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Name of the Course: Banking

50 Marks (out of Banking & Insurance Management)

Vivekananda Education Societys Institute of Management Studies & Research MMS Core Management Course, Semester 3: 2012 -2013 batch

PROFESSOR: Name: Mahesh Parikh - 98212 28730 Course Objectives: Understand the operations of banking & financial intermediation process Mathematical and Statistical Models in Banking area Banking Business Risk Quantification and Monitoring

Evaluatin Criteria Class attendance / particifition Case Study Final Examination Total 5 Marks 15 Marks 30 Marks 50 Marks

Session Details Banking Scenario 1947 till now. Liabilities management / Products Assets Products / Management Risks Management & techniques (BASEL) Term Loans Project finance / Structured finance / Retail Finance Rural Banking / Micro finance Co / FOREX / Co-operative Banks / Banking in F.Y.2025-a Vision. Special Issues questions / & Answers.


A) Notes B) Indian Financial systems (Part Three) M.Y.KHAN Mcgrew Hill.

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