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Verbs of perception

Verbs of perception

Find an appropriate idiom and choose the correct tense for each of the sentences below. Then match them with the right picture.

to see the glass half empty/half full to see eye to eye to hear a pin drop to hear something on the grapevine to smell fishy to wake up and smell the coffee to feel under the weather to touch wood to have tasted blood to give someone a taste of their own medicine. 1) Something .about the new government buildings plans. 2) I havent had any problems with my car so far, .. 3) I found it difficult to work with him at that time as we seldom .. on a lot of things. 4) Were having difficulty getting enough business lately; I think its time.. 5) Everyone in the room was so quiet you could. 6) Hes always interrupting people when they are talking. Lets interrupt his conversation now and..! 7) Dont be such pessimistic about your job prospects. Try ! 8), so Ive decided to take the rest of the day off and stay home. 9) The local football the recent championship and wants to play at national level now. 10) Ithat she was pregnant. Do you think its true?

1) Smelly fish; 2) touch wood; 3) saw eye to eye; 4) to wake up and smell the coffee; 5) hear a pin drop; 6) give him a taste of his own medicine; 7) to see the glass half full; 8) I am feeling under the weather; 9) has tasted blood; 10) heard on the grapevine.

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