources is focused on individual development, life long learning, provision of a supportive work environment, work life balance policies and growth opportunities for workforce.(p.41). In 2008, the operator arranged 124 training courses and 400 distance learning programmes for employees in critical areas of operations. Regular feedback from the employees is sought to enhance the quality of work life. The open

113 organizational culture nurture employees to meet ever increasing environmental related challenges (p.15). The operators relationship with suppliers is based on the principles of mutual trust, quality and responsive delivery. The suppliers are subject to periodic audits about social, ethical and environmental dimensions (p.11).


In competitive environment organizations pursue initiatives to achieve competitive advantage through quality management and customer satisfaction. TQM experts offered different prescriptions for success. Organizations adopted different quality management frameworks for superior performance and competitiveness with excellent results. These achievements led some of the experts to believe TQM philosophy as an organizational panacea. Despite success stories, many quality management initiatives resulted in failure. Since most researchers agree that the philosophy and principles of TQM are sound, examples of TQM failures have led the quality experts and researchers to identify the likely impediments associated with this issue. Researchers have explored organizational failure to achieve transformation to TQM and focused on issues namely; strategic quality management, role of leadership, organizational culture, management style, human resource management and development, resource constraints and relationship with stakeholders. Empirical studies have been carried out to identify the potential barriers to TQM during planning and implementing. Glover (1993) argued that failure of total quality management initiatives is attributed to conceptual weakness, incompatibility of quality management system with culture and poor implementation. Kanji (1996) identified management style that hinders learning, inculcates fear

114 and results in functional paradox (cited in Tamimi & Sebastianelli, 2003, p.48). Matta, Davis and Mayer (1996) found that poor corporate culture, lack of employees support and weak integration with suppliers and customers hinder quality management practices. Kotter (1995) identified lack of vision, inadequate involvement and empowerment of employees and failure to institutionalize improvements and new approaches as barriers to TQM. Hemphill (1996, p. 69) concluded that inexperience TQM consultants, lack of top-level leadership, ineffective employees training, incomprehensible terminology and tools and unmonitored cost are the obstacles. Graham (1992, p. 70) described the reasons for failure of total quality management and summarized that, there are many reasons, but the most important of these is lack of leadership. Tamimi and Gershon (1995) in a survey of 378 firms, based on Deming principles, concluded that lack of cultural change resulted in failure of TQM. Kolesar (1995) established that implementation of partial total quality management criteria results in failure. Sinclair and Zairi (1995, p.42) argued that an inappropriate performance measurement could be major cause of failure in the implementation of total quality management. Tamimi and Sebastianelli (2003), in a national survey of quality managers in United States, examined the problems of successful organizational transformation. Essential aspects identified were (a) lack of commitment of top management and poor strategic planning for quality management, (b) ineffective HRM, (c) non responsive organizational structure, (d) quality was not everybodys responsibility, (e) customers were not integrated in TQM initiatives, and (f) best quality practices were not benchmarked. Porter and Parker (1993, p.16) concluded that the results indicate that where TQM is viewed by management as an optional extra, it is likely to fail. Cooper and Phillips (1995, p.5) have argued that the lack of cultural change was one of the reasons for the failure of TQM

115 initiatives. Zubair (1996, p.14) indicated the reasons for TQM implementation failure to be the defective understanding of TQM itself. Ngai and Cheng (1997) identified cultural and employees barriers, infrastructure barriers, managerial barriers and organizational barriers as main impediments to quality management initiatives. Empirical researches have been carried out to identify the barriers to TQM. Various studies carried out by different researchers in different contexts (Edward, 1993; Evans & Lindsay, 2002; Fagadesh, 1999; Rad, 2005; Salegna & Fazel, 2000; Whalen & Rahim, 1994; Wilkinson & Whitcher, 1993; Zain & Kifayah, 2002; Zia, 2005) have identified the most common barriers as follow: 1. Lack of consistent senior management commitment and support. 2. Provision of insufficient infrastructure to support quality management initiatives. 3. Absence of formalized strategic planning for quality management. 4. Inadequate customer focus. 5. Weak integration of suppliers in quality management. 6. Organizational politics. 7. Absence of supporting organizational culture. 8. Resistance to change by employees. 9. Inadequate HRM practices. 10. Considering TQM as a quick-fix. 11. Short-term approach with focus on immediate financial results. 12. Functional paradox (Inter departments rivalry). 13. Weak supporting systems. 14. Lack of understanding about implementation of quality management. 15. Continued dependence on traditional incentives, recognition and appraisal systems.

116 16. Inadequate resources. 17. Inefficient process management. 18. Outdated technologies. 19. Ineffective information management system. 20. Inadequate system to measure quality. 21. Unfavourble environment of introducing quality management. These barriers provide insight to the management to understand the hindrance to the success of quality management initiatives. These can help organizations to evaluate their quality practices and identify the areas that need improvement. The diversity of these obstacles makes it difficult to identify which one causes TQM failure. A combination of these factors would be causing failure of quality management pursuits of the organizations. The understanding of perspectives of quality Gurus, the principles highlighted in awards framework and these barriers would help the management to initiate a proactive approach to quality management efforts in the organizations for sustainable performance excellence.


Deming Management Method, a phrase coined by Walton (1986) encompasses the TQM philosophy articulated in a prescriptive set of 14 points. Coupled with these 14 points in the Deming Management Method are seven deadly diseases that inhibit firms performance and many obstacles that impede realization of quality objectives of organization (Figure 1). The 14 points in Deming Management Method are essential statements which lay down the foundation and action plan for intra-organizational and inter-organizational behaviour. Adoption of these 14 points offer organizations with requisite strength and energy and provide cure for the seven

117 deadly diseases and facilitate organizations to overcome obstacles in achieving performance excellence.

2.23.1 Demings 14 Points Deming (1986, pp. 23 24) articulated his 14 points as follows: 1. Create constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and service, aiming to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs. 2. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and must take on leadership in order to bring about change. 3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place. 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of the price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move towards a single supplier for any one time and develop long term relationships of loyalty and trust with that supplier. 5. Improve constantly and forever the systems of production and service in order to improve quality and productivity. Thus, one constantly decreases costs. 6. Institute training on the job. 7. Institute leadership. Supervisors should be able to help people to do a better job, and they should use machines and gadgets wisely. Supervision of management and production workers needs to be overhauled. 8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company. 9. Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales and production must work as a team. They should foresee production problems and problems that

118 could be encountered when using the product or service. 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets that demand zero defects and new levels of productivity. These only create adversarial relationships because the many causes of low quality and low productivity are due to the system, and not the workforce. 11. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor, eliminate management by objectives. 12. Eliminate management by numbers or numerical goals and substitute leadership. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia, abolishing the annual or merit rating and management by objectives. 13. Institute a vigorous programme of education and self-improvement. 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. The transformation is everybodys job. 2.23.2 Seven Deadly Diseases Deming (1986) identified these diseases that affect the organizational health and need to be cured to remain competitive. These diseases are: 1. Lack of constancy of purpose to plan product and service that will have a market and keep the company in business, and provide jobs. 2. Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking (just the opposite from constancy of purpose to stay in business), fed by fear of unfriendly takeover, and by push from bankers and owners for dividends. 3. Evaluation of performance, merit rating, or annual review. 4. Mobility of top management; job-hopping.

119 5. Management by use of visible figures only, with little or no consideration of figures that are unknown or unknowable. 6. Excessive medical costs (only in the USA). 7. Excessive cost of warranty, fueled by lawyers that work on contingency fees (only in the US).

120 Figure 1. Demings 14 Points, Seven Deadly Diseases and Obstacles

Source: Rungtusanatham et al, (2003, p. 920)

121 2.23.3 Obstacles Deming (1986, p. 24)also noted some obstacles that impede organizational efforts to achieve quality goals. These obstacles are: 1. Hope for instant pudding. 2. The supposition that solving problems, automation, gadgets, and new machinery will transform industry. 3. Search for examples. 4. Our problems are different. 5. Obsolescence in schools. 6. Poor teaching of statistical methods in industry. 7. Use of Military Standard 105D and other tables for acceptance. 8. Our quality control department takes care of all our problems of quality. 9. Our trouble lies entirely in the workforce. 10. False starts. 11. We installed quality control. 12. The unmanned computer. 13. The supposition that it is only necessary to meet specifications. 14. The fallacy of zero defects. 15. Inadequate testing of prototypes. 16. Anyone that comes to try to help us must understand all about our business. The fundamental dimension in Deming Management Method is the belief that inconsistency is natural in all processes. The existence of this variability is attributed to the lack of understanding of seven deadly diseases and the obstacles on the part of top management. The 14 points prescribe specific practices and action plans at individual and group levels in all

122 functional areas and lead to superior performance and continuous improvement in quality of products, services and processes. These 14 points provide essential guidelines to all members of the organization. However, these are directly related to the top management and focus on their obligation in pursuit for organizational transformation and continuous efforts for unending improvement. Rungtusanatham, Ogden and Wu., (2003, p.923) stated that these 14 principles complement and reinforce one another, each principle is not meant to be interpreted or embraced independent of the remaining principles. Quality experts ( Gartner and Naughton, 1988; Gitlow, Gitlow, Oppenheim, & Oppenheim 1989) have stressed that Demings principles based on his 14 points should be put into action in a synergistic manner within organizations. Deming also highlighted the concept of profound knowledge that expresses the basis for organizational transformation and facilitates understanding of the need for adoption of 14 points. Four areas of profound knowledge identified by Deming include (a) appreciation of system, (b) theory of knowledge,(c) theory of variation, and (d) psychology to help management transform the prevailing style of management (cited in Rungtusanatham et al.2003, p.924).

2.23.4 Propositions Based on the original works of Deming, Hillmer and Karney (1997, 2001) and Rungtusanatham et al.(2003) concluded a set of nine propositions. These propositions include the following: 1. Proposition 1. In order to optimize the results of entire system, optimizing individual system components is essential. 2. Proposition 2. Knowledge of interdependence of components of the firm is important to optimize the results of entire organization.

123 3. Proposition 3. To achieve desired results from enlarged system, it is important that combined entity has a common aim. 4. Proposition 4. The enlargement of a system with a common aim gives optimum results in the long run. 5. Proposition 5. People in the system must endeavour to develop mutual trust. 6. Proposition 6. The performances of individuals vary. This variation is due to factors that are beyond individuals control. 7. Proposition 7. Because of difference in people, they tend to have different interests and require different approaches to learning. 8. Proposition 8. Managers need to create conducive environment for motivation based on the understanding of what motivates people. 9. Proposition 9. Managers are responsible to create conditions for intrinsic motivation of their employees. These propositions reflect the spirit of Deming Management Method and address the essential dimensions of processes, motivation, learning, perspective on individual differences and supporting environment for improved performance. These propositions also provide a framework for managerial guidance in sustaining quality management practices for organizational change.

2.23.5 Deming Cycle Deming Cycle is a model for continuous improvement of quality. This presents a methodical and integrated approach of incorporating customers needs into products, services and processes. It consists of a logical sequence of four steps that include the following: 1. Conduct consumer research and use it in planning the product (PLAN).

124 2. Produce the product (DO). 3. Check the product to make sure it was produced in accordance with the plan (CHECK). 4. Market the product (ACT). Deming Management Method is not merely about productivity and quality control, it is a broad vision on the nature of organization and how organization should be changed. Deming philosophy has heralded a new paradigm for the practice of management, and for those trained in traditional management techniques, this philosophy offers opportunity for organizational transformation for sustainable competitive advantage in dynamic environment. Management scholars outside the TQM discipline have also embraced the Deming-based definition and theory of TQM (Grant, 1995; Hackman and Wageman, 1995; Sherman, 1995). Diffusion and acceptance of the Deming based definition and theory of TQM appear to go beyond the TQM and general management discipline. Rungtusanatham et al. (2003, p.46) cited examples of the application of Deming philosophy in other disciplines that include agricultural economics, public administration, veterinary medicine, occupational psychology, police work, and real estate. Deming Management Method Model based on the theory of Deming was formulated by Anderson et al, (1994). The Model, Figure 2, has seven construct as follows: 1. Visionary Leadership. 2. Internal and External Cooperation. 3. Learning. 4. Process Management. 5. Continuous Improvement. 6. Employee Fulfillment.

125 7. Customer Satisfaction. These construct are based on the works of Deming and other researchers and quality experts and comprehensive reading of quality related literature. Using Delphi study, academicians and practitioners explored the concepts that are fundamental to Demings 14 points. As a result of extensive research, these concepts were clustered into seven constructs that express the contents of Deming Management Method. Anderson et al., (1994) compared each construct with existing management literature to lend credibility to the seven constructs in the Model.


The theoretical framework based on the seven constructs expressing Deming Management Method Model is shown in Figure 2. The framework expresses effectiveness of the model through concerted leadership efforts towards establishment of cooperative and learning organization systems that facilitates achievement of efficient and effective process management. The realization of process management practices enables organizations to achieve customer satisfaction through continuous improvement and employee fulfillment. Two important aspects of relationship, the causal direction and the feedback mechanism, are highlighted in Figure 2. The causal direction shows the cause and effect relationship between two construct. In addition, the feedback mechanism provides necessary input regarding multidimensional aspects to each construct that facilitates necessary alignment and appropriate action to respond to the input provided through feedback mechanism. The path diagram in Figure 3 identifies 8 paths based on the relationship of different construct. These paths are path from Visionary Leadership to Internal and External Cooperation ( path 1), Visionary Leadership to Learning ( path 2), Internal and External Cooperation to

126 Process Management ( path 3), Learning to Process Management ( path 4), Process Management to Continuous Improvement ( path 5), Process Management to Employee Fulfillment ( path 6), Continuous Improvement to Customer Satisfaction ( path 7) and Employee Fulfillment to Customer Satisfaction ( path 8). These paths facilitate the development of hypotheses for the study.

127 Figure 2. Theory of Quality Management Underlying the Deming Management Method

Internal and External Cooperation

Continuous Improvement

Visionary Leadership

Organizational System

Process Management

Process Outcomes

Customer Satisfaction


Employee Fulfillment

Causal Direction

Feedback Mechanism

Source : Anderson et al., (1994, p. 481)

128 In a subsequent study, Anderson, Rungtusanatham, Schroeder and Devray (1995) empirically validated Deming Management Method. The results of the study supported six out of the eight paths. These included paths from Visionary Leadership to Internal Cooperation ( path 1), and External Cooperation ( path 1 A), Visionary Leadership to Learning ( path 2), Internal Cooperation and External Cooperation to Process Management ( path 3 & 3A), Learning to Process Management ( path 4), Process Management to Continuous Improvement ( path 5), Process Management to Employee Fulfillment ( path 6), Continuous Improvement to Customer Satisfaction ( path 7) and Employee Fulfillment to Customer Satisfaction ( path 8) were found statistically significant. Two paths; i.e. path from Learning to Process Management (path 4) and from Continuous Improvement to Customer Satisfaction ( path 7) were found statistically insignificant. They, however, considered their findings as preliminary empirical observations based on secondary data from three manufacturing industries, limiting its generalizability. Rungtusanatham, Forza, Filippini and Anderson (1998) replicated the first study in Italian industries. Both studies (Anderson et al., 1995 and Rungtusanatham et al, 1998) supported most of the relationships in the Deming Management Method Model. Rungtusanatham et al, (1998) study found paths from Learning to Process Management ( path 4); Process Management to Employee Fulfillment ( path 6) and Employee Fulfillment to Customer Satisfaction ( path 8) statistically insignificant. Both researches identified the need to further test the Model in other contexts. Douglas and Fredendall (2004) used the Deming Management Method Model in services (health care) and found results similar to the earlier studies. Fisher, Barfield and Mehta (2005) retested the Deming Management Method in United States and Canada. The results illustrated strong support for all hypotheses of Deming Management Method Model except Employee Fulfillment.


Figure. 3

A path diagram representation of the theory underlying Deming Management Method

External Cooperation
Path 1A

Path 3A Path 3

Continuous Improvement
Path 7 Path 5

Path 1

Internal Cooperation

Visionary Leadership
Path 2

Process Management Learning

Path 4

Customers Satisfaction Employee Fulfillment

Path 6

Path 8

Source: Adapted from Anderson et al., (1995)



Deming Management Method Model has identified seven constructs. In order to develop hypotheses, these seven constructs are examined separately to explore various dimensions underlying these constructs. Review of literature in services and telecommunication industries has been done to find support for these constructs.

2.25.1 Visionary Leadership

Visionary Leadership encompasses the role of top management in defining a vision, mission, strategic objectives, and shared values for the organizations growth and development, communicating the vision, implementing a plan of action, and inspiring and motivating the entire organization toward the fulfillment of this vision. The leadership influences employees and tries to obtain the voluntary participation of team members in an effort to reach institutional objectives. Leadership anticipates need for organizational transformation, creates and exploits opportunities, provides enabling environment to get the best from the workforce and realizes institutional objectives. Top management must commit to and practice a set of values that continuously reinforces TQM principles and commitment must be present in the form of policies, institutional support structure, investment and individual responsibility and authority. Through visible top management commitment, employees will start to trust and feel that they are important. The employees will own and support organizational goals. The development of pride of workmanship is a challenge for visionary leaders. They need to generate corporate commitment, develop supporting culture, recognize people as assets, institute quality based performance management, and develop partnership and external ambassadors through networking and benchmarking activities and developing leadership in the

131 organization. In quality management context, the visionary leaders need to emphasize the importance of transformation through open communication to achieve a shared approach to the change. In TQM context, visionary leaders foster teamwork, enhance competencies, assist in problem solving, focus employees attention and enthusiasm on continuous improvement, gain follower recognition and acceptance and become facilitators of group activities. Quality pioneers stressed that leadership is vital for effective implementation of total quality management initiatives. Researchers and quality experts have identified the pivotal role of leadership in quality management pursuits. Zairi (1994) argued that in TQM environment, leaders focus on employee autonomy, recognition, coaching and development. Rao et al., (1999) noted that top management is responsible for quality leadership and providing support to achieve superior performance. Pierce and Niewstrom (2000) highlighted the importance of leadership in the process of ascending to world-class status, and emphasized the need for leadership to establish a high performance culture, high performance delivery processes and services in support of this objective. Kanji and Moura (2001) acknowledged that outstanding leaders can contribute heavily to total quality by functioning as visible advocates, facilitators, cheerleaders (leaders who focus on the rate of improvement and obstacles in the way), and risk takers in inspiring innovative environment. In a study of 22 US companies ( 10 manufacturing and 12 services), Easton (1993) identified strengths of senior management in areas of unwavering commitment to quality, development of a vision and set of values for quality culture, focus on external and internal customers and managing the quality through a proper structure. Many quality experts maintain that TQM implementation must be a top-down process, integrated into the corporate culture of an institution (Griffin 1996; Landon 2003; Madu & Kuei 1995; Oakland 2000; Savolainen 2000).

132 In the evaluation of government services, Foster, Howaqrd and Shannon (2002) found that leadership was responsible for improvement in processes, team work and employees satisfaction. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, EFQM, and Australian Quality Criteria Framework single out leadership as the key driver for successful total quality improvement efforts. Researchers (Collier & Esteman 2000; Darling, 1999; Graetz 2000; Oakland 2000; Pierce & Niewstrom, 2000; Savolainen 2000) have identified five requirements and competencies for effective leadership in TQM environment. These are as under: 1. Must express values and beliefs through a clear and inspired vision. 2. Develop clear and effective business or service strategies and supporting plans. 3. Identify critical success factors for achieving the mission; define the corporate objectives and strategies. 4. Establish critical success factors and critical processes that might make it necessary to review the institutional structure. 5. As leaders must get very close to the employees to empower, energize, encourage and trust them to ensure employee participation. Anwar (2003) concluded that Vodafone spectacular growth and entrepreneurial culture is attributed to its visionary leadership and senior management involvement. Based on extensive studies, researchers have concluded that leadership and top management commitment is the most critical and crucial prerequisite for institutional success when implementing TQM (Collier & Esteman,2000; Dale 2003;Evans & Dean 2003; Pun & Hui 2002; Steenkamp 2001).


2.25.2. Internal Cooperation (Employees Collaboration)

Internal cooperation focuses on selective human resource dimensions of the organization. Internal cooperation manifest itself into teamwork, unity of purpose, mutual trust and respect for all, participation at all levels and shared approach throughout the organization. This cooperation creates synergy and facilitates superior individual and team performance that affects the success of quality initiatives in the organizations. This approach is exemplified through leading or participating in projects, working on cross-functional teams, and accepting assignments that provide valuable on-the-job learning. These initiatives provide opportunity to develop individual and team members for collaborative roles in competitive environment. Deming (1993, p.85) focused on team work and collaboration and argued against competitive behaviour when he said harm comes from internal competition and conflict, and the fear that is thereby generated. Johnson and Johnson (1989) noted three forms of social interaction namely; cooperation, competition and interdependence. They suggested that cooperative behaviour results in superior achievements under most circumstances, including different tasks and contexts. Oakland (1989, p. 236) argued that teamwork builds up trust, improves communications and develops interdependence. Teamwork has been praised as the key to successful TQM institutions (Lycke, 2003). According to Blanchard, Carew and Parisi (1996), the only efficient way to tackle process improvement or complex problems is through teamwork. Oakland and Oakland (2001) identified team work as one of the core activities in award winning companies. Stevenson (1996) found that continuous improvement in service rendering results, financial results, customer results, marketing results, operational results, community results and employee results is ensured by using teams such as problem-solving teams, quality control teams, cross-functional teams, quality circles and small group activities.

134 Research indicates that people are at their best as part of the team. Through integrated efforts and problem solving, teams can achieve higher results( Katzenbach & Smith, 1994; Robie, 1997). The essential factor for the success of quality management is team based work environment (Woods, 1997). Researches also found that interdisciplinary team approach provides a faster response to customer needs and superior product and service quality (Ebrahimpour, 1985; Juran, 1981; Shaw, 1958; Shepetuk, 1991). Vodafone (2006) development programmes for managers include team oriented engagements, creating cooperative culture to achieve strategic goals. Bharti Airtel (2007) values teamwork that forms an integral part of its strategy enabling a focused and integrated solution for its customers. France Telecom (2006) forms teams made up of people from diverse cultural and professional background whose skills and talents achieve organizational strategic goals.


External Cooperation (Suppliers Relationship)

External cooperation is the cooperation between a firm and its suppliers. In TQM

environment, suppliers are viewed as partners with customers, because of the co-dependent relationship that develops between them. This relationship is vital to ensure quality input for organizational processes to achieve higher quality products and services. The suppliers knowledge and experience provide necessary information to the organizations in designing new products and services and facilitate faster response to the markets. The suppliers interaction with customers provides opportunities for improvement of products, services and processes. In todays competitive environment, this relationship is essential to achieve excellence. Rao et al., (1999, p.1052) noted that quality-oriented companies pursue a proactive strategy in developing long term relationship with suppliers and provide support to enhance the quality of their suppliers. Evan and Lindsay (2002, p.99) found that a reduced supply base

135 decreases the variation coming into the processes, thus reducing scrap, rework, and the need for adjustment to accommodate this variation. Research on quality management has verified the benefits of working collaboratively and on a long term basis with a chosen supplier (Frey, Schlosser & Ford,1993; Lascelles & Dale, 1989). Electronic commerce techniques have changed procurement and vendor/buyers relationship. Slaight (1999) opined that through effective suppliers relationship, telecommunication companies can reduce procurement cost by 10% to 15%. Parker (2001) reported that Telewest ( a UK Telecommunication Company) has so far saved Pound Sterling 11.8 Million by change in culture of purchasing and reducing the number of suppliers. Chilebased Entel (Chiles leading telecommunications company and a major player throughout Latin America) implemented Supplier Relationship Management. The system paid for itself in less than 17 months. E-procurement had reduced purchase order cost by 50%. The company experienced significant benefits including reduction in direct man-hours by 26%; cost of inventory and storage by 38% and administrative cost were down by 36%. Ravi (2007), noted that Bharti Airtel (Indias largest mobile company), focuses on longterm relationship with its suppliers that could provide differentiated and customized services to achieve cost competitiveness. Vodafone (2006) noted that partnerships with their suppliers are essential to their mutual success. In research of three case studies from European telecommunications companies, Wright, Stone and Abbott (2002) noted that Customer Relationship Management provides essential knowledge about customers through the data provided by the suppliers. Telstra (2008) experienced a change from adhoc to strategic management of its suppliers. Benefits of the new approach were rationalization of number of suppliers; a more rational and fruitful approach to procurement; professionalization of procurement personnel; classification and consequently different treatment of suppliers; and

136 changing the relationship between company and its key suppliers from one of attempted and short term exploitation to long term mutually profitable cooperation. A significant reduction in cost had been experienced.

2.25.4 Learning
Organization learning entails organizations willingness and ability to learn from its environment, experiences, failures and successes through a continuous process of organization wide examination and analysis. This facilitates thinking differently with a view to adopt new approaches, processes, products and services. Learning practices promote creativity, acknowledge open arguments, reward experimentation and enhance personal and team efficiency and effectiveness. According to Deming (1986) learning is a continual process for the purpose of expanded knowledge with its own merit. Organizations willingness to engage in learning is critical to process management. Barret (1999) noted that learning culture fosters innovative thinking and collaborative system. Senge (1990) argued that successful organizations innovate and learn to learn and in the long run, superior performance depends on learning. Evan and Lindsay (2000) noted that organizational learning is considered a fundamental practice in the Baldrige criteria. They further concluded that continuous improvement and learning should be a regular part of daily work; practiced at personal, work unit, and organizational levels; driven by opportunities to affect significant change; and focused on sharing throughout the organization (2000 p. 21). Anderson et al. (1994) found that learning within the organizational system purposely share knowledge and nurture its generation throughout organization. Huq and Martin (2000 p. 97) identified that education and training of workforce is the basic quality principle. Roth and

137 Jackson (1995) considered operational competence of service firms as their organizational knowledge. Goetsch and Davis (2000, p.343) argued that understanding is implicit in learning .allows an employee to become an innovator, initiative taker, and creative problem solver in addition to being an efficient and effective performer of his or her job. Quality management laid strong emphasis on training of employees. According to the research studies, training is vital for generating awareness and commitment to quality policy and strategy (Palo & Padhi, 2003), promoting a caring culture and building quality related competence (Caudron, 1933a, b), and facilitate building teams (Smith, Oczkowski, Macklin & Noble, 2003). Best use of abilities of workforce is vital to achieve and maintain high level of quality. (Choppin, 1991; Gibson, 1990; Steeples, 1992). Rao et al., (1999) identified that training leads to product and process quality, productivity and costs. Wilkinson, Marchington, Redman and Snape (1995), in case studies of two organizations initiating quality initiatives, noted that increased teamwork, quality of working life and employee involvement were cited as objectives of the quality programmes, and considerable amount of effort was put into training and communication. Vodafone (2006) noted that provision of training helped employees reach their full potential and benefited the organization. The company undertook initiatives in tailoring development support to individual needs; provided approximately 287,000 training days equivalent to 5 days training per employee in 2006/07 and spent approximately 29 million on training covering 91% of employees. The results were extremely positive. Telenor (2006) noted positive impact of training and development on individuals and the organization to create value for customers. China Mobile (2006) reaffirmed its commitment to building a learning organization and continuous efforts have been made to enhance its training. China Mobile values the career path

138 planning of employees. China Mobile University facilitates the organization in realizing its dreams of a learning organization. France Telecom (2006) found skill development as a mean of meeting innovative growth services in future. The Company transformation project envisaged a dynamic approach to collective progress of employees. The companys own business schools (distribution school, customer relations school) are also helping strengthen the professional capabilities of its employees. In 2006 alone, with this stronger focus on training, investments were up by nearly 5% for France Telecom. SingTel (2006) asserted that staff development is a significant component of the Groups human resource strategies. Learning begins the moment an employee joins SingTel and continues throughout his or her career. The company further experienced that e-learning has positive impact on organizational support and performance, through the management of existing knowledge assets. Telekom Austria (2006) experienced that training enhanced productivity and revenues per employee increased by 14%. The company concluded that provision of continuous learning and development opportunities to employees is critical in order to secure the competencies required for current and future business needs.

2.25.5 Process Management

Process management is a group of activities pertaining to managing a process. It entails use of information, competencies, means, procedures and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve the processes. The ultimate goal is to meet customer requirements and improve customer satisfaction. Management of process includes planning, coordinating and monitoring technical and human aspects of the processes.

139 The quality awards, ISO 9000:2000 and other TQM related programmes emphasize process management that yields improved performance. In TQM context, process improvement is achieved through use of statistical techniques, change of process and eliminating those steps that do not add value to internal or external customers. Process owners are key to effective process management. They have responsibilities for and authority over process design, operation and measurement of performance. Quality function deployment (Akao,1990); Taguchi methods (Taguchi, 1979); Shingos error proofing techniques; and seven new quality control tools are important techniques for improving processes, products and services designs.

Evan and Lindsay (2002) identified the leading process management practices that include (a) translating customer requirements into design features; (b) guarantee that quality is built into products and services; (c) effective management of the product development process; (d) defining and documenting important production/delivery and support processes; (e) managing suppliers relationships; (f) controlling quality and operational performance of all key business processes; (g) continuously improving processes using systematic problem solving approaches; and (h ) innovating to achieve breakthrough performance.

Waldman and Gopalakrishnan, (1996) suggested that assessment of service quality depends on service process and the interaction between service provider and customer. Shortell, OBrien and Carman (1995) found that process management facilitates evaluating continuous quality improvement programmes. Kunst and Lemmink (2000) established positive relationship of process management and customer and employee satisfaction related programmes. China Mobile (2006) asserted that the Company has always believed in the importance of innovation to maintain development. Through process improvement, the company has enhanced

140 its capability to plan and implement management innovation and technical innovation. China Mobile has maintained and realized continuous innovation in business and services, and has attracted more customers with its superior quality. The company three pronged strategy of management innovation, market oriented technical innovation and service and business innovation has yielded positive results. Telenor (2006) found that research and development activities in process improvement initiatives affected organizational performance. AAPT (2006), one of Australia's three largest telecommunications and internet carriers company, experienced increased productivity, improved the speed of time-to-market, and cost saving through efficient and effective management of processes. British Telecom (2002) faced a major problem of how to manage, sort, approve and process employees ideas so that these could be evaluated and implemented efficiently. The management of process yielded cost reduction, customers satisfaction and rapid response. Armistead and Llewellyn (2000) explored service provision process of a large telecommunication company. The evidence found that the effectiveness of process improved employees response capabilities. In a case study of British Telecom, Armistead and Pritchard (1999) found that process management yielded significant positive results with regard to cost saving, customer satisfaction and employee performance. Zairi and Sinclair (1995), in a case study of telecom service provider, established that effective process management enhanced performance of workforce.

2.25.6 Continuous Improvement

The concept of continuous improvement implies constant improvement in the processes, products and services. Deming (1986) stressed the organizations to continuously improve the products and services. Anderson et al. (1994) identified that continuous improvement is based on process management practices that yield incremental improvement and innovations in

141 products, services and processes. Organizations need perpetual reevaluation of existing products, services and processes and setting up of new objectives for their betterment. This is an organization wide approach in which every member is responsible for an ongoing improvement in performance. Salient aspects of the philosophy of continuous improvement include the following: 1. Customer focus. 2. Prevention of defects. 3. Management by facts. 4. Respect for employees. 5. Market driven ongoing commitment. 6. Integrated response to problems solving. 7. Motivation of the workforce. 8. Senior management commitment to philosophy of continuous improvement. Juergensen, (2000) viewed continuous improvement as an initiative that enhances success and decreases failures. Bessant, Caffyn, Gilbert, Hardings and Webb (1994) found it as a process of continuous incremental innovation. Gallagher, Austin and Caffyn (1997) concluded that this approach leads to creativity and competitive excellence. Kossoff (1993) argued that TQM can be accomplished by constantly pursuing continuous improvement. Based on extensive literature review, Baghel and Bhuiyan (2005, p. 35) noted that continuous improvement: Creates a body of knowledge diffused within the organization, embodied in its people, equipment, materials and work methods. This knowledge is difficult for competitors to duplicate because it is often very widely diffused, consisting of a great many customtailored and tightly linked elements; thus, it creates a sustainable advantage for the firm.

142 Douglas and Fredendall (2004) found that continuous improvement is critical for service quality. Roth and Jackson (1995) highlighted that this process is important for firms ability to provide high quality services. Literature review (Imai, 1986; Main, 1994; Deming, 1986; Schonberger, 1986; Sharman, 1992) concluded that top leadership, strategic focus in planning, firms culture, employees mindset and learning are essential for successful implementation of continuous improvement.

Vodafone (2006) encourages employees to challenge the existing procedures to improve business processes through monitoring and reviewing the performance indicators, making action plans and involving all employees in process management. Telenor (2006) continues to challenge itself to improve internal standards, the way it works with partners, and to manage the impact of its services and operations. China Mobile (2006) strives to improve customer services and enhance organizational ability to meet customer needs and improve customer privacy policies and procedures.

Literature review establishes a direct link between continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. However, the desired results can only be achieved with the help of an integrated response through commitment of top management, favourable employees attitude, supporting organizational culture, effective planning and execution. Researchers and quality experts (Deming, 1986; Easton, 1993; Imai, 1986; Main, 1994; Sharman, 1992; Schonberger, 1986; Schroeder, & Robinson, 1991) identified some of the weaknesses that do not give the required results of continuous improvement efforts and resultant customer satisfaction. These are: 1. Lack of management commitment to monitor external environment and organizational alignment to the changing needs.

143 2. Inability of leadership to foster involvement and creativity duly augmented by allocation of adequate resources. 3. Senior management does not lead by example in organizational pursuits for continuous improvement. 4. There are no rewards for process improvement efforts. 5. Lack of setting appropriate priorities for continuous improvement and failure to communicate these priorities throughout the organization. 6. The un-supporting organizational culture that does not focus on small improvements and fails to emphasize individuals to improve their work and team spirit. There is no obsession for value addition efforts for customers and organizations competitiveness. 7. Absence of integrated, efficient and effective HRM practices for development of employees and their participation in continuous improvement efforts. This results in failure of employees to internalize the philosophy of continuous improvement. The employees, therefore, do not take pride in continuous improvement activities. 8. Lack of institutionalized focus on continuous improvement training and absence of top managements participation in these activities impede achieving the desired results for improvement efforts. The absence of an integrated approach to coordinate continuous improvement activities throughout the organization results in failure to achieve desired goals for sustained continuous improvement.

2.25.7 Employee Fulfillment

Sureshchandar et al.(2001, p.118) defined employee satisfaction as the degree to which employees of an organization believe that their needs and wants are continuously satisfied by the organization. Employee involvement is a long-term organizational pledge to value employees.

144 This is a process for giving autonomy to workforce of an organization to become part of decision making. Giving sense of ownership to employees will motivate them to give their best to achieve organizational goals. Employees need independence and full responsibility in work related methods and systems. This empowerment yields creativity and positive thinking that nurture innovative ideas to create opportunities for achieving excellence in quality objectives. TQM transformation needs employees involvement as management philosophy and must manifest in all organizational activities. This is exemplified in involving employees in quality of work life initiatives, participatory management and other employee related programmes. Gronroos (1983) recognized that employees involvement with emphasis on independence, creativity and self control is vital in developing service oriented approach in the workforce. Oakland (1989) concluded that employees are a source of ideas and their competency need to be harnessed to transform these ideas into reality. Deming (1986) and Feigenbaum (1983) strongly supported employees participation in decision making. Geralis and Terziowski (2003) used quantitative analysis to find that empowerment practice had a favourable effect on employees well being, productivity, performance, and service quality. Top management commitment in formulating employees involvement policies is critical to achieve quality objectives. This must reflect in providing enabling environment in seeking their input for decision making in those aspects that affect their work. Suggestion oriented practices should be followed to give them enhanced responsibilities. Sharing of information about different dimensions of performance must be discussed with employees to identify their contributions. Equitable reward system is vital to acknowledge employees contribution in organizational performance. This system needs to be reviewed periodically with a focus on quality, inspire employees to excellence and support organizational strategic objectives.

145 Effective, open and supportive communication is critical in establishing feeling of being valued and achieving TQM objectives. According to Oakland and Oakland (2001, p. 779), communication is the engine that powers the quality train. Free flow of information about need for TQM transformation, quality vision, quality related challenges, objectives and policies increases employees confidence, trust, enthusiasm and energize them to meet the challenging TQM environment. Adequate infrastructure need to exist and all employees must be encouraged to communicate freely and discuss openly about quality related dimensions and problems and the solutions that they have to offer in dealing with these aspects. According to Chowdhury (2000), effective implementation of TQM requires employees focused communication in the organization. Oakland and Oakland (2001) identified some core activities in award winning companies that also included communication and employees empowerment. In case studies of services in United Kingdom, Cowling and Newman (1995) noted that the key issues in achieving success in the quality initiatives is through communication, recognition, motivation and involvement of employees. Based on the literature review the benefits of internal customers satisfaction are: 1. Greater empowerment of employees to have more responsibility for planning, problem solving, decision making, measuring and evaluating. 2. Pre-disposed collaborative culture, which encourages trust and open communication. 3. Learning opportunities to enhance professional skills, individual and group achievements, and interpersonal understanding. 4. Enhancing capacity for better success in the market place. 5. Expanded commitment to research and development. 6. Greater support of continuous improvement.

146 Researchers and quality experts have concluded that employee fulfillment is a multidimensional concept based on employees total satisfaction from work environment and manifests in job satisfaction, pride of workmanship, commitment, continuous learning and innovation and results in enhanced quality of product, processes and services to the customers (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992; Locke, 1976; Mitchell, 1979; Wanous & Lawler, 1972). Vodafone (2006) noted that informed and engaged employees are essential for business to operate effectively and engaging them for feedback is vital to the success. China Mobile (2006) experienced cooperation of its employees and value chain partners in the development and promotion of mobile telecommunication business to suit the needs of customers and in the building of a harmonious industry value chain. SingTel (2006) adopted a holistic approach to employees management, balancing the requirement to reward performance fairly and adequately and providing supportive environment that offer opportunities for employees at all levels and help them manage their work and family needs. TeliaSonera (2007) asserted that company creates conducive environment for employees development with consistent dialogue. Telefonica (2006) offered its employees the best place to work, providing the right conditions, opportunities and rewards, and a culture that values ethical conduct and sustainability and helped them behave with integrity. Telemex (2006) stressed its commitment to strengthen training and a sense of belonging among its personnel. DoCoMo (2006) developed organizational climate that fosters individual respect and creates opportunities for development of their competency. Telekom Austria (2006, p.28) noted that the commitment of its employees is instrumental for its success. Vodafone (2006) experienced positive results of a comprehensive approach of rewarding performance based on equal opportunities, diversity, pension plans, health and safety, flexible working and an integrated wellbeing framework designed to make

147 people feel great at work. China Mobile (2006) asserted that the solid and dynamic foundation of the company is built on the collective efforts of all the employees, who are the driving force for the sustained development of the company. The company continuously extends and improves the communication mechanism with the employees and keeps itself fully informed of the employees feedback. SingTel (2006) noted that need based flexi-time initiative, flexi-leave and telecommuting enhanced workers commitment. Telefonicia (2006) highlighted that turning employees into fans facilitated turning customers into fans. Trust and loyalty were paramount to creating fans. Reward schemes, fair deals, and fresh thinking were part of that effort but the company tried to go much further. The companys Real Directors, an initiative that directly involved employees in high-level decisions, and having regular and direct access to the Board and special training and development opportunities brought a grassroots view to the business. These initiatives paid off in financial and non financial dimensions. Telefonicia (2006, p 100) further stated that: People who work here are proud of how we do things. Everyone is encouraged to speak up and to put customers at the heart of their actions.also focused on providing a culture where everyone feels valued, respected and included, for example by respecting religious differences and practices. TeliaSonera (2007) emphasized that their values guided the employees to contribute in decision making during its transformation from technology-oriented company to customers focused company. SingTel (2006) values employees ideas, communicates and shares knowledge, encourages open discussions, seeks continuous improvement, supports employees to take pride in work, recognizes individual potential and creates opportunities for employees growth.


2.25.8 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of TQM philosophy. This calls for meeting and exceeding customers expectations. A proactive approach to responding to changing customer needs are vital to attract and retain customers. By close interaction with customers, organizations can determine customers changing requirements, trends and use them as yardstick with their competitors (Vavra 2002). Parzinger and Nath (2000) clearly stated that in TQM environment the job is not done until the customer is satisfied. Customer satisfaction is based on the company's ability to fulfill the business, emotional, and psychological needs of its customers. Customer satisfaction levels are directly related to financial results. Cardozo (1995) noted that customer satisfaction may depend not only upon the product itself, but also upon the experience surrounding acquisition of the product. Customer satisfaction, then, may be more a global concept than simply product evaluation. Satisfaction may involve evaluation of an entire product bundle or offering. Anderson et al., (1994) noted that customer satisfaction is exemplified by customer-driven focus. Berry (2002) identified 10 domains of customer satisfaction that include quality, value, timeliness, efficiency, ease of access, environment, inter-departmental teamwork, front line service behaviour, commitment to the customer and innovation. Literature review highlights that internal quality practices of organizations affect customer satisfaction (Nilsson, Johnson, and Gustafsson, 2001). Torno and Wiley ( 1991) found that workers awareness and mindset is positively related to customer satisfaction. In service firms, customer satisfaction influences a firms profitability (Anderson, Fornell, and Lehmann (1994). Improved customer satisfaction in services leads to higher customer retention (Rust, Zahorik & Keiningham (1995). Keaveney (1995), using critical incident technique, identified more than 800 critical behaviour of service firms that caused customers to switch services. The

149 behaviour was categorized into price, inconvenience, core service failure, service encounter, response to failure, competition, and ethical problems. An organization wide approach is needed to affect customer satisfaction. Everyone in the organization needs to identify the customers, their needs and expectations and the means to satisfy them. A swift and responsive approach by all will make the organization competitive. Customer satisfaction is an ongoing process that needs to be institutionalized to get the strategic benefits. Researchers and quality experts (Berry, Zeithaml, & Parasuraman ,1990; Bowen et al.,1989; Garvin,1984 ) have identified some of the dimensions that impede customer satisfaction are the following: 1. Services standards are not derived from customer requirements. 2. Front line employees are not empowered. 3. Infrastructure does not support front line employees. 4. Adequate attention is not given to the hiring, training, attitude and morale of employees. 5. Lack of proactive customer service systems. 6. Absence of proactive management of relationship with customers. China Mobile (2006) asserted that customers are the foundation for sustained development of the company. Satisfaction 100 Campaign enhanced customers rights and showed positive results. Chou and Chang (2006, p. 175), in a case study of Chine Mobile, found perceived expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use were critical factors for customer satisfaction with mobile services. Telefonica (2006) acknowledged that customer promise charter is the cornerstone of its strategy and challenge employees to provide the best services to the customers to make them

150 happier and loyal. France Telecom (2006) views customer satisfaction as the foundation of its growth and places customer satisfaction on top priority through setting high standards of services and maintaining the trust in the brand. Vodafone (2006, p. 18) noted that it value its long term commitment with customers and believes that it should always act to earn their trust and loyalties..our communication with our customers are always to be clear, transparent and fair. Telenor, (2006, p. 4) noted that ongoing effort to strengthen customer focus in every part of the business. Ruhli et al (2007), in a case study of comparison of stakeholders involvement in three firms in the Swiss telecommunications industry, noted that good stakeholders relations affect business performance and create a win-win situation. TeliaSonera (2007) emphasized that it creates value for each customer through customization and transforming customer related information into actions. In a case study of mobile phone users in India, Mohanty and Das (2007) found that better network, superior customer care and high quality are vital for users satisfaction. France Telecom (2006, p. 16) concluded that trust, reliability and simplicity are the key words in our customer relations policy, which puts quality of service at the heart of our integrated operator strategy. Telemex (2006) asserted their commitment to the customers by continuously offering more and better services and the best market experience. Do Co Mo (2006), Japans leading mobile phone company, highlighted that meeting needs of customers is companys top priority. The Companys customer-first philosophy is the main pillar of its strategic focus that yields positive results for retaining current customers and attracting new users.




Visionary Leadership articulates a customer focused vision; commits and practices set of shared values and provides enabling environment to initiate and sustain quality initiatives. The philosophy is exemplified in customer focus and collaboration with employees. This internal collaboration provides stimulus to achieve continuous improvement of products, services and processes with a view to exceed customers expectations. The corner stone of this approach is leading by example that provides unity of purpose, reduces costs, removes functional paradox and harmonizes an integrated response to sustain mutually beneficial organizational pursuits. The role of Visionary Leadership in TQM finds advocacy in the writings of Saraph et al.,(1989); Anderson et al., ( 1995); Rungtusanatham et al., (1998) and Douglas and Frendendall (2004). Based on the above review, the following Hypoethsis is developed:

Hypothesis 1: Visionary Leadership is positively related to Internal Cooperation.

The goal of building partnership with supplier in as extension of the team work principle. The team based philosophy enhances the motivation to work together or mutual benefits like quality planning, problem solving activities, and efforts to adjust to market changes are performed jointly. This helps both the supplier and customer focus on fitness for use to meet customer needs rather than simply trying to conform to specification. It also fosters a spirit of continuous improvement. Suppliers play a vital role in the performance of the organization. Their role is manifest throughout the product development process, from design through distribution. Suppliers can provide technology or production processes not internally available, early design advice, and increased capacity, which results in lower costs, faster time-to-market

152 and improved quality for their customers. The relationship with suppliers is based is guided by recognizing the strategic importance of suppliers in accomplishing business objectives, particularly minimizing the total cost of ownership; developing win-win relationship through partnership rather than as adversaries, and establishing trust through openness and honesty, thus leading the mutual advantage. This facilitates greater cooperation in research and development, inflow of information about the changing markets and the competitors, greater coordination in operations, and launching of innovative products which results in competitive advantage to the organization. The role of Visionary Leadership in initiating and sustaining collaboration with suppliers and its strategic importance in improving the management of organizational processes has been highlighted in the studies of researchers (Saraph et al.,1989; Anderson et al., 1995; Rungtusanatham et al.,1998; Douglas & Frendendall, 2004; Tracy &Tan, 2001; Mohammady Garfamy 2004; Mentzer et al., 2001; Fulconis & Pache, 2005; Christopher, Lowson, & Peck, 2004; Holweg, 2005; Fisher, Raman & McCllelland, 2000; Noori, 2004; Ulga & Eggert, 2006). Based on the above review, the following Hypothesis is developed:

Hypothesis 2: Visionary Leadership is positively related to External Cooperation.

Deming (1993) viewed that leadership provides a cooperative and learning environment. The leaders must guide the people to see themselves as components in a system, to work in cooperation during succeeding stages towards optimization of the efforts of all stages. Leaders promote training and education within the organizations. The learning culture enhances individual competence, inculcates pride in work, energizes experimentation and motivates employees to improve the performance of the organization. Anderson et al, (1994, p. 492) noted

153 that through these learning programmes, organizational members embrace a continuous process of learning about their work and learning for the purposes of self- actualization and intellectual growth. Schein (1992, p.392) concluded that if the organizational leaders of today want to create organizational culture they will themselves be more amenable to learning, they will have to set the example by becoming learners themselves and involving others in the learning process. Visionary Leadership promotes organizational learning by allocation of resources and administering reward for learning. Scherkenbach (1986, p.77) viewed that it is the leaders responsibility to develop their employees so that they can continuously improve. Deming (1993) argued that leaders must be unceasing learners, providing, when possible and feasible, seminars and courses of advancement of learning. This relationship had been supported by Anderson et al. , (1995); Badri et al.,(1995); Rungtusanatham et al., (1998), Douglas and Fredendall (2004) and Fisher et al., (2005). Based on the above review, the following Hypothesis is developed:

Hypothesis 3: Visionary Leadership is positively related to Learning.

Deming (1986) emphasized cooperation as a requisite to process management and, ultimately, continuous improvement. This is exemplified in his desire to leave a legacy of the importance of system thinking and the idea of a win-win in process improvement(Anderson et al., 1994, p. 493). This collaboration results in providing market related input that facilitates experimentation on existing processes and designing new processes. The role of employees and their involvement helps in forming work units, mutual cooperation and team approach in

154 problem identification and problem solving. The collaboration, thus, helps in initiating and sustaining improvements in products, services and processes. Douglas and Fredendall (2004, p. 400) viewed that internal cooperation should facilitate data sharing, the standardization of processes, the visual tracking of defects, and the use of statistical tools to identify problems, all emphasizing the management of the process. Similary, the relationship with suppliers provides necessary impetus to a shared approach towards accomplishment of quality objectives. The relationship of Internal Cooperation and External Cooperation with Process Management finds support in the writings of Ahire et al., 1996; Anderson et al.,1995; Black and Porter, 1995; Douglas and Fredendall, 2004; Fisher et al., 2005; and Rungtusanatham et al.,1998. Based on the above, it is hypothesized that:

Hypothesis 4: Internal Cooperation is positively related to Process Management. Hypothesis 5: External Cooperation is positively related to Process Management.

Anderson et al. (1994, p. 493) noted that knowledge generation affects action on the process, which leads to more learning, more action, and so forth. In this respect, learning and process management are iterative, mutually reinforcing one another. Competency development of employees enables them to take a proactive approach towards experimentation, using new tools and techniques for prevention and improvement. The improvement in processes provides intrinsic motivation and enhances individuals self esteem. This results in enhancing individual and organizational performance. This relationship finds support in the studies of Saraph et al., (1989); Grandzol and Gershon (1989); Douglas and Fredendall (2004) and Fisher et al. (2005). It is, therefore, hypothesized that

155 Hypothesis 6: Learning is positively related to Process Management.

Deming (1982) stressed that continuous quality improvement efforts depend on the engagement and conduct of process management practices that reduce variation, lessen rework, decrease cost, increase standardization, and economize resources. Continuous monitoring of processes facilitates identification of weaknesses and initiation of appropriate actions. The Process Management entails response to the change in external conditions and alignment of organizational activities to remain responsive. In service industries, there is always pressure to meet ever changing customers expectations and hence the need for reviewing the process and making it responsive to customers needs. The management of processes enables the organizations to provide superior quality products and services to achieve excellence in execution. This also helps organizations setting new targets for improvements on continuous basis. The relationship of this construct with Continuous Improvement finds support in the studies of Anderson et al.,(1995); Rungtusanatham et al.,(1998); Douglas and Fredendall (2004) and Fisher et al., (2005). So, it is hypothesized that

Hypothesis 7: Process Management is positively related to Continuous Improvement.

Process Management offers opportunities to employees to participate in transformation process. Training, development, participation and collaboration of employees with clients provide important feedback to achieve the desired results. These aspects act as satisfiers and motivate employees to continuously improve their job related activities. Continuous quality improvement occurs not only because front-line operators are able to respond faster to correcting quality problems when they do arise but also because they are motivated proactively to prevent

156 quality problems from occurring. At the same time, the increase in the level of autonomy and feedback of employees job translate into higher internal work motivation and job satisfaction. Effective planning and implementation of performance management practices result in employees who are more intrinsically motivated and satisfied with their work. Successful process management requires giving ownership of the process to the employees. Wall et al. (1990) found empirical support of improvement in job satisfaction when process control is placed in the hands of the frontline operators. The relationship between Process Management and Employee Fulfillment was supported by Anderson et al., (1995) and Douglas and Fredendall (2004). Based on the above review, the following hypothesis is developed:

Hypothesis 8: Process Management is positively related to Employee Fulfillment.

Deming(1986) encouraged organization to improve continuously and for ever the system of production and services. Van de Ven, Angle and Poole, (1989, p.11) viewed innovation as a process of reinvention, proliferation, reimplementation, discarding, and termination actions. The approach leads the organization to achieve organizational excellence in products, services and processes consistently in meeting changing customers requirements. Researchers found that continuous improvement has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction. (Johnson & Daniel, 1991; Lascelles & Barrie, 1990). This relationship finds support in the studies of Fisher et al., (2005); Douglas and Fredendall (2004) and Rungtusanatham et al., (1998). Based on the above, it is hypothesized that:

Hypothesis 9: Continuous Improvement is positively related to Customer Satisfaction.

157 Employee Fulfillment manifest in individuals job satisfaction, job commitment and the pride of accomplishment of products, services quality, and possession of knowledge for initiating improvement in processes. This is also exemplified in successful engagement in learning and application of this knowledge to enhance personal and organizational development. Sureschandar et al., (2001, p. 353), noted that research has shown much evidence of strong relationships between employee perception of employee well-being and customer perception of service quality and satisfaction. Parasuraman et al.,(1985) found strong relationship between employees perception and attitude and customer satisfaction (cited in Anderson et al. 1994, p 496). The relationship finds strong support in the research studies of Anderson et al., (1995); Cranny, Smith, & Stone, (1992); Douglas and Fredendall (2004); Locke, (1976); Mitchell, (1979); Mohr, (1991); Tornow and Wiley (1991) and Wanous & Lawler,(1972). Based on the above review, the following hypothesis is developed:

Hypothesis 10: Employee Fulfillment is positively related to Customer Satisfaction.






The concept of TQM had been the focus of attention in the management literature during the over last two decades. The studies carried out in this field are empirical and used different models to evaluate the total quality management practices in organizations. These studies identified some essential practices of total quality management that are critical to achieve business competitiveness (Ahire et al. ,1995;; Benson, Saraph & Schroeder,1991; Black & Porter, 1995; Foker, 1996; Forza, 1995; Motwani, Mahmoud, & Rice, 1991; Powel, 1995; Sarpah et al.,1989). Deming Management Method Model was introduced by Anderson et al., (1994). Subsequently the model was used in different studies (Anderson et al., 1995; Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Fisher et al., 2005; Flynn, Schroeder & Sakakibara, 1994; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998; Rungtusanatham et al., 2003). The model was used to evaluate the TQM practices in developed countries. These studies, however, identified the need to use this model in other cultures as well. This study uses Deming Management Method Model to evaluate TQM practices in CMTOs in Pakistan. Two major approaches exist in research literature i.e. qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods are used to find and confirm the presence and absence of an

159 element, while quantitative methods are used to measure the degree of an element already present (Kirk & Miller, 1986). Quantitative research involves use of statistical analysis to obtain findings ( Marezyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger, 2005), while qualitative research includes gathering of data through open ended questions that provide direct quotations. The interview is an essential part of the investigation (Cooper & Schindler 2003). This research used both quantitative technique by empirically testing hypotheses through statistical method and qualitative method using semi structured interviews with managers. The use of both methods enhances the understanding of social phenomenon(Sekran, 2000).


Much research has been done to collect information regarding practices of TQM

(Saraph et al.,1989; Bardi et al., 1995; Ahire et al., 1996). The constructs underlying the Deming Management Method were operationalized using previous published scales (Anderson et al., 1995; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998; Fisher et al., 2005). The scale originally developed by Anderson et al., (1995) was modified by Douglas and Fredendall, (2004) for research in the services based on Deming Management Method Model. The present study used the questionnaire developed by Douglas and Fredendall (2004). For measuring the Customer Satisfaction, the scale applied by Anderson et al., (1995) has been used in the present study. For measuring responses, the Likert scale rating method is more appropriate when the items consist of statements that give respondents an option to show their response in favourable or unfavourable way by selecting numerical score. This scaling method is inexpensive and easier to develop (Cooper & Emory, 1995). Therefore, 5 point Likert rating scale ranging from strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1) was adopted in this study.

160 The questionnaire had two parts. Part A consisted of demographic data. During the pilot study, the respondents showed concern about disclosing information with regard to their names and the name of the organization. Keeping in view this concern, this information was kept optional and left it to the discretion of the respondents to fill it or not. It has been stated that no identifying information should be recorded for individuals who do not consent to this (Marezyk et al., (2005). Remaining items of this section included position of the respondent in the management, experience (ranging from below 5 years to over 20 years), education ( indicating highest academic degree), and functional area. Section B of the questionnaire covered the constructs underlying the concept of Deming Management Method Model comprising Visionary Leadership consisting of five items and focused on involvement of top management team. The construct of Internal and External Cooperation was further sub divided into quality philosophy (6 items) and supplier involvement (5 items). Learning construct consisting of 11 items was subdivided in two parts of total quality training, and training in dealing with customer driven information. Process Management construct was also subdivided in two parts of management by facts (6 items) and total quality methods (5 items) respectively. The construct of Continuous Improvement had three items. The Employee Fulfillment construct had three items while Customer Satisfaction construct had three items. The last item consisted of an open-ended question for seeking opinion of respondents about the barriers that they experience in planning and implementing TQM practices in their organizations.



In research the measurement process is composed of exploration and definition of

concept of variable, operational definition of concept and the statistical analysis (Migdadi,

161 2005).The constructs and the operational definition of different concepts have been discussed in the preceding chapters. All items of the variables have been discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. Researchers have identified the vital role of top management in the planning and implementing total quality management practices. This construct had five items to measure the dimensions of Visionary Leadership that focuses on the involvement of top management in providing personal leadership, envisioning the goals, objectives and strategies of quality and its communication to all. In this respect, following five items have been used: 1. Top management in the organization assumes responsibility for quality performance (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al,1989). 2. The major department heads participate in quality improvement processes (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989). 3. The organizations top management has objectives for quality performance (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989). 4. Goal setting process for quality within the organization is comprehensive (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989). 5. Importance is attached to quality by organizations top management in relation to cost objectives (Douglas & Fredendall,2004; Saraph et al.,1989). For the success of total quality management practices, collaboration from employees and suppliers are vital. This teaming up provides necessary input for the improvement of processes in the organizations. Internal and External Cooperation is, therefore, considered essential for success of quality initiatives. To evaluate the quality philosophy, five items have been used that measure employees awareness to organizations mission, commitment of quality at all level, proactive approach to

162 quality and planning for change to improve quality. For measuring suppliers involvement, six items have been used that assess the practice of selection of dependable and knowledgeable suppliers purely on merit and quality; and initiatives for quality focused long term relationship with suppliers. For measuring these two dimensions, following 11 items have been included: 1. There is a strong commitment to quality at all levels of the company (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz, Johannesson & Ritchie1997). 2. People in this company are aware of its overall mission (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al.1997). 3. Members of this company show concern for the need for quality (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al., 1997). 4. Continuous quality improvement is an important goal of this organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al., 1997). 5. Managers here try to plan ahead for changes that might affect our performance (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al., 1997). 6. Suppliers are selected based on quality rather than price (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989). 7. The organizations supplier rating system is thorough (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989). 8. The organization relies on reasonably few, but dependable suppliers (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989). 9. The organization provides education to its suppliers (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989). 10. Longer term relationships are offered to suppliers (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989).

163 11. Clear specifications are provided to suppliers (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989). The focal point of Learning construct is the training that has been measured on two dimensions. The first dimension is the total quality training aspect that has six items and measures the top management commitment to this important aspect; dimensions of training given to employees to enhance their competencies to achieve quality goals. The second dimension is based on customer driven information that has five items and assesses employees knowledge as well as their pursuits in learning about the needs of internal and external customers with a view to enhance their competencies to meet these needs. There were 11 items on the instrument to measure this construct. These items are as follow: 1. Quality related training is given to employees throughout the organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al.,1997). 2. Quality related training is given to supervisors and managers throughout the organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 3. Training is given in total quality concepts i.e. philosophy of company-wide responsibility for quality throughout the organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 4. Training is given in the total quality management techniques (such as control charts, cause and effect diagrams, problem solving, benchmarking and quality improvement teams)etc (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 5. The organizations top management is committed to employees training for quality (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 6. Resources are provided for employees training in quality(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.; 1989; Zeitz et al.,1997).

164 7. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) know who their customers are (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Powell, 1995). 8. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) attempt to measure their internal customers needs (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Powell, 1995).

9. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) attempt to measure their external customers needs (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Powell, 1995). 10. The organization uses customer requirements as the basis for quality (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Powell, 1995). 11. Our organization is more customers focused than our competitors (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Powell, 1995).

The Process Management construct measures two different aspects. The first aspect; management by facts, has six items and focuses on availability and use of quality data by workers, supervisors and managers. The second dimension contains five items and assesses the use of quality methods and tools by employees in work processes. Overall the construct has 11 items as follow: 1. Quality data (complaints, satisfaction, defects, outcome, time etc.) is available (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al.1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 2. Quality data is timely and easily available(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 3. Quality data is used as tool to manage quality(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997). 4. Quality data are available to employees (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Saraph et al., 1989; Zeitz et al., 1997).


5. Quality data is available to supervisors and managers (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004;Saraph et al.,1989; Zeitz et al.,1997). 6. Quality data is used to evaluate supervisor and managerial performance(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004;Saraph et al.,1989; Zeitz et al.1997). 7. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) use basic statistical techniques (such as histograms and control charts) to study their work processes(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004;Saraph et al.,1989; Zeitz et al.,1997). 8. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) analyze the time it takes to get the job done(Douglas & Fredendall, 2004). 9. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) keep records and charts/other aids for measuring the quality of work displayed in their work areas (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004). 10. Statistical techniques are used to reduce variation in processes in the organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004). 11. Total quality management procedures (such as brainstorming, cause and effect diagrams, teams) are used to analyze information for process improvement in the organization (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004) Continuous Improvement construct has three questions and measures the employees belief in quality and the efforts directed towards achieving the quality. The construct has the following items: 1. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) in the organization try to improve the quality of their services (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al., 1997). 2. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) in the organization believe that quality improvement is their responsibility (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al., 1997).

166 3. Our associates (employees, supervisors and managers) in the organization analyze their work process to look for ways of doing a better job (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Zeitz et al.,1997). Employee Fulfillment constructs evaluates pride in work, job satisfaction, commitment and empowered behaviour. The construct has three items as follow: 1. I would feel unhappy, if I could not take pride in my job (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Khandwalla, 1977). 2. Doing a good job should mean as much to a worker as a good pay-checque (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004;Khandwalla, 1977). 3. If I do a sloppy job at work, I feel a little ashamed of myself (Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Khandwalla, 1977). The construct of Customer Satisfaction focuses on measuring the customer satisfaction, aligning products and services with customers needs, provisioning of quality products and services as relative to competitors and customer relationship management. This construct has following three items: 1. Our customers have been well satisfied with the quality of our products and services overall (Anderson et al, 1995; Fisher et al., 2005; Sarpah et al., 1989). 2. Our firm is better than the competitors in customers relations (Anderson et al., 1995; Fisher et al. 2005; Sarpah et al., 1989). 3 In general, our firms level of quality performance over the past three years has been better relative to industry norms (Anderson et al., 1995; Fisher et al., 2005; Sarpah et al.,1989). The last item is based on an open-ended question in which the opinion of the respondents had been sought with regard to the barriers that they experience in planning and implementing total quality management practices in their organizations.




Five Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators with 99% of market share were selected for

this study. All employees of these organizations were the target population. The population comprised of about 9000 members of the workforce of CMTOs. These members included officers/associates/executives/senior executives and managers at all levels. Random probability sampling had been used since the dimensions of total quality management involves everyone in the organization, each subject was considered to be in a suitable position to provide reliable information and valid data on quality dimensions being practiced. The sample size considered suitable for the study was 400. The participants comprised of members of the organization from different tiers of management working in different functional areas. The functional areas were Operations, Information Technology, Customer Services, Human Resource Management and Administration, Sales and Marketing, Procurement, and Finance.


Smith (1991, p.106) defined the validity as the degree to which the researcher has

measured what he has set out to measure. It is essential that the questionnaire can measure the concept accurately. Tapping the concept comprehensively enhances the credibility of the instrument. Content validity refers to checking the measure with regard to adequate coverage of the concept and represents the domain of issue effectively. Babbie (1990 p.133) writes that validity refers to the extent to which an empirical measure adequately reflects the real meaning of the concept under consideration. Therefore, content validity measures the comprehensiveness and representativeness of the content of instrument. Nunnally (1978) argued that there are two standards for ensuring content validity: firstly, the sampling of the items and secondly, the method of constructing the items. Measuring and

168 reporting content validity of instruments are important. This type of validity can also help to ensure construct validity and give confidence to the readers and researchers about instrument. Yaghmie (2003) noted that by measuring content validity, the interpretations of results are precise. Yaghmie (2003) studied content validity through review of 38 articles that were published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies, 1995, 1996 (volumes 32 and 33). The study found that13 (20.48%) articles discussed content validity. Of these articles, one study's content validity was based on the previous studies. Six measured content validity only based on the opinion of experts (from 1 to 10 experts) for accuracy, completeness, clarity, relevance, scoring system, and length of questions. One study measured content validity only by the review of literature and an expert panel without any explanation about the process of measuring. Finally, one article measured content validity by a 4-point content validity index (CVI) and the judgment of three experts. The content validity of the instrument of this research has been well established by quality experts and researchers (Brocka & Brocka, 1992; Evans& Deans, 2003; Juran, 1980; Oakland, 1989; Schein, 1990). In addition different studies have used the measuring scales and validated the items of the instrument (Ahire et al.1996; Badri et al.1995; Black & Porter, 1995; Grandzol & Gershon, 1998; Quazi et al.1998; Rao et al.1999; Saraph et al.1989). Sekran (2003) noted that measures that have been either newly constructed or adapted need reliability and validity tests. The content validity of the instrument of this study was established using two methods. For face validity, the instrument was presented to a panel of four quality experts who approved that the items measure the concept. In the second step, the questionnaire was given to a few managers and other executives working in CMTOs in order to

169 ensure that the participants understand the items in the questionnaire. The response was affirmative and no ambiguity was experienced in understanding the items in the instrument.


Sekran (2003) noted that construct validity indicates the fit between results of instrument

and theories on which test is based. Cooper and Schindler (2003) concluded that the construct validity represents the measuring of the construct and establishes adequacy of the tests to represent the construct. They further argued that the methods used for construct validity include judgmental, factor analysis, correlation of proposed tests with established one, convergent and discriminate techniques and multitrait-multimethod analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken for this study to validate the factors used in the instrument.


The researchers and quality experts supported the pre validation process of instrument

(Ahire et al., 1996; Baker 1994; De Vaus, 1993; Peat, Mellis, Williams & Xuan 2002; Polit, Beck & Hungler 2001). Peat et al., (2002) noted that this facilitates improving internal consistency of the instrument. They advocated administering the questionnaire to pilot subjects, receiving the requisite feedback and improving the instrument or the procedure of administering the questionnaire (cited in Social Research 2002). The pilot testing of the instrument was carried out. Participants from CMTOs, were selected. The questionnaire was distributed to 50 subjects from the population. The instrument contained 48 items including one open-ended question. The first 47 items were framed to measure the TQM practices based on Deming Management Method criteria. The TQM practices

170 covering these items were Visionary Leadership, Internal and External Cooperation, Learning, Process Management, Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction . A five point Likert scale ranging from Strongly Agree having a score of five (maximum score) to Strongly Disagree having one point (minimum score) was used to measure response for first 47 items. The data collected was subject to SPSS (Version 16) analysis and a Cronbach Alpha was commuted in order to evaluate internal consistency and reliability for the set of measurement of each construct. Table 10 shows the Cronbach alpha values for all factors, which ranged from .685 to .90, suggesting the instrument is compositely reliable and internally consistent as recommended by Nunnally (1978). The pilot study indicated that the questionnaire was easy to understand and simple to complete. It took approximately 20-25 minutes to complete the questionnaire and accepted by respondents. The values of reliability and validity indicate that the instrument used in the study is adequate.

171 Table 10 Internal Reliability of Scales ___________________________________________________________________________ Variables Number of Items Cronbachs Alpha

___________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. Visionary Leadership Internal and External Cooperation 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Learning Process Management Continuous Improvement Employee Fulfillment Customer Satisfaction 11 11 11 3 3 3 .881 .892 .900 .740 .734 .698 5 .685




The survey had been administered to 400 participants using different means (email,

personally delivered and through third party). A complete set of questionnaire including a covering letter accompanied the questionnaire. The covering letter highlighted the objectives of the research, significance of respondents contribution and the time within which to return the instrument. It was also assured that anonymity of all research participants will be ensured and the results would be discussed and reported only in the aggregate. This was followed by personal contact and persuasion. Respondents were given free access at any time for any type of information or assurance they needed. Data collection in Pakistan poses enormous challenges as respondent are generally not willing to cooperate. This required lot of persuasion to get the required information. All participants were graduates. Some were, however, unwilling to disclose their personal or organizational identity. In all 400 survey questionnaires were sent to the sample. The survey questionnaires were sent to the members of strategic (20 forms), tactical (130) and operational (250) management level. After repeated requests covering a period of over six months, filled questionnaires were received. The filled questionnaires were received from members holding different managerial position in CMTOs. Nine respondents held managerial position at strategic level, one hundred and one held managerial positions at tactical level. The maximum filled questionnaires (180) were received from members holding managerial position at operational levels. Thus 290 filled questionnaires were received, with a response rate of 72.5%. All responses were scrutinized and all were found complete in all respects. Thus 290 responses were used in the data analysis for this study. Semi structured interviews of 20 managers were conducted. These managers represented different functional areas of the CMTOs. These managers represented Marketing and Sales,

173 Human Resource Management and Administration, Customer Services, Information Technology, Finance, Technology ( Operations), Procurement, and Operations Planning.



The data has been analyzed using SPSS (version 16) and AMOS (16.0). Following tests

have been conducted to analyze the data for the study:

1. Reliability and validity of Instrument has been done using Cronbach alpha. 2. Descriptive statistics has been used to identify the phenomenon of interest. 3. Correlation has been calculated to identify any preliminary relationship among the variables being examined and to identify the multicollinearity. 4. Confirmatory factor analysis has been done to validate the factors. 5. Statistical tests has been undertaken to measure the underlying assumptions before multiple regression analysis. Salient tests include independence of observations, checking of outliers, normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, multicollineratity and singularity. 6. Linear regression and multiple regression analysis have been done for hypothesis validation. 7. Identification of total, direct and indirect effects relating to variables has been computed.


Sekran (2003, p.260) stressed that: Several ethical issues should be addressed while collecting data which include the

174 purpose of the research, confidentiality of data obtained, respect of the participant in all aspects, and avoidance of enforcing the participants in case he/she takes time to respond. The honesty and truthfulness of the researchers is the most important aspect that needs to be considered ethically. Cooper and Emory (1995, p.57) noted that various unethical issues in research, which need to be avoided include violating nondisclosure agreements, breaking respondent confidentiality, misrepresenting results, deceiving people, invoicing irregularities, and avoiding legal liability. During the study strict compliance was ensured with regard to the guidelines stressing the need to explain the purpose of study and the benefits expected from respondents, the rights of respondents and how these would be protected and kept confidential and obtaining the informed consent of respondents during the process of interviews (OSullivan & Ressel,1989). In this study, it was ensured that the fundamental aspects of ethical consideration are complied. Participants were ensured full confidentiality of their identity (personal and organizational) and the information provided.





Sekran (2003) noted that making data ready for analysis needs undertaking validity and

reliability and hypotheses testing. SPSS (version16) and AMOS (16.0) software were used for statistical analysis. Rules described by Leech , Barret, and Morgan, (2005) were observed as follow: 1. All data should be numeric. 2. Each variable for each case or participants must occupy the same column in the SPSS Data Editor. 3. All values (codes) for variable must be mutually exclusive. 4. Each variable should be coded to obtain maximum information.


The self administered survey method and semi structured interview technique were used

for data collection. Out of 400 questionnaire sent, 290 responses were received. The response rate was 72.5% which is considered adequate keeping in view the lack of survey culture in Pakistan and the apprehensions of the respondents with regard to the confidentiality of personal and organizational identity and the information provided. The detail of demographic data, in different combination, is illustrated through visual presentation in Figure 4 to Figure 7.

176 Figure 4 reflects that the highest response rate (62%) was from the respondents holding managerial positions at operational level. In a service context, it is important since this tier of management interacts with the customers and is in a better position to provide quality service and understand the customers feelings. The lowest response (3%) is from respondents holding managerial positions at strategic level. This is attributed to the commitment of this level to other essential business engagements. Figure 5 indicates the responses according to the functional areas. The figure shows maximum responses from Customer Services functional area with 27%. The responses from Operations and Marketing and Sales are 21%. While the lowest response is from Finance functional area. Figure 6 represents the responses from the experience point of view. The maximum responses (52%) have experience ranging from 5-10 years. The lowest response is from the respondents having more than 10 years. Keeping in view the life span of the CMTOs, the number of respondents having experience between 5 and over 10 years is considered adequate.

177 Figure 4. Management Position wise Response Rate

70% 60% Response Rate (%) 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strategic Tactical Management Position 3% 35%



Managerial Position of Respondents

Responses Received

% Response

Strategic Level Tactical Level Operational Level

9 101 180 290

3 35 62

Figure 5.

Response Rate % 10 15 20 25 30 0 21 Technology (Operations) 19 IT 21 Marketing and Sales 27 Customer Services 7 HRM/ADM 3 Procurement 2 Finance 5

Functional Area wise Response Rate 178

179 Figure 6. Experience wise Response Rate

60% Response Rate (%) 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 to 5 34%



5 to 10 Work Experience (Years)

> 10

180 Figure 7 shows the response from members of different CMTOs. Response rate ranged from 70 % to 78 %. The overall response rate was 72.5%. The leading Operators response rate varied between 71% and 73%.

181 Figure 7. Organization wise Response Rate

120 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 Mobilink Ufone Telenor Warid CM Pak

73 71 72





Forms Sent

Forms Received




The descriptive analysis of the data provides a vivid picture of normality, spread, reliability and tendencies that emerge from the data and provides a foundation for advanced statistical tests. This facilitates rigorous data analysis for the research (Sekran, 2003). The descriptive analysis includes examination of central tendency (mean, mode, and median), dispersion (standard deviation), skew (symmetry, measured by skew index) and kurtosis (peakedness, measured by kurtosis index) of data. Table 11 shows minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis of all items in the survey. The data reflects that minimum and maximum value of all variables is within range. The skewness and kurtosis values indicate that all values are within range of + / - 1 and all variables are normally distributed. Examination of frequencies of all items also indicated that data is normally distributed.

183 Table 11 Descriptive Analysis of All Variables (N=290) ________________________________________________________________________ Variable Min Max Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis

________________________________________________________________________ Visionary 1.00 Leadership Internal 1.00 Cooperation External 1.00 Cooperation Learning 1.00 5.00 3.4009 .64409 -.569 -.393 5.00 3.6127 .66075 -.382 -.591 5.00 3.6837 .63075 -.544 -.227 5.00 4.0331 .68276 -.770 .719

Process 1.00 Management Continuous 1.00 Improvement Employee 1.00 Fulfillment Customer 1.00 Satisfaction 5.00 4.3000 .51509 -.305 -.168 5.00 4.3046 .65528 -.563 -.452 5.00 4.1253 .73209 -.679 .063 5.00 3.7555 .71398 -.471 -.555




For construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to validate the

underlying structure of the model. Table 12 presents the results of confirmatory factor analysis. Prior to the conduct of confirmatory factor analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) static and Bartletts Test of Sphericity was performed. The KMO value (KMO = 0.924) indicated that the degree of common variance among the seven variables was marvelous. The Bartletts test of sphericity indicated a Chi square 6.910 with an observed significance level of p< .001. Based on the results, it was inferred that the relationship between the variables was strong and appropriate for factor analysis. Table 12 contains the details of the factors that were validated through confirmatory factor analysis. These factors were Visionary Leadership (5 items), Internal Cooperation ( 5 items) External Cooperation (6 items), Learning (11 items), Process Management (11 items), Continuous Improvement (3 items), Employee Fulfillment (3 items), and Customer Satisfaction (3 items), respectively. The Eigen values of all variables was >1 and the % variance of factors varied from 58.8% to 82%. Thus, a model with eight factors was considered adequate to represent the data because the result of the analysis can be considered satisfactory.

185 Table 12 Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________ S.No. Dimension/ Items Factor Eigen % Significance

Loading Value Variance ______________________________________________________________________________ Visionary Leadership 1 2 3 4 5 VL1 VL2 VL3 VL4 VL5 Internal Cooperation 6 7 8 9 ICP6 ICP7 ICP8 ICP9 .74 .74 .52 .66 .69 3.64 .69 .74 .52 .55 .54 60.73 .000** .81 .76 .74 .76 .60 3.15 63.00 .000** 3.67 73.40 .000**

10 ICP10 External Cooperation 11 ECP11 12 ECP12 13 ECP13 14 ECP14 15 ECP15


______________________________________________________________________________ S.No. Dimension/ Items Factor Loading Eigen Value % Variance Significance

16 ECP16


Learning 17 LG17 18 LG18 19 LG19 20 LG20 21 LG21 22 LG22 23 LG23 24 LG24 25 LG25 26 LG26 27 LG27 Process Management 28 PM28 29 PM29 30 PM30 .76 .80 .84 .84 .75 .79 .75 .82 .84 .46 .53 .56 .58 .53







187 ______________________________________________________________________________ S.No. Dimension/ Items Factor Loading Eigen Value % Variance Significance

31 PM31 32 PM32 33 PM33

.75 .65 .64

PM34 34 Process Management 35 PM35 36 PM36 37 PM37 38 PM38 Continuous Improvement 39 CI39 40 CI40 41 CI41 Employee Fulfillment 42 EF42 43 EF43 44 EF44


.61 .58 .63 .64 2.46 .76 .84 .82 1.80 .46 .55 .79 60 .000** 82 .000**


______________________________________________________________________________ S.No. Dimension/ Items Factor Loading Eigen Value % Variance Significance

Customer Satisfaction 45 CS45 46 CS46 47 CS47 .61 .46 .68




** p < 0.01



Internal Consistency
In order to establish the reliability of measure, its consistency and stability is tested.

According to Sekran (2003, p. 307), consistency indicates how well the items measuring a concept hang together as a set. Cronbachs alpha is reliability coefficient that indicates how well the items in a set are positively correlated to one another. Table 13 shows the Cronbachs alpha values and number of items. The results indicated that majority of factors had higher than 0.65 alpha value. This suggested that the measure is compositely reliable and internally consistent as recommended by Nunnally (1978). According to Statistical Evaluation of Measurement Errors: Design and Analysis of Reliability Studies, (cited in Everitt, 2006), alpha value between 0.600.70 is acceptable.

190 Table 13 Reliability of Scales (Internal Consistency) _____________________________________________________________________________ S.No. Variables Cronbachs Alpha (a) Numbers of Items



Visionary Leadership



Internal Cooperation


External Cooperation







Process Management




Continuous Improvement



Employee Fulfillment



Customer Satisfaction





Researchers agree that multiple regression analysis rely upon certain assumptions. In

order to make the results trustworthy, these assumptions need to be complied with. Several assumptions of multiple regressions are essential to meet. These include testing of independence of observation, normality, outliers, linearity and homoscedasticity, multicollinearity and singularity (Pedhazur, 1997; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2000; McCullagh & Nelder, 1989). 4.6.1 Assumption of Independence of Observations Researchers recommend application of Durbin-Watson coefficient method to measure independence of observation. Table 14 shows the results of this application which was found to be within acceptable range of 1.5 to 2.5. 4.6.2 Assumption of Normality in Data This assumption implies that all variables are normally distributed. Non-normality leads to distortion of results. Several methods are available to test this assumption. These methods include visual examination of data plots, skewness and kurtosis. In addition, P-Plots give information about normality. Inferential statistics also provide information about normality through the use of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. (Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken, 2003). If the sample size is larger than 100, the failure of normality will not affect the regression (cited in Migdadi, 2005). The skewness and kurtosis have been reflected in Table 11 Descriptive analysis that indicates that all values are within acceptable range.

192 Table 14 Assumption Multiple Regression - Analysis of Independence of Observations


Independent Variables



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Visionary Leadership Internal Cooperation External Cooperation Learning Process Management Continuous Improvement Employee Fulfillment

1.55 1.65 1.64 1.84 2.01 1.99 1.84

193 4.6.3 Assumption of Outliers Outliers exist when observations deviate from other members of the sample and are significant case in the variable ( Cooper Emory, 1995, Leech et al, 2005; Chatterjee & Hadi, 2006). Everitt, (2006) argued that this observation may portray anomaly in the distinctiveness of a subject, or is the outcome of an inaccuracy in measurement or recording. Researchers advocate use of Cooks Distance and Centered Leverage Value to examine the influence of outliers on the regression model. The acceptable value of Cooks Distance is < 1, indicating the non significant effect of outliers (Everitt, 2006). The Centered Leverage value closer to 0, has insignificant influence on regression model (Field, 2000). These values for all variables are shown in Appendix B. All the values are within acceptable range; hence the outlier will have no significant effect on the regression model. 4.6.4 Assumption of Linearity Linear relationship between independent and dependent variable is extremely essential to accurately estimate the relationship. It is, therefore, vital to examine the analyses of non-variability. Researcher are unanimous that scatter plot of standardized residuals is the most preferable method of detection linear relationship. The scatter plots have been depicted in Figures 1 to Figure 12 which indicate meeting of this assumption. 4.6.5 Assumption of Homoscedasticity Harlow (2005) notes that homoscedasticity means that variance of score of one variable is the same at all values of other variables, it reflects the existence of homoscedasticity. The normal, random and even dispersion of residual throughout the scatter plot indicate meeting the assumption of linearity and homoscedasticity (Black, Tatham, Andersson & Haire, 1995). Researchers agree that Normal P-Plot and Scatter plots are best means of testing this assumption through visual examination (Berry & Feldman, 1985; Cooper & Emory, 1995). Normal P-Plot

194 and Scatter plots have been shown while discussing the respective variable. These figurers indicate meeting the assumption of homoscedasticity. Figures 8 to Figure 21 indicate Scatter Plots and Normal P Plots of standardized residual representing the data used in the model.

195 Figure 8. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Visionary Leadership versus Internal Cooperation.

Dependent Variable: Internal Cooperation

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities


Figure 9.

Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and Internal Cooperation

Dependent Variable: Internal Cooperation

Regression Standardized Residual

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

197 Figure 8 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Internal Cooperation (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot shows observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 9 ( scatter plot) portrays the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width ban about zero and lie within + / - 2 - 3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot exhibits normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

198 Figure 10. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Visionary Leadership versus External Cooperation.

Dependent Variable: External Cooperation

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

199 Figure11. Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and External Cooperation

Dependent Variable: External Cooperation

Regression Standardized Residual

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

200 Figure 10 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and External Cooperation (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 10 shows observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 4 portrays the standardized residuals versus the predicted values.

Figure 11 reflects the scatter plot. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/- 2 - 3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot exhibits normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

201 Figure12. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Visionary Leadership versus Learning.

Dependent Variable: Learning

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

202 Figure 13. Scatter Plot for Visionary Leadership and Learning

Dependent Variable: Leaning

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

203 Figure 12 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Learning (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 4 shows observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 5 reflects the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. Figure 13 indicate the scatter plot. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/ - 2-3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot indicates normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

204 Figure 14. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning versus Process Management

Dependent Variable: Process Management

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

205 Figure 15. Scatter Plot for Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning versus Process Management

Dependent Variable: Process Management

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

206 Figure 14 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (Independent Variables) and Process Management (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 14 indicates observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 15 displays the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/- 2-3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot exhibits normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

207 Figure 16. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Process Management versus Continuous Improvement

Dependent Variable: Continuous Improvement

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

208 Figure17. Scatter Plot for Process Management versus Continuous Improvement

Dependent Variable: Continuous Improvement

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

209 Figure 16 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Process Management (Independent Variables) and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 16 reflects s observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 17 displays the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/- 2-3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot portrays normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

210 Figure 18. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Process Management versus Employee Fulfillment

Dependent Variable: Employee Fulfillment

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

211 Figure 19. Scatter Plot for Process Management versus Employee Fulfillment

Dependent Variable: Employee Fulfillment

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

212 Figure 18 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Process Management (Independent Variables) and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 18 reflects s observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 19 displays the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/- 3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot highlights normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.

213 Figure 20. Normal P Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals for Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment versus Customer Satisfaction

Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Observed Cumulative Probabilities

214 Figure 21. Scatter Plot for Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment versus Customer Satisfaction

Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction

Expected Cumulative Probabilities

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

215 Figure 20 shows the Normal P Plot of regression standardized residual for Continuou Improvement and Employee Fulfillment (Independent Variables) and Customer Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) of the data used in the model. The Normal P Plot in Figure 20 reflects s observations close to 45 degree line. Figure 21 indicates the standardized residuals versus the predicted values. The residuals are randomly scattered in a constant width band about zero and lie within +/- 2-3 standard deviation of zero line. The shape of the plot reflects normal pattern. Thus the assumptions of linearity and homoscedasticity have been fulfilled.


Assumption of Multicollinearity and Singularity Multicollinearity exists when variables are highly correlated (0.90 and above).

Researchers recommend an examination correlation matrix, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and finding the values of tolerance to diagnose multicollinearity (Neter et, al. 1989). The acceptable tolerance value is >0.10 and VIF <10, which indicate no multicollinearity (Cooper and Emory1995; Damodan & Gujrati, 2003;; Hair et al., 1998, Harlow, 2005; Ho, 2006).The extreme form of multicollinearity, when correlation coefficient is equal to 1.0 or -1.0 ( perfect linear relationship between variable) is singularity. The Correlation matrix at Table 14 indicates that all constructs namely; Visionary Leadership, Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, Learning, Process Management, Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment are significantly correlated at p < 0.01. The results indicate a positive relationship between these variables. The results of correlation matrix indicate that all variable are not highly correlated (> .90). Hence there is no need to delete any variable.

216 The results of multicollinearity analysis of this study at Table 15 reflect that all VIF for observed variables were less than the threshold value of 10. The Tolerance indicators for all factors are greater than 0.10. The multicollinearity statistics indicate no multicollinearity problem. Results of multicollinearity diagnosis analysis (Tolerance and VIF) are given for each hypothesis test in the concerned section.

217 Table 15 Correlation Matrix ______________________________________________________________________________ Variables Mean Standard Deviation ______________________________________________________________________________ Visionary Leadership (VL)
4.03 .682








Internal Cooperation 3.68 (ICP) External Cooperation 3.86 (ECP) Learning (LG)




.622** .648**

.644 .713

. 608** .738** .680** .590** .636** .652** .745**

Process Management 3.75 (PM) Continuous Improvement (CI) Employee Fulfillment (EF) Customer Satisfaction (CS)


.618** .618**

.698** .663** .631**



.242** .199** .248**

.183** .209** .234**



.163** .164** .150**

.206** .163** .209**.575**

______________________________________________________________________________ ** Correlation is significant at p < 0.01 level (2 tailed)

218 Table 16 Assumption of Multicollinearity and Singularity - Multicollinearity Diagnostics

Independent Variables

Dependent Variable

Multicollinearity Diagnostics Tolerance VIF

Visionary Leadership

Internal Cooperation



Visionary Leadership

External Cooperation



Visionary Leadership




Internal Cooperation

Process Management



External Cooperation

Process Management




Process Management



Process Management

Continuous Improvement



Process Management

Employee Fulfillment



Continuous Improvement

Customer Satisfaction



Employee Fulfillment

Customer Satisfaction





Multiple regression analysis is a complex statistical technique which is used to explore

linear relationship between independent variables and dependent variables (Sekran, 2003; Cooper & Emory, 1995). The data was analyzed using multiple regression. For analysis of barriers experienced during planning and implementing total quality management practices, the factors identified by Tamimi and Sebastianelli (2003) have been used. These factors are inadequate human resource development and management, lack of planning for quality, lack of leadership for quality, inadequate resources for total quality management and lack of customer focus. The responses have been accorded appropriate category of factor based on its relevance and proximity to the concerned factor.

4.7.1 Testing of Hypothesis 1

Table 17 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. The testing of linearity and homoscedasticity at Figure 8 (normal p-plot) and Figure 9 (scatter plot) indicate the meeting of assumptions for Visionary Leadership.

220 Table 17 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable and Internal Cooperation (Dependent Variable)

________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2

1. 2.

Visionary Leadership H-1 Internal Cooperation

4.0331 3.6837

0.68276 0.63075 0.642** -

Note. VIF= 1.000, Tolerance = 1.000 ** p < 0.01, one tailed

221 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis I

In order to test the Hypothesis HI, regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Internal Cooperation was regressed on predicting variable of Visionary Leadership. The variable of Visionary Leadership significantly predicts Internal Cooperation, F (1, 288) = 176.733, p < 0.01, which manifest that Visionary Leaderships commitment to the total quality management creates enabling environment in the organization and fosters internal cooperation among employees. This facilitates higher individual and team performance which contributes to superior performance under varying environment. These factors contribute to enhanced effectiveness of Internal Cooperation (Beta = 0.642, p< 0.01). Further more, the R Square = 0.412 depicts that this model explains 41.2% of variance in creating Internal Cooperation. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 18. Keeping in view these findings, conclusion can be drawn that Visionary Leadership positively and significantly affect Internal Cooperation. In addition, the impact of Visionary Leadership on Internal Cooperation has been found to be statistically significant. Thus, Hypothesis 1 is supported.

222 Table 18 Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Internal Cooperation (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)




H1 Visionary Leadership Constant

0.676 1.361

.051 0.174

0.642 --

R Square = 0.412, F (1,288) = 176.733 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.410 p < 0.01


4.7.2 Testing of Hypothesis 2

Table 19 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. Figure 10 (normal p-plot) and Figure 11 (scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of the data. The results indicate the meeting of assumptions for Visionary Leadership. The normality of the data is considered adequate.

224 Table 19 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable and External Cooperation (Dependent Variable)

______________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2

1. 2.

Visionary Leadership H-2 External Cooperation

4.0331 3.6127

0.68276 0.66075 0.622** -

Note. VIF= 1.000, Tolerance = 1.000 ** p < 0.01, one tailed

225 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 2

In order to test the Hypothesis H2, regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable External Cooperation was regressed on predicting variable of Visionary Leadership. The variable of Visionary Leadership significantly predicts External Cooperation, F (1, 288) =158.929, p < 0.01, which manifest that Visionary Leaderships commitment to the total quality management creates collaborative support with suppliers through shared philosophy to achieve quality objectives. External cooperation with supplier yields cost reduction and other related information about the markets and competitors. Leadership that provides supporting environment for collaboration can best take benefits of total quality management initiatives. This partnership creates synergy and helps in achieving performance excellence in products and services. The leadership behaviour generates long term relationship with suppliers and contributes toward effectiveness of External Cooperation. (Beta = 0.622, p< 0.01). Further more, the R Square = 0.387 depicts that this model explains 38.7% of variance in creating and sustaining effectiveness of External Cooperation. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 20. Keeping in view these findings, conclusion can be drawn that Visionary Leadership positively and significantly affect External Cooperation. In addition, the impact of Visionary Leadership on External Cooperation has been found to be statistically significant. Thus, Hypothesis 2 is supported

226 Table 20 Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and External Cooperation (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)




H2 External Cooperation Constant

0.640 1.029

.051 0.207

0.622 --

R Square = 0.387, F (1,288) = 158.929 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.384 p < 0.01


4.7.3 Testing of Hypothesis 3

Table 21 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. Figure 12 (normal p-plot) and Figure 13 (scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of the data. The results indicate the meeting of assumptions. The normality of the data is considered adequate.

228 Table 21 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable and Learning (Dependent Variable)

______________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2

1. 2.

Visionary Leadership H-2 Learning

4.0331 3.4009

0.68276 0.64409 0.608** -

Note. VIF=1.000; Tolerance = 1.000 ** p < 0.01, one tailed

229 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H 3

In order to test the Hypothesis H3, regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Learning was regressed on predicting variable of Visionary Leadership. The variable of Visionary Leadership significantly predicts Learning, F (1, 288) =168.877, p < 0.01, which manifest that Visionary Leaderships commitment to Learning increases individual and team competencies. Application of the knowledge gained through these competencies stimulates and fosters experimentation and improvement in processes, products and services. Continuous improvement in processes, products and services enhance competitiveness of the organization. Leadership that provides learning environment yields the benefits of total quality management initiatives through effective Learning (Beta = 0.608, p<0.01). Further more, the R Square = 0.370 depicts that this model explains 37% of variance in creating Learning in the organization. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 22. Keeping in view these findings, conclusion can be drawn that Visionary Leadership positively and significantly affect Learning. . In addition, the impact of Visionary Leadership on Learning has been found to be statistically significant. Thus, Hypothesis 3 is supported.

230 Table 22 Regression Analysis Summary for the Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) and Learning (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)






0.574 1.088

.044 0.188

0.608 --


R Square = 0.370, F (1,288) = 168.877 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.367 p < 0.01


4.7.4 Testing of Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6

Table 23 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. Figure 14 (normal p-plot) and Figure 15 (scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of data. The results portray the meeting of assumptions. The normality of the data is considered adequate

232 Table 23 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (Independent Variables) and Process Management (Dependent Variable)

______________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2 3

1. 2. 3. 3.

Process Management H4 Internal Cooperation H5 External Cooperation H6 Learning

3.7555 3.6837

0.71398 0.63075

0.636** 0.652** 0.648** 0.738** 0.680**




Note: VIF = 1.00; Tolerance = 1 .00 ** p < 0.01, one tailed .

233 Multiple Regression Analysis for Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6

In order to test the Hypotheses H4, H5 and H6, multiple regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Process Management was regressed on predicting variables of Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning. The combination of these variables significantly predicts Process Management, F (3, 286) =220.826, p < 0.01, which manifest that Internal Cooperation (Beta = 0.222, p < 0.01) and External Cooperation (Beta = 0.222, p < 0.01) create a collaborative environment that facilitate improvement in processes. Similarly Learning enhances the skills and abilities of the workforce and provides them with opportunity to experiment and improve the processes (Beta = 0.488, p < 0.01). Summary of the findings is presented in Table 24. Further more, the R Square = 0.645 depicts that this model explains more that 64.5% of variance in the Process Management. Keeping in view these findings, conclusions can be drawn that Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning positively and significantly affect Process Management. . In addition, the impact of Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning on Process Management has been found to be statistically significant. Thus Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6 are supported.

234 Table 24 Multiple Regression Analysis Summary for the Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (Independent Variables) and Process Management (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)




H4 H5 H6

Internal Cooperation External Cooperation Learning

0.224 0.224 0.504 0.491

0.064 0.64 .063 0.161

0.222 0.222 0.488 --


R Square = 0.645, F (3,286) = 162.708 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.603 p < 0.01


4.7.5 Testing of Hypothesis 7

Table 25 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. Figure 16 (normal p-plot) and Figure 17 (scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of data. The results portray the meeting of assumptions. The normality of the data is considered appropriate.

236 Table 25 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations Process Management (Independent Variable and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable (N = 290)

________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2

1. 2.

Continuous Improvement H7 - Process Management

4.1253 3.7555

0.73209 0.71398 .631** -

Note: VIF=1.000; Tolerance = 1.000 ** p < 0.01, one tailed

237 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 7

In order to test the Hypothesis H7, regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Continuous Improvement was regressed on predicting variable of Process Management. The variable of Process Management significantly predicts Continuous Improvement, F (1, 288) =190.865, p < 0.01, which manifest that improvement in processes results in continuous improvement of products and services (Beta = 0.631, p < 0.01). Further more, the R Square = 0.399 depicts that this model explains about 40% of variance in enhancing continuous improvement in the organization. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 26. Keeping in view these findings, conclusion can be drawn that Process Management positively and significantly affect Continuous Improvement. . In addition, the impact of Process Management on Continuous Improvement has been found to be statistically significant. Thus, Hypothesis 7 is supported.

238 Table 26 Regression Analysis Summary for the Process Management (Independent Variable) and Continuous Improvement (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)




H 7 Continuous Improvement Constant

0.647 1.694

0.047 0.179

0.631 --

R Square = 0.399, F (1,288) = 190.865 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.396 p < 0.01


4.7.6 Testing of Hypothesis 8

Table 27 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no collinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 1.00 and tolerance = 1.00, which are also within acceptable range. Figure 18 (normal p-plot) and Figure 19 (scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of data. The results portray the meeting of assumptions. The normality of the data is considered adequate.

240 Table 27 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Process Management (Independent Variable and Employee Fulfillment (Dependent Variable)

________________________________________________________________________ Variable M SD 1 2

1. 2.

Process Management H8 Employee Fulfillment

3.7555 4.3046

0.71398 0.65528 .209** -

Note. VIF=1.000; Tolerance = 1.000 ** p < 0.01, one tailed


Regression Analysis for Hypothesis 8

In order to test the Hypothesis H8, regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Employee Fulfillment was regressed on predicting variable of Process Management. The variable of Process Management significantly predicts Employee Fulfillment, F (1, 288) =13.191, p < 0.01, which manifest that Process Management enables employees to acquire development in competencies, enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities and lead to fulfillment of their needs (Beta = 0.209, p < 0.01). Further more, the R Square = 0.044 depicts that this model explains 4.4% of variance in enhancing continuous improvement in the organization. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 28. Keeping in view these findings, conclusion can be drawn that Process management positively and significantly affect Employee Fulfillment. . In addition, the impact of Process Management on Continuous Improvement has been found to be statistically significant. Thus, Hypothesis 8 is supported.

242 Table 28 Regression Analysis Summary for the Process Management (Independent Variable) and Employee Fulfillment (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)




H 8 Employee Fulfillment Constant

0.192 3.583

0.053 0.202

0.209 --

R Square = 0.044, F (1,288) = 13.191 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.040 p < 0.01


4.7.7 Testing of Hypotheses 9 & 10

Table 29 indicates mean, standard deviation, and intercorrelation. The correlation is < 0.90; therefore there would be no multicollinearity. Furthermore, multicollinearity diagnosis reveals that variance inflation factor (VIF) = 0.945 and tolerance = 1.058 are also within acceptable range. Figure 20 (normal p-plot) and Figure 21(scatter plot) show the testing of the linearity and homoscedasticity of data. The results portray the meeting of assumptions. The normality of the data is considered adequate.

244 Table 29 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Intercorrelations for Continuous Improvement / Employee Fulfillment (Independent Variables) and Customer Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)

______________________________________________________________________________ Variables M SD 1 2 3

1. 2.

Customer Satisfaction H-9 Continuous Improvement







H 10 Employee Fulfillment 4.3046 0.65528 0.575* 0.197* .234*

Note. VIF = 0.945; Tolerance = 1.058 *p < 0.01, one-tailed

245 Multiple Regression Analysis for Hypotheses 9 & 10

In order to test the Hypotheses H9 and H10, multiple regression analysis was conducted. The dependent variable Customer Satisfaction was regressed on predicting variables of Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment. The combination of these variables significantly predicts Customer Satisfaction, F (2,287) =73.857, p < 0.01 and (Beta = 0. 034, p < 0.01) for Continuous Improvement and (Beta = 0 .555, p < 0.01) for Employee Fulfillment. Summary of the findings is presented in Table 30. Further more, the R Square = 0.340 depicts that this model explains 34% of variance in the Customer Satisfaction. Keeping in view these findings, conclusions can be drawn that the Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment significantly affect Customer Satisfaction. . In addition, the impact of Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment on Customer Satisfaction has been found to be statistically significant. Thus Hypotheses 9 and 10 are supported.

246 Table 30 Multiple Regression Analysis Summary for the Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment (Independent Variables) and Customer Satisfaction (Dependent Variable) (N = 290)

Variable H9 Continuous Improvement H 10 Employee Fulfillment Constant

B 0.070

SE B 0.034

Beta 0.034

0.436 2.132

0.038 0.197

0. 555 --

R Square = 0.340, F (2,287) = 73.857 (p < 0.01), Adjusted R Square = 0.335 p < 0.01




The path diagram for the Deming Management Method Model is shown in Figure 22.

The Model shows three arrows originating from Visionary Leadership and leading to Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning. This reflects a direct and linear influence of Visionary Leadership (Independent Variable) on Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (Dependent Variables). The values of path coefficient portray the strength of the influence related to each path. The relationship in the case of the Visionary Leadership Internal Cooperation,

External Cooperation and Learning, the magnitude of the proposed relationships capture by the paths proposed as affecting Process Management, which, in turn, simultaneously affects Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment. Similarly the paths from Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment on Customer Satisfaction highlight the desired effects. The Figure 22 reflects the relationship and the Beta and R Square for each path.

248 Figur22. Path analytic results of the Deming Management Method Model

Visionary Leadership

**.608 **.642 **.622 * .412 * .387 Internal Cooperation External Cooperation Learning *.370

**.222 **.222 *.645 *. 645 Process Management **.631 *.399 Continuous Improvement **.209 *.044 Employee Fulfillment * .645 **.488



*.340 Customer Satisfaction


* R Square

** Beta Coefficient

Table 31 Results of Path Analysis S.NO. Visionary 1. Leadership Visionary 2. Leadership Visionary 3. Leadership Internal 4. Cooperation External 5. Cooperation Learning 6. Management Process 7. Management Process 8. Management Continuous 9. Improvement Employee 10. Fulfillment Satisfaction Satisfaction Customer .575 .340 .436 0.555 11.346 73.857 0.001 Fulfillment Customer .209 .340 .070 .034 2.039 73.857 0.001 Improvement Employee .209 .044 .192 .209 3.632 13.191 0.001 Continuous .631 .399 .647 .631 13.815 190.865 0.001 Management Process .745 .645 .504 .488 8.158 162.708 0.001 Management Process .652 .645 .224 .222 4.192 162.708 0.001 Process .636 .645 .224 .222 4.129 162.708 0.001 Cooperation Learning .608 .370 .574 .608 12.995 168.877 0.001 Cooperation External .622 .387 .640 .622 12.607 158.929 0.001 Paths Internal .642 .412 .676 .642 13.294 176.733 0.001 R R2 B Beta t F Significance

250 The path analytical results, shown in Table 31 are summed up as follow: 1. Path of Visionary Leadership and Internal Cooperation. Visionary Leadership Independent variable (IV) appears to have a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with the Internal Cooperation, the dependent variable (DV) with value of (R = 0.622). The B coefficient associated with Visionary Leadership (B = 0.676) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Internal Cooperation. The Beta value (Beta = 0.642, p <0.001) indicates a strong impact of Visionary Leadership on Internal Cooperation The table reveals that in case of Visionary Leadership, the value of t statistic ( t = 13.294) for the B coefficient provides very strong evidence ( p < .001) that the slope associated with Visionary Leadership was not equal to zero ( b 0). The F statistic ( F = 1,289= 176.733, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between Visionary Leadership and Internal Cooperation and that Visionary Leadership significantly predicts Internal Cooperation. . The R Square (R Square = 0.412) highlights 41.2% variance in the model; the path indicates that Visionary Leadership (IV) explained 41.2% variance in the Internal Cooperation (DV). 2. Path of Visionary Leadership and External Cooperation. Visionary Leadership Independent variable (IV) indicates a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with External Cooperation, the (DV) with value of (R = 0.622). The B coefficient associated with Visionary Leadership (B = 0.676) is positive, indicating direct relationship with External Cooperation. The Beta value (Beta = 0.62, p< 0.001) highlights a strong impact of Visionary Leadership on External Cooperation. The table reveals that in case of Visionary Leadership, the value of

251 t statistic ( t = 12.607) for the B coefficient provides very strong evidence ( p < .001) that the slope associated with Visionary Leadership was not equal to zero (( b 0). The F statistic ( F = 1,289 = 159.929, p < 0.001) for overall regression reveals that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between Visionary Leadership and External Cooperation and that Visionary Leadership significantly predicts External Cooperation. The R Square (R Square = 0.387) shows 38.7% variance in the model; the path indicates that Visionary Leadership (IV) explained 38.7% variance in the conduct of External Cooperation (DV).. 3. Path of Visionary Leadership and Learning. Visionary Leadership (IV) depicts a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with Leaning (DV) with value of (R = 0.608). The B coefficient associated with Visionary Leadership (B = 0.574) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Learning. The Beta value (Beta = 0.608, p < 0.001) indicates a strong impact of Visionary Leadership on Learning. The table reveals that in case of Visionary Leadership, the value of t statistic ( t = 12.995) for the B coefficient provides very strong evidence ( p < .001) that the slope associated with Visionary Leadership was not equal to zero (( b 0). The F statistic ( F = 1,289= 168.877, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between Visionary Leadership and Learning and that Visionary Leadership significantly predicts Learning. The R Squared (R Squared = 0.370) highlights 37% variance in the model; the path indicates that Visionary Leadership (IV) explains 37% variance in the conduct of Leaning (DV).

252 4. Paths of Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, Learning and Process Management. Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (IVs) show a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with Process Management (DV) with value of (R = 0.636 for Internal Cooperation, R = 0.652 for External Cooperation, and R = 0.745 for Learning). The B coefficients associated with Internal Cooperation (B = 0.210); External Cooperation (B = 0. 224) and Learning (B = 0.504 ) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Process Management. The Beta values for Internal Cooperation (Beta = 0.205, p < 0.001), External Cooperation (Beta = 0.222, p < 0.001), and Learning (Beta = 0.488, p < 0.001), indicate a strong impact of IVs on DV. The table reveals that the value of t statistic for the B coefficient in case of Internal Cooperation (t =3.518), External Cooperation (t = 4.192) and Learning (t = 8.158) provide very strong evidence (p < .001) that the slopes associated with Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning were not equal to zero (( b 0). The F statistic ( F =3,286= 162.708, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between IVs of Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning and Process Management ( DV) and that independent variables significantly predicts Process Management. . The R Squared (R Squared = 0.645) highlights 64.5% variance in the model; the paths show that Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning (IVs) explained 64.5% variance in the conduct of Process Management (DV). 5. Path of Process Management and Continuous Improvement. Process Management (IV) seems to have a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with Continuous Improvement. The B coefficient (B = 0.647) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Continuous Improvement. The Beta value (Beta = 0.631, p < 0.001) indicates

253 a strong impact of Process Management on Continuous Improvement. The table reveals that in case of Process Management, the value of t statistic ( t = 13.815) for the B coefficient provides very strong evidence ( p < .001) that the slope associated with Process Management was not equal to zero (( b 0). The F statistic ( F = 1,289= 190.865, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between Process Management and Continuous Improvement and that Process Management significantly predicts Continuous Improvement. . The R Square (R Square = 0.399) highlights about 40% variance in the model; the path reflects that Process Management ( IV) explained about 40% variance in the conduct of Continuous Improvement (DV). 6. Path of Process Management and Employee Fulfillment. Process Management (IV) depicts a, positive and statistically significant relationship with Employee Fulfillment (DV) with value of (R = 0.209). The B coefficient associated with Process Management (B = 0.192) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Employee Fulfillment. The Beta value (Beta = 0.209, p < 0.001) indicates a moderately low impact of Process Management on Employee Fulfillment. The table reveals that in case of Process Management, the value of t statistic ( t = 3.362) for the B coefficient provides very strong evidence ( p < .001) that the slope associated with Process Management was not equal to zero (( b 0). The F statistic ( F = 1,289= 13.191, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between Process Management and Employee Fulfillment and that Process Management significantly predicts Employee Fulfillment.

254 . The R Square (R Square = 0.044) highlights 4.4% variance in the model; the path reflects that Process Management (IV) explained 4.4 % variance in the conduct of Employee Fulfillment. 7. Paths of Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment (IVs) show a positive and statistically significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction (DV) with value of (R = 0.209 for Continuous Improvement) and (R = 0.575) for Employee Fulfillment). The B coefficient associated with Continuous Improvement (B = 0.070) and Employee Fulfillment (B = 0.436) is positive, indicating direct relationship with Customer Satisfaction. The Beta values for Continuous Improvement (Beta = 0.034, p < 0.001), and Employee Fulfillment (Beta = 0.555, p < 0.001), indicate a low to strong impact of IVs on DV. The table reveals that the value of t statistic for the B coefficient in case of Continuous Improvement (t = 2.039, p < 0.05) and Employee Fulfillment (t = 11.346, p < .001) provide strong evidence that the slopes associated with Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment were not equal to zero ( b 0). The F statistic ( F =2,288= 73.857, p < 0.001) for overall regression manifests that the regression is statistically significant and there exist a significant and positive relationship between IVs ( Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment ) and DV ( Customer Satisfaction) and that IVs significantly predicts DV. The R Square (R Square = 0.340) highlights 34% variance in the model; the paths indicates that Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment ( IVs) together explained 34% variance in the conduct of Customer Satisfaction ( DV).




The decomposition of empirical correlation between any two variables facilitates in

determination of direct, indirect and unexplained effects. A direct effect exists if a single arrow connects two variables. When two variables of interest are connected only via other intervening variables, the effect is deemed to be indirect. An unexplained effect between two variables is simply the residual portion of the empirical correlation or covariance between these variables not accounted for by the total effect (sum of direct and indirect effects).If the total effect computed for any pair of variables equals the observed empirical correlation or covariance between the two variables, then the path diagram as drawn is deemed to be consistent with empirical reality. For the path diagram in Figure 15 the computed total, direct and indirect effects are shown in Table 28.

256 Table 32 Total, Direct and Indirect Effects for Path Diagram

S. No

Effect of

Type of Effects







Total 1. Visionary Leadership (VL) Direct Indirect Total 2. Internal Cooperation(CP) 3. Direct Indirect

.517 .517 .000

.549 .574 .549 .574 .000

.534 .000 .534 .392

.345 .000 .345 .254 .000 .254

.102 .000 .102 .075 .000 .075 .271

.069 .000 .069 .051 .000 .051 .020


External Cooperation Total Direct Indirect Total

.523 .523


.249 .535 .535 .000 .346 .000 .346 .647 .647 .000

.271 .103 .000 .103 .192 .192 .000

.020 .069 .000 .069 .129 .000 .129 .070


Learning (LG)

Direct Indirect Total


Process Management Direct (PM) Indirect Total


Continuous Improvement (CI)

Direct Indirect Total

.000 .000

.070 .000 .436 .436 .000


Employee Fulfillment (EF)

Direct Indirect

257 According to Table 28 Visionary Leadership is posited to only have direct effects on Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning and indirect effects on Process Management, Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. Internal Cooperation and External Cooperation have direct effects on Process Management only and has indirect effects on Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. Learning has direct effects on Process management only and indirect effects on Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. Process Management has direct effects on Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment only and has indirect effects only on Customer Satisfaction. The Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment have direct effects on Customer Satisfaction. The indirect effect of Visionary Leadership is attributed to the leaders role driven by changing environment and the need to align organizational structure and processes to meet ever changing external environment. The alignment of methodological and behavioural practices to improve the internal dimensions of organizations and aligning people , processes, products and services result in continuous improvement and enhance people skills, knowledge and behavioural aspects to satisfy the customers. The indirect effect of Learning on Continuous Improvement is the result of improvement in organizational processes which in turn results in incremental and innovative improvements in products and services. Similarly, the indirect effect of Learning on Employee Fulfillment results in enhancement of personal competency and attitude towards a positive outcome with regard to personal performance and increased self esteem. The direct effect of Continuous Improvement on Customer Satisfaction is logical, since any incremental or innovative improvement in processes, products and services should yield positive results. This outcome may be difficult to achieve, if the organizational climate,

258 management style, reward and compensation do not support Continuous Improvement effort in the organization. The direct effect of Employee Fulfillment on Customer Satisfaction is vital. There is supporting evidence that satisfied employees yield Customer Satisfaction. A purposeful assessment of Customer Satisfaction based on external dimension (external customers) needs to be done to make the results of Customer Satisfaction more objective. These results should be examined with externally based measure of Customer Satisfaction, through a separate study.


Based on the review of the literature and the analysis of Deming Management Method Model, 10 hypotheses were developed. The analysis of data and empirical evidence statistically supported all hypotheses. Table 33 summarizes the result of all hypotheses (H1 to H10), covering hypotheses numbers, statement of the hypotheses, and statistical findings.

259 Table 33 Summary of Hypotheses Testing (H1 to H10) Results ________________________________________________________________________ Hypotheses Number ________________________________________________________________________ H1 Visionary Leadership is positively related to Internal Cooperation. H2 Visionary Leadership is positively related to External Cooperation H3 Visionary Leadership is positively related to Learning. H4 Internal and External Cooperation is positively related to Process Management. H6 Learning is positively related to Process Management. H7 Process Management is positively related to Continuous Improvement. H8 Process Management is positively related to Employee Fulfillment. H9 Continuous Improvement is positively related to Customer Satisfaction. H 10 Employee Fulfillment is positively related to Customer Satisfaction. Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Statement of the Hypothesis Results



The respondents were asked to identify the barriers that they experience in planning and implementing total quality management practices in their organizations. The issue was further explored during the semi structured interviews with the managers. Details of these barriers are shown in Table 34. The results indicate that inadequate human resources management and development is the most critical barrier that the respondents experienced. Forty percent of the respondents indicated this aspect as the major barrier that inhibits the planning and implementing quality management initiatives in these organizations. Lack of customer focus was noted the second most important barrier indicated by 30% respondents. The lack of leadership for quality, lack of planning for quality and inadequate resources for total quality management were other barriers. Details of barriers indicated by the respondents in survey as well as during semi structured interviews have been discussed in succeeding paragraphs.

261 Table - 34 Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices ______________________________________________________________________________ S. No. Dimension Frequency Percentage (%)



Lack of Human Resource Management and Development



2. 3. 4. 5.

Lack of Customer Focus Lack of Leadership for Quality Lack of Planning for Quality Inadequate Resources for TQM

75 58 35 6

25.9 20 12.1 2.1



Lack of Human Resource Management and Development

The respondents rated HRM dimensions as the most significant barrier with regard to

planning and implementing TQM practices. Salient aspects included the following: 1. Lack of recognition and rewards for quality efforts. 2. Lack of empowerment and autonomy in decision making. 3. There is no open communication with middle and top management. 4. The employees are not involved in quality related efforts. 5. There is no structured mechanism of suggestion system and its processing. 6. Lack of strong motivation to challenge the status quo and initiate improvement in the processes and services. 7. Insufficient growth opportunities. 8. Excessive turnover of executives and managers. 9. Lack of opportunities to experiment. 10. Company compensation system does not encourage team and individual contribution to quality. 11. No internal survey is done to measure employees satisfaction. 12. Opportunities are not provided to use the training in realistic job environment. 13. Formal follow up of evaluation of training is not done. 14. Data about effectiveness of training and key indicators of effectiveness is not maintained and shared.

4.11.2 Lack of Leadership for Quality

The important dimensions included the following: 1. Delegation of quality to people designated to oversee quality. 2. Lack of sharing quality vision with subordinates.

263 3. Leaders do not exhibit participative style of management. 4. Leaders at different levels often fail to walk the talk. 5. There is no open communication within the organization and especially with subordinates. 6. Lack of risk taking opportunities. 7. Quality is not institutionalized and it is not treated as everyones responsibility. 8. Absence of visibility and accessibility of top management in quality related activities. 9. Lack of quality culture.

4.11.3. Lack of Planning for Quality

The noticeable aspects included the following: 1. Quality goals at the operational levels are not well defined. 2. Focus on short term profitability. 3. Lack of support for the team concept to improve quality. 4. Satisfaction with quick fix. 5. Compensation is not linked to quality goals. 6. Lack of adequate measurement of quality of work. 7. No benchmarking of best practices. 8. Functional paradox (Inter department rivalry)

4.11.4 Inadequate Resources for TQM

Following were the main aspects: 1. Adequate time is not given to initiate and implement quality related activities. 2. Lack of adequate infrastructure support.


4.11.5 Lack of Customer Focus

The important aspects pertained to the following: 1. Minimum input is sought from the customers through frequent surveys and other means. 2. Lack of customer integration in quality efforts through proactive approach. 3. Quality is not defined by the customer. 4. There is no structured system for customer complaints handling and processing. Tracking of complaints is not done to identify the causes and initiate appropriate actions.


The main objective of the study was to empirically examine the TQM practices in the CMTOs in Pakistan. The results provided answer to the questions (i) to what extent CMTOs carryout TQM practices based on Deming Management Method Model (ii) what are the barriers that these organizations experience in implementing TQM practices and (iii) how these organization improve competitiveness by best TQM practices. Keeping in view these questions, and based on the literature review, 10 hypotheses were developed. The discussion in succeeding paragraphs focuses on analysis of empirical evidence relating to these objectives: 1. The results of the study indicate strong empirical support for all 10 hypotheses. Detailed analysis on each practice of TQM is discussed in succeeding paragraph. 2. The study significantly supports the crucial role of Visionary Leadership in pursuing company wide quality policies have been well established. The focus of leadership in articulating quality vision, establishing strategic quality objectives, role model behaviour, living by customer

265 focused values and creating unity of purpose to achieve quality goals has been empirically substantiated by the results. 3. The study provides strong and statistically significant support to the notion that Internal Cooperation through team work is vital to achieve TQM objectives. Teams create synergy, cohesion and enhance shared approach towards achievement of objectives. Teams commitment lead to innovative ideas, improvement of processes, removal of functional paradoxes, ease of solving complex problems, and striving for continuous improvement that result in high individual and group morale and help in achieving organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The results of the study provided strong empirical support of this practice in CMTOs. 4. The results statistically and significantly indicate that External Cooperation with suppliers is based on need to recognize the strategic importance of the relationship and development of a win-win relationship based on mutual trust. The relationship is essential to achieve quality in product development process, acquisition of technology or production processes not internally available, early design advice and results in lower cost, faster time-tomarket, ability to provide differentiated services and the input about the environment. The results of the study portrayed empirical evidence of this practice being pursued by CMTOs. 5. The study provides statistically significant evidence to the belief that training of employees is vital to realize TQM objectives. Institution of quality focused training philosophy improves individual confidence and self esteem, enhances pride of work, inculcates team spirit, focuses on continuous improvement, aligns organizational processes to changing customers needs, creates harmonious internal climate, eliminates fear in the work place, improve productivity, reduces costs, enhances process quality, improvement in services and leads to perpetual self development which helps in accomplishment of quality goals and superior

266 individual and organizational performance. The results of the study provided strong empirical proof that CMTOs pursue this TQM practice. 6. The result of the study statistically and significantly maintain that methodical and behavioural dimensions of Process Management yield significant results in value addition, maximizing operational effectiveness, continuous improvements in products and services, reductions of cost, improvement in defects and provision of superior products and services consistently for competitiveness. Effective Process Management leads to enhanced customers and employees satisfaction. The results of the study offered sufficient empirical evidence that CMTOs follow this TQM practice. 7. The study provides statistically significant evidence that Continuous Improvement is one of the essential factors in TQM success. Rapid changes in technology and customers requirements require a flexible approach towards aligning organizational products, processes and services to meet and exceed ever changing customers needs. The perpetual commitment to continuous improvement leads to reduced cost, improve quality of products and services, reduce customers complaints, empower employees, quality focuses culture and individual consistent effort to excel in all dimensions of improvement with a view to achieve sustained competitive advantage. The study finds empirical evidence to support the CMTOs carry out this TQM practice. 8. Results of this study find empirically strong and significant relationship between Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. Satisfied employees produce satisfied customers (Afors & Michaels 2001; Gardner, 2001). According to researchers (Lindsay & Petrick, 1998; Rienzer & Testa, 2003), the benefits for internal customers satisfaction (employee satisfaction) provide greater support for continuous improvement. Specifically the study identified the important role of employees in affecting the customer satisfaction. There is

267 no doubt that the quality people (employee involvement, empowerment, communication, quality culture) are essential to realize the quality objectives. It is critical to consider how employee behaviour interacts with other TQM practices that affect the quality outcome. If employees are not satisfied, they will not align themselves with the quality vision, quality processes and their interaction with the customer. It is difficult to achieve an integrated response from TQM practices without wholehearted support of the employees. Employees contribution in achieving continuous improvement and customer satisfaction is essential for organizations to initiate, implement and sustain total quality management practices as advocated by total quality management experts and reported by researchers. The efforts to enable organization constituents to derive happiness, satisfaction, and pride of work are potentially instrumental in improved customer satisfaction (Anderson et al., 1995, p.656).In TQM environment, employees satisfaction is considered as indicator of organizational performance and customer satisfaction. Researcher suggest that the organization practices of employee empowerment, involvement, rewards, and recognition, well-being, organizational citizenship behaviour, emotional contagion and fairness, team work, fair appraisal, open communication, growth opportunities, motivation and supporting organizational culture enhance employees commitment and satisfaction. The literature finds strong support of human resource management practices with employee fulfillment and customer satisfaction. These researchers agreed that absence of these practices or their partial implementation is likely to affect employee satisfaction and commitment resulting in poor service and affecting customer satisfaction (Evan & Lindsay, 2002; Goris et al., 2000; Karia & Asaari, 2006). In TQM context, the behaviour of employees is dependent on internalization of organizational values of customer focus and continuous improvement. Customer oriented organizational culture provides necessary stimulus to proactively pursue customer focused behaviour to achieve and sustain performance excellence

268 Many researchers point out that both soft factors (such as top management commitment, customer-oriented culture and employee empowerment), and hard tools and techniques (e.g. product / service design, information and analysis, process management) together are important to achieve success of total quality management practices.(cited in Lee-man, 2002, p.113). The results of this study about Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction find empirical support in earlier studies (Afors & Michaels, 2000; Ang, Davies & Finlay, 2001; Dayton, 2001; Dean & Bowen, 1994; Eskildsen & Dahlgaard, 2000; Eskildsen & Nssler, 2000; George & Weimerskirch, 1994; Gunasekaran, 1998; Lai, Weerakoon & Cheng, 2002; Martensen & Gronholdt, 2001; Oakland & Oakland, 1998; Palmer & Ziemianski, 2000; Russel, 2000; Wong, 2000). 9. The measure of Customer Satisfaction directly from the customers had not been done in this study. The results indicated that the support of the relationship of TQM practices of Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment with Customer Satisfaction had been significant. The literature review manifest that the instrument of Customer Satisfaction is developed to operationalize the underlying concepts from customers perception rather than the employees and managers perception. 10. The policy of Benchmarking best practices of other organizations is not followed by CMTOs. In addition, use of self evaluation is not done that deprive the organizations to identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses enabling CMTOs to initiate appropriate strategies to improve weak areas. 11. The study reveals that Deming Management Method Model is applicable in a different cultural environment. The Model can help organizations to evaluate their quality management practices, identify the gaps, plan and implement appropriate improvement initiatives to achieve quality goals and sustained competitive advantage.

269 12. A fundamental assumption in virtually all of the quality management literature is the interdependence of the total quality management practices (Ahire et al., 1996; Azarang et al., 1998; Choi & Eboch, 1998; Corbett et al., 1998; Flynn et al., 1994; Saraph et al., 1989. Kano (1993) uses the House of TQM analogy to illustrate the idea that if any of the TQM practice is removed, the roof (customer satisfaction and operational performance) is in danger of collapsing. This assumption of interdependence implies that it is the joint variance of the quality practices that creates superior quality performance. This study reflects that interdependence of these practices in an integrated manner is essential to realize TQM objectives. This aspect, however, does not find strong empirical support from the study of (Lee-man, 2002). This study finds that all the relationship among total quality management practices is statistically significant and the model provided empirical support to how relationship among total quality management practices is specified. 13. The results show marked similarity with previous studies on Deming Management Method Model and support for, or lack of, eight hypotheses (Anderson et al. 1995; Douglas and Fredend 2004; Fisher et al. 2005; Flynn et al.1994; Rungtusanatham et al.1998). 14. The findings of this study revealed the important role of the leadership in driving the total quality management practices in CMTOs.. The findings supported the studies regarding the dominant role of leadership in planning and implementing TQM practices (Kanji & Yui, 1997; Kanji, 1995; Pun & Hui, 2002; Russel, 2000; Savolainen, 2000; Tata & Prasad, 1998; Townsend & Gebhardt, 2002; Wilsey, 1995; Yousf & Aspinwall 2000, Zairi, 1994). 15. It is important to note that some practices such as Visionary Leadership, Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, Learning, and Process Management must work through the total quality management system to impact the desired results because these can not do so directly. The findings support the idea that effects of Visionary Leadership on Customer

270 Satisfaction is dependent on creating and sustaining a quality focused organizational culture (Waldman and Gopalakrishnan, 1996).

4.12.1 Visionary Leadership

H 1: H2: H 3: Visionary Leadership is positively related to Internal Cooperation. Visionary Leadership is positively related to External Cooperation. Visionary Leadership is positively related to Learning.

It was hypothesized that Visionary Leadership positively affect Internal Cooperation (H1), External Cooperation ( H2) and Learning ( H3) The statistical analysis in the previous chapter showed that H1, H2 and H3 were supported that indicate that Visionary Leadership positively affect Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning. The results of this study reveal that Visionary Leadership affects all other practices of total quality management namely; Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, and Learning (direct effects) and Process Management, Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction ( indirect effects). In addition the path coefficients of Visionary Leadership to Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, and Learning have been found statistically significant. On the whole the theoretical and practical dimensions of Visionary Leadership, as measured, have been met. The empirical evidence based on the results of HI, H2 and H3 reveal that Visionary Leadership positively contributes towards achieving Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning. The results of this study are consistent with the findings of previous studies (Anderson et al., 1995; Douglas & Fredendal 2004; Fisher et al., 2005; Flynn et al., 1994; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998).

271 It has been established through empirical evidence of different studies in the literature that the commitment of leadership at top and middle management level plays the leading role in planning and implementing quality management initiatives in the organizations. Leadership style of managers is an important factor in TQM success. Participative management techniques such as quality circles and autonomous work groups have more synergistic effects on TQM success. Participative management style empowers employees to take any necessary action to ensure customer satisfaction. Visionary Leadership pursues a partnership with employees, customers and other stakeholders. This leadership fosters teamwork, facilitates problem solving, focuses employees attention and enthusiasm on continuous improvement, gains follower recognition and acceptance, and becomes a facilitator and orchestrator of group activities. Thus visionary leaders contribute heavily to total quality management by functioning as visible advocates, facilitators, visionaries and consensus builders, and play significant role in creating an innovative and supportive environment and high performance culture. All quality pioneers and contemporary researchers have found that Visionary Leadership is the driver of planning and implementing total quality management practices in organizations (Ahire et al.1996; Crosby, 1984; Dayton, 2001; Deming, 1986; Juran 1986;, Feigenbaum, 1983; Ishikawa, 1985;Lin, Chiu & Hsieh, 2001; Lee, Lee, Reed & Satish, 1997; Powell, 1995; Pun, 2001; Rao et al., 1999; Saraph et al., 1989; Zairi & Youssef, 1995; Zhang et al.,2000). Based on the above discussion and the results of hypothesis test, it is established and can be claimed that Visionary Leadership plays significant role in nurturing and sustaining internal cooperation, external cooperation and learning.


4.12.2 Internal Cooperation

H 4: Internal Cooperation is positively related to Process Management.

The results of the study reflect very strong and direct effect of this practice on Process Management. In addition Internal Cooperation portrays indirect effect on Continuous Improvement, and Employee Fulfillment. The path coefficient from Internal Cooperation to Process Management has been found statistically significant. On the whole the theoretical and practical requirements for Internal Cooperation as a dimension are met. The empirical evidence based on sample provides support that CMTOs plan and implement total quality management practice of Internal Cooperation. The findings are consistent with earlier studies (Anderson et al., 1995; Bass, 1990; Douglas & Fredendal 2004; Fisher et al., 2005; Flynn et al., 1994; Kreitner & Kinicki, 1998; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998). Collaboration has various dimensions that include inter individual collaboration, intra organizational (between various functional areas) and inter organizations (collaboration with business partners). The practice focuses on a collaborative approach internally within employees. The outcome of this approach results in system view of the organization and provides necessary input for the improvement of processes. There is strong empirical evidence that collaboration among employees provides synergy, reduces conflict, generates innovative ideas, facilitates open communication and decision making, increases motivation and provides individual development opportunities. Empirical evidence based on literature review finds a strong relationship of this cooperation on improvement of processes and increasing quality of products and services. The current competitive environment requires flexible and expedient actions, aspects that can be achieved by means of teamwork. The collaborative dimensions of internal team work generate innovations through team actions, provide diversity of knowledge, experience and

273 expertise, boost morale and ownership through participation, remove cross functional barriers, and facilitate rational decision making and effective implementation of these decisions. Keeping in view the above discussion and the results of H2, it is clear that collaboration within the organization at all levels based on mutual trust, and support of top management will increase and significantly contribute towards process management. The statistical analysis and the above discussion confirms that Internal Cooperation positively affect process management.

4.12.3 External Cooperation

H 5: External Cooperation is positively related to Process Management. The results of this study portray very strong and direct effect of suppliers cooperation on Process Management. The path coefficient from Internal Cooperation to Process Management has been found statistically significant. On the whole the theoretical and practical requirements for External Cooperation as a dimension are met. The empirical evidence based on sample provides support for H4 that this practice of total quality management significantly affects process management. The findings are consistent with earlier studies (Anderson et al., 1995; Douglas & Fredendal 2004; Garvin, 1984; Fisher et al., 2005; Flynn et al., 1994; Katz (1993); Lascalles & Dale, 1989; Olian & Rynes (1991);Rungtusanatham et al., 1998 Steepless 1992). Suppliers are viewed as strategic partners and this relationship is based on strategic orientation, win-win-philosophy and mutual trust. This collaboration facilitates sharing of strategic information and prevailing market trends, and use of this information in designing, producing and delivering quality products and services to the customers. This relationship facilitates sharing of customers goals, commitments and risks to promote such long term

274 relationship. This collaboration with suppliers minimizes overall costs, enhances improved designs of services, increase organizational response to the changing needs of the markets, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational processes. Based on the findings, above discussion and the statistical results, it is concluded that External Cooperation yields significant improvement in processes and makes important contribution towards process management.

4.12.4 Learning
H 6: Learning is positively related to Process Management. The results of the study showed significant strong effects of Learning on Process Management in the form of value addition to the organizational processes, products and services. In addition, the indirect effects of Learning on Continuous Improvement were strong. The empirical evidence based on the results found significant support for this practice and its positive relationship with Process Management and support of H4. The results are consistent with previous studies (Anderson et al., 1995; Caudron, 1933; Douglas & Fredendal 2004; Evan & Lindsay, 2000; Fisher et al., 2005; Flynn et al., 1994; Huq & Martin, 2000; Palo & Padhi, 2003; Rao et al., 1999; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998;Smith et al., 2003). This TQM practice highlights the ability of the organization to enhance competencies of employees considered essential for realizing the objectives of total quality with emphasis on continuous improvement of self and the processes. It is argued that training within an organization is necessary to implement concept of total quality in such a way that it will be to the financial advantage of the organization. It is a major investment that yields positive results. Employee satisfaction, motivation and the ability to contribute to the process of continuous improvement depend largely on education and training.

275 Within TQM context, every member of the organization needs to enhance personal and team competencies to improve the processes. Training in TQM dimension with focus on its principles and tools and techniques is never ending. Training ensures a systematic, integrated, consistent institution-wide effort to performance enhancement. Top performing institutions like Motorola, Corning, Federal Express and Solectron treat their employees as asset to be developed, spending significant training hours per year. They invest in people through training because they expect high performance from their employees (Claver et al., 2003; Kanji 1995; George & Weimerskrich, 1998). Training and learning give confidence to employees and they become more willing to participate in planning and effective implementation of quality management programmes. Management itself should participate in all culture changing training. Through training, management can establish a culture of trust that can make an important contribution to productivity improvement and employees commitment. Based on the empirical evidence and the discussion, it is affirmed that a learning philosophy with focus on employees development and enhancement of human resource competencies make vital contribution towards achieving an efficient and effective process management.

4.12.5 Process Management

H 7: Process Management is positively related to Continuous Improvement. H 8: Process Management is positively related to Employee Fulfillment.

The results of this study indicated positive relationship and significant contribution of this practice with Continuous Improvement and Employee Fulfillment. The path coefficients from

276 process management to continuous improvement and employee fulfillment have been found statistically significant. The empirical evidence support H7 and H8. The findings of this study are consistent with previous research which found that Process Management significantly contributes towards continuous improvement and employee fulfillment. (Akao, 1990; Armistead & Pritchard, 1999; Douglas & Fredendall, 2004; Evan & Lindsay, 2002; Kunst & Lemmink, 2000). The empirical evidence supports that CMTOs plan and implement TQM practice of Process Management.

Process Management focuses on improvement of processes with a view to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. According to Lindsay and Petrick (1998) and Kanji (2000), the cornerstone of continuous improvement is process management. Process Management entails harmonizing the operations of the organization for value addition in meeting customer expectations and enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness. Sinclair and Zairi (2001. p.539) noted that process management is required to continuously improve operations. The focus of this effort is to eliminate waste, redundancy and bottlenecks. This requires an integrated approach through collaboration with external and internal customers. There is a need to give the ownership of the process to employees since they are in a better position to identify the causes of problems and implement the best course of action to eliminate the causes associated with problems. The alignment of machine and people is important to get the desired results from the processes. Improvement in processes gives selfconfidence to employees and contributes to their self-esteem. Use of Process Management tools facilitates and enhances organizational effectiveness.

277 Based on the above discussion and empirical evidence, it is concluded that an effective and efficient process management significantly contribute towards attainment of continuous improvement in processes, products, services and satisfied and fulfilled employees.

4.12.6 Continuous Improvement

H 9: Continuous improvement is positively related to customer satisfaction. The results of this study portrayed positive relationship and significant contribution of continuous improvement on customer satisfaction. The empirical evidence support H7. The results are consistent with earlier studies (Fisher et al., 2005; Kossoff, 1993; Rao et al, 1999; Rungtusanatham et al., 1998; Sureschandar et al, 200). The study by Anderson et al., (1995) and Rungtusanatham et al., (1998), however, do not support this relationship. The practice emphasizes organizations willingness to pursue incremental and innovative improvement of its processes, products and services. In competitive environment, characterized by changing technology and customers demand for higher levels of value, continuous improvement assumes great importance. Improvement is a process that never stops. Thus continuous improvement requires a strategic focus, change in culture, systematic approach to service rendering and problem solving, and a participative approach. The quality culture and customers and employees satisfaction should drive the continuous improvement process for the achievement of higher results. Literature review establishes a direct link between continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. However, the desired results can only be achieved with the help of an integrated response through commitment of top management, favourable employees attitude, supporting organizational culture, effective planning and execution.

278 Based on the above discussion and empirical evidence, it is concluded that an integrated approach of continuous improvement significantly contributes towards fulfillment of customer satisfaction on consistent basis.

4.12.7 Employee Fulfillment

H 10: Employee fulfillment is positively related to Customer Satisfaction. The results indicated a positive relationship of Employee Fulfillment with Customer Satisfaction and the contribution of this practice was found to be significant. The empirical evidence support H10. The results of this study concur with the findings from previous studies (Buch & Rivers, 2002; Cebeci & Beskese, 2002; Everett, 2002; Fisher et al., 2005; Kanji & Asher, 1993; Lawler et al., 1995; Mehra et al., 1998; Mosadeghrad, 2003; McAdam & Kelly, 2002; Shetty, 1993). However, the this relationship is in contrast with the findings of studies by Anderson et al., (1995), and Rungtusanatham et al., (1998). Total customer satisfaction entails having an unwavering focus on the internal customers. If employees are happy and empowered, they will service better their external customers with value-added products and services by improved service delivery. To be more competitive and offer a product and service that would be perceived by the external customer as better (in comparison with others) requires a higher level of involvement during the process of delivering the service. External customers will then give the organization an opportunity to serve them. When employees can work together efficiently and effectively, costs will be reduced. Thus happy and empowered employees and happy external customers could bring higher performance to the organization. The employee fulfillment is directly dependent on quality of work life dimensions, empowerment and involvement, effective recognition and reward, opportunities for growth and

279 development, supportive top management, open communication, training in qualitative and quantitative aspects of decision making and supportive organizational culture. Absence of these dimensions or using these practices as rhetoric only will affect the satisfaction and commitment of employees. They would not own the quality initiatives. Without inspired employees the satisfaction of external customers is difficult to achieve. The empirical evidence and the above discussion verify that employees fulfillment increase their commitment and morale that would have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.

4.12.8 Customer Satisfaction

Total Quality Management is a customer focused philosophy and hence the customer must find a predominant place in total quality initiatives. Within TQM context, the organizational effectiveness has become synonymous with customer satisfaction. Customer obsession is a unifying vision that guides everyones efforts in the organization towards shared goals. Customer satisfaction results in customer loyalty and profitability. The key to organizational survival is retention of satisfied customers. In competitive environment, customer satisfaction has become an enormously important ingredient of TQM in services. When an institution serves customers with passion, overtime they will come to feel passionate about the institutions products and services. Listening to the customers and responding quickly to their changing needs, expectations and perceptions are some of the basic TQM requirements. Quality focused organizations place high priority on proactively and systematically understanding and responding to current and future external customers needs.

280 The empirical evidence based on sample provides support for this practice. The findings of present study concur with the studies of researchers (Behara, Fontenot, & Gresham, 2002; Capezio & Morehouse, 1993; Dean & Terziovski, 2001; Eng, & Yusof, 2003; Gronholdt, Martensen, & Kristensen, 2000; Parzinger, & Nath, 2000; Rienzer, & Testa, 2003; Saliba, & Fisher,2000).

4.12.9 Barriers in Planning and Implementing TQM Practices in CMTOs

Findings of the study also draw attention to the barriers that the CMTOs experience during planning and implementing TQM practices. The empirical evidence found that lack of adequate management and development of human resources was found to be the most critical barrier to planning and implementing quality management initiatives in CMTOs. Absence of supporting HRM practices seriously affect the behaviour and attitudes of employees which affect the internal and external dimensions of the organization. Internally the employees do not internalize the quality management initiatives and externally do not respond to the customers in the desired manner. The cumulative outcome is exemplified in inadequate quality products, services and processes. In addition, the desirable customer services during the delivery process become difficult to achieve. The empirical evidence also established other barriers which are related to the lack of leadership for quality, lack of planning for quality, inadequacy of resources and lack of customer focus. The results of the study, based on the sample, verify that these barriers are affecting the overall satisfaction level of the employees with its effects on continuous improvement efforts and customer satisfaction. These results of this practice draw support from previous studies (Kotter, 1995; Lakhe & Mohanty, 1994; Ngai & Cheng, 1997; Salegna & Fazel, 2000; Tamimi & Sebastianelli, 2003).






Based on the empirical evidence, following conclusions are drawn from the study: 1. The results of the study provided strong empirical support for Deming Management

Method Model. Validated by confirmatory factor analysis the measurement items associated with all constructs were identified as reliable and valid indicators of the conceptual domain underlying the model. The results of path analysis show positive and statistically significant relationship among variables of Visionary Leadership, Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, Learning, Process Management, Continuous Improvement and Customer Satisfaction. 2. The study postulated 10 hypotheses. The empirical evidence supported the theoretical relationship proposed in these hypotheses. 3. The results established that CMTOs pursue TQM practices of Visionary Leadership, Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation, Learning, Process Management, Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. However, there are areas that need further improvement which have been discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. 4. The study highlighted the importance of interdependence of these TQM practices. In order to get the desired results, the se TQM practices need to be implemented in an integrated manner for realizing TQM objectives.

282 5. Result of the study highlighted Visionary Leadership as the most significant and vital variable influencing directly Internal Cooperation, External Cooperation and Learning variables, and indirectly other variables namely; Process Management, Continuous Improvement, Employee Fulfillment and Customer Satisfaction. This significant influence of leadership on all other variables is due to existing systems of the organizations through which the influence is exercised. 6. The study validates that Deming Management Method Model is applicable in a different cultural environment. The Model provides an opportunity to organizations to utilize it as an intervention strategy to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. 7. The top management of CMTOs assumes responsibility for quality performance, sets objectives for quality, involves department heads in setting quality goals and attaches importance to the quality in relation to cost objectives. However, in CMTOs, the role that has to be played by leadership to indicate their commitment to total quality management practices is not strong. This manifests in lack of sharing of quality vision with employees at the grass root level, absence of explicit participative style of management, and delegation of responsibility of quality to others. Leadership visibility and accessibility in quality related dimensions is not up to the desired level in these organizations. 8. There is general understanding of need for quality and commitment to quality at all levels in CMTOs. In addition, people show some concern for quality. This perception, however, does not find support through concrete actions. Quality goals are not well defined at the operational level. There is a short term focus on profitability and a tendency with quick fix arrangements. There is no structured mechanism to adequately measure the quality of work at operational level. The participation of employees in planning for quality objectives is not given due importance.

283 9. Adequate mechanisms exist in CMTOs to select and evaluate performance of suppliers and developing long term relationship with them. The suppliers are partially co-opted in quality management initiatives. However, no mechanism exists, in these organizations, to carryout suppliers audit. There is no direct participation in suppliers quality related activities and improvement projects. 10. Quality related training is given adequate importance. Training is given to all tiers in CMTOs and adequate resources are allocated for training. The findings, however, indicate that in these organizations, employees are not given opportunity to use the training on jobs. The scope of training is limited to the courses offered by outside training establishments. Important dimensions of quality related training based on need analysis is lacking. Moreover, formal follow up of training evaluation is not done. Data about effectiveness of training and key indicators of effectiveness are not maintained. 11. Adequate arrangement exists in CMTOs for availability of quality related data to all employees, supervisors and managers and its usage in process management. The frequency of using total quality management techniques and procedures is not up to the desired level. However, in these organizations, there is a lack of understanding on the part of employees to fully comprehend the basic concept of process and application of basic principles of process management enabling them to do their work properly. The documentation of refinement in processes needs further improvement. 12. In CMTOs, the employees and managers understand the need for continuous improvement and try to take required action in their own jobs. The overall climate, reward and recognition and management support in these organizations, however, do not foster creativity, achieving excellence, and improvement. The employees do not internalize the philosophy of continuous improvement. There is a lack of mechanism to collect employees ideas for

284 improvement and its further processing. In addition, improvement is not viewed as an ongoing process. 13. Lack of Employee Fulfillment appeared to be the major irritant in CMTOs. The employees job satisfaction and commitment is not up to the desired standards. There is no mechanism to measure employee satisfaction through internal satisfaction surveys. The important impediments in employee fulfillment are lack of empowerment and involvement, lack of recognition and reward for quality efforts, absence of open communication, autocratic style of management, excessive turnover of employees, limited growth opportunities, absence of best HR practices, and lack of strong motivation to challenge the status quo and undertake improvements. 14. There is strong indication that commitment to cultural change to practice quality management is not up to the desired level in CMTOs. The focus on proactive approach to quality management practices does not exist. The quality culture is not institutionalized and quality is not viewed as everyones responsibility in CMTOs. 15. Customers input is sought occasionally in CMTOs on account of rapid growth in the market. However, in these organizations, there is no well defined mechanism to establish service standards derived from customer requirements. The surveys do not go beyond current customers. In addition, handling and processing of customers complaints is not given top priority. There is strong indication that there are no aids or techniques to rate customer satisfaction and customer needs. There is a general tendency to wait for the customer complaints and input. The proactive approach of reaching out to customers for feedback is lacking. Similarly, proactive management of relationship with customer is wanting. 16. There exist major barriers in planning and implementing total quality management practices in CMTOs which include lack of effective and efficient human resources management and development, lack of leadership for planning, lack of planning for TQM, lack of customer

285 focus and inadequate resources for TQM. CMTOs need to attend to these barriers, identify the causes and take appropriate actions to eliminate these impediments to become competitive. 17. The best practices in the field of Cellular Mobile communication offer opportunities to CMTOs for improvement. However, benchmarking of best quality practices of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators and other renowned organizations in the world is not accorded appropriate priority, in CMTOs, to achieve performance excellence. 18. There is no mechanism to undertake self assessment of quality management practices over time with a view to identify the gaps and initiate improvement on continuous basis. Lack of objectives assessment inhibits taking proactive actions to meet environmental challenges.


TQM is a management philosophy that seeks continuous improvement in every facet of

organizational life through internal and external collaboration with a view to achieve excellence. The analysis of the results of the study offer challenges and opportunities. The study provides an objective assessment of present TQM practices in these organizations. The study findings also offer opportunities to address the issue and take appropriate actions to make the CMTOs competitive. Based on the empirical evidence of the study, following recommendations are made: 1. Top leadership is the driving force for planning and implementing TQM practices. Leaders are expected to articulate and communicate a quality vision, mission and values that give the direction to all to achieve strategic quality objectives. In CMTOs, a transformational leadership style is essential to initiate and sustain total quality initiatives. Top management of CMTOs should identify and use the leverage point for transformational change, inspire and energize employees to accomplish challenging goals and provide enabling environment that

286 foster cooperation, empowerment, involvement, self development and sense of purpose among the employees. The leadership of CMTOs should be more amenable to learning; they must set the example by becoming learners themselves and involving others in the learning process. They should act as role models in all quality related issues, and be accessible and visible in leading quality pursuits. They are required to be passionately involved and support all aspects of quality efforts in the organizations. Visionary leadership is required to lead and espouse a mental, strategic and spiritual change in the organization and stimulate the entire organization towards the accomplishment of the vision. The visible commitment of the leaders is exemplified in provision of adequate resources to the implementation of quality management efforts, particularly, considerable investment in human and financial resources. Continuous focus of leadership commitment should be the foundation of quality management initiatives in CMTOs. 2. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of TQM programmes. Organization long term success is tied to customer retention efforts. In prevailing competitive environment in Telecom Sector, customer expectations are dynamic in nature and hence CMTOs need to understand current and future needs, meet customers requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. CMTOs should adopt a proactive approach in their customer oriented pursuits. The efforts should be focused on making customer as partners in designing and improvement of services and related processes. Customer satisfaction should be continuously measured and analyzed. Thus, happy and empowered external and internal customers could bring capabilities to the organization. The ultimate competitive advantage is established when an institution develops a culture that supports its internal and external customers. A flexible and efficient customer feedback processing mechanism is needed to exploit the opportunities that this input offers. CMTOs should adopt a proactive approach in service standards derived from customers

287 requirements, front line empowerment, and high level satisfaction of employees to derive maximum benefits from customer interface. These organizations need to develop key indicators that drive customer satisfaction. The strategy of proactive management of relationship with customers and use of listening posts for effective monitoring of customers and changing environment should be pursued by CMTOs with a view to align organizational services and processes accordingly. 3. The most potent value in TQM is continuous improvement where high-performing organizations create cultures that seek to evaluate and improve everything they do. The quest for quality improvement is not a specific destination but a continuous journey that yields endless opportunities. Continuous improvement provides a way for managers to provide a form of strategic control that allows their institutions to respond more proactively and timely to rapid developments in the different areas that influence an institutions success. CMTOs should encourage fostering creativity and innovation to achieve continuous improvement. The process of continuous improvement should encompass all groups horizontally and vertically in these organisations. Continuous improvement is exercised through self assessment activities, PDCA cycle, and seven management and planning tools should be extensively used by CMTOs to improve the services and processes. 4. Suppliers play a more direct role in an organizations quality performance. In today environment, the interdependence of buyers and suppliers has increased dramatically. Developing partnership with suppliers is one of the major TQM implementation practices. Relationship with suppliers provides opportunities for collaborative pursuits of quality management and leads to cost effective procurement that yields competitive advantage. CMTOs should vigorously pursue this collaborative strategy that is exemplified by efficient selection criteria, suppliers performance evaluation, suppliers communication, suppliers audit,

288 suppliers training and participation directly in suppliers quality related activities such as supplier improvement projects and training. 5. The focus of process management is to implement and coordinate measured, streamlined and controlled processes to continually improve operations with a view to respond proactively to the changing needs of customers. CMTOs should ensure that all processes function in harmony in order to realize improved customers and employees satisfaction. This requires cross-functional efforts free of departmental biases. Process management tools, which enhance institutional performance, should be used by these organizations. Documentation of process improvements should be undertaken by CMTOs to set the new milestones for future endeavours in process refinements. 6. People make quality happen. Effective and efficient HRM is critical for the success of TQM practices. In TQM context, HRM focuses on creating sustained competitive advantage through high performance work practices that contribute to employees job satisfaction, job commitment, pride of workmanship, and employees fulfillment. CMTOs need to align human resource focus with strategic quality objectives. Salient aspects that need special attention in this regard have been discussed in succeeding paragraphs. 7. CMTOs need to pursue empowerment strategy for excellence. Empowering the employees forms the basis for improved performance and customer satisfaction. The basic focus of empowerment strategy is to free employees from the rigorous control imposed by instructions, policies, and orders and in their place give employees the freedom to take responsibility for their ideas, decisions, and actions. This creates a workforce that is energized by an enhanced ability to give its best. CMTOs should operationalize empowerment by encouraging employees to respond to quality-related problems, giving them resources and authority to make quality improvement decisions in their jobs. Expressing confidence in them will provide necessary

289 impetus for excellence in individual and group performance. In addition, these organizations should create opportunities for employees to participate in decision making, institute performance based reward system and enriched jobs, task identity, openings for career development and task meaningfulness. 8. Involvement of employees in quality pursuits is vital for its success. Involvement in quality management activities enables employees to acquire new knowledge, see the benefits of quality discipline, and obtain a sense of accomplishment by solving quality problems. Involvement inculcates a sense of ownership in their jobs and quality improvement activities with a view to achieve the quality goals. CMTO should pursue active involvement of employees through suggestion system, decision making, and participation in formal and informal brainstorming sessions, quality of work life initiatives, and regular surveys and feedback programmes. 9. Training is the most effective TQM practice in vogue in the best organizations. Achieving total quality management goals is dependent on a learning orientation with focus on promotion of individual and team learning. In the TQM environment, everyone is required to gain additional capabilities to improve the processes. Hence, comprehensive training programmes are necessary and must be institutionalized within these organizations. The training should cascade down the organization. CMTOs should give priority to training of employees to become a source of competitive advantage. The scope of training should include awareness to strategic quality policy, quality objectives, procedures and quality dimensions of culture of the organization as well as the requirements for their jobs, seven basic quality tools, eight planning and management tools, coupled with training in interpersonal and communication skills, and problem solving. The evaluation of effectiveness of training and key indicators of effectiveness need to be maintained at various levels of these organizations. The scope of the quality related

290 training should flow out of training need assessment which should be undertaken by CMTOs on consistent basis. 10. Employees communication is directly related to productivity and performance of employees. Effective communication increases employees trust, improves problem solving, enhances understanding of the need for change, breakdown functional and psychological barriers, and enhances employees commitment. CMTOs need to institutionalize open communication through sharing of information, bottom-up, top-down and horizontal communication among the staff, work information, personal letters, and visibility and accessibility of top and middle management to other employees. Informal mode of communication should also be promoted. 11. Team work has been identified as a key success factor in the total quality improvement process. Teams provide synergy and economize the over all efforts to achieve quality goals. CMTOs should promote team work through quality circle, cross-functional teams, department improvement teams, problem solving teams, and self managed teams. The reward system should also be introduced on teams performance basis. 12. Recognition and reward is a guiding principle of TQM practices. CMTOs need to institute a fair and equitable reward and recognition system with focus on extrinsic and intrinsic dimensions. The rewards must support quality objectives and superior quality programmes, reinforce the value and goals of quality culture and encourage champion of change for quality culture. CMTOs should use reward management to motivate employees for benchmark performance in achieving quality goals. 13. Benchmarking of best practices should be done with a clear focus on the goal of improving the service processes and reducing cost. The benchmark performance of Cellular Mobile Telephone Operators and other world class organizations provides opportunity to

291 benchmark the service processes of world best Operators. CMTOs should avail these opportunities with a view to achieve excellence in their services and processes. 14. CMTOs must establish a self-assessment mechanism to evaluate quality management practices on regular basis. This would enable these organizations to identify the gaps in realizing quality objectives. The information thus gained should be shared within the organizations to achieve unity of purpose. Prompt and integrated actions should be undertaken to bridge the gap and improve the performance.


Future Research
The competitive business environment offer many challenges to the organizations. Rapid

changes in technology, customers preferences and the workforce place great demands on the organization to align themselves to meet these challenges. Organizations need to pursue a two pronged strategy of external focus on customers and internal focus on employees, products, services and processes to survive. A proactive approach in this regard is vital for sustained competitive advantage. Based on the intensive literature review and the insight gained during this study, following are suggested for future research considerations: 1. Employee fulfillment is a critical factor to achieve desired results in TQM context. Its importance in service industry becomes critical. Employees with low morale on account of variety of reasons are not likely to come up to the desired expectations of the customers. In an industry with educated members of the organization, this dimension becomes even more important. Therefore, major aspects that cause lack of employees fulfillment in CMTOs need to be further explored. 2. The success of TQM practices depend on a supporting organizational culture.

292 In Pakistani business environment, the cultural dimension becomes even more important for the success of TQM initiatives. The response to TQM initiatives in different cultural context has been studied. There is a need to further study the cultural dimensions of CMTOs in other Pakistani organizations and its compatibility to TQM philosophy, identifying the bottlenecks for adaptation of this philosophy of change and initiating the required response to enhance organizational competitiveness. 3. The phenomenal growth of Cellular Mobile Industry offers challenges and opportunities for organizations to meet the rising numbers of subscribers. The perception of quality of service of CMTOs needs to be objectively explored purely from customers perspective. There is a need for further study in this area to determine the quality of service of these organizations through an external measure. 4. HRM is enabler of TQM. Effective management of people results in proactive response, internally and externally, to changing business paradigm. This is an area that needs much attention and offer opportunity for exploration. Telecom Industry, being the major factor of growth in Pakistan, should be studied to identify the compatibility of HRM practices with TQM principles, identify the shortfalls with a view to make these practices more responsive to the TQM requirements. 5. Deming Management Method Model has been found to be useful in all cultural contexts. There is a need to use this model in other industries in Pakistan to validate the findings of this study. 6. The model also offers opportunities for its further development based on the study and exploration of additional paths. This would further refine the theory based on the Deming Management Method.

293 7. In order to manage quality dimensions effectively, identification of barriers in planning and implementation of TQM practices is essential in Pakistani organizations. The findings of this study offer opportunities for further investigation of these barriers in other industries with a view to adopt a proactive response strategy in realizing the objectives of TQM practices. 8. The socio-economic and political environment in Pakistan poses unique challenges. There is a need to study the effects of these variables (energy crisis, financial and political instability, security, changing government policies, and non availability of inaccurate data) on the implementation of TQM.


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1. 1 1.2. 1.3.

Company Name ________________________________________________ Your Name (Optional).___________________________________ Gender 1.3.1 1.3.2 Male Female whichever is applicable).

1.4. Your position in the Management. (Tick

1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3

Operational Middle Top

1.5. Your experience in this organization. (Tick whichever is applicable). 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 Below 5 Years 5 10 Years > 10 Years

1.6. Education: (Indicate the highest academic degree) ------------------------------------1.7. Department in which working----------------------------------------------------------------



To what degree you think the following dimensions of total quality management are practiced in your organization. For each question, indicate your opinion by selecting a number on the scale ranging from Strongly Agree (5), the highest to Strongly Disagree (1), the lowest. Strongly Agree (5) (SA) 1. The top management in the organization assumes responsibility for quality performance. The major department heads participate in the quality improvement process The organizations top management has objectives for quality performance. The goal-setting process for quality within the organization is comprehensive . Importance is attached to quality by the organizations top management in relations to cost objectives. Your Response Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree (1) (SD)

Visionary Leadership

(4) (AG)

(3) (UC)

(2) (DA)

2. 3. 4. 5.

Internal and External Cooperation (Quality Philosophy) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There is a strong commitment to quality at all levels of this company. People in this company are aware of its overall mission. Members of this company show concern for the need for quality Continuous quality improvement is important goal of this organization. Mangers here try to plan ahead for changes that might affect our performance.

Internal and External Cooperation (Supplier Involvement) 11. 12. 13. Suppliers are selected based on quality rather than price. The organizations supplier rating system is thorough. The organization relies on reasonably few, but dependable suppliers.

14. 15. 16. The organization provides education to its suppliers. Longer term relationships are offered to suppliers. Clear specifications are provided to supplier.

Learning (Total Quality Training) 17. 18. Quality-related training is given to employees throughout the organization. Quality-related training is given to supervisor and managers throughout the organization. Training is given in total quality concepts (i.e. philosophy of company-wide responsibility for quality) throughout the organization. Training is given in the total quality management techniques(such as control charts, cause and effect diagrams, problem solving, benchmarking and quality improvement teams etc). The organizations top management is committed to employee training for quality. Resources are provided for employee training in quality.



21. 22.

Learning (Customer Driven Information) 23. 24. Our associates (employees, supervisor and managers) know who their customers are. Our associates (employees, supervisor and managers) attempt to measure their internal customers needs (customers inside the organization). Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) attempt to measure their external customers needs (customers outside the organization). The organization uses customer requirements as the basis for quality. Our organization is more customers focused than our competitors.


26. 27.

Process Management (Management by Facts) 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Quality data (complaints, satisfaction, defects, outcomes, time, etc) are available Quality data is timely and easily available. Quality data are used as tools to manage quality. Quality data are available to employees. Quality data are available to supervisors and managers.

33. Quality data are used to evaluate supervisor and managerial performance.

Process Management (Total Quality Methods) 34. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) use basic statistical techniques (such as histograms and control charts) to study their work processes. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) analyze the time it takes to get the job done. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) keep records and charts/ other aids for measuring the quality of work displayed in their work area Statistical techniques are used to reduce variation in processes in the organization. Total Quality Management procedures (such as brainstorming, cause-and effect diagrams, teams etc) are used to analyze information for process improvement in the organization.



37. 38.

Continuous Improvement 39. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) in the organization try to improve the quality of their services. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) in the organization believe that quality improvement is their responsibility. Our associates (employees, supervisor, and managers) in the organization analyze their work process to look for ways of doing a better job.



Employee Fulfillment 42. 43. 44. I would feel unhappy if I could not take pride in my job. Doing a good job should mean as much to a worker as a good pay-cheque. If I do a sloppy job at work, I feel a little ashamed of myself.

Customer Satisfaction 45. 46. 47. Our customers have been well satisfied with the quality of our products/ services overall. Our firm is better than the competitors in customer relations. In general, our firms level of quality performance over the past three years has been better relative to industry norms.

48. In your opinion, what are the barriers that you experience in planning and implementing total quality management practices in your organization?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


COOKS DISTANCE AND CENTERED LEVERAGE VALUE FOR ALL VARIABLES Table 35 Cooks Distance and Centered Leverage for all Variables
S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 0.00096 0.00001 0.00427 0.00018 .000142 0.00795 0.00019 0.00032 0.00427 0.00502 0.00001 0.02038 0.00042 0.00518 0.00301 0.00526 0.01496 0.00321 0.00032 0.00646 0.03027 0.00001 0.00241

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance

0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006 0.00127

External Cooperation Cooks Distance

0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896 0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212

Learning Cooks Distance

0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226

Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888

Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888

Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888

Centered Leverage Value

0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624 0.00662 0.01052 0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361 0.00375 0.00131 0.01071

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.01214 0.00526 0.01526 0.03402 0.00131 0.00118 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

0.00023 0.00301 0.01131 0.00725 0.00142 0.06622 0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006

0.01295 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007

0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780

0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00888 0.00888 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00231 .00023 .00213 .00260 .00146 .00183 .00275 .00260 .00589 .00841 .02886 .00411 .03056 .00957 .22741 .01446 .00213 .01606 .00897 .00547 .00171

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00738 0.00029 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00002 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00000 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00309 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00888 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00897 0.00897 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888

52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

0.00127 0.01295 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079

0.00156 0.00912 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079

0.00060 0.00421 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005

0.00156 0.00912 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896 0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
.01496 .00897 .00897 .00649 .02270 .00213 .00236 .00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00088 .00001 .00974 .00001 .00888 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00888 .00888

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01461 0.00609 0.01917 0.00023 0.00086 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888

80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211

0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106

0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140

0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074

100. 0.00000 101. 0.00016 102. 0.00367 103. 0.00103 104. 0.00394 105. 0.00200 106. 0.00106 107. 0.00005

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
.00888 .00001 .00888 .00888 .00001 .00001 .03974 .00001 .01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00001 0.00002 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00000 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00309 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 .00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888

108. 0.00115 109. 0.00226 110. 0.00204 111. 0.00724 112. 0.00056 113. 0.02043 114. 0.00965 115. 0.03921 116. 0.00021 117. 0.00002 118. 0.00062 119. 0.00079 120. 0.00028 121. 0.00083 122. 0.00001 123. 0.01505 124. 0.00023 125. 0.00179 126. 0.00461 127. 0.02879 128. 0.00289 129. 0.01611. 130. 0.00745 131. 0.00385 132. 0.00615 133. 0.00074 134. 0.01759 135. 0.00301

0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558

0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200

0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896 0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061



Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01461 0.00609 0.01917 0.00023 0.00086 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609

136. 0.00317 137. 0.00228 138. 0.00462 139. 0.00376 140. 0.00279 141. 0.00027 142. 0.00461 143. 0.00008 144. 0.00432 145. 0.00120 146. 0.00122 147. 0.00026 148. 0.01849 149. 0.00006 150. 0.00030 151. 0.00186 152. 0.00197 153. 0.00002 154. 0.00125 155. 0.00019 156. 0.00392 157. 0.00653 158. 0.00211 159. 0.00000 160. 0.00016 161. 0.00367 162. 0.00103

0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103

0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077

0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406



Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 .00002 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00000 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00309 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624 0.00662 0.01052

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.02741

163. 0.00394 164. 0.00200 165. 0.00106 166. 0.00005 167. 0.00115 168. 0.00226 169. 0.00204 170. 0.00724 171. 0.00056 172. 0.02043 173. 0.00965 174. 0.03921 175. 0.00122 176. 0.00026 177. 0.01849 178. 0.00006 179. 0.00030 180. 0.00186 181. 0.00197 182. 0.00002 183. 0.00125 184. 0.00019 185. 0.00392 186. 0.00653 187. 0.00211 188. 0.00000 189. 0.00016

0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896 0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000

0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016

0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01461 0.00609 0.01917 0.00023 0.00086 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361 0.00375 0.00131 0.01071 0.01214 0.00526 0.01526 0.03402 0.00131 0.00118 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

190. 0.00367 191. 0.00103 192. 0.00394 193. 0.00200 194. 0.00106 195. 0.00005 196. 0.00115 197. 0.00226 198. 0.00204 199. 0.00724 200. 0.00056 201. 0.02043 202. 0.00965 203. 0.03921 204. 0.00013 205. 0.00062 206. 0.00077 207. 0.00236 208. 0.00139 209. 0.00103 210. 0.00123 211. 0.00236 212. 0.00008 213. 0.00045 214. 0.04037 215. 0.00023 216. 0.01541 217. 0.00247

0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011

0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247

0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001

218. 0.00017 219. 0.00372 220. 0.00077 221. 0.01540 222. 0.00156 223. 0.00140 224. 0.00013 225. 0.00007 226. 0.00156 227. 0.00912 228. 0.00106 229. 0.00147 230. 0.00077 231. 0.00472 232. 0.00021 233. .00021 234. 0.00254 235. 0.00001 236. 0.00744 237. 0.00474 238. 0.00197 239. 0.00002 240. 0.00635 241. 0.00102 242. 0.00102 243. 0.00001 244. 0.00130 245. 0.00011

0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00461 0.02879 0.00289 0.01611. 0.00745 0.00385 0.00615 0.00074 0.01759 0.00301 0.00317 0.00228 0.00462

0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021

0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01461 0.00609 0.01917 0.00023 0.00086 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00662 0.01052 0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361 0.00375 0.00131 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260

246. 0.00001 247. 0.00288 248. 0.00406 249. 0.00902 250. 0.00558 251. 0.00074 252. 0.00079 253. 0.00780 254. 0.00060 255. 0.00026 256. 0.01849 257. 0.00006 258. 0.00030 259. 0.00186 260. 0.00197 261. 0.00002 262. 0.00125 263. 0.00019 264. 0.00392 265. 0.00653 266. 0.00211 267. 0.00000 268. 0.00016 269. 0.00367 270. 0.00103 271. 0.00394 272. 0.00200 273. 0.00106

0.00376 0.00279 0.00027 0.00461 0.00008 0.00432 0.00120 0.00122 0.00026 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001

0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156

0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017

S. NO Visionary Leadership Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value
0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888

Internal Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888

External Cooperation Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272

Learning Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value

0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171

274. 0.00005 275. 0.00115 276. 0.00226 277. 0.00204 278. 0.00724 279. 0.00056 280. 0.02043 281. 0.00965 282. 0.03921 283. 0.00021 284. 0.00002 285. 0.00062 286. 0.00079 287. 0.00028 288. 0.00083 289. 0.00001 290. 0.01505

0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079

0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102

0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00002 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00000 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00309 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780

0.00002 0.00062 0.00079 0.00028 0.00083 0.00001 0.01505 0.00023 0.00179 0.00461 0.02879 0.00289 0.01611. 0.00745 0.00385 0.00615 0.00074 0.01759 0.00301 0.00317 0.00228 0.00462

0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007

S. NO Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00738 0.00029 0.01461 0.00609 0.01917 0.00023 0.00086 0.00001 .00001 .00001 .00888 .00001 .00001 .00001 .00088 .00001 .00974 .00001 .00888 .00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367

0.00376 0.00279 0.00027 0.00461 0.00008 0.00432 0.00120 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367

0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288

S. NO Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006 0.00127 0.01295 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896

0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019

0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896

S. NO Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624 0.00662 0.01052 0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361 0.00375 0.00131 0.01071 0.01214 0.00526 0.01526 0.03402 0.00131 0.00118 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182

69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91.

0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001

0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236

0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001

S. NO Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006 0.00127 0.01295 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005

92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.

0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094

0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077

0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00236 0.00001 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624 0.00662 0.01052 0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00126 0.01047 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00296 0.00885 0.00137 0.02737 0.02410 0.00573 0.00624 0.00662 0.01052 0.04337 0.01957 0.00621 0.00727 0.00361

115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.

0.01314 0.00016 0.00092 0.00146 0.00051 0.00031 0.00226 0.00503 0.00306 0.00102 0.00022 0.00896 0.00226 0.00452 0.00092 0.00226 0.00000 0.00005 0.00889 0.00158 0.00061 0.00452

0.00472 0.00021 0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009

0.01314 0.00016 0.00096 0.0001 0.00427 0.00018 .000142 0.00795 0.00019 0.00032 0.00427 0.00502 0.00001 0.02038 0.00042 0.00518 0.00301 0.00526 0.01496 0.00321 0.00032 0.00646



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00375 0.00131 0.01071 0.01214 0.00526 0.01526 0.03402 0.00131 0.00118 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00375 0.00131 0.01071 0.01214 0.00526 0.01526 0.03402 0.00131 0.00118 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056

137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158.

0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 0.00306 0.04896 0.00092 0.01595 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130

0.03687 0.00006 0.00127 0.01295 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541

0.03027 0.00001 0.00241 0.00023 0.00301 0.01131 0.00725 0.00142 0.06622 0.00248 0.00131 0.00045 0.00182 0.00256 0.00256 0.00248 0.00182 0.00048 0.00846 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.

0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474

0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474

0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006 0.00127 0.01295 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.02741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171 0.01496 0.00897 0.00897 0.00649 0.02270 0.00213 0.00236

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001

181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202.

0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314

0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314

0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.01030 0.00002 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00609 0.00609 0.00370 0.00069 0.00272 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272

203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224.

0.00016 0.00122 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005

0.00016 0.00026 0.01849 0.00006 0.00030 0.00186 0.00197 0.00002 0.00125 0.00019 0.00392 0.00653 0.00211 0.00000 0.00016 0.00367 0.00103 0.00394 0.00200 0.00106 0.00005 0.00115

0.00021 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011 0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00021 0.00002 0.00062 0.00079 0.00028 0.00083 0.00001 0.01505 0.00023 0.00179 0.00461 0.02879 0.00289 0.01611. 0.00745 Centered Leverage Value 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00285 0.00800 0.00671

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance 0.00780 0.00060 0.00421 0.00052 0.01626 0.04094 0.01314 0.00016 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 Centered Leverage Value 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002 0.00021 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00002

225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246.

0.00115 0.00226 0.00204 0.00724 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00202 0.00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 0.00102 0.00102 0.00001 0.00130 0.00011



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00031 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00272 0.00272 0.00738 0.00029 0.01469 0.00609 0.01917 0.00002

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance 0.00385 0.00615 0.00074 0.01759 0.00301 0.00317 0.00228 0.00462 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 Centered Leverage Value 0.00761 0.00375 0.00997 0.00189 0.00609 0.00908 0.00000 0.00264 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00088 0.00001 0.00974 0.00001 0.00888

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045 0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370 0.00425 0.00001 0.00472 0.00189 0.00166 0.01956 0.00006 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00518 0.00422 0.01295 0.00009 0.03687 0.00006 0.00127 0.01295

247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268.

0.00001 0.00288 0.00406 0.00902 0.00558 0.00074 0.00079 0.00780 0.00056 0.02043 0.00965 0.03921 0.00013 0.00062 0.00077 0.00236 0.00139 0.00103 0.00123 0.00236 0.00008 0.00045



Process Management Cooks Distance Centered Leverage Value 0.00021 0.00231 0.00023 0.00213 0.00260 0.00146 0.00183 0.00275 0.00260 0.00589 0.00841 0.02886 0.00411 0.03056 0.00957 0.22741 0.01446 0.00213 0.01606 0.00897 0.00547 0.00171

Continuous Improvement Cooks Distance 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 0.00061 0.00452 0.03791 0.00058 0.00212 0.00031 0.00398 Centered Leverage Value 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00001 0.00002 0.00482 0.00361 0.00370

Employee Fulfillment Cooks Distance 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00021 .00021 0.00254 0.00001 0.00744 0.00474 0.00197 0.00002 0.00635 Centered Leverage Value 0.00131 0.00256 0.00005 0.00126 0.01047 0.00888 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00888 0.00888 0.00001 0.00001 0.03974 0.00001 0.01030 0.00285 0.00800 0.00123 0.00002 0.00253 0.00526

269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290.

0.04037 0.00023 0.01541 0.00247 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540 0.00156 0.00140 0.00013 0.00007 0.00156 0.00912 0.00106 0.00147 0.00077 0.00472 0.00017 0.00372 0.00077 0.01540

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