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ESLR PPT Project

Slide 1
Title : Expected School Wide Learning Results Huntington Park High School School Spirit Quote (You come up with it or do research) Name, Date Period Picture (Of HPHS)

Slide 2
Title: ESLR #1 Self-Directed Life Long Learners Collage: 7-10 images representing ESLR #1 o (Can be pictures, quotes or words) 1 print screen picture (Of an assignment we have done in class that relates to ESLR #1 or any of the bullets below it) 1 word art (of a word/quote that represents ESLR #1) o How? Insert Picture Word Art

Slide 3
What does the ESLR mean to you? Why is it important to obtain such skill through high school? Reflect specifically on one of the bullets Ex ESLR #1 Do you value education? Why or Why not? Do you/how do you/ what set goals and accomplished them? How often do you reflect on personal growth of yourself and the community? What assignment have you done in New Media to achieve that goal?

Slide 4
Title: ESLR #2 Collage: 7-10 images representing ESLR #2 o (Can be pictures, quotes or words)

1 print screen picture (Of an assignment we have done in class that relates to ESLR #1 or any of the bullets below it) 1 word art (of a word/quote that represents ESLR #2) o How? Insert Picture Word Art

Slide 5
What does the ESLR mean to you? Why is it important to obtain such skill through high school? Reflect specifically on one of the bullets Ex ESLR #2 How well do you write? What have you done/can you do to improve your writing? What is the difference in terms of listening and responding in a formal and informal setting? Why is it important to know both? Do you know both and how does that reflect your behavior in class/school? How does the information you learn in school help you make responsible decisions in your every day life? What assignment have you done in New Media to achieve that goal?

Slide 6
Title: ESLR #3 Collage: 7-10 images representing ESLR #3 o (Can be pictures, quotes or words) 1 print screen picture (Of an assignment we have done in class that relates to ESLR #1 or any of the bullets below it) 1 word art (of a word/quote that represents ESLR #3) o How? Insert Picture Word Art

Slide 7
What does the ESLR mean to you? Why is it important to obtain such skill through high school? Reflect specifically on one of the bullets Ex ESLR #3

How aware are you of other cultures? What are some ways to show respect to other cultures? What position do you take on during group activities? How well do you work with others? Do you prefer to work in groups or by yourself? Why? How do you use the information you learn in class to benefit or make improvements on your community? What assignment have you done in New Media to achieve that goal?

Slide 8
Title: ESLR #4 Collage: 7-10 images representing ESLR #4 o (Can be pictures, quotes or words) 1 print screen picture (Of an assignment we have done in class that relates to ESLR #1 or any of the bullets below it) 1 word art (of a word/quote that represents ESLR #4) o How? Insert Picture Word Art

Slide 9
What does the ESLR mean to you? Why is it important to obtain such skill through high school? Reflect on the ALL the questions below Ex ESLR #4 What technology skills have you learned in New Media that will help you gain professional and academic success? Name the skill and explain how What assignments have you done in New Media that will help you in your future? What assignment have you done in New Media to achieve that goal?

Slide 10 Ending Quote regarding education Set 1 personal goal that will help you work towards attaining one of the ESLRs

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