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The strategic-management process results in decisions that can have significant, longlasting consequences. Erroneous strategic decisions can inflict severe penalties and can be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. Most strategists agree, therefore, that strategy evaluations are vital to an organization's well-being; timely evaluations can alert management to problems or potential problems before a situation becomes critical. Strategy evaluation includes three basic activities: (1) examining the underlying bases of a firm strategy,(2) comparing expected results with actual results, and (3) taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plan. Strategy evaluation can be a complex and sensitive undertaking. Too much emphasis on evaluating strategies may be expensive and counterproductive. Yet, too little or no evaluation can create even worse problems. Strategy evaluation is essential to ensure that stated objectives are being achieved. It is impossible to demonstrate conclusively that a particular strategy is optimal, but it can be evaluated for critical flaws. When accessing at the range of possible threats and weakness, and at the type of strategies, MAF HQ need to examine how the organization considers all of these together in order to implement current strategies. Evaluating possible changes to control the MAF HQ strategies activities by reviewing internal and external factor that base on existing strategies, measuring performance and corrective actions. evaluated against four key success criteria: The strategies are

Figure ???:Criteria To Use In Evaluating A Strategy


Consistency: Should not present inconsistent goals and policies. Organizational

conflict and interdepartmental bickering are often sympstoms of managerial disorder,but these problems may also be a sign of strategic inconsistency. three guideline help MAF HQ to determine if organizational problems are due to inconsistencies in strategy: a. If managerial problems continue despite changes in personnel andif they tend to

be issue-based rather than people-based, then strategies may be inconsistent. b. If success for organizational department means, or is interpreted to mean,failure

for another department, then strategies may be inconsistent. c. If policy problems and issues continue to be brought to the top for resolution,

then strategies may be inconsistent.

Consonance: The need for strategists to examine sets of trends in evaluating strategies Feasibility: A strategy must neither overtax available resources nor create unsolvable problems Advantage: A strategy must provide for the creation and/ or maintenance of a competitive advantage

For The MAF, the evaluations conducted by inspectorate of the MAF which the department will visit all the units from divisions level down to unit level. These activities will do once a year. The evaluation report will be passed to the top management for any clarifications, action to be taken and comment . a) Describe how you evaluate your organizations strategies.

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