Behavioral Management Plan

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By: Monica Major

Behavioral Management Plan: Elementary Level Rules and Expectations: a. Treat others how you would want to be treated b. Always keep hands and feet to ourselves c. Use words when angry. Hitting, kicking, spitting, scratching, yelling and using inappropriate language will not be tolerated in any form or fashion. d. Remain in assigned area at all times unless told otherwise e. Use materials appropriately f. Listen to instructions and remain on task

Consequences: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Verbal warning Mark by your name 2nd mark by name Time out or reflection section and note gets sent home to parents Phone call to parents Sent to office Parent will be asked to sit in class with student In school suspension Suspension for two days Expelled from school

All students are expected to follow the rules and respect others while on campus at all times. If at any time a student is physical with another student the consequence will range from phone call to parent to expulsion depending upon severity of the situation. If at any time I feel a student is in total non-compliance or is a 3 time repeat offender the student will be suspended indefinitely. These rules are in place to provide safety for everyone. All who follow the rules will be rewarded with bonus bucks and will be able to purchase items from the student store, book fairs, and other school related events.

Behavioral Management Plan: Middle School Rules and Expectations: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. All students will respect others feelings, personal space, and property. All students will respect others strengths and weaknesses All students will follow instructions and stay on task at all times All students will be on time and be in their assigned spot before class begins. All students will be ready to participate and learn before class begins Use equipment appropriately No profanity will be tolerated No weapons may be allowed No drugs may be allowed No gang affiliations will be tolerated

Consequences: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Verbal warning 2nd verbal warning Extra class assignment explaining why they are being reprimanded If assignment is not completed by the following school day 5 points will be deducted from final grade and a phone call will be made to parent Removed from class to ISS Parent will be asked to sit in class with student See principal 3 day suspension Expulsion

All students are expected to come to class ready to learn and participate in a variety of fun activities. Our class goal is to develop positive self-management, and work cooperatively in a group to achieve group goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. If at any time a student is disruptive he or she will accept the consequences given and will be expected to regain composure following their punishment. If at any time a student is in total noncompliance or becomes a 3 time repeat offender they will be suspended indefinitely. No weapons, no drugs, no fighting, no gang activity, no sex or pda is allowed, you will be expelled. No exceptions. These rules ensure the safety for everyone; all who are in compliance will be recognized and rewarded.

Behavioral Management Plan: High School

Rules and Expectations: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Come to class ready to learn and participate daily All cell phones are to be put away and not seen or heard Sit in your assigned seat quietly and wait for instructions Respect other people and their property including their school, its staff and buildings; Respect others who are different from you Respect others strengths and weaknesses Show concern and consideration for others and be courteous; Be punctual, well prepared and follow directions of staff; Take pride in your appearance, the appearance of the school and its surroundings; Do nothing to harm or put at risk your own health and safety or that of other people; Accept the consequences of your actions including any breach of these rules. NO WEAPONS, NO DRUGS, NO PROFANITY, NO GANG AFFILIATION, NO SEX OR PDA NO EXCEPTIONS.

CONSEQUENCES: a. Verbal warning b. Cool down zone c. Extra work assigned and due at beginning of next class (5 points off final grade if not turned in) d. In school suspension/ counseling e. Phone call to parents f. Parents asked to sit in class with student g. 3-day suspension h. Alternative school i. Expelled

Our school including the gym is a place of work and as such the rules applied are for the safety and benefit of everyone. Rules are clearly displayed in each classroom and pupils are expected to abide by them. When rules are broken I will ensure that parents are informed at the earliest opportunity so that a joint approach and a positive way forward can be planned. If at any time I feel a student is in total non-compliance with the rules or is a 3 time repeat offender I may enforce school suspension indefinitely depending upon the severity of the infraction. At no time will weapons, drugs, fighting, sexual engagement, pda, or any form of harassment including bullying be allowed, all of the previous offenses can and will result in severe punishment including expulsion. Your choices and actions will determine your success. If you obey these rules you will not only pass this class you will be recognized and rewarded.

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